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1、Unit 7Period 1听说课Section A(1a2d)Objectives1. Talk about what you are allowed to do or not. 2. Talk about if you agree or disagree with something.Do you agree? Or disagree?Students are allowed to study with friends after class.Students are not allowed to drink and smoke.Do you agree? Or disagree?Stud

2、ents should be allowed to take part in after-class activity. Teenagers should not be allowed to drive a car because they dont have the drivers license .Do you agree? Or disagree? Teenagers are allowed to protect the environment. Students are not allowed to get their ears pierced.Do you agree? Or dis

3、agree? Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Students are not allowed to cheat in a test.Do you agree? Or disagree? Teenagers should not be allowed to go to the Internet bar. Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs.1a Read the statements below. Circle A for a

4、gree or D for disagree.1. Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke. A D2. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. A D3. Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs. A D4. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. A D5. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their

5、own clothes. A DListen and circle T for true or F for false. Anna can go to the shopping center by bus. T F2. Anna wants to get her ears pierced. T F3. Anna wants to choose her own clothes. T F1b1c Look at the statements in 1a and make conversations. A: I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allow

6、ed to drive.B: I agree. They arent serious enough. Pairwork“同意” I agree; I cant agree more; I approve; You are right; I have the same idea with you;of course; I think so. “不同意”I disagree; I object; I dont think so; no way.“同意”与“不同意”的常用短语拓展 What does Molly think of Kathys statements ? Listen and Circ

7、le A forAgree, D for Disagree or DK for Doesnt Know.2a Kathy MollySixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to work at night. A D DKLarry shouldnt work every night. A D DKHe should cut his hair. A D DK 4. He should stop wearing that silly earring. A D DK5. He doesnt seem to have many friends. A D DKLi

8、sten again. What are Kathys and Mollys reasons? Number their reasons in the correct order._ It looks cool._ Young people need to sleep._ He needs to spend time with friends. _ He needs time to do homework._ It doesnt look clean.2b41523Make a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed

9、to do. Discuss your list with your partner.A: Do you think teenagers should .?B: Yes, I ./No, I .2cWhat students should What students shouldbe allowed to do. not be allowed to do. 2d Role-play the conversation.Sandy: Im really excited about seeing the famous paintings by Picasso. Wu Lan: Me, too! Im

10、 glad Mr. Smith chose the art museum for our school trip this year. Sandy: Im going to bring my new camera to take lots of photos!Wu Lan: Oh, no. Mr. Smith says we must not take photos. Its not allowed in the museum.Sandy: Thats too bad! Do you think we might be allowed to take photos if we dont use

11、 a flash?Wu Lan: Hmm . I think they just want to protect the paintings. So if you dont use a light, then it might be OK.Sandy: Yeah. I think we should be allowed to do that. Ill bring my camera anyway.Language points1. No way ! 没门 No way 意为“不可能;决不;不行;没门”,多用于口语中,表示某人不可能做某事或某事不可能发生。例:-Can I leave now?

12、 我可以现在离开吗? -No way! 不行!2. I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. 我认为不应该允许16岁的青少年开车。(1) sixteen-year-olds 名词,意为“16岁的青少年”,相当于sixteen-year-old boys and girls。 sixteen-year-olds,sixteen-year-old与 sixteen years old. sixteen-year-olds“16岁的青少年”,是名词,在“基数词-名词(单数)-形容词”结构中,形容词后加-s表示一类人或事物。例

13、:Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to go out at night. 应该允许16岁的青少年夜间外出。辨析 sixteen-year-old“16岁的”,是由“基数 词-名词(单数)-形容词”构成的复合形容 词,在句中通常做前置定语,修饰名词。例:My pen pal is a sixteen-year-old boy. 我的笔友是一个16岁的男孩。 sixteen years old“16岁”,用来描述人的 年龄,常在句中作表语。例:My brother is sixteen years old. 我哥哥十六岁了。(2)allow (to let

14、sb. do sth.)及物动词,意为“允许;准许”,常用于下列结构中: allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事例:The teacher allowed him to go into the classroom. 老师允许他进教室。 allow doing sth.允许做某事例:We dont allow smoking in public places. 我们不允许在公共场所吸烟。 be (not) allowed to do sth. (不) 被允许做某事例:Passengers are not allowed to smoke. 不允许乘客吸烟。3. Im worri

15、ed about your safety. 我担心你的安全。(1)worried 作形容词,意为“担心的;烦恼的;焦虑的”。常用短语be worried about意为“为担心”。例:Dont be so worried. Everything will be fine. 不要如此担心,一切都会好起来的。 拓展 worry 可用作不及物动词,其后接宾语时要加about,即worry about,意为“担心”,可与be worried about 互换。例:Dont worry about me. 别为我担心。(2) safety 名词,意为“安全;安全性”,其常用短语 in safety 意为

16、“处于安全状态”。例:I will answer for her safety. 我将对她的安全负责。 The children are now in safety. 孩子们现在安全了。拓展 safety, safe 即safely 的对应反义词名词 形容词 副词safety safe safelydanger dangerous dangerously4. Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs. 不应该允许学生做兼职(1)part-time jobs是合成形容词,意为“兼职的;业余的;非全日制的”,其反义词是full-ti

17、me,意为“全职的;全日制的”。例:In America many students are part-time workers. 在美国,许多学生是兼职工作者。(2)job可数名词,意为“工作”,指零散的、具体的工作。其近义词为work,是不可数名词,其常用短语为at work,意为“在工作”。例:He looked for work for several months and at last he found a job most suitable for him. 他一连找了好几个月的工作,最后找到 了一份适合自己的工作。5. Sixteen-year-olds should be a

18、llowed to get their ears pierced. 应该允许16岁的青少年打耳洞。 get ones ears pierced 意为“打耳洞”,此处get为使役动词,相当于make和have,意为“使;让”。“get / have+宾语+过去分词”意为“使某事被做”或“让某人做某事”。例:Youd better go and get your hair cut. its too long. 你最好去把头发理了。它太长了。拓展 get用于使役动词还可用于get sb. to do sth.结构,意为“使某人做某事”例:I cant get him to change his id

19、ea. 我不能使他改变想法。6. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 应该允许青少年选择他们自己的衣服。(1)choose及物动词,其后可接名词或代词作宾语。例:He chose a good job last year. 去年他选择了一份好工作。拓展 choose to do sth.例:He chose to go there by air. 他决定乘飞机去那里 choose+特殊疑问词+to do例:You will have to choose which one to buy. 你将不得不选择买哪一个。 c

20、hoose 还可用于以下两种结构:(2)own 此处用作形容词,意为“自己的;本人的”,常用在形容词性物主代词或所有格之后,以加强语气。还可用作代词,意为“属于自己的东西”。常用结构“ones own +sth.”表示”某人自己的”,相当于“sth.+of ones own”。例:This is your own duty. Dont be angry with others. 这是你自己的责任。不要迁怒于他人。 I want to have a big house of my own. 我想有一所属于自己的大房子。7. I agree. They arent serious enough.

21、我同意。他们不够稳重。 enough副词,意为“足够地”,修饰形容词或副词要后置。例:You dont work hard enough. 你工作不够努力。拓展 enough 还可用作形容词,意为“足够的;充足的”。修饰名词时,一般放在名词前面,有时也放在名词后面。例:There will be enough money for us. 我们将有足够的钱。There will be time enough to relax for us.我们将有足够的时间休息。8. He should stop wearing that silly earring.他应该停止戴那个可笑的耳环。(1)stop

22、doing sth. 意为“停止做某事”。例:Lets stop talking!让我们停止说话吧!辨析stop doing sth. 与 stop to do sth.stop doing sth. stop to do sth. 指停止正在做的事情。指停止手头所做的事情去 做另外一件事情。例:The two girls stopped talking when they saw me. 那两个女孩看到我时停止了讲话。 I stopped to talk to him when I saw him. 我看到他时停下来去和他讲话。(2)silly为形容词,意为“愚蠢的;傻的;可笑 的”。例:It was silly of you to trust him. 你信任他,真是愚蠢。辨析sil


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