1、级班文本 124精品文档收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除第一篇Man: On, I m really sorry. Are you OK?Woman: I m fine. But Im not very good at this.Man: Neither am I. Say, are you from south America?Woman: Yes, I am originally. I was born in Argentina.Man: Did you grow up there?Woman: Yes, I did. But my family moved here eight ye
2、ars ago when I was in high school.Man: And where did you learn the rollerblade?Woman; Here in the park. This is only my second time.Man: Well, its my first time. Can you give me some lessons?Woman: Sure, just follow meMan: By the way. My name is Ted.Woman: And Im Anna. Nice to meet you.Man: Hey, hey
3、! That was fun. Thanks for the lesson.Woman: No problem. So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do?Man: I work in a travel agency.Woman: Really? What do you do there?Man: Im in charge of their computers.Woman: Oh, so youre a computer specialist?Man: Well, sort of. Yeah, I guess so.Woman: T
4、hats great. Then maybe you can give me some help with the computer courses Im taking.Man: Oh, sure, but only if promise to give me some more rollerblading lessons.Woman: Hmm-Its a deal.第二篇Reporter: Where are you from originally, Yu Hong.Yu Hong: Im from China, from near Shanghai.Reporter: And when d
5、id you move here.Yu Hong: I came here after I graduated from college. That was in 1992.Reporter: And what do you do now?Yu Hong: I,m a transportation engineer.Reporter: I see. So you re an immigrant to the United State?Yu Hong: Yes, thats right.Reporter: What are some of the difficulties of being an
6、 immigrant in the US?Yu Hong: Oh, thats not an easy question to answer. There are so many things, really.I guess one of the most difficulties is that I dont have any relatives here. I mean, I have a lot of friends. But thats not the same thing. In China, on holidays or the weekend, we visit the rela
7、tives. Itisn tthe same here.Reporter: And what do you miss the most from home?Yu Hong: Oh, thats easy. My moms soup. She makes great soup. I really miss my mothers cooking.第三篇Man: Hey, are these pictures of you when you were a kid?Woman: Yeah. Thats me in front of my uncles beach house. When I was a
8、 kid, we used to spend two weeks there every summer.Man: Wow, I bet that was fun.Woman: Yes, we always had a great time. Every day we used to get up early and walk along the beach. I had a great shell collection. In fact, I think it still up the attic.Man: Hey, I used to collect shell, too, when I w
9、as a kid. But my parents threw them out.You know what I remember most about growing up?Woman: What?Man: Visiting my grandparents house. You know on holidays and staff. They lived way out in the country, and my grandda had a horse named Blackie. He taught me how to right. I just love that horse, and
10、she loves me, too. I used to really enjoy spending time at my grandparent shouse. And every time I came back, Blackie remembered me.Woman: Uh- -memories.第四篇Woman: Why is there never a bus when you want one?Man: Good question. There arent enough buses on this route.Woman: Sometimes I feel like writin
11、g a letter to the paper.Man: Good idea. We should say that we need more subway lines, too.Woman: Yes, there should be more public transportation in general.Man: And fewer cars. There is too much traffic.Woman: Say, is that our bus coming?Man: Yes, it is. But look, its full.Woman: Oh, no. Lets go and
12、 get a cup of coffee. We can talk about this letter m going to write.Man: So, are you really going to write a paper to the paper?Woman: Sure, Im going to say something about the buses. They are too old. We need more modern buses, nice air-conditioned ones.Man: And they need to put more buses on the
13、road.Woman: Right, and there are too many cars downtown, and there isnenough parking.Man: Thats for sure. Its impossible to find a parking space downtown these days. Woman: I think they should private cars downtown these days between nine and five. Man: Oh, you mean they shouldnt allow any cars exce
14、pt taxis and buses during the regular the workday. Hmm-that sounds like really a good idea.第五篇Woman: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the bank is?Man: There is one upstairs, across from the duty-free shop.Woman: Oh, thanks. Do you know what time it opens?Man: It should be open now. It opens at 8:0
15、0 am.Woman: Good, and can you tell me how often the buses leave for the city?Man: You need to check at the transportation counter. Is right down the hall.Woman: Ok, and just one more thing. Do you know where the nearest restroom is? Man: Right behind you m am, see that sign?Woman: Oh, thanks a lot.W
16、oman: Excuse me. Its me again. Im sorry. I need some more information if you don t mind.Man: Not at all.Woman: Thanks. Do you know how much a taxi costs to the city?Man: Well, it depends on the traffic of course. But it usually costs about 40 dollars. Woman: Forty dollars? I guess Ill take a bus. Th
17、at means I have almost an hour till the next one. Where could I find an inexpensive restaurant in the airport? Maybe a fast-food place.Man: Go upstairs, and turn right, youll see a snack bar on your left.Woman: Thanks very much. Have a nice day.Man: You, too.第六篇Quite a number of things have been don
18、e to help solve traffic problems in Singapore. For example, motorists must by a special pass if they want to drive into the downtown business district. They can go into the business district only they have the pass displayed on their windshield.Another thing Singapore has done is to make it more dif
19、ficult to by cars. People have to apply for a certificate if they want to buy a car. And the number of certificates islimited, not everyone can get one. There is also a high tax on cars. So it costs three or four times as much to buy a car in Singapore, as it does in say United State or Canada. The
20、other thing Singapore has done is to build an excellent public transportation system. Their subway system is one of the best in the world. And there is also a very good taxi and bus system.第七篇Father: What do you think?Mother: Well, it has just as many bedrooms as the last apartment . And the living
21、room is huge.Daughter: But the bedrooms are too small, and there is nenough closet space for my clothes.Father: And its not as cheap as the last apartment we saw.Mother: But that apartment was dark and dingy, and it was in the dangerous neighborhood.Father: Lets see if the real restate agent has som
22、ething else to show us.Agent: Well, how do you like this place, then?Daughter: Oh, its much better than other one. The thing I like best is the bedrooms.They are huge.Mother: Yes, they are nice and big.Daughter: And there are two bathrooms. I can have my own bathroom.Mother: Yes, I guess you could.D
23、aughter: The only problem is the color of the living room. I really dont like the dark green wall.Father: Oh, I sure we can change the color if we want to.第八篇Man: Creative Rental. Good morning.Woman: Hello, Im calling about the apartment you have for rent.Man: Yes, what can I tell you about it?Woman
24、: Where is it exactly?Man: Its on King Street, just off the free-way.Woman: Oh, near the free-way. Can you hear the traffic?Man: Yes, Im afraid you do hear some. But the apartment has a lot of space, It has three bedrooms and a very large living room.Woman: I see. And is it on a new building?Man: We
25、ll, the building is about fifty years old.Woman: Uh-ha - well, I ll think about it.Man: Ok, thanks for calling.Woman: Thank you, bye.Woman: Hello.Man: Hello, is the apartment you are advertising is still available?Woman: Yes, it is.Man: Can you tell me a little about it.Woman: Well, its a perfect ap
26、artment for one person. It one room with kitchen at one end.Man: I see, and is it far away from the subway?Woman: There is a subway station just down the street. Actually, the apartment is located right downtown. So you step out of the building and there are stores and restaurant everywhere. But its
27、 on high floor. So you dont hear any street or traffic noise.Man: It sounds like just the kind of place Im looking for. Id like to come see it, please.Woman: Sure, let me give you the address.第九篇Yeah, I really need a change. Ive been doing the same things for over five years old, and Im just not lea
28、rning anything new. Its the same routine everyday, and m really sick of sitting in front of the computer. I think I need to try something totally different. I wana be in a profession that involve meeting people.I really need to join in a club or sports team to give me something to do on the weekends
29、. I get really bored on the weekends. And if join in a club, I probably get to meet people and make new friends.I should take a typing course this summer. I really need it for my school work. And people say that if you can type really well, its something youll find useful later in life.Gosh, I reall
30、y have to go on diet. Ive gained ten pounds since last year and everyone tells me I look fat. And if I dont lose weight now, I wont be able to get into any of my summer clothes.第十篇Friend: So where are you working now Terry?Terry: Oh, Im still at the bank. I don t like it though.Friend: Thats too bad
31、. Why not?Terry: Well, it s boring, and it doesHt pay very well.Friend: I know what you mean. I dont like my job either. I wish I could find a better job.Terry: Actually, I dont wana work at all any more. I wish I had a lot of money, So I could retire now.Friend: Hmm how old are you, Terry?Terry: Um
32、m.twenty-six.Friend: So how are things going with you and Susie, Terry?Terry: Oh, you didnt know. She and I broke up for a couple of moths ago. We decided we needed a break from each other for a while. But I miss her a lot. I wish we could get back together again.Friend: Im sure you will.Terry: I re
33、ally hope so. So what kind of job would you like to look for?Friend: Im not sure. But I love something that would involve travel. I really like to move to another city. T m sick of this place. I need to move to somewhere more exciting.Terry: I know what you mean. It sure can get boring around here a
34、t times.第十一篇Woman: Hey, this sounds good, snail with garlic. Have you ever eaten snail?Man: No, I havent.Woman: Oh, they are delicious. I had them last time. Like to try some.Man: No, thanks. They sound strange.Waitress: Have you decided on an appetizer yet?Woman: Yes, Ill have the snail.Waitress: A
35、nd you sir?Man: I think I ll have the fried brains.Woman: Fried brains. Now that sounds really strange.Woman: Oh, good. Here comes the waitress now.Waitress: Here are your snail, madam. And for you sir, the fried brains.Man: Thanks.Woman: Hmm. these snails are delicious. How are the brains?Man: Well
36、. I think they are yuck. On, sorry. I guess the brains are pretty strange after all. I think I need to order something else if you don t mind.Woman: Sure, go ahead.Man: Miss, excuse me Miss.Waitress: Yes?Man: Uh I really dont care for this appetizer. Could you bring me something else?Waitress: Of co
37、urse, what would you like instead?Woman: Try the snails.Man: No, I dont think so. I ll tell you what. Just forget the appetizer for me, and bring me a nice, juice, hamburger, medium rare with French fries and a large soda.第十二幕Man : Im so excited. We have two weeks off. What are you going to do?Woman
38、: Im not sure. I guess Ill just stay home. Maybe Ill catch up on my reading. What about you? Any plans?Man : Well, my parents had rented a condominium in Florida. Im going to take long walks along the beach everyday and do lots of swimming.Woman: Sounds great.Man : Say why dont you come with us? We
39、have plenty of room.Woman: Do you mean it? Id love to.Man : Have you planned anything for the summer, Brenda?Woman: Yeah, Im going to work for the first month and save some money. Then, Im going to go down to Mexico for six weeks to stay with my sister. Shg s working in Guadahara. She says is really
40、 interesting there. So I want to go and see what is like. It will also give me a chance to practice my Spanish. Im really looking forward to it.Woman: So what are you planning to do for your vacation, Judy?Judy: Oh, Im doing something really exotic this year. You know I went to Hawaii last year and
41、just stayed on the beach for two weeks. This year:m going white water rafting.Woman: Oh, sounds great. But what is it exactly?Judy: Oh, well, you know it s in Colorado. They have all this trip down the rapids.The water gets really rough. But I think it will be really exciting. Oh, Im doing some rock
42、 climbing, too.Woman: And you call that the vacation?第十三幕Man: Hi, Im your new neighbor, Gorge Rivera. I live next door.Woman: Oh, hi. Im Stephanie Lee.Man: So you just moved in . Do you need anything?Woman: Not right now. But thanks.Man: Well, let me know if you do. Um - by the way , would you mind
43、turning your stereo down. The walls are really thin, so the sounds go right through to my apartment. Woman: Oh, Im sorry. I didnt realize that. Ill make sure to keep the volume down. Oh, by the way, is there a good Italy restaurant in the neighborhood.Man: Yeah, there is a great one a couple of bloc
44、ks from here. Try the lazaniar, st delicious.Man: Hello, Im sorry to bother you. But I think your car is parked in my space downstairs.Woman: Really?Man: Yes, do you drive a blue Honda?Woman: Yes, I do.Man: Well, there is a blue Hondo parked in space Thirteen, and that is my space. Woman: Oh, Im so
45、sorry. My son must have put it on the wrong space. Ours is the one right next to yours, number Twelve. Let me get my keys and ll go right down and move the car.Man: Thanks.Woman: And I 1l make sure my son doesnt do it again.Man: I appreciate it.第十四篇Farther: Jason, Jason, turn down the TV a little pl
46、ease.Jason: Oh, but is my favorite program.Farther: I know. But its very loud.Jason: Ok, Ill turn it down.Farther: Thats better. Thanks.Mother: Lisa, please pick up your things. They are all over the living room floor.Lisa: In a minute mom Im on the phone.Mother: Ok, but do it as soon as you hand up
47、.Lisa: Sure, no problem.Mother: Goddess, were we like this when we were kids?Farther: Definitely.Jason: Have you noticed how forgetful Dad is getting? He is always forgetting where his car keys are. He drives me crazy.Lisa: And he can never find his glasses either?Jason: I know.Lisa: You know what d
48、rives me crazy about mom?Jason: What?Lisa: Those awful talk shows she watches on the TV. She just loves them.Jason: Yeah, I think she watches them for hours everyday.Lisa: Oh, well. I guess they are just getting old. I hope I never get like that.Jason: Me too. Hey, lets go and play the video game.Li
49、sa: great idea. By the way, have you seen my glasses anywhere?第十五篇:Man: Did you know next week is Halloween. Its on October 315t.Woman: So what do you do on Halloween. We dorrt have that holiday in Russia. Man: Well, its a day when kids dress up in masks and costumes. They knock on peoples doors and
50、 ask for candy by saying the words: Cheat or treat.Woman: Sounds interesting.Man: But is not only for kids. Lots of people have costume parties. Hey, my friend Pete is having a party. Would you like to go?Woman: Sure, Id love to. So, are we going to wear a costume to the party?Man: Of course. That h
51、alf the fun. Last year I rented this great dracula costume, and this year Im going as a clown.Woman: A clown? Yes, you would make a good clown.Man: Hey Woman: Oh, Im just kidding. What about me? What kind of costume should I wear?Man: Why dont you go as a witch? I saw a terrific witch outfit at the
52、costume store.Woman: A witch ? Yeah, thats a good idea. So after I scare people, you can make them laughter.第十六篇Womanl: You look beautiful in that kimono, Merry? Is this your wedding photo?Woman2: Yes, it is.Womanl: Do most Japanese women wear kimonos when they get married?Woman2: Yes, many of them
53、do. Then after the wedding ceremony, the bride usually change into a western bridal dress during the reception.Womanl: Oh, I didnt know that. Did you get married in a church Merry?Woman2: No, the ceremony was held at a shrine.Womanl: Oh, a shrine .Woman2: Yes, we were married by a priest in a tradit
54、ional shinto ceremony.Womanl: Hmm-and who went to the ceremony?Woman2:Well, only the immediate family attended the ceremony. You know our parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters.Womanl: And what about the reception. What was that like?Woman2: Lots of friends and relatives came to the reception,
55、about a hundred people.And the first thing that happen was that the main guests gave formal speeches.Womanl: Speeches?Woman2: Yes, and then after that, all the guests were served the formal meal. While everyone was eating and drinking, lots of other guests gave short speeches or sand songs. Some of
56、the speeches were funny.Womanl: Sounds like fun.Woman2: Yes, the songs and speeches are all part of the entertainment during wedding reception. And then , each guest received a present for the coming to wedding.Womanl: A present from the bride and groom?Woman2: Yes, its a Japanese costume.Womanl: Wh
57、at a nice costume.第十七篇Man: I dont know what classes to take this semester. I candecide what I wana to do with my life. Have you thought about it, Brenda.Woman: Yes, I have. I think Id make a good journalist because I love writing.Man: Maybe I could be a teacher because m very creative, and I like wo
58、rking with kids.Woman: Oh, I wouldnt want to be a teacher. Im too impatientMan: I know one thing I could never do.Woman: Whats that?Man: I could never be a star broker. Because m not good at making decisions quickly.Woman: My history profession says that I should think about the career in the politi
59、cs. But I dont I ll make a good politician.Man: Why not, Brenda?Woman: Oh, you know me. Im terrible at speaking in front of a lot of people. You know like giving speeches and things, and politicians have to speak in public all the time.Man: Thats true. You know that reminds me a problem Im having.Wo
60、man: What is it?Man: You know my parents have a really successful restaurant, right? Well. My farther wants me to be a manager.Woman: And you dont want to?Man: No, not at all. I 1l be a terrible manager. Tm much too disorganized.第十八篇Guide: We are now approaching the famous statue of liberty, which h
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