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1、英语小升初衔接班资料第一部分字母和国际音标开英语心工;学习 刻开始老师,黑板擦完了上课睡觉,数学课老师走过来敲桌子, 然后指指黑板,意思叫上去 做题。我都没听我会个毛往讲台上走,他在看我课本 我心里那个纠结啊!突然灵光一闪一会儿,我下来拍拍他的肩膀: 老师,黑板擦完了全班那个笑啊,剩下他在风中凌乱 啦! ! !:、专题讲解专题1:字母 我们一起唱唱吧!一.英文字母歌A B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P QR S TU V W X Y ZX Y Z , Now you see , I can say my A B C.(现在你看见啦,我会说我的ABC)还要会写才行!先看看其

2、他同学是怎样写的.字母书写需注意:.字母要写满格,顶格写。.字母要写在正确的格子里(注意上格、中格、下格).字母大写和小写不一样。你来试试吧三.字母的分类:p元音字母(5个):a e i o u字母Y()个L辅音字母(21个)四.注意啦1.26个字母中读音易错的。eg: Cc , Hh , Gg , Jj , Ll , Nn , Pp , Qq , Vv , Ww , Zz2.看看这些大写字母的奥妙吧!eg: UFO CCTVRMB英语字母题(课堂练习)1、写出下列字母的小写形式。A D C L M N E F G J I K B2、写出下列字母的大写形式。f h g i m n o z y

3、a c e p d b3、写出 五个元音字母”的大小写形式。家庭作业(字母练习题)一、正确抄写下列字母。L Q I P K b g d y j、写出下面字母相应的大写或小写I A c a F B D G h i d e g三、默写Aa-Zz。四、正确写出所给字母的邻居(注意原题是大写还是小写)1F2.G3.k4.o5.m6.v7Hh8.Ll8.Rr专题2:国际音标国际音标(1)想一想这些字你都认识吗Eg:非共里红跳Eg: see sheep apple webig“不会不用怕,国际音标都能帮你解答!还在等什么,让我们一起走进国际音标这些单词你会读吗的世界吧。”(2)国际音标:英语中的音标就好比

4、语文中的拼音,英语共有48个音标,其中又分为20个元音,28个辅音,英语中辅音和元音的作用,就相当于汉语中的声母和韵母。音标 用来标记英语字母和单词的读音,音标要放在两条 | |内,免得和字母相混淆。()个双元音()个 浊辅音(3)很重要的:.单元音又分为长元音和短元音。2双元音由两个音标结合起来组成。3清辅音发音时喉咙不震动,浊辅音发音时喉咙要震动首标总表道吗字母有26个。字母组合起来形成了 单词(单词就好比语文里面的一个个汉字)。每个字母和单词都有自己的读音。但怎样才能知道单词的读音呢这就需要学习音标。因为每个字母和单词都有自己的音标(音标就好象语文里的拼音),所以学会了音标,我们就知道每

5、个单词和字母怎么读了元音音标(20个)你知cl zkli;! 儿日单兀音长兀音S/?:/?:/i:/u:/短兀音/?/?/?/?/u/e/?/双缶/e?/a?/?/?u/au/? /e?/u?/辅音音标(28个)/p/t/k/f/ 0 /s/?/h/ts/t?/tr/浊辅音/b/d/g/v/e/z/?/r/dz/d?/dr/鼻音/m/n/?/j/w/边音/?/1.单元音发音和单词举例:father f ae?爸爸 bus b?s公共汽车 morning m?:ni?早上 body b?di身体bird b?:d鸟 eraser ireiz?橡皮 meet mi:t遇见;碰见 body b?di

6、身体 two tu:二foot fut脚J长元音/ d/ car k a小汽车 t短元音/?/ duck d?k鸭子 长元音 /?:/ four f?:四J短元音/?/ dog d?4狗 元音 /?:/ purple p?:pl紫色的-短元音 /?/ ruler ru:l?尺子卜长元音/i:/ tea ti:茶y短元音/?/ pig pi d猪 长元音 /u:/ ruler ru:l?尺子 元音 /u/ book buk书卜S元音/e/ leg le4腿 短元音/?/ cat k?t猫2、双元音发音和单词举例:,双元音 /e?/ face feis脸 双元音/a?/ eye ai眼睛 双元音/

7、?/ boy b?i男孩 双元音/?u/ boat b?ut小船 双元音/au/ howhau多么;怎么样 双元音/? / ear i?耳朵J 双元音 /e?/ bear b & ?熊双元音/u?/ poor pu?穷的3、清辅音发音和单词举例:,青辅音/p/ pen pen钢笔 清辅音/t/ cat k?t猫青辅音 /k/ book buk书清辅音/f/ foot fut脚清辅音 / 0 / mouth mau 0 嘴清辅音 /s/ face feis脸清辅音/?/ short ?:t短的;矮的清辅音/h/ head hed头清辅音 /ts/ kites kaits风筝清辅音 /t?/ pe

8、ach pi:t?桃子清辅音 /tr/ tree tri:树第二部分单元重点知识预备单元Starter Unit 1 Good morning.Good morning/afternoon/evening早上(上午) /下午/晚上好。答语相同。在熟人或家人之间可省略good.熟人之间的问候可加上称呼语,称呼语放在问候语之后且用逗号隔开。如:Good morning , class!同学们,早上好! Good night!晚安(晚间告别用语)Hello, Frank!你好,弗兰克。A; How are you?你(身体)好吗B; (I m) fine/Very well/I m OK, Than

9、k you./thanksBWdfyoU?谢。你呢A: (I m)fine/OK, too也很好thanks = thank you 谢谢Nice to meet you !回答是:Nice to meet you !或 Nice to meet you ,too!How do you do?答语仍然是:How do you do?7. HB (铅笔芯)硬黑CD光盘BBC英国广播公司Starter Unit 2 What s this in English What s this幅战?是什么It a/an + 物品 (不说 This/That is) What s this/haS 什么2)

10、What s this/tha侬/那是什么It as ruler.(这/那是)直尺。It an apple.(这/那是)苹果。. What s this/that in Engish?用英语怎么说It a/an + 物品 (不说 This/That is.)in +语言:用某种语言 in Chinese/English/Japanesfi汉/英/日语a和an是不定冠词,只用在可数名词单数前面,表示 。a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前;an用在以元音音素开头的单词前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指iO,而不是指字母。如:a pen /pen/一支钢笔 (/p/为辅音音素)an orange ?r?n(

11、d)? / 一个桔子(/?/为元音音素)P停车(区) NBA (美国)全国篮球协会kg千克 Spell it, please. = Please spell it.青拼读它。K -E - Y.Spell“pen” , please. = Please speUpS读 “peWP - E - N.注:please置于旬末时,前面要加逗号。Starter Unit 3 What color is it?. What s this/that?是什么It s这是Vo.问颜色:What color, What color is + 单数名词(2) What color are + 复数名词It s /I

12、t is颜色.They颜色.re/They are +如1) What color is the key?(这把)钥匙是什么颜色的It SIt is) yellow.(它是)黄色的。) What color are the keys?这些钥匙是什么颜色的They re (They are) red.(它们)是红色的。It s black and white.黑白相间色。S小号M中号L大号UFO不明飞行物CCTV中国中央电视台UN联合国The key is yellow.钥匙是黄色的。The是定冠词,表示 这(个),那(个),这些,那些”。它可以用在名词前,表示特指 说话双方都知道的人或物,或上

13、文提到的人或物。The book on the desk is mine桌子上的书是我的。(特指)Where is the teacher宏师在哪 (双方都知道)He has a penjhe pen is blac他有支钢笔,钢笔是黑色的。(指上文提到的事物)5个元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu字母按所含音素归类表:Aa /Aa Hh Jj KkEe /Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt VvIi /Ii YyOo /OoUu /Qq Uu WwRr /RrFf /Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz缩写词:HK香港 ID身份 PE体育课 PRC中华人民共和国RMB人民币PL

14、A中国人民解放军CCP中国共产党am上午 pm下午cm厘米mm毫米英语句子的书写句子开头的第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,单词与单词之间要有适当的距离,一般为放入一个字母的空隙,句末要有标点符号,英语的句号是个实心圆点,而不是汉语中的小圆圈。Starter1-3 练习题一、在下面的四线格内写出26个字母的规范大小写并圈出5个元音字母。二、按字母的读音补全下列字母的分类(大小写均写).Aa Kk.Cc EeZz.Ff Ss4.IiUu三、写出下了字母的左邻右舍 TOC o 1-5 h z . H2一K3 Q_仁 Vn X6. g_7J8_m以_q10. sm fine.s yellow.四、将下列

15、右栏答语前的字母序号填在左栏相应的问题前的括号内()1. Good afternoon.A. I()2. Sepll it, please.B. It()4. How are you?()5. What color is it?i、互1. cm2.厕所VIPHBIQP()3. What s this in English? C. Good afternoon.Q-U-I-L-T.It s a ruler.译 下 面的 缩.联合国.不明飞行物PC体育课USA光盘BBC15.中央电视台17.p.mkg六、选择题.早晨在校门口遇到同学时,应该怎样打招呼A.Good afternoon!B. Good

16、 morning!C.Good evening!D.See you.2.向别人介绍自己,你应该说:A.Good morning.B.I m Ben.C.What,s your name?Frank.向别人介绍自己,你/、可以说: A.I m Eva.B.Hello, B s Jane.-What is this_ English?t sgreen.A.onB.in.想知道对方名字时,你应该说:A.I m Amy.B.Hello.you ?. - is your jacket? - It J_ green.A.What s ; aB.What color ; aC.My name

17、is Joe.C.forC.WhatC.What color ; /D.MyD.atD.Whats youscolor ; /.-What s this?二 ord nge.A.aB.anC./. - is it?-It s letter YA.What sB.HowC.Whatcolor八、将下列右栏中的颜色前的字母序号填写在左栏的相应事物前的括号内D.theD.What()1.treeA.white()2.skyB.yellow()3.strawberryC.blue()4.snowD.green()5.keyE.red九、根据中文写出单词,完成句子。.俄)am Alice. How ar

18、e(f).This is an 僮子).It L (fi色的).(什么)is this in(英语)?It sa (钥匙).What 颜色)is it? It 二(绿色的).The jacket is black/ 口)white.Unit 1 My name s Gina.重点词短语first name = given name3. phone number = telephone numbercard2.重点句型. -What s your name?回答名字.-What s her name?.-What s his name?. -What s your telephone numbe

19、r?is +号码.-What s he his telephone number?.-Nice to meet you!.知识点2. last name = family name4. ID card5. school ID My name s名字./I m+./直接Her name,sHis name s- It s电话号码. My telephone number-Her His telephone numbe门s+码Nice to meet you, too.中英姓名的用法与区别:中国人,姓在前名在后。英美国家则相反,名在前姓在后。所以是first name=given name姓 fa

20、mily name= last name.例:Jim Green) ; Li Xiao hongbe动词用法口决:我(I)用am,你(you)用are, is连着他她它(hesheit),单数 主语用(is),复数主语全用(are).look at +宾语”(用眼睛)看,望.(做不及物动词)look +adj. (look 做系动词)Whats your name格语有三种形式:My name is+姓名; 2) I am+姓名;3)直接用姓名。大写字母的应用:每个句子或标题的第一个单词的第一个字母要大写,人的姓名的第一个字母要 大写,三个字的名字(单姓)最后一个字的第一个字母则不用大写,且要

21、把名字连在一起写。例如:Han Meimei5、数词分为两类:基数词和序数词。表示多少”的词为基数词;表示 第几”的词叫序数词。6、Whats your /her/his.telephone number? 答语是:Its+电话号码。7、人称代词分主格和宾格。丰格在句中做中语.宾格在句中做动词或介词的宾语,放在动词或介词的后面。主格有:I, we, you, he, she, it, they.宾格有:me, us, you, him, her, it, them.8.不定冠词a与an的用法:都表示 个,一张,一件”等义,一般用于单数名词 前。a用于他音音素开头的单词前,an用于元音音素开头的

22、单词前a book an UFO an eraser an orangean apple an egg an ID card _ a green apple4.人称代词和物主代词.单数:人称主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称I (我)me (我)my(我的)mine俄;的)第二人称you (你)you (你)your (你的)yours (你的)第三人称he他)him(他)his(他的)his他的)She (她)her (她)her (她的)hers (她的)it (它)it (它)its (它的)its (它的)复数:人称主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称we (我们

23、)us (我们)our (我们的)ours (我们的第二人称you(你们)you(你们)your (你们的)yours (你们的)第三人称they (他她它)们 them (他她它)们 their (他她它)们的theirs (他)们的Unitl练习题I .选择题:()1. Can you spell name?A. youB. itC. yourD. me()2.Are you Bill -A. Yes, I m.B. No, I am.C. No, Im not. D. Yes,I m not.)3. Theresu ands in the word us.A. a, anB.an, aC

24、. a, aD. an, an)4. This my sister and those my parents.A. is, isB. is, areC, are, isD. are, are)5. Miss Zhou is English teacher.is a good teacher.A. our, Her B. my, HeC. a, She D. an, She()6. Your English is very good. .A. No , it isn t. B. Yes , it is. C. Thank you. D. No .()7.The man Nick Hand.is

25、his family name, and is his given name.A. Nick . HandB . Hand. Nick C. Hand. Hand D. NickNick()8.Lucy and Tony my good friends.A. amB. is()9. -What s that in English?-A. This is aB.That s()10.My name Alice ,_name is TonyA. am ,herB. is , hisC. areD. beID card.anC. It s aD. It s an.C. is, herD. am ,h

26、isII .用所给词的适当形式填空What color(be)your quilt?This boy and his friend(be) students.are good students. I like very much. (they)Mary is her(one) name.Unit 2 This is my sister.1.重点词组及同义词、同义短语.parent =father or motherparents= father and mothergrandparent= grandfather or grandmother grandfathercousin= my unc

27、le aisnt s sondaughter brotheraunt = my father mother s sister9. pen friend11. thanks for 2.重点句型.Is this your his her sister?Is that your his her brother?Are these those your his her sisters ?Yes, they are. No, they aren t.Is she your sister ?-Yes, she is.Is he your father ?-Yes, he is.This is my co

28、usin.4.grandparents=grandfather and6. uncle = my father mother s8. picture = photo10. family photo12. a photo of my familyNo, she isn t.-No, he isn t.That is my brother.7.These are my cousins.3.知识点.介绍人的句型:This is +某人. These are +某人.(指着距离较近的人进行介绍)Thatis +某人. These are +某人.(指着距离较远的人进行介绍).对“this ” /直搦儆

29、主语的疑问句回答时,答句的主语用 .对“these” / “怖腐貂的疑问句回答时,答句的主语用ihey” . Thanks for =Thank you for为而感谢.5.名词所有格:是指在某一名词后右上角打S ”, 表小的”这一结构形有生命的名词;一般在词后加二.S如果是以s或“e个尾的只需加上 二Jim s book teachers pensFamily家;家庭,家人”,着重指家庭,家庭成员或家中人口。Home家”,指同家人共同生活居住的地方,特别强调家里的氛围和环境,不一 定含有建筑的意思。是一个带感情色彩的词。House住宅,房子”,指居住的房屋、建筑物。Is she/he.小定回

30、答是:Yes,she/he is定回答是:No,she/he isnt.8、物主代词-数类称 另单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs中文我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、 它)们 的记忆口诀:一个变(my变成mine),两个不变(his,its),其它的都加“ s。”Unit2练习题I .选择题:()1. My uncle s daughter is myA. brotherB. sisterC. cousinsD.

31、cousin()2.your sister?Yes, it is .theseA. Are theseB. Are thoseC. Is thatD. Is()3. Here is a photomy father.A. atB.inC. forD. of()4.- Hi, Jim!is Tom. He is my good friend.-Hi, Tom! Nice to meet you.A. HeB. ThatC. ThisD. It)5. -How do you do?A. Fine, thank you.B. How do you do?C. How are you?D. Goodn

32、ight!)6. -Is she your sister?-Yes,isnarenDII、A.he isB. she isC. it isD. she)7. -they her brothers ? -No, theyA. Are, aren tB. Are, areC. Is, areD. These,)8. Here my family photo.A. isB. areC. amD. be)9. Thanks your pen.A. forB. toC. atD. In)10. AreKateA. this, bookB. that, bookC.these, booksthose, b

33、ook根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。1. There are two(girl) in the picture.2. What are(this)?3.Where is(she) book?5. This is(Jim) brother.friends.(he)III .按要求写出相应的词1. this (反义词)3. it (复数形式)5. photo (复数形式)7. cousin (复数形式)4. It s(I) pencil.6.are our good2. these (反义词)4. that (复数形式)6. picture (复数形式)8 . friend (复数形式)9. s

34、on (对应词).重点短语n English4 lost and found2.重点句型.10. sister (对应词)Unit3 Is this your pencil?2. excuse me3. computer gamecall at 6. a set of keys.-Is this that your pen?-Yes, it is. -No, it isn t.-Is this that his book?-Yes, it is.No, it isn t.-Are thesethose yourhisher pencils?-Yes, they are.-No, they ar

35、en t.知识点. 一般疑问句:是以be动词(is, are等),情态动词(can等)或助动词(do, does等)开头,表示疑问的句子。一般疑问句的回答:肯定回答:Yes+主语代词+用来提问的词.肯定回答:No+主语代词+用来提问的词+not.含有be动词的句子变一般疑问句把 be动词提到句首,变否定,be后力口 not.特殊疑问句:是以特殊疑问代词what (什么),who (谁)等或疑问副词 how(怎样),where (在那里)等开头,表示疑问的句子。回答不能用 Yes或No,要 根据问的内容来答。.如何写失物招领:或口何写寻物启事:Found: watchLost:Is this y

36、our watch?My ID card.Please call Mary.My name is Tom.Phone # 123698.Please call 685-3564. call +某人+at +电话号码(拨打 号码找某人) 如:Call Tom at 1234567.介绍放在一起的两样东西时,先介绍的用this,后介绍的用that.把某人介绍给第三者认识时,常用“this is., this不能换成He或She打电话时,向对方介绍自己时要用“Thisis. o询问对方或确认对方是哪位时,可以说:“Whos that城” “Is that.?”. Is this/that.肯定回答是

37、:Yes,it is.否定回答是:No,it isnt. Po.把放进. Take. out of从拿出.A set of 一套,一幅,一申Unit3练习题I .选择题:()1. What s that Chinese?A. withB. ofC. toD. in()2. -Are these your bikes? -No,. I think (认为)they rebikes.A. they aren t, theyB. these are, his C. they aren , their D. theseare, theirrulers are in the box.A. they, T

38、heyB. they, MyWe()4. , are you Li Hua?A. SorryB. Excuse me()5. Is that your eraser?A.No, It s my eraseB. Yes,it is.isn t.C. their, TheirD. them,C. Thank youD. HelloC. No,that s isn D.tNo, that)3. Are these your rulers?-No,aren t.()6.Please call Jenny_ 3964438.A. inB. toC. onD. atUnit4 Wheres my back

39、pack?1.重点词组.I.come on2 .in the room3. in the bookcase4. on the chair5.under the table6. I don t knowI.Where s theS?2.重点句型.-t s + oin under behind + 短语.Where are your his her + 东西?They re ohin under behind + 短语.知识点.介词:是用以放在名词或代词之前,表明该名词或与其词之间某种关系的一类词。(不能单独使用,需与某一名词或代词等搭配成介宾短语)(on in under ) eg: on th

40、e bed.定冠词the的用法:a.常用在挂指的单复数名词前,指某人,某物,某些人或某些物eg: The students are boys.b.用干双方都知道的人或物eg: The girl is my friend.c.上文提到的人或物,下文再次提到.eg: I have a pen. The pen is red.d. play后跟球类名词时,不用the。但乐器前一定要用the.eg: play basketball play the drumsHere is my room. ( here is = this is )have has :表示 拥有“ 占有”.eg: I have a

41、computer.Where is/aretM 人/某物回答是:Its/Theyre+in/on/under等地点介词+地点。. some形容词,”些: 一般用干肯定句中. Any 此”.用千疑问句和否定包中。.名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词又分单数和复数。 名词变复数:一般+s;2)以-s,-x,-ch,sh结尾的名词+es;3)辅音+y,把y变i,再+es.4)以-o结尾的,有生命的+es;无生命的+s.Unit4练习题.将下列词组译成英语1、在课桌下面 2在沙发上面 3.在书包里 4在椅子下面 II .选择题:()1. Is your photo in the bookcase

42、 -.A. Yes, I amB. No, it is C. Yes, it is D. No, I m not()2. my baseball? It s under the chair.A. WhereB. Where1 sC. Where; re D. Where are)3. under the tree? Nq they aren t.A. Where are B What is C. Are they D. Is it)4. Where are your brothers? -.A. He is at homeB He is in his roomC. Yes, they areD

43、 I don t know()5. What s under the desk?-.A. It s a footballB. I can see a set of keysC. They are red boxD There s a cat()6. Lucy and Lily a new bikeA. haveB hasC there isD. there are)7.-Where are your parents? -A. He is at homeB. Yes, they areC. No, they aren tD. They are at home)8.-is Li Ping ?-He

44、 is in the room.A.WhatB. WhereC. HeD. ItUnit5 Do you have a soccer ball?1.重点词组及同义词、同义短语1. play basketball after class6. every day interesting2.重点句型.1. Do you have2. play volleyball7. fun= interesting3. play soccer4. watch TV5.8. on TV9. boring = not-Yes, I do. No, I dont.2. Do they have-Yes, they do

45、. No, they don t.Does he haveNo, he doesn t.Doesshe have-Yes,she does.No, she doesn t.Let|slay tennis.- I don h ave a tennis.That sounds good. interesting.知识点do与does的用法:a.作助动词没有含义。does是do的第三人称单数形式。在句中起到表疑问或构成 否定形式的作用。b.当句子主语是he, she , it或单数名词时用does doesn; t当句子主语是I, you , they或复数主语时 用do don t.have ha

46、s 的用法:has是have的第三人称单数.三单主语用has其他人称用have. hav近变问句首要 把do来借,变否定have前面把don添;has句变疑问句首要把does来借,变否has前 面把 doesn t添,has还原为have.Let si+司原形.(Let s do sth )肯定回答:OK./All right./Yes,lets.;否定回答是:Sorry,I。否定旬:Let sb. not do sth.play +球类名词时,球类名词前不用岸弼词the.That sounds good那听起来很好。sound后跟形容词.(boring interesting fun goo

47、d difficult)many (许多)+可数名词的复数Much (许多)+不可数名词watchon TV在电视上看.Every+可数名词的单数Unit5练习题I.用所给词的正确形式填空That(sound) interesting.you(have) a tennis racket?My brother(have) a baseball bat.We have many(club) in our school.Let s watch they) on TV.She(play) sports every day.Tom (have) a basketball.your friend(like

48、) sports?Let(we) play tennis.That s aninterest) computer game.II .单项选择()1. I TV at night (在晚上).A. look atB. seeC watchD. look()2. Let the map on the wall(ft上).A.look atB. seeC watchD.look()3. I can many things on the table.A.look atB. seeC watchD.look()4. The question is not easy. It s very.A . diff

49、icultB . difficulty C . relatingD . notdifficult()5.Let s play basketball.A. the,B.义C. aD.some()6. your friend like English?A. DoesB. DoC. IsD. Has()7. Let s and football .A to go, to play B go, play C to go, play D go, to play()8. they have any sports? Yes, they.A . Are, areB . Do, doC . Can, doB.

50、Does,do()9.:-Lets volleyball. -good.A. playing, That sB. play, That soundsC. play, That s soundD. to play, That s()10.Lili and Yaoyao have lunch at school?A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are()11. Let s play baseball.A. theB. aC. anD. /B. I have time)12.-Let s play computer games-.A.That sounds interestingC.Yes,

51、 I m busy.D. No, I m notA. Do, has)13.you a ruler?B. Do, have C. Does, have D. Does, has)14. -the baseball on the desk?-Yes, it is.A. DoesB. DoC. IsD. Are)15. Does he play sports? No,. He only watches them TVA.he does, onB. he does, in C. he doesnt, on D. hedoesnt , in第三部分重点语法专题讲解1.名词和代词专题1:名词名词:表示人

52、或事物的名称。一专有名词:China, Beijing, the Yellow River, Saturday, etc.Y单数:boyt名词可数名词:student , job , book , etc .普通名电复数:boys不可数名词:water, coffee, air, chicken, etc.名词单数可数名词的单数前什么时候用a,什么时候用an ?答:以元音音标(或音素)开头的用an.以辅音音标(或音素)开头的用a.名词复数可数名词的复数,表示两个或更多的人或物。一般名词的复数形式:一般名词的复数形式以加-s或-es的方式构成:情况加法例词一般情况加-sbrothers, sis

53、ters, schools books以s, x, ch, sh尾的词加-esbuses, foxes, watches, dishes以辅音字母+y”结尾的词变y为i再加-eslady fladies , country fcountries(boys toys ways)以。结尾的名词多数加-spianos, photos, zoos少数以。结尾的名词加-esheroes,negroes , tomatoes,potatoes以f或fe结尾的名词多数变f或fe为v,再加-esleaf fleave s wife f wives knife f knive s wolf f wolves例如

54、:deskfmonkey f box f wife2)不规则的复数形式(常见):man f toothf footf woman -Child fgoosef mouse fshee单复数词形相同的词: sheep, fish, deer, Chinese, Japanese etc.表示某国人的名词:中国人、日本人,复数不需加-s (Chinese,Japanese速记口诀:男人、女人变一个;鹅、脚、牙齿变两个;小孩后面加三个;中、日、绵羊、小鹿永不变。3.名词所有格(s)_ 词尾的加法在单数情况下直接加sShe is my wife s sister.专题2:代词代词:指在句中代替名词,名

55、词性的短语、词组或句子的词分类:人称代词,物主代词,指示代词,反身代词等等一、人称代词: 指代人和事物的词。人称代词有 人称、数、格 的变化,具体如下:一格人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称ImeWeus第二人称YouyouYouyou第三人称HehimTheythemSheherItit.(他们)go to school by bus .Can you help(我们).This box is too heavy. I cant carry(它)、物主代词:表示所属关系的代词US单数复数形容词性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性mineyourshishersit

56、soursyourstheirs例:(我的)mother is tall .这是他朋友的车,你们的车在那边三、指示代词:指代或标记人或事物的代词。他们有:单数:this , that复数:these , those例:I like (这张)picture .(刃B个)boy can play football .What are thoseZJB些是什么那些是我们的英语书。这些照片是旧的。(2)变式练习.写出下列名词的复数形式watchssssssssssssbrushsssssssssssstoothsssssssssmousegoosessssssssssssfootsssssssssss

57、ssdeerssssssssschilddresswomansheepsandwich.用a或an填空。1.Is there umbrella on the desk?.There is island (小岛) in the sea.There is picture on the card.I have old book. apple is a kind of fruit.There is armchair(扶手椅)in the living room.7.I d like egg.三.填空题(括号内有提示).There is something wrong with Jane.Let hel

58、p s.(她).This is(我)car.Excuse me,is this her cat? -No,It s 他的).My big is small. Can I use.(你们的).The desk is.(我的).This is(我)book. That is(她).My father often tells(我们)some stories.(这)eraser is mine .邨)pens are yours.四、巩固练习.用a或an填空sssss pen sssss tiger sssss apple sssspencileggorangeelephantbed.写出下列单词的复

59、数形式:childgoosesheeptoothmovielifeknifeleaf.单选题1.It isA. milkB. a milkC. an milkD. milks2.It s a.It isn t anA.apple, eggB.cake,eggC.egg,orange,D.egg,cake3.Tom and Jim areA. friendsBfriendC.brotherD.sister代词专项练习选择题1. She is a student,name is Julia.A. itsB. herC. hersD. his2. Could you helpwithEnglish,

60、 please.A. I, myB. me, meC. me, myD. my, I3. A friend ofcame here yesterday.4.A. myB. hisC. himD. himselfpencil-box is beautiful. Butis more beautiful thanA. Toms, my, heB. Toms, mine, hisC. Toms, mine, himD. Toms, my, his.填空题(括号内有提示).There is something wrong with Jane . Let2. Can you help.(我们)他的)Ex


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