1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 初一年级英语黄河警示 我国唐代诗人李白曾写道:“黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回”。 Li Bai, a poet of Tang Dynasty in China, once wrote, the water of the Yellow River rises in the sky and flows to the sea without returning. 从地图上看,黄河干流像一个巨大的“几”字。 From the map, the main stream of the Yellow River looks like a huge several c
2、haracter. 有人说:黄河是中华民族的母亲河,它为中华文明作出了巨大的付出。也有人说:黄河是一条害河,它在历史上曾屡屡决口泛滥,给黄河流域的人民带来了深重的灾难。那么,我们将怎样对付黄河的呢。 It is said that the Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation, which has made great contributions to Chinese civilization. It is also said that the Yellow River is a harmful river. It has
3、 burst and overflowed many times in history, which has brought serious disasters to the people in the Yellow River Basin. So, what do we think of the Yellow River. 黄河流经地区,一般降水缺乏。黄河水,使一块块枯竭的土地呈现了活力。 The Yellow River flows through the area, and the precipitation is generally insufficient. The Yellow R
4、iver water has brought vitality to the dry land. 黄河的下游早有“地上河”之称!那“地上河”又是怎样形成的呢原来,黄河中游流经支离破碎,土层疏松的黄土高原,支流也对比多。由于黄土高原植被遭到破坏,一遇暴雨大量的泥沙与雨水一起,汇入黄河,使黄河成为全世界含沙量最多的河流。据观测,黄河仍以平均每年10厘米的速度向上升高。黄河之害,在于下游决口改道。由于大量泥沙入河并在下游河道沉积。黄河泥沙百分之九十来自中游,因此,加强中游黄土高原地区的水土保持是治黄的根本。 The lower reaches of the Yellow Riv()er have l
5、ong been known as rivers on the ground! How did the river on the ground come into being? It turns out that the middle reaches of the Yellow River flows through a fragmented Loess Plateau with loose soil layers and many tributaries. Due to the destruction of vegetation on the Loess Plateau, a large a
6、mount of sediment and rainwater will flow into the Yellow River in case of rainstorm, making the Yellow River the most sediment laden river in the world. According to observation, the Yellow River is still rising at an average annual rate of 10 cm. The harm of the Yellow River lies in the breach and diversion of the lower reaches. Because a large amount of sediment enters the river and deposits in the downstream channel. 90% of the sediment of the Yellow River comes from the middle reaches. Therefore, strengthening the soil and wa
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