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1、 四级高频词汇1.adapt (adapt oneself to)2. affect3. arise (arise from )Accidents arise from carelessness.4. available5.range ( range from to; betweenand)The childrens ages range from 5 to 15 .6. vary (vary fromto./ vary betweenand)The weather varies from day to day. Class numbers vary between and 30.7. acc

2、use (accuse sb of doing sth)18. count ( count on) You can count on my help.9. effective10. extensive:广大的, 广阔的, 广泛的11. rise12. urgent13. accurate14. add15. advisable适当的;明智的;可取的It is advisable to leave now.16. appeal (appeal to)The government is appealing to everyone to save water.She appeals to me.21

3、7. arrange18. beneficial (beneficial to )19. continual 连续不断的;频繁的。表示时断时续的发生。That dogs barking is a continual annoyance.那条狗不停地叫,真是烦死人了。20. continuousa.不停的,连续不断的,强调中间不停顿。Our homes and offices need a continuous supply of electricity.我们的家庭以及办公室需要不间断的供电。 21. cope ( cope with)22. offer 23. overall24.pace (

4、 at the pace of )at the pace of three miles an hour325. regular26. resist27. supply (supply sb with sth)28. appear29. applicable a. 合适的,适用的This rule is not applicable to foreigners.30. arousearouse suspicion; aroused our curiosity4四级高频词汇31. bargain n.交易;特价商品,便宜货 vt.讨价还价 bargain with sb32. barrier n.

5、 栅栏;障碍物33. benefit n. 益处 v. 有益,得益 benefit by / from 得益于(从.得到好处)34. blank n. 空白(表格); a. 空白的;茫然的,无表情的35. care v. 关心,介意;n. 关怀,照顾536. constant a. 不断的,连续发生的 n. 常数,恒量37. consume38. creative39. discipline n. 纪律;学科 vt./n. 训练;惩罚40. dispute41. distance42. doubt43. efficient44. employ vt. 雇佣;使用,利用 n. 受雇,雇用645.

6、 except46. expense n. 花费,价钱;(pl)开支,业务费用47. extent ( to a certain/some extent)48.extremely49. feature n.面貌;特征(色) vt. 突出。有主演50. field n. 田地,牧场;运动场;(电、磁)场;领域 751. gap n. 缺口,裂口,间隙;差距,不足52. generous53. guilty a.( be guilty of a crime)54. indispensable a. 必须的,必不可少的 be dispensable to /for55. inquire v.打听,询

7、问 inquire after/ into856. instant n. 瞬间;a. 立即的,即刻的;速 溶的 on the instant 立即,马上 the instant一就57. interval n. 间隔,间距;(工间)休息 at intervals 不时;相隔一定的距离 at regular intervals 每隔一定时间/距离958. involve vt. 使卷入,使参与;包含,牵涉 be involved in59. leak v. 使漏/渗出;泄露,走漏60. lest conj.We dare not play jokes on him lest he should

8、become angry. 61. manner62. mark63. media 64. mood65. motivation66. normal10四级高频词汇71. offend vt. 冒犯,伤害的感情;违法 be offended at/by sb 对某人感到生气72. origin n. 起源,来源;出身,血统73. plan74. possibility75. preferable a. 更可取得 ,更好的 preferable to1176. procedure n. 程序,手续,步骤77. profitable78. property n. 财产,资产;性质,特性79. pr

9、opose v. 提议,推荐;求婚80. rate n. (比)率;速度;价格,费用 at any rate at the rate of81. refer vt. 引去参考 vi. 参考,查阅;涉及;指的是1282. relation83. relatively ad. 相对地;比较低84. release vt. 释放;发布/行;解除/脱85. relief86. replace87. single88. sole89. spoil vt. 损坏,破坏;宠坏 vi.(食品)变质 n. 战利品;赃物90. stick1391. substitute n. 代替者,代用品 v. 代替 vi.

10、(for)代替 vt. 用.代替,代以92. suit n. 套装,诉讼 v. 适合,使相配;93. surprise94. symbol95. tense96. tolerate97. trace n. 痕迹, 踪迹, 微量 v. 追踪/溯, 描绘1498. vacant n. 空着的;空缺的 ;空虚的 99. weaken100. wear n. 穿,戴;vt 磨损;用旧101. ability102. absolute103. abstract n.摘要 a.抽象的104. abuse n./v. 滥用;辱骂;虐待105. acceptable15106. accomplish107.

11、accounting n. 会计学;清算帐目108. acquaintance n. 认识;了解;熟人 make the acquaintance with sb结识某人109. activity n.活跃/力 (pl) 活动110. actually111. adjust vt. 调节; 校对 改变以适应 adjust oneself to 使自己适应于112. admiration16113. adopt vt. 采纳;收养114. advanced115. advocate v. 鼓吹,拥护 n. 鼓吹者116. affair117. amount n. 数量,总数 vi. 合计;等同

12、amount to 总计;等于118. amuse119. annually120. application n. 申请;应用,运用17四级高频词汇121. apply vi. 申请,适用;运用122. appointment123. appreciate124. approach v. 接近 n. 接近;途径;方法125. approachable a. 可接近的;可与之打交道的,亲切的18126. approve v. 赞成 ;批准;核准127. arrive vi. 到达;达到/成 arrived at达到/成128. artificial129. ashamed130. assessm

13、ent n. 评价;估价131. assist132. associate vi. 交往 vt. 使联想/合 n. 伙伴,同事 a. 副的19133. association n. 协会,社团;联合,结合134. assume vt. 假定;承担;呈现135. assure vt. 使确信,使放心;确保136. attack137. attainable a. 可达到的138. attempt139. attention n. 注意;立正姿势/口令20140. attraction141.attractive142. avoid143. award vt.给与,授予 n. 奖品(金)144.

14、background145. bare146. barrel21147. battery148. beat149. bite150. blast n. 爆炸;一阵(股)151. bother152. bound a. 受约束的,有义务的 v. 给划界;限制 be bound toIt is bound to be sunny again tomorrow.53. burst22154. campaign155. characteristic a.特有的,典型的 n. 特点(征)156. circle157. circumstance n. 环境,条件,(pl)境况,状况under no cir

15、cumstances158. classify vt. 把分类/级159. clear160. cliff23161. collect 162. combat163. comfortable164. commit165. communicate166. comparison167. compose168. concept24168. condition169. confident170. congratulate25171. connect vt. 172. contain vt. 包含,容纳173. content n. 内容,含量 (pl.)目录 a. 满足的,满意的 be content

16、 to do sth be content with sth174. controversy n. 争论,辩论175. convenient 26176. convert v. (使)转变/转化177. convey vt. 1)表达,传达,传递 2)运输,运送178. coordinate a./ n. 同等,并列 v. 协调,调节179. cost at the cost of以为代价 at all costs 不惜任何代价180. create27181. credit n. 信用,信誉;信贷182. crime183. crisis184. cultivate vt. 培养,熏陶;耕作

17、,栽培 185. curiosity28186. deed n. 行为,事迹;契约 with actual deeds 以实际行动187. define vt. 限定,规定;给下定义188. definite a. 明确的,确切的;肯定的189. deliberate v. 仔细考虑 deliberate on a. 故意的;深思熟虑的190. demonstrate vt. 说明,演示;论证 vi. 游行示威或集会29191. density n. 密度,稠密;密集192. desire193. determination194. devise vt. 发明,策划,想出;设 计195. di

18、fference30196. disappear197. distinguish v. 区别,辨别 distinguish sth from sth distinguish between sth and sth distinguish oneself 使杰出,使显出特色198. district199. disturb 200. diverse a. 多种多样的,不同的,相异的31201. division n.202. drop 203. eager a.204. earn vt.205. ease n, 容易,不费力;悠闲,自在 v. 缓和,减轻(痛苦、负担) at ones ease

19、舒适,自由自在32206. echo n. 回声,共鸣 vt. 模仿,附和207. embrace vt./ n.拥抱,怀抱 vt. 包含;包围,环绕208. emit v.发出, 射出,散发(光,热,气等)The sun emits light209. emphasis n. 强调,重点 lay/put/place emphasis on 把重点放在,着重于210. enclose vt.围住,包住;把装入信封,33211. enjoy vt.212. entire a.213. equip vt. 装备,配备; equip sth with sth214. environment n.21

20、5. essential a. 必不可少的;基本的 n.(pl) 要素;必需品 34216. event n.事件,大事;比赛项目 217. exchange vt. 交流;互换,调换 n.交换,兑换(率) exchange sth for sth exchange sth with sb218. exhaust vt. 用尽,使筋疲力尽; n. 排气装置;废气(液)219. exhibition n.220. expansion n. 扩展/张;膨胀35221. expansive a. 222. expectation n.223. explode v. 使爆炸(爆发)224. explo

21、it vt.剥削;利用,开发 n. (pl) 功绩,业绩225. exposure n. 暴露;揭发;曝光36226. express vt.227. extra a.额外的;特别的228. factor n.因素,要素229. fade. V.使褪色;逐渐消失;凋谢230. faint a. 微弱的,不明显的 vi. 昏过去37231. fame n.232. fare n. 费,票价233. favorable a.有利的,顺利的;赞同的 be favorable to 234. fluent a.235. focus v.(使)集中,聚焦 n. 焦点;中心38236. former a.

22、 以前的,在前的 the formerthe latter237. frighten vt.238. fruitful a.多产的,富有成就的239. frustrate vt. 使灰心;挫败;阻扰240. fulfill vt.实现,完成;履行39241. fundamental adj. 根本的,基本的 (常pl.)基本原则242. geography n.地理(学);地形, 地貌243. glimpse vt/n.瞥见,看见 get/ catch a glimpse of 瞥见244. globe n.(the globe)地球;世界245. grasp vt/n.抓紧;理解;领会402

23、46. growth n.247. harm n/ vt.248. harsh adj.严厉的;刺耳的249. hesitation n.犹豫250. hint n/ v.暗示,示意 Drop/ give a hint to sb 给人暗示, 露口风41251. hollow adj. (中)空的;空虚的 n. 洼地;洞252. horror n.253. idle adj.空闲的,闲着的;懒散的,无所事事得vt.虚度(光阴)vi. 懒散,闲逛254. ignore vt.255. imitate vt.模仿,仿造42256. impact n/ v 冲击,碰撞;影响, 作用 have an

24、impact on257. inability n.258. incident n.259. include vt.260. indicate vt.表明,示意;指出,标示43261. injure vt262. insert v.插于,嵌入 n.插页263. insight n.洞察,洞察力;深刻的见解264. insure vt.给保险;确保265. intention n.目的;意图 with good intentions 好心好意44266. intimate adj.亲密的;私下的 n. 密友,至交267. issue n.问题;争论点 v. 颁布,出版;分发,发给268. liable adj.有倾向的,易于的 有法律责任的,有义务的 be liable to 有倾向的,易于的 b


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