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1、AS 2047. PAGE 21 996Australian Standard澳大利亚标准Windows in buildingsPart 2: Construction, installationand maintenance建筑窗第2部分:制造、安装和维护This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee BD/21, Windows. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 15 May 1996 and published on 5 Augus

2、t 1996.本澳大利亚标准由BD/21 建筑窗委员会编制,并由该委员会代表澳大利亚标准委员会于1996年5月15日批准,于1996年8月5日出版。The following interests are represented on Committee BD/2 1: 该委员会在编制本标准的过程中由以下单位参加:Aluminium Development Council铝材发展委员会Architectural Aluminium Association of New Zealand 新西兰建筑用铝协会Architectural Aluminium Fabricators Association

3、 建筑用铝制造商协会Australian Building Codes Board澳大利亚建筑规范司Construction Industry Engineering Services Group 澳大利亚建筑工业工程服务协会Flat Glass Council of Australia平板玻璃委员会Housing Industry Association澳大利亚住房工业联合会Master Builders Australia澳大利亚建筑商会Metal Trade Industry Association of Australia澳大利亚金属交易工业协会Plastics and Chemica

4、ls Industry Association塑料和化工协会Residential Window Association住房玻璃协会University of New South Wales新南威尔士大学Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new editions as nec

5、essary. It is important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edition, and any amendments thereto.标准的评审。为了保持标准与工业发展同步,澳大利亚/新西兰联合标准需要定期进行评审并发布修订本,必要时出版新的版本以保持更新。因此,标准使用者使用的版本必须是最新版本,同时需要使用所有修正版本的内容。Full details of all Australian Standards and related publicat

6、ions will be found in the Standards Australia Catalogue of Publications; this information is supplemented each month by the magazine The Australian Standard, which subscribing members receive, and which gives details of new publications, new editions and amendments, and of withdrawn Standards.澳大利亚标准

7、局出版的标准目录收集了所有标准的详细信息和相应出版物,此信息每月在杂志澳大利亚标准上进行补充说明,已订阅会员会收到此杂志,另外该杂志还会介绍新出版物、新版本和修订本以及废止标准的详细信息。Suggestions for improvements to Australian Standards, addressed to the head office of StandardsAustralia, are welcomed. Notification of any inaccuracy or ambiguity found in an Australian Standardshould be m

8、ade without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.我们欢迎提出有关改进澳大利亚标准方面的建议,欢迎写信到澳大利亚标准局的总公司。如发现澳大利亚标准存在任何不准确或含糊不清的内容,请及时告诉我们以便我们做出调查并采取适当措施。Australian Standard澳大利亚标准Windows in buildingsPart 2: Construction, installationand maintenance建筑窗第2部分:制造、安装和维护AS 2047.2 P

9、AGE 1 996ISBN 0 7337 0623 1PUBLISHED BY STANDARDS AUSTRALIA (STANDARDS ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA) 1 THE CRESCENT, HOMEBUSH, NSW 2140澳大利亚标准局(澳大利亚标准协会)出版,地址:1 THE CRESCENT, HOMEBUSH, NSW 2140PREFACE前言This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standard New Zealand Committee BD/21, Windo

10、ws, to supersede AS 15401974, Timber frames and sashes for windows (in part), AS 2048 1977, Code of practice for installation and maintenance of aluminium windows in buildings (in full) and AS 2147 1978, Code of practice for the installation of timber windows (in part). After allowing sufficient tim

11、e for adjustment, the superseded documents will be withdrawn on 30 July 1997. This Standard also includes the draft for UPVC windows and doors produced in November 1990 by Joint Committee PL/4 on Plastics Building Elements.本标准由澳大利亚/新西兰标准联合会BD21建筑窗委员会编制,代替AS1540-1974木窗框架和窗框(部分内容)、AS2047-1997 建筑铝窗安装和维

12、修操作规范(全部内容)、以及AS2146-1978 木窗安装操作规范的部分内容(部分内容)。经过足够长时间的适应之后,被代替的标准将于1997年7月31日废止。本标准也包括PL/4联合委员会于1990年编制的塑料建筑构件未增塑聚氯乙烯门窗草案。This Standard is the result of a consensus among Australian and New Zealand representatives on the Joint Committee to produce it as an Australian Standard.本标准是澳大利亚和新西兰联合委员会代表达成共识

13、的结果,录入澳大利亚标准。The objective of this revision is to provide window designers and manufacturers with a generic window code setting out the performance requirements and specifications in the design and manufacture of all windows, regardless of materials. This window code is divided into two Standards, a

14、s follows:本标准的目的在于为窗户设计者和制造商提供通用窗户规范,为所有窗户(无论何种材料)的设计和制造设立性能要求和规格。本建筑窗规范分为两个标准,具体如下:AS2047 Windows in buildings建筑窗2047.1 Part 1: Specification for materials and performance第1部分:材料的规格和性能2047.2 Part 2: Construction, installation and maintenance (this Standard)第2部分:制造、安装和维护(即本标准)4420WindowsMethods of t

15、est窗户-试验方法4420.1 Method 1: Test sample, preparation for tests, and test sequence第1部分:试样、试验准备和试验顺序4420.2 Method 2: Deflection test第2部分:挠曲试验4420.3 Method 3: Operating force test第3部分:操控力试验4420.4 Method 4: Air infiltration test第4部分:渗气试验4420.5 Method 5: Water penetration resistance test第5部分:渗水抗性试验4420.6

16、Method 6: Ultimate strength test第6部分:极限强度试验The total separation of multi-storey curtain wall construction has been effected. This Standard does not apply to facade glazing where framing systems are stacked or spliced above one another. This revision incorporates changes to style, format and expressi

17、on which accommodate current Standards Australia practice, and includes the following:完全分离多层幕墙建筑很有十分有效。本标准不适用于框架体系堆叠或叠接在一起的建筑物正面玻璃。此次版本包括适应现行澳大利亚标准局惯例的风格、规格、表现的变化,具体如下:Aluminium, timber, unplasticized PVC, and other materials.铝材、木材、未增塑聚氯乙烯材料和其它材料。Louvre windows.百叶窗。Adoption of the Building Code of A

18、ustralia for determining the classification of buildings.采用澳大利亚建筑规范确定建筑物的分级。Adoption of AS 4055, Wind loads for housing, for determining rationalized wind loads for housing and AS 1170.2, Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code), Part 2: Wind loads, for determining wind loa

19、ds for all other buildings.采用AS4055:房屋风压确定房屋的合理风压,以及AS1170.2:构筑物最小设计负载(即澳大利亚标准协会负载规范)第2部分:风力荷载确定其它所有的建筑物的风力荷载。During the preparation of this revision, cognizance was taken of the latest test information and performance criteria in Australia and overseas.编制本标准的过程中,澳大利亚和国外最新的试验信息和性能标准也纳入了考虑范围。In this

20、Standard, statements expressed in mandatory terms in notes to tables are deemed to form an integral part of the Standard.本标准中,表格的备注里用强制性语言陈述的内容应视为本标准的要求。CONTENTS内容Page页码SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL第1章 范围和总则1.1SCOPE范围 41.2APPLICATION用途41.3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS参考文献41.4DEFINITIONS 定义4SECTION 2 CONSTRUCT


22、L MOVEMENT 热移动和结构移动7SECTION 4 CARE AND MAINTENANCE 第4章 照看和维护9Originated as part of SAA Int. 3181951.最初为澳大利亚国际标准学会318-1951的部分内容。Previous editions parts of AS 15401974, AS 2147 1978 and the whole of AS 20481977.以前的版本为AS1540-1974、AS2147-1978和AS2048-1977。Revised, amalgamated and redesignated in part as

23、2047.2 1996.部分内容经修订、合并并重新命名为AS2047.2-1996。 Copyright STANDARDS AUSTRALIA澳大利亚标准局 版权所有Users of Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in all Standards Australia publications and software. Except where the Copyright Act allows and except where provided for below no publications or software prod

24、uced by Standards Australia may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system in any form or transmitted by any means without prior permission in writing from Standards Australia. Permission may be conditional on an appropriate royalty payment. Requests for permission and information on commercial sof

25、tware royalties should be directed to the head office of Standards Australia.使用标准的用户应该注意,所有澳大利亚标准局出版的刊物和软件里均含有版权。除了版权法允许的情况和以下特别规定的情形下,如未经澳大利亚标准局的书面同意,由澳大利亚标准局编制的任何出版物或软件都不得以任何形式进行复制、储存在检索系统里,或者通过任何方式进行传播。支付适当的使用费后方能授权许可。如需申请许可,或需要了解有关商用软件的使用费事宜,对于澳大利亚,请与澳大利亚标准局的总部提出请求。Standards Australia will permi

26、t up to 10 percent of the technical content pages of a Standard to be copied for use exclusively in-house by purchasers of the Standard without payment of a royalty or advice to Standards Australia.澳大利亚标准局允许本标准的购买者复印标准技术的内容不得超过10,仅供内部使用,无需支付使用费或通知澳大利亚标准局。Standards Australia will also permit the incl

27、usion of its copyright material in computer software programs for no royalty payment provided such programs are used exclusively in-house by the creators of the programs.如果计算机软件程序由程序的创建者在内部使用,澳大利亚标准局也允许将标准的版权信息包含在该计算机软件程序里,而无需支付使用费。Care should be taken to ensure that material used is from the curren

28、t edition of the Standard and that it is updated whenever the Standard is amended or revised. The number and date of the Standard should therefore be clearly identified.用户应注意确保其所用的材料是来源于本标准的现行版,并且应随着本标准的更新、修订而更新。本标准的编号和日期应标示清楚。The use of material in print form or in computer software programs to be

29、used commercially, with or without payment, or in commercial contracts is subject to the payment of a royalty. This policy may be varied by Standards Australia at any time.无论是否支付了使用费,也不论是否已签订有关协议,凡将此材料(刊印或用于计算机软件程序)用于商业用途的,均应支付使用费。澳大利亚标准局有权在任何时候修订这一规定。 PAGE 9AS 2047.21996COPYRIGHTSTANDARDS AUSTRALIA

30、澳大利亚标准局Australian Standard澳大利亚标准Windows in buildings建筑窗Part 2: Construction, installation and maintenance第2部分:制造、安装和维护SECTION 1 SCOPE AND GENERAL第1章 范围和总则1.1 SCOPE This Standard provides recommended methods of construction, glazing, installation, protection and maintenance for windows, sliding glaze

31、d doors, adjustable glass louvres, shopfronts and window walls with one-piece framing elements, but not curtain walls using stacked or spliced framing systems, manufactured from any material and installed vertically in external walls of all classes of buildings.范围 本标准提供了窗、推拉玻璃门、活动玻璃百叶窗、商店门面和单框架构件玻璃墙

32、的建议制造、上釉、安装、保护和维护方法,但是不包括任何材质的竖直安装于任何等级建筑物外墙的框架体系堆叠或叠接在一起的幕墙。NOTES:注:1 Prefabricated bay windows which incorporate sloped glass are classified as windows in vertical walls.采用倾斜玻璃的预制凸窗属于直墙窗。2 Hinged doors are not covered by this Standard.本标准未对铰链门进行说明。1.2 APPLICATION This Standard should be read in co

33、njunction with AS 2047.1.用途 本标准应当与AS2047.1结合使用。1.3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Standard:参考文献 本标准参考了以下文献:AS1288Glass in buildingsSelection and installation建筑玻璃-选择和安装1606Code of practice for water-repellent treatment of timber, joinery and other timber products

34、木材、细木制品和其它木材产品的防水处理操作规范2047 Windows in buildings建筑窗2047.1Part 1: Specification for materials and performance第1部分:材料规格和性能2904Damp-proof courses and flashings防潮层和防水片3730Guide to properties of paints for buildings建筑漆性能指南Part 13: PrimerWoodSolvent-borneInterior/exterior第13部分:底漆-木材-溶剂型漆-内部-外部O1Glossary o

35、f terms used in timber Standards木材相关标准术语表1.4 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions given in AS O1 and those below apply:定义 本标准采用AS O1中的定义以及以下定义:1.4.1 Curtain walla non-load-bearing window wall that is not a panel wall. 幕墙:一种非承重玻璃墙,非隔墙。1.4.2 Fina piece of glass positioned to p

36、rovide lateral support.翼片:其安装位置能够提供横向支撑的玻璃片。1.4.3 Fixingany item that is used to secure members of a window assembly to each other, to secure an item of hardware to a window member, or to secure a completed window assembly into the building structure.固定件:用于将窗组件的各个构件固定在一起、将金属件固定在窗户构件上或者将完整的窗组件固定再建筑结构

37、上的物品。1.4.4 Flashingan impervious membrane compatible with the framing materials, installed in such a manner as to prevent ingress of water into the building.防水片:安装在建筑物上用于阻止雨水进入的防渗薄膜。1.4.5 Framethat part of a window assembly surrounding the sashes or fixed glazing. It is a structure manufactured from

38、 timber, metal, glass, or other durable material or combinations of materials, such as glass fins and structural sealant forming part of the assembly of a glazed panel and supporting the full length of all the edges of the glass.框架:窗组件的一部分,环绕在门窗或固定玻璃周围。它是一种由木材、金属、玻璃或者其它耐用材料或组合材料制造的组件,如构成玻璃板组件并支撑玻璃边缘

39、的总长度的玻璃翼片和结构密封胶。NOTE: Butt-jointed glass panels which are not in the same plane can satisfy the requirements for frames.注:不在同一平面上的对接玻璃板可以满足对框架的要求。1.4.6 Glassa hard, brittle, amorphous substance produced by fusion and usually consisting of mutually dissolved silica or silicates that also contain soda

40、 and lime. It may be transparent, translucent or opaque.玻璃:一种由熔融物制造的通常含有互相溶解的硅石或硅酸盐(同时还含有碳酸钠和石灰)的坚硬易碎的非晶体物质。可以为透明、半透明或者不透明状态。1.4.7 Hardwareequipment used in the opening, operating, closing, locking and stopping of sashes.金属构件:用于打开、操作、关闭、锁紧或止动门窗的设备。1.4.8 Light see window light.光:见窗扇。1.4.9 Multi-light

41、 windowa window incorporating more than one opening or fixed light, or both, within one perimeter frame, as low lights, high lights or side lights.多扇窗:一个周边框架内具有多个开口或固定扇叶或者两者兼备(如低扇、高扇或边扇)的窗户。1.4.10 Panel walla non-load-bearing window wall that is wholly supported at each storey.隔墙:一种非承重玻璃墙,其自身重量完全由每个

42、楼层承担。1.4.11 Reveal liningtrim member that fills the remainder of the wall thickness.门窗口筒子板 填充壁厚不足部分的修整过的构件。1.4.12 Sashthe separate frame to a window or door, carrying the glass. It may be fixed (inoperable) or movable (operable).窗框:携持玻璃的窗户的独立框架,可以是固定式(不可操作)或移动式(可操作)。1.4.13 Sillthe bottom horizontal

43、member of a window or door frame. 窗框下槛:窗组件底部的水平框架构件。1.4.14 Wind displacement of parallel members with respect to one another.缠绕:平行构件相互之间的位移。1.4.15 Window/door assemblya complete unit comprising frame, couplings, sashes, glazing infill panels and hardware.门/窗组件:包括框架、联结装置、门窗、玻璃填充板和金属构件的全套装置。1.4.16 Win

44、dow lighta single panel of glazing in a window assembly.扇窗:窗组件中的单片面板或玻璃。1.4.17 Window ratingthe level of performance for strength and weatherproofness of windows and doors as determined by test. Window ratings for housing are expressed in wind classification terms (see AS 2047.1), and window ratings

45、 for buildings other than housing are expressed in design wind pressure terms.窗户等级:根据试验确定的门窗强度和耐风雨性能等级。房屋玻璃等级用风力分类术语表示(见表5.1),非房屋建筑用玻璃等级用许可或者限制性设计风压术语表示。1.4.18 Window walla series of multi-light windows, generally spanning from floor to ceiling, and often continuous horizontally.玻璃墙:一系列多扇窗,其跨度通常从地板至

46、天花板,并且在水平方向上具有连续性。SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION OF WINDOWAND DOOR UNITS第2章 门窗组件的制造2.1 GENERAL Windows shall be so constructed as to meet the materials and performance requirements of AS 2047.1.总则 窗户的构造必须符合AS2047.1的材料和性能要求。2.2 TOLERANCES The sizes of assembled panels shall be within a tolerance of 3.0 mm of

47、 the agreed sizes, and the maximum difference between diagonals shall be 4 mm.公差 组装板的尺寸的公差必须处于公认尺寸的3.0之内,对角线之间的最大偏差为4mm。2.3 JOINTS The joints between framing and sash members shall be capable of withstanding all forces applied to the various components at the window rating, as required by AS 2047.1.

48、接头框架和窗框构件之间的接头必须根据AS2047.1的要求,能够承受施加在不同等级窗户的不同部件上的所有的外力。All joints are to be sealed, where required, to prevent water penetration and excessive air infiltration.如需要,所有的接头应当密封,以发生渗水和过度渗气。2.4 GLAZING上釉2.4.1 Pre-glazed windows The majority of windows for housing are supplied factory- glazed and use ind

49、ividual proprietary methods which are not described in AS 1288.预上釉窗 大部分房屋窗都使用在工厂已经上釉的窗组件,并采用AS 1288未提及的具有独立所有权的方法。For guidance as to the method of glass replacement and maintenance of the glazing materials, consultation with the window manufacturer is recommended.对于玻璃更换和上釉材料维护的方法,建议咨询窗户制造商。2.4.2 Sit

50、e glazing For any systems which are to be glazed on site after frame installation, a check should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturers specified process necessary for correct glass support and operation of the unit and otherwise in accordance with one or more of the methods given in A

51、S 1288.现场上釉 对于框架安装后的现场的任何系统的上釉,应当按照制造商规定的必要的程序对玻璃支撑的正确性和窗组件操作进行检查,或者按照AS1288提供的方法进行检查。2.4.3 Structural glazing The use of structural silicone and adhesive glazing tapes for the bonding of glass or panels onto framing systems is a specialist procedure requiring very careful choice of materials and tr

52、eatment of the bonding surfaces.结构上釉 使用结构硅胶和粘合玻璃密封条将玻璃或面板粘在框架体系上是一个专业程序,需要对材料仔细选择并对粘结表面进行处理。Consultation with all material suppliers is of critical importance. Only experienced structural glazers should be used and the process should be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers specific process.

53、咨询所有的材料供应商至关重要。应当使用专业的结构釉工,并且上釉流程应当严格按照制造商规定的工艺进行。2.5 REVEAL LININGS Where window reveal linings are pre-fitted as part of the window construction, the atmerials used in their preservation or finishing treatments shall have no harmful effects on the window finishes or materials.门窗口筒子板 当门窗口筒子板预先安装作为窗

54、户构造的一部分时,其防腐或表面处理材料必须对窗户的面层或材料没有危害。2.6 FLASHINGS Flashings may be attached to windows at the time of manufacture to facilitate their installation by builders. The responsibility for determining their fitness and ultimate performance rests with the building designers and the building contractors. AS

55、2904 shall be used as a guide where the building construction requires weather barriers.防水片 防水片可以在组装时固定在窗户上,以便其安装与建筑物上。建筑设计人员和建筑承包商有责任确定其适用性和最高性能。如果建筑安装需要耐侯层,则必须将AS2904作为操作指南。2.7 FINISHES Aluminium and UPVC windows should be supplied pre-finished. Timber window assemblies should be fully coated with

56、 a primer complying with AS 3730.13, or with other moisture-retardant material complying with AS 1606, or by other equally effective means.表面处理 铝窗和非增塑聚氯乙烯窗的表面应当进行预处理。木窗组件应当涂满符合AS3730.13的底漆,或者其它符合AS1606的潮湿阻滞材料或者其它具有同等效力的材料。SECTION 3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES第3章 安装程序3.1 WINDOW SELECTION The applicant fo

57、r building approval or the approving authority shall nominate the window rating appropriate to the location of the building.窗户选择 建房批准的申请人或批准机构必须对窗户进行分级,与相应场地的建筑相适应。The minimum rating for each wind classification and a guide to the design wind pressure are set out in AS 2047.1.每个风力类别的最小等级和设计风压指南见AS20

58、47.1。The minimum rating for housing is set out in AS 2047.1, and the design wind pressure for buildings other than housing shall be established appropriate to the location of the building.房屋最小等级见AS2047.1,同时必须制定除房屋之外的建筑物的设计风压,与相应场所的房屋相适应。3.2 ON-SITE CARE On-site windows and doors should be stored in

59、a clean, dry area away from cement, lime, paint, acid, etc. During installation they shall be protected from building fallout such as wet plaster, mortar, paint and welding splatter. Wet plaster and mortar should be removed immediately and the soiled area washed down with clean water.现场注意事项 门窗在现场储存时

60、必须放置在干净、干燥区域,并且免受如水泥、石灰、油漆、酸以及类似材料的破坏。安装时应当保护窗户不受建筑坠落物如湿石膏、灰泥、油漆和焊接金属飞溅的损伤。滴落的湿石膏和灰泥应当立即清除并用清水冲洗污染区域。If removal is delayed and scraping becomes necessary, the surface finish may suffer.如果清除作业耽搁,需要刮擦沉积物,则有可能损害窗户面层。NOTE: Window framing may be affected by corrosive salts migrating from masonry construc


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