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1、Professional Education for Academic Librarians: From Core Competencies to Continuing Education 大学图书馆员的职业教育:从核心能力到继续教育Scott Walter, M.L.S., Ph.D.Associate University Librarian for Services and Associate Dean of LibrariesUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign司考特,图情硕士、博士伊利诺伊大学香槟厄本那校区图书馆副馆长What We W

2、ill CoverThe Landscape for Professional EducationProfessional Education for Core CompetenciesThe Librarian as Adult LearnerAdult Learning and Continuing Professional EducationModel Programs for Continuing Professional Education讲座内容职业教育的现状职业教育的核心能力图书馆员作为成人学习者成人学习和继续职业教育继续职业教育的几个示范项目What is a Professi

3、on?“A profession is a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to ethical standards and hold themselves out as, and are accepted by the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognised body of learning derived from research, education and training at a high level, and who

4、are prepared to apply this knowledge and exercise these skills in the interest of others.”Source: Professions Australia. (1997). Definitions of a profession. Retrieved from .au/definitionprofession.html什么是专业?“一个专业是指一群受过专业教育的个人组成的群体,这些人遵守职业道德标准,从公众中脱颖而出、被公众认可为具有从被广泛认可的高等教育、研究和培训机构获得的专业知识和技能,并且准备为他人的利

5、益使用这些知识和技能。”资料来源: Professions Australia. (1997). Definitions of a profession. Retrieved from .au/definitionprofession.htmlWhat is Professional Education“The distinguishing features of modern professional education in medicine have been, first, its assimilation of the spirit of university research an

6、d, second, its powerful linkages with teaching hospitals.”Image: Graduate School of Library and Information Science. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (n.d.). Apprentice spotlight. Retrieved from /academics/programs/mbms/apprenticespotlightSource: Neave, G. R., & Clark, B. R. (Eds.). (1992

7、). The encyclopedia of higher education. Oxford: Pergamon Press. 什么是职业教育?“现代医学职业教育的特点,首先是,吸收大学研究的精神,其次是,其与教学医院强有力的联系。”图片: 图书馆信息学院。伊利诺伊大学香槟厄本那学区。学生实习生。图片出处/academics/programs/mbms/apprenticespotlight资料来源: Neave, G. R., & Clark, B. R. (Eds.). (1992). The encyclopedia of higher education. Oxford: Perga

8、mon Press. Linkages in LIS Education: AccreditationALA accredits 62 programs at 57 institutions in the U.S., Canada, and Puerto RicoAccreditation is based on program review of the Standards for Accreditation of Masters Programs in Library & Information ScienceSource: American Library Association. (2

9、010). Office for Accreditation. Retrieved from /ala/aboutala/offices/accreditation/index.cfm与图书馆信息学教育的联系:认证美国图书馆协会认证了美国、加拿大和波多黎各57个机构的62个项目认证是基于图书馆信息科学硕士项目认证标准作出的项目审核资料来源: American Library Association. (2010). Office for Accreditation. Retrieved from /ala/aboutala/offices/accreditation/index.cfmLink

10、ages in LIS Education: Field Experience“Within professional programs, there is a long tradition of including field experiences as a way to build practitioner skills and facilitate the move from theory to practice.”Field Experience in Libraries and ArchivesVolunteerPracticumInternshipIndependent Stud

11、yAssistantshipFor examples, see:/academics/practicumSource: Eyler, J. (2009). The power of experiential education. Liberal Education,95 (4), 24-31与图书馆信息学教育的联系: 实地实践经验“在专业项目中,把实地实践经验作为增强从业者技能以及从理论到实践的方法是一个多年的传统。”图书馆和档案馆的实地实践经验志愿者教学实习工作实习独立学习助手职位实例请参照:/academics/practicum资料来源: Eyler, J. (2009). The po

12、wer of experiential education. Liberal Education,95 (4), 24-31Linkages in LIS Education: Core CompetenciesAmerican Association of Law Libraries American Library AssociationArt Libraries Society of North AmericaMedical Library Association Music Library Association Special Libraries AssociationImage:

13、Medical Library Association. (2007). Competencies for lifelong learning and professional success: The educational policy state of the Medical Library Association. Retrieved from /education/policy/与图书馆信息学教育的联系: 核心能力美国法律图书馆协会美国图书馆协会北美艺术图书馆学会医学图书馆协会音乐图书馆协会专业图书馆协会图片: 医学图书馆协会(2007)。终生学习和职业成功的能力:医学图书馆协会的教

14、育政策状态。图片出处/education/policy/Core Competencies of the Profession“The Core Competences of Librarianship define the knowledge to be possessed by all persons graduating from ALA-accredited masters programs in library and information studies.”Source: American Library Association. (2010). Core competences

15、. Retrieved from /ala/educationcareers/careers/corecomp/corecompetences/index.cfmImage: DEFT UK. (2006). Training and development. Retrieved from /Services/Traindevelop.html职业核心能力“图书馆职业核心能力该文件明确了所有毕业于经ALA认证的图书馆和情报专业的硕士课程所必须掌握的基础知识。”资料来源: 美国图书馆协会. (2010). 核心能力. 出自/ala/educationcareers/careers/corecom

16、p/corecompetences/index.cfm图片: DEFT UK. (2006). Training and development. Retrieved from /Services/Traindevelop.htmlCore Competencies of the ProfessionFoundations of the ProfessionInformation ResourcesOrganization of Recorded Knowledge and InformationTechnological Knowledge and SkillsReference and U

17、ser ServicesResearchContinuing Education and Lifelong LearningAdministration and Management/职业核心能力职业基础信息资源组织知识和信息技术知识和技能参考和用户服务研究继续教育和终生学习行政和管理/Core Competencies and LIS Educationarticulate the ethics, values and foundational principles of LIS professionals design, query and evaluate information ret

18、rieval systemsdemonstrate proficiency in the use of current information and communication technologies use service concepts, principles and techniques that facilitate information access describe the fundamental concepts of information-seeking behaviorsdesign training programs understand the nature o

19、f research evaluate programs and servicesSource: School of Library and Information Science. San Jose State University. (n.d.). Statement of core competencies. Retrieved from /slis/competencies.htm职业核心能力和图情教育阐明图书馆信息职业的伦理、价值和基本原则设计、质疑和评估信息检索系统展示使用最新信息通讯技术的熟练程度使用服务概念、原则和技术来帮助信息获取描述信息检索行为的基本概念设计培训项目理解研究

20、的本质评估项目和服务资料来源: 图书馆信息学院。圣荷西州立大学。核心能力声明. 出处/slis/competencies.htmCore Competencies in the FieldLibrary Information Technology Association (LITA) Core Technology Competencies for Librarians (2008)ACRL - Instruction Section Standards for Proficiencies for Instruction Librarians and Coordinators (2007)A

21、CRL Rare Book and Manuscripts Section Competencies for Special Collections Professionals (2008)/ala/mgrps/divs/lita/index.cfm职业核心能力图书馆信息技术协会 (LITA) 图书馆员核心技术能力 (2008)高校和研究图书馆协会ACRL 教学指导分会 教学图书馆员和协调着能力标准 (2007)ACRL 珍稀书籍和手稿分会 特殊收藏专业人员能力 (2008)/ala/mgrps/divs/lita/index.cfmCore Competencies in Action: T

22、he University of Nebraska Libraries“Core competencies are the skills, knowledge and personal attributes that contribute to an individuals success in a particular position . . . . They are the knowledge and skills that make the organization a success and help the organization change to meet a changin

23、g environment.”Source: Giesecke, J., & McNeil, B. (1999). Core competencies and the learning organization. Library Administration & Management, 13 (3). Retrieved from /libraryscience/60职业核心能力: 内布拉斯加大学图书馆“核心能力是为胜任特定职务而具备的技能、知识和个人品质 . . . . 它们是使得组织成功并帮助组织适应变化环境的知识和技能。”资料来源: Giesecke, J., & McNeil, B.

24、(1999). Core competencies and the learning organization. Library Administration & Management, 13 (3). Retrieved from /libraryscience/60Core Competencies in Action: The University of Minnesota Libraries“The addition of new roles to liaison portfolios automatically raises the question of whether exist

25、ing liaisons feel comfortable and competent in these roles. At the University of Minnesota, we engaged in a knowledge, skills, and abilities inventory that allowed individuals to identify areas where they felt they had expertise and areas where they needed to learn more.”Source: Williams, K. (2009).

26、 A framework for articulating new library roles. RLI: Research Library Issues, no, 265. Retrieved from /bmdoc/rli-265-williams.pdf Position Description FrameworkCampus EngagementCollection Development and ManagementTeaching and LearningScholarly CommunicationE-Scholarship and Digital ToolsReference/

27、Help ServicesOutreach to the Local CommunityFund RaisingExhibit and Event PlanningLeadership职业核心能力: 明尼苏达大学图书馆“在联系人档案资料中增加新的职能自然而然地引出了这么一个问题,已有的联系人是否能适应并胜任这些职责。在明尼苏达大学,我们的知识、能力和技能使得每个个人都能找到他们认为自己有专门知识和技能并且需要更深入学习的领域。”资料来源: Williams, K. (2009). A framework for articulating new library roles. RLI: Rese

28、arch Library Issues, no, 265. Retrieved from /bmdoc/rli-265-williams.pdf 职务描述框架参与学校事务馆藏发展和管理教学学术交流电子学术和数字化工具参考咨询/帮助服务延伸服务到地方社区筹款展出和活动策划领导能力Core Competency and Emergent NeedsOutreach and EngagementMarketing and Strategic CommunicationsTeaching and LearningDigital Content CreationData Services and Ste

29、wardshipScholarly CommunicationsAssessmentImage: 核心能力和新兴需求延伸扩展和事务参与营销和战略传播教学数字内容创造数据服务和管理学术交流通讯评估图片: Adults as Learners“The adult learning force can be pictured as a pyramid of learners. Its broad base consists of self-directed learners, a category that includes just about everyone. A smaller group

30、. . . participate in some form of organized instruction each year, and the tip of the pyramid consists of that very small proportion of adult learners who pursue college credit in a wide variety of traditional and non-traditional programs.”Source: Cross, K. P. (1981). Adults as learners: Increasing

31、participation and facilitating learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.成人学习者“成人学习者的构成可以看成一个金字塔。其广阔的基础由自我指导的学习者构成,基本包括了所有人。更少的一些人. . . 每年都参与某些形式的有组织的学习,而金字塔尖由非常少的一部分在高等学府传统或非传统项目求学的成人学习者组成。”资料来源: Cross, K. P. (1981). Adults as learners: Increasing participation and facilitating learning. San Francisco:

32、Jossey-Bass.Theories of Adult Learning“There is no one definition, model, or theory that explains how adults learn, why adults learn, or how best to facilitate the process.”Source: Merriam, S. B. (2005). Adult learning. In L. M. English (Ed.), International encyclopedia of adult education (pp. 42-48

33、). New York: Palgrave MacMillan.成人学习理论“没有任何概念、模式或理论来解释成人是如何学习,为何学习,或如何更好促进这一过程。”资料来源: Merriam, S. B. (2005). Adult learning. In L. M. English (Ed.), International encyclopedia of adult education (pp. 42-48). New York: Palgrave MacMillan.Theories of Adult Learning: AndragogyAdults have a need to know

34、 why they should learn somethingAdults have a deep need to be self-directingAdults have a greater volume of experience than younger studentsAdults become ready to learn when they experience the “need to know” in a life situationAdults are “problem-centered” in their approach to learningSource: Knowl

35、es, M. S., Holton, E. F., III, & Swanson, R. A. (2005). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (6th ed.). Boston: Elsevier.成人学习理论: 成人教育学成人有直到自己为何需要学习的需求成人有自主学习的迫切需求成人比青少年有更丰富的经验成人能很快准备去学习一旦他们在其生活情境中意识到有“学习的需求”时成人在学习中是“以问题为中心”的来源: Knowles, M. S., H

36、olton, E. F., III, & Swanson, R. A. (2005). The adult learner: The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development (6th ed.). Boston: Elsevier.Theories of Adult Learning: Transformative LearningTransformative learning “is a process by which previously uncritically assimilated as

37、sumptions, beliefs, values, and perspectives are questioned”Transformative learning is rooted in critical reflection on ones self, ones profession, or ones societyTransformative learning may result in personal, organizational, or social changeSource: Cranton, P. (2005) Understanding and promoting tr

38、ansformative learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 成人学习理论: 转化学习转化学习是“质疑之前不经鉴别而吸收的设想、信念、价值和观念的过程”转化学习根源于对自我、自我职业或者社会的批判性反思转化学习可能导致个人、组织或社会的改变来源: Cranton, P. (2005) Understanding and promoting transformative learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Key Concepts in Adult Learning TheoryAdult education sho

39、uld incorporate the opportunity to identify individual learning goals, i.e., “self-directed”Adult education programs should take life experience into account, i.e., “experience-centered” or “experiential”Adult education should empower students to address issues related to personal growth and/or prof

40、essional practice, i.e., “transfer of learning”成人学习理论的核心概念成人教育应该囊括进确定个人学习目标的机会,比如“自主学习”成人教育应该把个人经历带入学习中去,比如“以经验为中心的”或“根据经验的”成人教育应该允许学生阐述与自身成长和/或专业实践有关的话题,比如“学习转化”What is Continuing Professional Education?“Continuing professional education refers to the education of professional practitioners, regard

41、less of their practice setting, that follows their preparatory curriculum and extends their learning, or assimilation of information and ideas that can contribute to the quality of their day-to-day performance, throughout their careers.”/Source: Queeney, D. S. (1996). Continuing professional educati

42、on. In R. L. Craig (Ed.), The ASTD training and development handbook: A guide to human resource development (4th ed.) (pp. 698-724). New York: McGraw-Hill.什么是继续职业教育?“继续职业教育指对专业从业人员的教育,在其职业生涯中,不管他们的从业背景,延续他们的预科课程并扩展他们的学习,或者吸收能有助于他们日常工作质量的信息和观念。”/资料来源: Queeney, D. S. (1996). Continuing professional ed

43、ucation. In R. L. Craig (Ed.), The ASTD training and development handbook: A guide to human resource development (4th ed.) (pp. 698-724). New York: McGraw-Hill.Stages in Continuing Professional EducationCPE programs must recognize different needs at different stages of ones career:NoviceAdvanced Beg

44、innerCompetent PractitionerProficient PractitionerExpertSource: Queeney, D. S. (2000). Continuing professional education. In A. L. Wilson & E. R. Hayes (Eds.), Handbook of adult and continuing education (pp. 375-391). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.继续职业教育的阶段继续职业教育项目必须认识到在一个人职业生涯中不同阶段的不同需求:新手进阶新手称职的从业人员能

45、手专家来源: Queeney, D. S. (2000). Continuing professional education. In A. L. Wilson & E. R. Hayes (Eds.), Handbook of adult and continuing education (pp. 375-391). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.Key Concepts in Continuing Professional EducationCPE addresses:Knowledge SkillsPerformance AbilitiesCPE builds o

46、n pre-service professional educationCPE is practice-based and focused on transfer of learningCPE addresses the needs of lifelong learners继续职业教育的核心概念继续职业教育CPE 讨论:知识 技能表现能力CPE以职前职业教育为基CPE以实践为基础并注重学习转化CPE阐述终生学习的需要Continuing Professional Education and LIS Education“GSLIS is committed to expanding our fo

47、cus of continuous learning and development by creating and providing the library and information professional community with a variety of continuing professional development opportunities in many areas of library and information science, services, and operations.”Source: Graduate School of Library &

48、 Information Science. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (n.d.). Continuing professional development. Retrieved from /academics/programs/cpd继续职业教育和图情教育“图书馆信息学院致力于扩展我们对继续学习和发展的重视,通过为图书馆和信息专业社区创造和提供各种各样在图书馆信息科学、服务和操作多个领域的继续职业发展的机会。”来源: Graduate School of Library & Information Science. Univers

49、ity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (n.d.). Continuing professional development. Retrieved from /academics/programs/cpdContinuing Professional Education and LIS Education“The CPLA program is a voluntary post-MLS certification program for public librarians with three years or more of supervisory exp

50、erience. CPLA certification will enable public library administrators to improve the quality of library service through the provision of practical knowledge and skills essential to successful library management.”Source: Graduate School of Library & Information Science. University of Illinois at Urba

51、na-Champaign. (n.d.). Certified Public Library Administrator Program and courses. Retrieved from /academics/programs/cpd/cpla继续职业教育和图情教育“图书馆信息继续职业教育CPLA项目是自愿参加的提供给有3年以上主管经验的公共图书管理员的图情硕士后的项目。通过提供能实质改善图书馆管理的实践知识,CPLA 认证使公共图书馆管理者能够改进图书馆的服务质量”来源: Graduate School of Library & Information Science. Univers

52、ity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (n.d.). Certified Public Library Administrator Program and courses. Retrieved from /academics/programs/cpd/cplaContinuing Professional Education and LIS Education“GSLIS, in partnership with the Rare Book and Manuscript Library and the Soybean Press of the Univers

53、ity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, has developed the Midwest Book and Manuscript Studies (MBMS) program to offer a series of courses and workshops focused on special collections and the book arts.”Source: Graduate School of Library & Information Science. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

54、 (n.d.). Midwest Book and Manuscript Studies. Retrieved from /academics/programs/mbms继续职业教育和图情教育“图书馆信息学院,与珍稀书籍和手稿图书馆和伊利诺伊大学香槟厄本那校区Soybean出版社合作,发展了中西部书籍和手稿研究项目 (MBMS) ,提供了一系列课程和研讨会,关注于特殊收藏和书籍艺术。”来源: Graduate School of Library & Information Science. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (n.d.).

55、Midwest Book and Manuscript Studies. Retrieved from /academics/programs/mbmsContinuing Professional Education and Professional Associations“Continuous learning efforts focus both on the library profession in keeping with ALAs mission to deliver the highest quality library and information services to

56、 all people. ALA has a unique role to play in assessing the continuing education needs of its members and of those in the profession; coordinating programs to meet those needs; communicating their availability; and delivering training where appropriate.” /Source: American Library Association. (2007)

57、. What ALA does: Offers the best in CE. Retrieved from /ala/membership/whataladoes/offersce/index.cfm继续职业教育和专业人员协会“继续学习致力于让图书馆专业人员跟上ALA的使命为所有人提供最好的图书馆信息服务。ALA在评估其成员和行业其他人员的继续教育需求时有独特的作用;协调不同项目满足这些需求;传达项目的存在和有效性;以及当有需要时提供培训。” /来源: American Library Association. (2007). What ALA does: Offers the best i

58、n CE. Retrieved from /ala/membership/whataladoes/offersce/index.cfmContinuing Professional Education and Professional Associations“My understanding of the problems of scholarly communication has been fundamentally changed as a result of the ARL/ACRL Institute on Scholarly Communication. I now see th

59、e connections between the system of scholarly communication and the future of the digital library that I didnt quite understand before . . .” /ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/issues/infolit/professactivity/iil/immersion/programs.cfm/sc/institute/index.shtmlSource: Maloy, F. (2006). Scholarly communication: It i

60、s our problem!: ARL/ACRL Institute on Scholarly Communication challenges assumptions and shifts perspectives. Retrieved from /bmdoc/arlbr248scholcomm.pdf继续职业教育和专业人员协会“因为ARL/ACRL学术通讯研究所,我对学术通讯问题的认识已经从根本上改变了。我现在看到了学术通讯系统和数字化图书馆的未来的联系,而这之前我并不明白这一点. . .” /ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/issues/infolit/professactivi


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