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1、译林八年级英语上册Unit2综合素质评价限时:100分钟满分:100分一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Some people think cars there are in a family,our environmentwill be.A. the less; the betterB. fewer; the worseC. the more; worseD. the fewer; the betterEveryone time waits for no man, but some students still spend thei

2、r timeplaying computer games.A. seem knowB. seems knowC. seems to knowD. seem to knowHere are clear instructions. First them and then tell us how to make afruit salad.A. look intoB. look upC. look through D. look afterSimon writes best in his class and he writes even better than one in ourclass.A. a

3、ny otherB. the otherC. anyD. the othersPeople who have a balanced diet live than who only eat hamburgers.A. more healthy; the onesB. more healthily; the oneC. much more healthily; thoseD. much healthier; thatWhy not your teacher for help when you cant finish it byyourself?A. ask; writingB. to ask; w

4、ritingC. ask; writeD. asking; writeThe supermarket is a strange place. People usually spend time findingthings than they want, but they usually spend money than they want.A. less; lessB. fewer; more C. less; more D. fewer; lessMost girls in my class think(物理)is the most difficult subject.F is my fav

5、ourite season. Farmers are always busy harvesting crops.Our class is a m one. Boys and girls have lessons together.Eric went to work after he had a(very fast)breakfast.In our school, we usually have a(every week)class meeting on Friday afternoon.五 【原创】根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文完 整。(每小题1分,共10分)Some

6、 people say that teachers are like our second parents”. They can make a big 61(different)in our lives.English is my favourite subject and Jack is my favourite English teacher. He is from England and has lived in China for about five years. He has short curly hair and bright blue eyes. Jack is about

7、1.88 metres tall and looks strong. He is the 62(young)teacher among all my teachers. I like talking with him because we have some shared 63 (interested).I really like English classes. The first reason for this is that 64(he) classes are relaxing, which are different from Chinese classes. The second

8、reason is that Jack is handsome. We are proud to have a teacher like him. In addition, he teaches us 65 (patient). He always smiles at us and never gets angry, eventhough some of my classmates are always 66(noise)and make him unhappy.Lastly, hes a native English speaker. His pronunciation is great.

9、He uses exaggerated (夸张的)and funny body language to explain new 67(word)meanings. Wereally enjoy having his classes.He is a gentleman. I still remember that on a cold day last winter, he was 68 (wear) just a T-shirt. We all guessed that he 69 (may)play football. He said he 70 (give)his winter coat t

10、o Peter, another teacher whowas sick.Jack is the best teacher Ive ever had. I really admire him.六、书面表达(共10分)假如你是阳光中学的学生Lucy,你的学校将举办英语写作比赛。请根据所给 提示,以“My school life”为题,写一篇短文。My school life:Study-have different subjects.Friends-helpful/kind.Activities.Feeling.注意:.包括要点中所给的信息,并做适当发挥;.行文连贯,书写规范;.词数:8。左右。

11、第一段已给出,不计入总词数。My School LifeI am Lucy. I study at Sunshine Middle School. Now Id like to tell you something about my school life.Unit 2综合素质评价、l.DC提示:用固定搭配法。本题考查固定搭配seem to do sth.意为“似乎做某 事。everyone是单数,故选C。C提示:用短语辨析法。look into考察,调查;look up查阅(字典等);look through浏览;look after照顾。句意为“这里是清楚的说明,先浏览一下它们,再告诉我们

12、怎么做水果沙拉”。故选C。CC提示:本题考查比较级及代词。live是动词,所以用副词healthily修饰,其 比较级为more healthily,可以用much修饰,故排除A和D。用来指代上文出 现过的同一性质的事物时,单数或不可数用that,复数用those。第二空指代的 是people,用those。故选C。A 提示:本题考查why not do sth.和finish doing sth.,故选A。C提示:本题考查比较级。time和money都是不可数名词,都只能用less或 者more修饰,排除B和D。but表转折,所以选择C。A提示:用语法判定法。句意为我太累了,不能走得更远了,

13、去茶社喝一 杯怎么样?好的,我也渴了。far的比较级是farther,表示距离上的远。 故选A。C提示:考查名词辨析。句意为“庭院,garden,这个单词在美式英语中也被叫作 tyard o soccer 足球;truck 卡车;yard 庭院;vacation 假期。garden 和yard 都 有“庭院”的意思,故选C。D提示:用词义辨析法。句意为地震发生的时候,你听到奇怪的声音了 吗?一没有,那个时候我正在花园里欣赏我的鸟儿动听的叫声”。sound泛 指自然界一切“声音”;noise指一些吵的,让人觉得不愉快的“噪音”;voice 一个人唱歌或讲话的“嗓音”。whisper意为“低语,私

14、谈”。根据语境可知, 第一空要用sound,表示泛指;第二空要用voice,指鸟的声音。故选D。B提示:用固定搭配法。句意为“每年国庆节我们有7天假”。“have+时间 段+ofr意为“有多长时间的假”,是固定搭配。故选b。AA提示:考查疑问词辨析。句意为“孩子们,你们每天花多少时间做作业? 大约两个小时“。How much多少,修饰不可数名词;How long多长(对 长度或时长提问);How many多少,修饰可数名词复数;How often多久一次 (对频率提问)。根据句中“time”可知,空处修饰不可数名词time,应用how mucho 故选A。A提示:用短语辨析法。句意为我一次可以

15、从这个图书馆借多少本书?至多两本。如果你想要借更多的书,你要归还你已经借的两本书”。at most至多;more than多于;at least至少;less than少于。根据语境可知,最 多两本,故选A。D提示:用情景交际法。句意为“你最好的朋友是什么样的人?他乐 于助人,慷慨大方”。句式“Whats sb汰e?”询问某人的性格、品质等;故D 项“他乐于助人,慷慨大方”可作为答语。故选D。二、16. C提示:考查形容词。根据后文中的“so he didnt have any friends”可推 测,文章的主人公John应该很内向。因此,C符合题意。故选C。A提示:考查副词。根据前文中的“

16、He did well in most subjects, but.”推知, 数学考试总不及格。故选A。B提示:考查名词。根据下文可知,John捡了Kevin妈妈掉了的钱包并归还 给她,作为感谢,Kevin邀请他去自己家做客,从此两个人成了好朋友。由此 可知an act of.应意为“一1善举”,符合文章大意。故选B。A 提示:考查动词。根据“One day, John saw a lady drop a purse on his way to school. 和“John caught up with her and handed the purse to her. 推知女士掉 落钱包没有注

17、意到。故选A。B 提示:考查名词。根据“That evening, she told Kevin about the kind little boy who the purse to her. 和“To thank John, Kevin and his mom decidedto invite”推知那个(掉钱包的)女士恰恰是凯文的妈妈。故选B。D提示:考查动词。根据上文中的关键句“John saw a lady drop a purse on his way to school. John caught up with her and handed the purse to her. 可知,

18、约 翰将掉在路上的钱包捡起来还给了失主。因此,D符合题意。故选D。C提示:考查副词。根据文章语境可知,当Kevin的妈妈和Kevin说起这个事 情的时候,结合Kevin的话“Did be paid at the first lesson.”可知,所有的费用 必须在第一堂课上支付。由倒数第二段可知,学费可以使用现金支付或用银 行卡支付,但不包括微信支付。故选B。C 提示:细节理解题。根据表格中“All new students will receive a free tennis racquet when joining for the first 可知,第一次参加网球课的新学生都 可以免费得到

19、一个网球拍。故选C。C 37. A提示:细节理解题。根据短文第二段中的“They dance for 30 minutes every day.”可知,学生们每天在操场上跳“鬼步舞”30分钟。故选A。B提示:细节理解题。根据短文第四段中的“n 2018, he introduced the dance to all the pupils of his school.”可知,西关小学的学生们是在2018年开始跳“鬼 步舞”的。故选B。A提示:细节理解题。根据短文第四段中的“The music is energetic and it really makes children relax.9,9可

20、知,张鹏飞校长认为“鬼步舞”的音乐充满活 力、令人放松。故选A。D提示:细节理解题。根据短文最后一段中的“Now the pupils don,t ke叩 playing games on their phones.可知,在张校长把“鬼步舞”介绍给他学校 的学生之后,他们不再沉迷于手机上的游戏了。故选D。D 41. C提示:细节理解题。根据短文第一段中“But one day, a newcomer, the school headmaster, joined them at the same table.”可知,新来的和学生们一 起在同张桌子吃午饭的人是学校校长。故选C。C提示:细节理解题。

21、根据短文第二段中“The government issued a notice on food safety and nutrition (营养)management in schools, asking headmasters from the kindergarten to the high school to have meals with students.“可知政府要求 从幼儿园到高中的校长都要跟学生们同餐。故选C。C提示:事件排序题。先是学生们独立用餐,后是政府出台了规定,并从2019 年4月1日执行,接下来学校餐厅出现了供管理者使用的座位,最后校长们 把与学生们同餐交谈看作是他们

22、与学生们进行沟通交流的主要机会。故选C。C 提示:推理判断题。government issued a notice on food safety and nutrition (营养)management in schools, asking headmasters from the kindergarten to the high school to have meals with students.可知政府下发 了 关 于学校食品安全与营养管理的通知,要求从幼儿园到you mean poor John, my classmate?可知,Kevin应该是惊讶的。故选C。AB提示:考查动词。根据

23、第一段的“Kevin, was a mean kid, who bullied (欺负) almost everyone including John”及本空的下文“Unexpectedly (令人意外的是)”可知,这里John以为Kevin又要欺负他。可知,B符合题意。故选B。A提示:考查介词。根据Unexpectedly (令人意外的是),Kevin gave him a big hug (拥抱)”,推知后面“Thank you returning my moms purse yesterday!?,意为:感谢你昨天归还我妈妈的钱包。Thank you for.意为 “因而感谢你”。故选A

24、。C 提示:考查动词。根据后文“Well, I have to get my mother飞 permission (允许) first.”可推知前面意为:她想邀请你吃一些自家烤的曲奇饼干。故选C。D提示:考查名词。根据文章开头可知,John很害羞,没有任何朋友。因此, 在这里,妈妈应该是非常开心地看见了孩子带了朋友回家,认为这是一种变 化。可知,D符合题意。故选D。B 提示:考查动词。根据后文”the freshly baked cookies Kevin9s mom served 推知前面意为:两个孩子享用了(凯文的妈妈新烤的曲奇饼),故选B。AB提示:考查副词。文中“With Johns

25、 help”意为“在约翰的帮助下”,可推测 Kevin应该是成功地通过了数学测试。可知,B符合题意。故选B。三 第一节:AB提示:细节理解题。由短文第二段中“Let me tell you what we do in our second-grade class?5可知,Cindy在佛罗里达州读二年级。故选B。C提示:细节理解题。由短文第二段中“Then we go to learning centers. There you can work on the computer, play a game, or read a book. 可知,Cindy 可以 在学习中心玩游戏。故选C。A提示:

26、推理判断题。通读短文可知,老师热心地向Cindy介绍了学校的日 常课程和活动,最后老师说自己明天见到Cindy会很高兴,同学们也会很高 兴。可推知老师是个友好的人。故选A。B 34. C 提示:推理判断题。根据表格中”.Tuesday, October 9th, the day before the course begins.可知,网球会议举行的时间是10月9日,星期二,由此推 出课程在周三开始。故选C。35. B提示:细节理解题。根据表格中的“All the cost must高中的校长与学生们 一起吃饭。结合全文可以推断出学校管理者更注重食品安全和营养了。故选Co45. D提示:文章出处

27、题。这是一篇报道,能从报纸上看到,故选D。第二节:4650: CGAFD四、51. offered 52. language 53. during 54. discussing55. daily 56. Physics 57. Fall 58. mixed 59. quick60. weekly五、61. difference 62. youngest 63. interests 64. his65. patiently 66. noisy 67. words 68. wearing69. might 70. gave六、范文:My School LifeI am Lucy. I study

28、at Sunshine Middle School. Now Id like to tell you something about my school life.I like my school very much because I can learn many things at school. I have different subjects. Its important to listen carefully in class. I have many friends at school. They often help me with my homework. After cla

29、ss, they help keep the classroom clean. If I am in trouble, they will be ready to offer me some help. There are many after-school activities for me to take part in. I have a day out every month. Its meaningful fbr me to go into nature.My school life is colourful.作文点评:本文使用“总分总法”描写了自己的学校生活。文章涵盖了所有 要点,

30、用三段式描写,结构清晰。第一段总领全文;第二段从学科、朋友和课外 活动三个方面进行描写;第三段用colourful总结学校生活和作者的感受,逻辑 合理。文章多处使用了精彩的短语和句型,如It,s important to listen carefully in class.; help me with my homework; If I am in trouble, they will be ready to offer me some help,; Its meaningful fbr me to go into nature.等,为文章增色不少。文中画 线部分为文章的出彩之处。一 I am

31、 too tired to walk. What about having a drink in the teahouse?一 OK. I am thirsty too.A. any fartherB. any farthestC. any farD. farthestThe word “garden“ is also called in American English.A. soccerB. truckC. yardD. vacation一 Did you hear any strange when the quake happened?一 No, I was in my garden e

32、njoying the beautiful of my birds at that time.A. voice; noiseB. noise; sound C. whisper; soundD. sound; voiceWe have 7 days for National Day every year.A. onB. offC. outD. in How many women doctors are there in your hospital, David?-them 123.A. The number of; isB. A number of; isC. The number of; a

33、reD. A number of; aretime do you spend on your homework every day, boys?About two hours.A. How much B. How long C. How manyD. How often一 How many books can I borrow from the library at a time?two. If you want to borrow more, you will have to return the two books you have borrowed.A. At mostB. More t

34、han C. At leastD. Less than一 Whats your best friend like?A. He is fine. Thank youB. He is a doctorC. He likes watching TVD. He is helpful and generous二、完形填空(每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。John was a poor but very smart kid and he always got top grades at school. Hewaswas16 s

35、o he didnt have any friends. His classmate, Kevin, was a mean kid,who bullied (欺负)almost everyone including John. He did well in most subjects, but 17 failed Math.The two kids couldnt be more different, but an act of 18 connected them. One day, John saw a lady drop a purse on his way to school. The

36、lady didnt19 that. John caught up with her and handed the purse to her.The lady happened to be Kevins 20. That evening, she told Kevinabout the kind little boy who 21 the purse to her. She said, His names John.I guess he goes to your school.” What?” Kevin said 22, Did you meanpoor John, my classmate

37、?”anyone. They became best friends as well.A. friendlyA. alwaysA. braveryA. noticeB. braveB. sometimesB. kindnessB. seeA. auntmothershyC. neverC. friendshipC. careC. grandmaactiveD. seldomD. badnessD. watchD. sisterTo thank John, Kevin and his mom decided to invite him over for some 23 The next day,

38、 when John saw big Kevin running towards him, he got really scared(害怕).He thought Kevin was going to 24 him. Unexpectedly(令人意夕卜的是),Kevin gave him a big hug(拥抱),“Thank you三、阅读理解(共两节,共40分)21. A. leftB. showedC.caughtD. returned22. A. angrilyB. worriedlyC. surprisedlyD. happily23. A. snacksB. mealsC. f

39、ruitsD. vegetables24. A. thankB. beatC. wakeD. help25. A. forB. toC. ofD. with26. A. asks toB. comes toC. wants toD. dislikes to27. A. prizeB. challengeC. progressD.change28. A. sentB. enjoyedC. gotD. took29. A. howB. whyC. whenD. when30. A. hopefullyB. successfullyC. luckilyD. unluckily第一节:阅读下面短文,从

40、短文后每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选 出最佳选项。(每小题2分,共30分)ACindy was eight years old and lived with her parents in California. One day, her parents told her that they would leave California in a week and move to Florida because her father found a new job there.A week later, after they moved to Florida, Cindys mother

41、 took her to meet her new teacher. The teacher said, Welcome to our school, Cindy. Let me tell you what we do in our second-grade class. We start the day with reading and writing. After that, we have Maths. Then we go out to have a long rest for outdoor activities. We eat lunch at eleven oclock. The

42、n we have story time. After the story time, we have Science. Then we go to learning centers. There you can work on the computer, play a game, or read a book. Next, we have Spelling (写字课).Finally, we go to Music and Art classes for the last hour of the day. Here is a time list of the subjects and sch

43、ool activities for you. There is some other information, ril be glad to see you tomorrow, Cindy! Im sure your new classmates will be glad to see you, too.”What grade was Cindy in when she moved to Florida with her parents?A. In Grade One.B. In Grade Two.C. In Grade Three.D. In Grade Four.According t

44、o the passage, Cindy would at her new school.have Maths before reading and writingdo outdoor activities after lunchplay games in learning centerstake Music and Art classes in the morningWe can know from the passage that Cindys new teacher was.A. friendlyB. honestC. humorous D. quietBSUNSHINE SCHOOL

45、TENNIS LESSONSTerm 4- Grade 1 6All the tennis lessons will start from October 1()th.The cost is $136.00 for 8 lessons. Classes missed because of rain will be made up(补上).All the cost must be paid at the first lesson.TENNIS MEETINGA meeting will be held at lunchtime, Tuesday, October 9th, the day bef

46、ore the course begins, on the school tennis courts(网壬求场)to let you know the lesson time. Please ask your child to be there.FREE TENNIS RACQUET(球拍)All new students will receive a free tennis racquet when joining for the first time.NOTICEThe cost can be paid in cash(现金)or by card.Let us know the time

47、your child cannot take the lessons. And its impossible for us to give lessons at your requested time.The lessons will start.on Monday B. on Tuesday C. on Wednesday D. on Friday 35. What do we know about the cost?A. It must be paid by WeChat.It must be paid at the first lesson.It cannot be paid by ca

48、rd.It must be paid before the first lesson.can get a free racquet.Students having paid the costStudents paying the cost in cashStudents joining for the first timeStudents having taken the lessons beforeCA primary school headmaster became the latest star on the Internet for dancing with his students.

49、Zhang Pengfei works in Xiguan Primary School in Linyi, Shanxi Province. Eveiy morning, he leads 700 pupils to do the “ghost shuffle (鬼步舞)routine on the playground. They dance for 30 minutes every day. They like dancing more than doing the old exercise routine, so they dont do the old one now.“I thou

50、ght we needed a change because the students lost interest in doing the old exercise routine though it was useful fbr them. Zhang told the reporter, After all, they started to do the old exercise routine in 1951.99Mr Zhang saw a group of people doing the ghost shuffle“ routine by accident. Then he de

51、cided to learn it on his own. I thought thedance would be great for kidshe said, “The music is energetic and it really makes children relax/5 In 2018, he introduced the dance to all the pupils of his school. Soon even the teachers and workers there joined in the activity.“Now the pupils dont keep pl

52、aying games on their phones. Sometimes they watch different dancing videos and learn new moves!” the headmaster said.The students do the ghost shuffle” routine fbr every day.A. 30 minutes B. 1.5 hoursC. 2 hoursD. 2.5 hoursWhen did the students in Xiguan Primary School start to do the ghost shuffle”

53、routine?A. In 1951. B.In 2018.C. In 2019.D. In 2020.How did Zhang Pengfei feel about the music of the ghost shuffle routine?A. Energetic and relaxing.B. Slow and traditional.C. Classical and interesting.D. Quiet and relaxing.After Mr Zhang introduced the ghost shuffle“ routine to his school, the pup

54、ilsbecame smarterasked their parents to dance with themdidnt do other types of sports any moredidnt keep playing games on their phonesDWu Yue, a 14-year-old student at a junior high school in Hangzhou, usually has lunch with his classmates in their dining hall. But one day, a newcomer, the school he

55、admaster, joined them at the same table. They talked about the food that the dining hall offered and had a nice chat.Wu is not alone. Many students across China have the chance to eat with their headmasters. The government issued a notice on food safety and nutrition(营 养)management in schools, askin

56、g headmasters from the kindergarten to the high school to have meals with students. The rule took effect(生效)on April 1st, 2019.Many schools now have seats for school managers when they eat with students in the dining hall. After talking with them, the managers have to write reports and make suggesti

57、ons to the dining hall workers. Many students were asked about the food that they liked most. To their surprise, their favorite dishes appeared in the dining hall later. Its not just about the food. It makes me feel that I have a say at school J explained one student. My ideas are valued.”Some headm

58、asters regard these mealtime conversations as their main chance to communicate with students. And they notice that some students prefer meat to vegetables* “We are thinking about how to improve the dining halls dishes and provide students with a healthier diet; one headmaster said. As students becom

59、e more familiar with the school managers, they begin to express their own points of view.“Its important to understand students9 requirements. Our practice shows the schools sense of responsibility,“ another headmaster said.Who was the newcomer to have lunch with students at the dining hall?A. The ne

60、w student.B. The school teacher.C. The school headmaster.D. The dining hall worker.In what kind of school, headmasters are asked to have meals with students?Just the high school.Only the kindergarten.From the kindergarten to the high school.Only the kindergarten and the high school.Which is the righ


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