1、PAGE 简历(jinl)个人信息姓 名 :周新文性 别:男籍 贯:湖南长沙民 族:汉出生日期:1979年身 高:165CM婚姻状况:已婚现所在地:东莞最高学历:本科专 业 :工商管理教育(jioy)经历时 间院校名称(mngchng)专业获得证书/学历2000-09 2004-07 湖南农业大学 工商管理 本科培训经历时 间 培训机构 培训课程 获得证书2006-09 2007-10亚洲企业管理咨询公司流程改善绩效考核企业文化2005-06 2006-08健峰顾问有限公司精益生产培训5S推行6 西格玛2004-01 2005-05西凯顾问有限公司ISO内部审核培训ISO/TS169495S培
2、训ISO内部审核员证工作经验(由近到远)一、 公司名称: 高朗烈酒有限公司(英国GO ALONG GROUP下属企业)起止时间: 2012-10 至今公司性质:外资行业类别: 酒业担任职位:人力资源总监汇报对象:CEO下属人数:3个经理,约10名职员工作职责:1、全面统筹规划人力资源开发及战略管理,拟定人力资源规划方案,并监督各项计划的实施;2、建立并完善人力资源管理体系,研究、设计人力资源管理模式(包含招聘、培训、绩效、薪酬福利及员工发展等体系的全面建设),制定和完善人力资源管理制度;3、向公司提供人力资源、组织机构等方面的建议并致力于提高公司综合管理水平,控制人力资源成本;4、负责建立有效
3、的激励机制,充分发挥员工的积极性和创造性。业绩(yj): 1.建立起总部(zn b)及各分公司人力资源体系2.全面(qunmin)构建了统一的企业文化体系企业背景: 湖南高朗烈酒有限公司是英国GO ALONG集团 下属独资企业,是国内知名的集品牌运营、生产、销售为一体的洋酒公司,其中品牌中心位于伦敦、业务平台位于长沙、制造公司位于岳阳。公司产品:威士忌、白兰地、伏特加。公司客户主要为国内外大型夜场。二、 公司名称: 东莞富坊制衣有限公司起止时间: 2010-04 2012-09公司性质:外资行业类别: 服装制造业担任职位:人事及行政经理汇报对象:CEO(外籍)下属人数:3个主管,约20名职员工
5、的能发挥正常的功能,又能通过客户对管理体系的各种审核。 4.重大改善推行:4.1启动精益生产项目,全面整改生产流程,推动建立从车缝到整烫到包装的单件流水生产模式,并重新设计相应的员工工资计算体系,从而切实提高产品品质合格率及生产效率;4.2启动绿色工厂创建项目,全面诊断和分析工厂在用水、用电、用油、废品产生方面存在的问题,以节能降耗为出发点,全面更新节能灯具、改造高能耗设备、循环使用包装材料,员工层面普遍建立节约意识,从而公司推动公司能耗降低20%目标的实现;4.3启动成本控制项目,推动建立公司年初预算目标,定期发布各部门实际成本,检讨预算的执行情况。工作业绩: 1.建立了符合新生产模式的员工
6、薪酬体系;2.建立了员工同公司、管理层之间的定期沟通平台;3.建立了公司成本控制制度,稳步推进2012节省200万的实现;4.完善了公司QMS、Product Safety、Compliance等管理体系;5.建立了生产车间精益流水线,完成了绿色工厂创建并通过评估。公司背景:东莞富坊Richtex制衣有限公司是英国A&J CARTERS 下属独资企业,是业内知名的集设计、贸易、生产为一体的服装公司,其中设计中心位于伦敦、业务平台位于香港、制造公司位于东莞。公司产品: 童装。公司客户主要为英国的Mothercare/Tesco/M&S/Mini Club。 公司雇员: 1500人三公司名称: 香
7、港福田集团起止时间: 2005-10 2010-04公司性质:外资行业类别: 服装生产担任职位:人力资源经理汇报对象:总经理下属(xish)人数:3个主管(zhgun),10名职员工作(gngzu)职责:组织编制人力资源战略规划,参与公司人事决策, 定期组织收集员工想法和建议以及人力资源各方面信息,为公司重大决策提供信息支持。建立健全公司公司人力资源方面的程序制度,如招聘制度、培训制度、薪酬考核制度、人事档案管理制度、员工手册等,并组织实施;建立健全公司内部沟通渠道,及时了解员工意见和想法,积极听取和采纳员工合理化建议,及时妥善处理员工投诉、员工纠纷及管理矛盾;监管招聘、培训工作,监督银行账户
8、办理业务及计件工资及考勤数据统计工作,审核每月工资报表,提交公司董事审批,跟进工资发放;健全完善公司社会责任及C-TPAT体系,执行日常巡查及跟进改善,接待客户或外部验厂人员来公司审核屏制定改善计划跟进实施;建立5S管理制度,完善ISO9001质量管理体系;负责公司企业文化工作,组织落实员工关怀机制。公司宿舍、饭堂、保安、清洁、维修、水电、车辆、劳保、消防等行政工作。代表公司与社保局、劳动局及其他外部机构联络、沟通及处理相关事务,以及总经理交代的其他工作。工作业绩: 建立健全了公司制度,改变了以往“以人治厂”为“程序管厂”;建立绩效工资体系,改善了公司原有工资计算方法;建立健全了培训制度,改善
9、了“埋头拉车”现象,促进自我完善;创新了沟通渠道,设立“辅导室”,成功将矛盾化解在萌芽状态;协助有关人员,积极化解了员工罢工、怠工事件,平息劳资纠纷。公司背景:香港福田集团是世界最大圆筒针织布商之一, 集团根植中国, 厂房及办事处遍布中国、斯里兰卡、印度尼西亚及世界10个主要大城市如纽约、巴黎等, 雇员超过20000人。海汇纺织(集团)有限公司位于香港,专注于海外的销售业务,下属三个子公司:东莞海星服装有限公司、东莞福源服装有限公司、东莞福怡服装有限公司,负责成衣生产制造。公司雇员: 2000人。四公司名称: 香港伟盈集团起止时间: 2003-11 2005-10公司性质:外资企业行业类别:
10、生产制造担任职位:总监助理/ISO科长/培训主管汇报对象:总监下属人数:5人工作职责:1.协助总监日常事务及完成交办的各项工作, 监督检查各部门目标达成情况,及时向总监反馈结果;并 就某些重大问题牵头成立项目小组,主导实施并跟踪;2.公司程序文件、三级文件以及表格的适时更新, 重新打印、装订、存档,以及发放和旧文件的回收以及纠正、预防措施单的开出、工作检查及结果的跟踪;3.公司ISO内部审核的计划、组织、实施以及跟踪改善,外部审核的准备、人员的培训及外审接洽组织工作,及各部门文件控制的检查、文控管理的培训和监督。4.公司内部刊物伟盈之声的设计、组稿、编辑和委外印刷,及宣传板报设计制作的指导,公
11、司图书室、放映室、舞厅、乒乓球室日常管理监督工作。5.全面统筹管理 “伟盈大学”(伟盈培训中心)管理工作,组织选拔和管理内部讲师队伍,组织编写内部培训教材,领导实施各项各级人员培训课程, 其中包含公司新进员工培训,公司基层管理、技术人员培训,公司储备人才开发及训练计划的实施,公司英语电脑公共培训项目的筹划(chuhu)、学员招收、讲师选聘及培训实施,公司专题公开课的组织;工作(gngzu)业绩: 1.提出了“沟通日”方案,公司设立了 “部门(bmn)沟通日”, 减少了部门之间的矛盾,提高了工作效率;2.运用项目管理的新思路,解决了公司一些长期未解决的问题,帮助公司顺利通过ISO16949体系认
12、证;3.帮助成立了公司集团培训中心, 在总部首先推广建立了培训系统和制度, 给公司营造了学习型气氛,促进了各部门培训的自发性, 后来进一步推广到无锡、珠海、深圳等分公司, 集团主席签字提名 “伟盈大学” ;4.重新设计了公司内部报纸,发放到了集团各公司,彰显了公司的文化影响力,启动了一些娱乐改善项目,提高了员工的企业凝聚力。公司背景:伟盈集团是世界上最大的钟表制造商之一, 总部位于香港, 业务遍布全球, 主要制造业务位于东莞、珠海、无锡等地,东莞基地是集团大陆管理基地 , 负责管理中国业务。东莞基地有下属单位5家,员工5000余人。主要业绩:帮助伟盈集团建立了企业大学;帮助福田集团建立了绩效薪
13、资体系;帮助富坊等完成了人力资源或精益项目。自我评价:1、有10年以上企业管理和学习经验,精通人力资源各模块工作,具有高度的统筹管理经验 。2、熟悉企业开发、计划、生产、品质等流程,熟悉人力资源各大模块。 3、擅长企业培训体系规划、培训部门和人员管理,以及培训的实施; 4、能够独立进行培训课程的设计、培训教材的编写,可进行课程讲授工作。 5、擅于营造培训气氛和组织进行各级管理人员的培训活动。6、 熟悉ISO9001/ISO14001/SA8000/OHSAS18000/5S/JIT/6 SIGMA。 7、有多年社会责任和反恐体系建立和维护经验,直接负责验厂工作。8、熟悉国家的各项劳动人事法津法
14、规。9、具备较强文字写作能力,英语口语优秀,曾直接报告外籍总经理。语言能力:英语口语熟练计算机能力(各种软件的使用情况):熟练期望工作岗位:人力资源总监/经理期望工作(gngzu)地点:东莞最快到职(do zh)时间:随时(sush)期望薪资:面议现在薪资:20 000元/月薪E-mail: HYPERLINK mailto: t _blank 联系方式:andidate resumeBasic Information Name:Iceman ChouSex:MaleAge:34Height:165cmNationality:ChinaMarital:MarriedH
15、ometown: Hunan-ChangshaHousehold: Guangdong-DongguanHighest degree: Bachelor DegreeProfessional:Business AdministrationEDUCATIONDateSchoolSpecialityDiploma2000-09 2004-07HuNan Agricultural UniversityBusiness AdministrationBachelor Degree TRAININGDate Place Topic 2006-09 2007-10ASIA CONSULTINGPROCESS
16、 IMPROVMENT/KPI2005-06 2006-08JIANFENG CONSULTINGISO,LEAN,SA8000,6 SIGMA2004-01 2006-08XIKAI CONSULTINGISO INTERAL AUDITOR/TS16949/5SWORKING EXPERIENCE1/ Company Name: Go Along Liquor Co.,Ltd Date: 2012-10 Present Company nature:UK Industry: Wine industryPosition: HRDReport to:CEONumber of subordina
17、tes:3 Managers, about 10 staffsDuties:1 . To make an overall plan for the human resources development and management strategy, develop human resources plan, and supervise the implementation of the plan; 2, To establish and improve human resources management system, human resource management pattern
18、research, design (including recruitment, training, overall construction of performance, salary and welfare and staff development system), develop and improve human resources management system; 3, To provide human resources, organizations and other aspects of the proposal and is committed to improve
19、the comprehensive management level, control the human resource cost; 4, Responsible for the establishment of an effective incentive mechanism, give full play to the initiative and creativity of the staff.Performance:1.Established human resources system of headquarters and branch2.Built a unified cor
20、porate culture system2/ Company Name: Richtex Garment Co.,Ltd Date: 2010-04 2012-09Company nature:UK Industry: Textile industryPosition: HR/Administration/Compliance ManagerReport to:CEONumber of subordinates:3 supervisors, about 20 staffsDuties:human resources work:Oversee human resources, led pers
21、onnel supervisor and other colleagues to complete the companys recruitment, training, salary, attendance processing calculation, social security management, employee problems and other daily work, construct smooth internal communication channels and create humanized work environment, to achieve orga
22、nizational goals to assume the corresponding responsibilities.administrative work:Oversee the work of the Department, took the administration supervisor and other colleagues to complete the companys dormitory management, canteen management, cleaning, security management, water & electrical maintenan
23、ce, repair facilities, office supplies procurement, major festivals management, to support the factory operations.management system:Guide Compliance department, led the compliance officer regularly check the quality system, product safety system, social system and “clean production” system operation
24、 problems and timely improve them, to ensure that the system can function normally, and pass the customers audit.major improvements:4.1 to start lean production project to do a comprehensive rectification production process, promote the establishment of one-piece flow mode of production from sewing
25、, ironing to packaging, and develop a corresponding staff wage system to effectively improve the quality and efficiency;4.2 to start the ECO factory to create a project, a comprehensive diagnosis and analysis of plants in the water, electricity, oil, waste problems, to save energy as the starting po
26、int. A comprehensive changing of energy-saving lamps, transformation of high energy consumption equipment, recycling packaging materials, staff level generally establish conservation awareness, and promote the realization of the company a 20% reduction in energy consumption targets ;4.3 to start cos
27、t control project, promote the establishment of the company budget targets at the beginning of the year, publish every departments actual cost and review the implementation of the budget per month.Performance:1 .built employee s salary system applying with the new production mode;2 .established the
28、regular communication platform between the staff and the managements or between managements;3 . established company cost control system, steadily advancing saving RMB 2,000,000 in 2012;4 .improved the companys QMS, Product Safety, Compliance management system;Company Introduction:Dongguan Richtex Ga
29、rment Company Limited, wholly owned by UK A&J CARTERS, is the industry leader in the areas of the clothing company with design, production, trade, and its design center is located in London, service platform in Hongkong, manufacturing company located in Dongguan. Products: Childrens clothing. The co
30、mpany main customers are UK Mothercare/Tesco/M&S/Mini Club. Employees: 1500.Why to leave:This factory moved to Kampuchea3/ Company Name: Fountain Set(Holdings)Date: 2005-10 2010-04Company nature:HKIndustry: Textile industryPosition:HR ManagerReport to:CEONumber of subordinates:3 supervisors, 10 staf
31、fsDuties 1. Organization of the preparation of human resource planning, and participate in personnel decisions, regularly organized to collect ideas and suggestions of employees, as to support the information for the big decisions of the company. 2. Establish and improve the companys HR system, such
32、 as the recruitment system, training system, the pay evaluation system, personnel manual; 3. To establish and improve internal communication channels to keep abreast of the views of staff and ideas, and properly handle employee complaints, staff disputes and conflicts; 4. To guide the recruitment an
33、d training, monitoring bank accounts affairs, attendance statistics and payment of wages; 5. To improve corporate social responsibility and C-TPAT to ensure the pass of the audit; 6. carry out ISO and 5S; 7. In charge of the company culture and employee relationship; 8. Maintain the good relationshi
34、p with the departments of government. Performance 1. To assist the establishment of the corporate rules/system, changing old people control to the process control; 2. To help the group set up training centers, changing the focus only on hard work without study to a learning atmosphere; 3. Held on a
35、relationship room, where managers help to deal with the problems of workers; 4. Handled the employees strikes.Company Introduction:Hong Kong Fountain group is one of the largest knitting group in the world, rooted in China, its factories and offices located in the worlds 10 major cities such as New
36、York, Paris, Sri Lanka, Indonesia , with over 20000 employees. Highway Textiles (Group ) Limited company belonged to Fountain Set, specializing in garments business, it has three factories: Dongguan Haixing clothing Limited company, Dongguan Fuyuan clothing Limited company, Dongguan Fuyi clothing Li
37、mited company. The Highway textiles mainland management headquarters in Dongguan Haixing clothing Limited company.Why to leave:Went to Richtex 4/ Company Name: Wellgain GroupDate: 2003-11 2005-10Company nature:HKIndustry: ElectronicPosition:ISO/Training supervisorReport to:HR ManagerNumber of subord
38、inates:5 staffsDuties:1. To assist HR manager complete the assigned tasks, and follow up the completion status of other staffs; 2. Update the ISO documents; 3.Organize the internal and external audit. 4.Edit the company newspaper Voice of Wellgain”, and manage the cultural and recreation activity. 5
39、. Establish Group training center(Wellgain college), and organize the training activities of the company. Performance 1. put forward the Communication Day program, the company established a departmental communication day, reducing the conflict between departments to improve the working efficiency; 2
40、. use “project management” to solve some of the companys long-term unresolved issues, helping the company successfully passed the ISO16949 system; 3. Set up a Group Training Center, created a learning atmosphere; 4. Re-designed in-house newspaper, highlighted the cultural influence, launched a number of r
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