1、广州市黄埔区“健康促进学校预防和控制青少年吸烟”项目汇报中山大学公共卫生学院报告人:文孝忠 (硕士研究生) 指导老师:陈维清、王志瑾教授2005年11月 香港Report on the program of tobacco use prevention and control among adolescents in Huangpu, GuangzhouReporter: Xiaozhong Wen(文孝忠)Graduate studentDepartment of Med. Statistics and Epidemiology,School of Public Health, Sun Ya
2、t-sen University, Guangzhou主要内容(Main points)研究设计(Research design )基线调查(Baseline survey)项目启动(Initiation of the program)第一阶段干预(The first phase of intervention)第二阶段干预(The second phase of intervention)已取得的研究成果(Achieved outcomes until now)尚存在的问题与困难(Existing challenges). 研究设计(Research design)基线调查确定分组对照组干预
3、组第阶段干预第阶段干预第阶段干预中期评估早期评估过程评估资料分析工作总结九区两市干预1干预2干预3对照1对照2对照3.基线调查(Baseline survey)timesamplingSchoolsRespondentsFirstroundDecember, 2002January, 2003census18 schoolsStudents: 8656Teachers:700 SecondroundNovember, 2004December, 2004Census: 7th and 8th grade30% sampling: 9th grade6 schoolsStudents:3957P
4、arents: 2890调查现场(Survey Field). 项目启动(Initiation of the program)合作单位:广州市黄埔区教育局,签订项目合作协议书We cooperate with the education bureau of Huangpu, Guangzhou.获得教育局、各中学和广州健教所的大力支持We get great supports from government departments, schools and the institute of health education of Guangzhou.六所项目学校,分层随机法分成两组:干预组三所
5、;对照组三所。Six schools are randomly assigned to two groups: the intervention group (3) and the control group (3).在123中学召开项目启动仪式暨培训班,与会的有控烟与健教专家、院领导、教育局领导、项目学校领导、干预组骨干教师和学生代表。A ceremonious meeting attended by officers, experts, teachers and students was hold in a secondary school.干预前,组织相关领导老师到珠海拱北小学参观学习“
6、如何创建健康促进学校”。A learning visit to a health promotion school (Bronze Medal, WHO) in Zhuhai was arranged before intervention干预组学校(Schools in the intervention group)对照组学校(Schools in the control group)项目启动会议(The meeting of initiation)项目启动会议(The meeting of initiation)到珠海参观学习( A learning visit to a health p
7、romotion school in Zhuhai ). 第一阶段干预(The first phase of intervention)重点在于健康相关知识的传播:Focus on spread of health knowledge and popularization of the program1、与学校教职工、学生建立良好关系Build close relationship with the teachers of health education2、向教师和学生分放“吸烟与健康”小册子Assignment of pamphlets to students and teachers3、
8、健康教育课 Health education curricula4、学生制作“吸烟与健康”为主题的黑板报Blackboards on smoking and health made by students5、开辟控烟专题宣传栏A specific promotion window for tobacco control分发健康小册子(Assignment of pamphlets)干预组学校的所有学生+教师,共3280份健康教育课(多媒体) Health curricula (Multimedia)健康教育课(学生实验) Health curricula(Experiments)学生制作吸烟主
9、题黑板报Blackboards on smoking and health黑报板Blackboards on smoking and health控烟专题宣传栏Specific promotion windows for tobacco control. 第二阶段干预The second phase of intervention重点在于学生参与活动、展示医学证据和支持性环境:To focus on supportive health environment, individual participation and persuasive evidences 1. 制作和发放项目专用教材To
10、made and assign specific textbooks for the program2. 展示详细而生动的吸烟危害健康的医学证据:照片、标本和演示实验To provide detailed and vivid medical evidences through photos and experiment3.举办以吸烟主题的征文、漫画和演讲比赛等学生参与性活动To launch competitions titled with cigarette and heath in various forms such as special compositions, drawings a
11、nd speeches.4. 宣传WHO烟草控制框架公约To advertise WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)5. 18个世界无烟日系列活动To collect signatures from students in the 18th Day of No Smoking6. 实施“冷火鸡戒烟奖励计划”以帮助吸烟的学生科学戒烟To carry out a plan to help smokers to quit with scientific an individual method项目专用教材Specific textbo
12、oks干预组学校的所有学生+教师,共分放3280份医学证据:照片Medical Evidence 1: Photos照片Medical Evidence 1: Photos照片Medical Evidence 1: Photos医学证据:尼古丁中毒实验(又名:一支香烟毒死一只小白鼠)Medical evidence 2:the toxic experiment of nicotine尼古丁中毒实验Medical evidence 2:the toxic experiment of nicotine学生征文作品Students compositions for competition宣传WHO
13、FCTC Promotion of FCTC第十八个世界无烟日:集会 The 18th No smoking Day第十八个世界无烟日:宣传画The 18th No smoking Day第十八个世界无烟日:签名 The 18th No smoking Day:Signature. 已取得的研究成果(Achieved outcomes until now)Published papers: (1)1 文孝忠,陈维清,卢次勇等中学生吸烟与健康的知识和态度及行为的关系中国公共卫生,2005,21(6):756758Papers in press: (4) 1 文孝忠,陈维清,区永军等广州三类学校初
14、中生吸烟知识、态度和行为比较中国学校卫生 2 文孝忠,陈维清,区永军等初中生吸烟相关态度量表的效度和信度评价中国心理卫生杂志 3 文孝忠,陈维清以学校为基础的预防吸烟研究的效果定量评价现代预防医学杂志 4 文孝忠,陈维清,卢次勇广州市城乡结合部初中生吸烟行为特点的调查中国公共卫生管理. 尚存在的问题与困难(Existing challenges)争取学校所有教职员工的支持和调动他(她)们的积极性确实有难度Its hard to attract all staffs attention and inspire them to carry out the program spontaneously
15、.目前中学的课时安排比较紧张,没有充裕的时间供项目专用见缝插针The schedule of secondary school is so tight that there is limited spare time for us.对于学校周围烟贩向学生非法售烟,现无有效且可性的干预措施 No effective and applicable measures can be taken to limit illegal sales to minors, even around the schools.如何整合政府、高校、学校与学生家庭等多方面的力量是个难题There are some diff
16、iculties to integrate the power of families, schools, the government and the college.某些对照学校自行有一些控烟措施,是否会对效果评价造成影响?Edge effects were found in some control schools, which may reduce the difference of smoking related KAP between two groups.考虑到干预项目的现场工作艰巨,课题组的专职人员数量不足,许多好的想法没办法实现Considering the heavy task in field, the number of full-time staffs for the program is not adequate. Therefore some good ideas could not be
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