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1、 高二(15)班课题题目:中西方饮食文化赏析 我们的小组分工 查找资料魏英杰 王浩 配乐插图汤靖 王浩 后期制作李贞德 魏英杰 设计规划 李贞德 张欣然 The diet culture differenceThe two kind of different diet ideasDifferences between Chinese and Western diet objectThe different ways of eating The two kind of different diet ideasClosely related to diet and cultureWith the

2、development of intercultural communication between Chinese and Western food culturecomplementary and compatible factors will increase Food is god for the people Reflect a countrys culture and civilization The difference between Chinese and Western cultures makes differences between Chinese and Weste

3、rn food cultureDifferences between Chinese and Western dining etiquetteDifferences between Chinese and Western diet object(one) seated position(two) serving order(three) the tableware (four) says stop meal method (eight) the method (nine) using the method(five) the dining details(six) seated methods

4、 (seven) the napkin China: the use of chopsticks. Finger and ring finger are respectively arranged in the two chopsticks. Western: use a knife and fork. The basic principle is that the right hand with a knife or spoon, take the left fork, if two or more, should be the most outside of a turn inward d

5、rawn. Differences in diet idea in the WestWesterners think, the diet is only a means of survival, to eat food Simply speaking, Chinese flavor, taste, is where the charm of the Chinese diet. Chinese food to eat, but eat, but also meet the delicious desire, bring physical and mental pleasure Differenc

6、es in beauty Differences in beautyWesterners eat vegetables raw tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, not only is the cabbage, onion, raw, green cauliflower, broccoli are also eaten raw. But the Chinese like hot food, in addition to the small cold dish is cooking, main Lai is hot. In the view of Chinese, the

7、 hot and cold, much less taste, eat it while it is hot to eat vegetables taste, as the saying goes a hot soup is the meaning of The different ways of eatingThe process of Chinese eating without others prior to the distribution of food, but each takes what he needs., diners eating or is consumed by e

8、ach individual food accounted for the total amount of food is uncertainChinese food culture has a long history, broad and profound, far-reaching, popular in the world. It has experienced a history of several thousand years of development, has become a shining of the Chinese cultural heritage, world

9、culture pearl in the treasure-house.Suddenly think of Yin Shan Hui toLi Shizhen wrote the medical masterpiece compendium of Materia MedicaHealth carediet food metallurgical and cooking material and taste function我们的感受我们的感受和心得 : 研究性学习是一项庞大的工程,单凭一人之力是无论如何也无法完成的。这时候我们需要的是合作,是整个团队,是大家共同的努力。这让我们深有体会,在这次研究性学习中,我们也看到了合作的巨大力量。 我们通过研究性学习的实践,激发了自由创新的热情,培养了独立思考、探究新事物的科学精神,同时提高了我们协作能力和社会交际能力,正好填补了我们在课堂上学习的不足。我想这是研究性学习的最大意义。 并且在这次研究性学习中我们对英伦的饮食文化有


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