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1、第1页,共52页。Making Business InvestigationTask 1Leading-in QuestionsPart IDrills & ExpressionsPart IITypical DialoguesPart IIIRoles SimulationPart IV第2页,共52页。Leading-in QuestionsPart IQ1What is market research? Why is it important to make market research before you negotiate with a new customer?Market r

2、esearch is actually an analysis of a specific market for a particular product. It is the study of all processes involved in getting goods from the producer to customers.Before deciding to start a business, one needs to develop sound business ideas and perform adequate market research, engage in nece

3、ssary financial planning, and decide on the form of the business. Successful market research can help you find out the market situation and market value of a particular product or service.第3页,共52页。Leading-in QuestionsPart IQ2How to carry out market research? What issues do you need to consider when

4、you are performing market research?There are various techniques such as questionnaire design, sampling procedures and data analysis. Different technique functions differently. You should think of market research in the context of making a business decision and go on to examine what objectives can be

5、 met by doing market research and the expected payoffs.第4页,共52页。Leading-in QuestionsPart IQ3What are the main contents of credit investigations? Through what channels can we obtain the necessary information? Usually, credit investigations include three Cs, i.e. capital (financial condition), capacit

6、y (business activity), and character (honesty integrity, the record of honoring or dishonoring contracts and other obligations). The related credit information is mainly obtained from bank, organizations for credit inquiries or other organizations.第5页,共52页。Leading-in QuestionsPart IQ4What is the imp

7、ortance of knowing related business cultures or customs before negotiating?Globalization has changed the way the world does business. The Globalization of economies has created a confluence of cultures when it comes to business practices. There are some cases in which cultural differences have led t

8、o misunderstandings in business. Some people often failed in business negotiation because of the lack of cultural knowledge. So knowing related business cultures or customs before negotiating is one of the key issues for successful negotiation.第6页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIDrill 1A: I went ove

9、r the sales figures in the market research. It seems theres only one conclusion.B: Whats that?A: It seems this market is sensitive to price.B: So, we should start at a low introductory price?A: I think that would be a good idea. Price is an important variable in our market, so we can use it to build

10、 our customer base. We can bring the price up after our customer base is consolidated.Notes:“went over”这里指“通读,浏览”;“market research”这里可以翻译为“市场调查”,与之意思大致相同的表达还有“market survey”;“introductory price” 可译作“推广价”;“variable”这里用作名词,意为“变量”。翻译第7页,共52页。Part IIDrills & ExpressionsA: 我看过市场调查报告中的销售数字了。看起来结论似乎只有一个。B:

11、 是什么呢?A: 市场似乎对价格很敏感。B: 那我们开始时是不是要定一个比较低的市场推广价呢?A: 我想这个主意不错。价格在我们的市场上是一个重要的变量,所以我们可以利用价格建立我们的顾客基础。我们可以在顾客基础稳固之后再把价格提高。第8页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIDrill 2A: From what Ive read, the trend of eating out instead of at home continues to increase every year.B: Youre right. That business would proba

12、bly be a money maker if youre in the right location.A: Do you really think so?B: Yes. Have you done any research on location or which kind of fast food is more popular?A: I have done some, but I need more information before I make a final decision.B: There are professionals you can go to for help.No

13、tes:“money maker”这里指挣钱的工具或途径,可以翻译为“摇钱树”或“印钞机”之类的表达; “professionals”这里指“专业人员”,所以“go to professionals for help”意思是“向专业人员求助”翻译第9页,共52页。Part IIDrills & ExpressionsA: 根据我得到的消息,不在家里吃饭而是外出就餐的趋势每年都在增长。B: 说得对。如果您选到适当的地点,这门生意可能会挣大钱的。A: 您真的这么认为吗?B: 是的。您对地点或者哪种快餐最受欢迎做过调查没有?A: 我初步调查了一下,但我需要更多的信息才能做最后决定。B: 您可以求助专

14、业人员。第10页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIDrill 3A: Are you using any products of this company at present?B: Yes, I am using their laptop.A: Good. Then what do you think about their products?B: Well, generally speaking, its not bad.A: Would you please be more specific?B: The colour and the design are

15、 good. But I think there is still room for improvement in performance.Notes:“laptop”指“手提电脑”,又称“便携式电脑”或“膝上电脑”。这个词主要见于英式英语中,而美国人则常用notebook; “ be more specific”指“(说得)更具体一些”。翻译第11页,共52页。Part IIDrills & ExpressionsA: 您现在使用该公司的产品吗?B: 是的,我在用他们的手提电脑。A: 太好了!那您对他们的产品有什么意见吗?B: 总体来说,还不错。A: 您可否说得具体一点?B: 颜色和设计都不

16、错,但是我认为性能上还有改进的空间。第12页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIDrill 4A: We just know little about your company. Do you mind telling us your regular bank so that we could get acquainted with your company?B: No problem. Our regular bank is Bank of Canada. You wont meet any difficulty in obtaining the informa

17、tion you inquire for.A: Really glad to hear that, and that will expedite our future trade.B: Er. In return, can you furnish us with your reference bank?A: Yes, of course. Our reference bank is Bank of China, Guangzhou Branch. We feel sure that the bank will supply you with any information you need.B

18、: Thanks. Hope everything goes well as our expectations.A: It will be. We wish to cooperate with you as soon as possible.Notes:“know little”这里表示否定的意思,意为“知之甚少”; “regular bank”这里可以翻译为“往来银行”,与之意思大致相同的表达还有“reference bank”(译为“参考银行”),两者都是指业务往来较多、可提供相关资料的银行; “get acquainted with sb.”表示“了解或熟悉某人”;“in return”

19、这里指“作为交换”;“furnish sb. with.”表示“向某人提供”,用法与“supply sb. with.”相同。翻译第13页,共52页。Part IIDrills & ExpressionsA: 只是我们对贵公司知之甚少。不知您是否介意把你们的往来银行告诉我方,以便我方能更多地了解贵公司呢?B: 没问题。我们的往来银行是加拿大银行。相信你们一定会很顺利地得到您们所咨询的信息。A: 很高兴听到这个消息。这将加快我们将来的贸易进程。B: 呃,作为交换,贵方能否也向我方提供你们的往来银行信息呢?A: 当然可以。我们的往来银行是中国银行广州分行。相信该银行一定会向你方提供你们所需要的任何

20、消息的。B: 谢谢。希望一切能如我们所愿。A: 会的。但愿我方能尽快与你们合作。第14页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIDrill 5A: Could you please tell me something about ABC company?We are going to negotiate with them about an export contract.B: As far as we know, the executives of the company are very inexperienced in the business.A: Reall

21、y?B: Yes. So I advise you to be cautious in dealing with them.A: As this is the case, I think it is advisable for us to refrain from having relations with that company.B: What to do is up to you.A: Of course. Thank you, anyway.Notes: “As far as we know”和 “As this is the case”可分别译为“据我们所知”和“既然情况是这样” ,

22、这两个表达在谈判口语中用得很多,往往用来引出一个自己将要陈述的事实和将要做出的决定; “executives”是指“管理人员” ; “refrain from doing sth.”是个固定表达,指“避免做某事”。翻译第15页,共52页。Part IIDrills & ExpressionsA: 我们将要和ABC公司就一宗出口合同进行磋商。能否请您跟我说说该公司的情况呢?B: 据我们所知,这家公司的管理人员在业务经验方面非常缺乏。A: 真的?B: 是的。所以我建议你们在跟他们做生意时要非常谨慎。A: 既然情况如此,我认为避免和那家公司往来还是明智的。B: 你们自己看着办吧。A: 那当然了。不管

23、怎么说,谢谢您了。第16页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIDrill 6A: Our boss was angry with Jason in the meeting, you know, the Korean sales representative.B: Why was that? What happened?A:When our boss asked him whether Article No. F15 sold well in the northeast market, Jason said “yes”. As a matter of fact, o

24、ur boss knew that this product was not at all competitive.B: What an embarrassing case! You know, when a Korean says “yes”, he simply means “I understand your questions”.A: Oh yeah?B: I think your boss should learn some related Korean culture before attending the meeting.A: Yes, I agree with you.Not

25、es:“competitive”是指“(价格、品质等)经得起竞争,有竞争力”的意思,所以“was not at all competitive”指在市场上一点竞争力都没有; “embarrassing”指“尴尬的,令人困窘为难的” 。翻译第17页,共52页。Part IIDrills & ExpressionsA: 我们老板在会上对杰森发脾气了。你知道的,就是那个韩国销售代表。B: 为什么?怎么回事?A: 当我们老板问杰森F15 号产品在东北市场是否畅销时,他说“是的”。事实上,我们老板已经知道,这款产品一点竞争力都没有。B: 这真是个让人尴尬的情形。要知道,当韩国人说“是的”的时候,他的意思

26、是“我明白你的问题了”。A: 哦,是吗?B: 我觉得你们老板应该在开会前先了解一下相关的韩国文化。A: 是的。我同意你的观点。第18页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIDrill 7A: What gifts should I take to the host when I go to dinner at his house?B: But its unnecessary to do that.A: Why? We couldnt go to there empty- handed, could we? I wouldnt feel right.B: Perhap

27、s thats your Chinese custom. Well, if you really want to give the host a present, why not give something Chinese?A: Thats a good idea.Notes:“feel right”在这里的意思是“觉得自在”,所以这一句可以翻译为“我会觉得不好意思”; “Chinese”指“中国特有的,有中国特色的”翻译第19页,共52页。Part IIDrills & ExpressionsA: 我到别人家里去赴宴应该带些什么礼物给主人呢?B: 不过,没有必要送什么礼物呀。A: 为什么,

28、我们总不能空着手去吧?那多不好意思。B: 也许这是你们中国人的习惯。如果你真的想给主人一件礼品,干嘛不给他带点中国的东西?A: 这个主意不错。第20页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIDrill 8A: I thought at first that the American and the British are almost alike. And I also trusted a British gentleman I got along well with on the telephone until .B: Until when?A: Until I t

29、raveled to London to meet face-to-face with him to sign a contract. There was something that didnt seem right.B: What happened then?A: Throughout the presentation none of the British, not even the man I had developed a phone relationship with, would look at us in the eye. It was like they were hidin

30、g something.B: You have to understand this, my friend. Whereas Americans believe that looking at someone directly in the eye during negotiations indicates honesty and sincerity, the British believe such a gesture to be a mark of rudeness.A: I understand it now. I guess I shouldnt have taken it so pe

31、rsonally.翻译第21页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIDrill 8翻译Notes:“thought”是“think”的过去时,很多时候用来表达那些后来被证明是不正确的想法,所以往往翻译成中文的“原以为”,那么,这里的“ I thought at first”就可以翻译为“开始我以为”; “ I got along well with on the telephone”这里作定语修饰“a British gentleman”,整句可译为“一个我通过电话建立了良好关系的英国人”;在一个复合句中,如果“whereas”放在主句句首,就有“然而,反之”之意,

32、如果放在从句句首则可以理解为“在的时候(从句),却会(主句)”,所以本操练中的这句话应译为“在美国人认为的时候,英国人却觉得”;最后一个词“personally”原意为“亲自地、个人地”,在这里可译为“主观地、自以为是地”。第22页,共52页。Part IIDrills & ExpressionsA: 开始我以为美国人和英国人都是差不多的,而且我还曾经很信任一个我通过电话建立了良好关系的英国人,直到B: 到什么时候觉得不对了呢?A: 直到我去伦敦与他面对面签合同的时候。总好像有点什么不对劲。B: 出什么事了?A: 在整个陈述的过程中,所有英国人,甚至包括那个我通过电话建立了良好关系的英国人,都

33、不愿意直视我们的眼睛。看起来好像他们在隐瞒着什么。B: 你必须明白这一点,我的朋友。美国人认为谈判时直视对方的眼睛是表示诚实、真挚,而英国人却把这种行为视为粗鲁。A: 现在我明白了。我想在这件事上我是不应该这么自以为是的。第23页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIEnglish for Chinese Typical Business Expressions1.贵国的市场状况如何?How is the market situation in your country?2.您认为我们的产品在国际市场上有足够的竞争力吗?Do you think our produc

34、ts are competitive enough in an international market?第24页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIEnglish for Chinese Typical Business Expressions3.你们有海外工厂吗?Do you have overseas plants as well?4.我们最新型号的产品销售情况如何?How has our latest model been accepted?第25页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIEnglish for Chinese T

35、ypical Business Expressions5.这家公司有口皆碑,很可靠。This company is well-established and reliable.6.据我们所知,他们非常可靠,但对其真实的财务情况我们不甚了解。As far as we know, they are sound enough, but we have no certain knowledge of their true financial position.第26页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart IIEnglish for Chinese Typical Busines

36、s Expressions7.该被调查公司在商界享有很高的声望,他们总能很及时地履行其义务。The firm under inquiry enjoys a high reputation in the business circles for their punctuality in fulfilling obligations.8.他们被定为A1级公司。你们可放心地与之交易,没有什么风险。They are rated as A1 company. You can deal freely with little risk.第27页,共52页。Drills & ExpressionsPart I

37、IEnglish for Chinese Typical Business Expressions9.很抱歉,我无意中犯忌了。在我国,人们经常问这样的问题。I am very sorry I have unconsciously violated the taboo. In my culture, people ask such questions all the time.10.有时我们需要时间适应文化上的差异以便顺利地达成交易。Sometimes we need time to bridge the cultural gap so that we can conclude transact

38、ions smoothly.第28页,共52页。Typical DialoguesPart III1. (David is doing a market research for a new business.)D: Excuse me. Im doing a market survey for a new business. Id like to ask you a few questions if you dont mind.I: Thats fine, ask anyway 1.D: This business will be “fast food”, so the questions

39、will be related to2 that.I: OK. Go ahead.D: Which of the major fast food hamburgers do you prefer?I:I like Burger King. I think you get more for your money3.D: Which soft drink4 do you prefer, Coca Cola or Pepsi products?I: Id rather have a Pepsi.翻译第29页,共52页。Typical DialoguesPart III1. (David is doi

40、ng a market research for a new business)D: Would that preference be a deciding factor in which place you choose? 5I: Not usually.D: Are you concerned about the fat content of the food?I: Im not, but I know my sister is.D: Do you know why?I: Im not sure. Maybe it is because she is a lady.D: Thank you

41、 for your cooperation.I: You are welcome.翻译第30页,共52页。Typical DialoguesPart IIINotes1 “ask anyway”这里的意思是“怎么问都行” ,所以可译为“随便问” 。2 “be related to”意为“与有关的”。3 此句意为“ (在汉堡王这个地方,)你的钱可以买到更多的东西” ,也就是说这里的东西更便宜。4 “soft drink ”可直译为“软饮料” ,指不含酒精的饮料。5 整句意思是:这个偏爱是不是您选择餐馆的决定性因素呢?第31页,共52页。Part IIITypical DialoguesD: 打扰

42、一下,我在为一家新店做市场调查,要是您不介意的话,我想问您几个问题。I:好,随便问。D:这家店将搞“快餐”,所以问题都与快餐有关。I: 行,问吧。D: 在主要的快餐汉堡店中,您最喜欢哪一家?I: 我喜欢汉堡王,因为在那买汉堡更划算。D: 您最喜欢哪一种软饮料,可口可乐还是百事可乐?I: 我爱喝百事可乐。第32页,共52页。Part IIITypical DialoguesD: 这个偏爱是不是您选择餐馆的决定性因素呢?I: 一般不是。D: 您在不在乎食物里的脂肪含量呢?I: 我倒不在乎,但我知道我姐姐很在乎。D: 您知道这是为什么吗?I: 我不太确定。可能是因为她是个女士吧。D: 谢谢您合作!I

43、: 不客气。第33页,共52页。Typical DialoguesPart III2. (H is making a Credit Investigation with the help of C, a clerk from Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.)C: Good morning, this is Consultant Department of Bank of China, Shanghai Branch. What can I do for you?H: Well, we have got a new partner in a big transac

44、tion, and planned to sign a contract at the end of this month. So Id like to know more about that company.C: You mean you want us to make a status inquiry1?H: Yes, I want to get the credit information about our cooperative partner.C: OK. Ill see what I can do for you.H: Will making a credit investig

45、ation be difficult?C: No,its not complicated2. The only thing for you to do is fill out a form and sign it.H: And then? 3C: Then we will send it to our branch office or agent in Canada by the fastest way. They will do as your request, then send the report back. Of course it is done in a confidential

46、 4 way, and we hope you will keep it confidential.H: Yes, of course we will. Well, what about the service fee?C: For our long-term clients we charge only direct fees like telephone or fax fee.H: Thank you.翻译第34页,共52页。Typical DialoguesPart III2. (H is making a Credit Investigation with the help of C,

47、 a clerk from Bank of China, Shanghai Branch)(a week later)H: Hello, C. Do you have the status report about Imperial Trading Co.?C: Yes. We have just completed our inquiries concerning5 the firm mentioned in your trust form6.H: Any troubles?C: No, this is a favorable reply. Its a private firm and en

48、joys good reputation in its area. As the credit report shows, its always punctual to meet its commitments7. It seems to be safe to do business with them.H: Great. Now we can negotiate with them with assurance.C: Besides, according to the report, the technique of this company is among the best in the

49、 world. We have no doubt about their technique.H: Thank you for your information.翻译第35页,共52页。Typical DialoguesPart IIINotes1.“status inquiry”这里可以译为“信用状况咨询” 。与之意思大致相同的表达还有“credit investigation”,译作“资信调查” 。2.“complicated”是指程序上的复杂或难以理解,而“difficult”是指完成的难度。3.“And then?”可译为“然后呢? ” 。这个表达在口语中往往用来引导跟进性的问题。4.

50、“confidential”意思是“秘密的,保密的” 。5.“concerning”这里用作介词,意为“关于,有关” 。6.“trust form”这里可译为“委托表”。7.“meet its commitments”这里可理解为“信守承诺,履行诺言” 。第36页,共52页。Part IIITypical DialoguesC:早上好,这里是中行上海分行咨询部。有事吗?H: 是这样的,我们与一个新的贸易伙伴要做一笔大买卖,并计划在月底签约,因此我想更多地了解一下这家公司。C: 您的意思是让我们为您做个资信调查?H: 是的,我想知道合作伙伴的信誉情况。C: 好吧,我来看看能为您做些什么。H: 做

51、资信调查很难吗?C: 不,这并不复杂。您唯一要做的就是填张表并签上自己的名字。H: 然后呢?C: 然后我们将以最快的速度将表格传给加拿大的办事处或代理,他们将依据您的要求办理,然后将报告返还。当然这会是在保密状态下进行的,还希望你们可以保密。H: 我们当然会保密的。那么要付多少手续费呢?C: 对长期客户,我们只收取电话、传真等直接费用。H: 谢谢!第37页,共52页。Part IIITypical Dialogues(一个星期以后)H: 您好,陈先生。有关于帝国贸易公司的资信报告了吗?C: 有。我们刚刚完成你们委托表中所提到公司的资信调查。H: 有什么麻烦吗?C: 没有,结果很有利。这是一家私

52、人企业,在其所在地区享有良好的声誉。资信报告显示,他们总是能及时履行义务。看来和他们做生意应该是安全的。H: 太好了!现在我们可以放心地和他们洽谈了。C: 另外,据调查,这家公司的技术水平是世界一流的。我们并不怀疑该公司的技术水平。H: 谢谢您提供的信息。第38页,共52页。Roles SimulationPart IVSituational Information:Mr. Parker works as a manager of the Sales Department for AAA Light Industry Import and Export Corporation in Ameri

53、ca. Right now the corporation is expanding its import trade. P himself is firmly behind the idea. He believes that the future of their corporation depends largely upon its developing trade with the Third World, especially, China. As a matter of fact, he is planning a negotiation with Guangzhou Forei

54、gn Trade Development Company (GFTD) about an import contract of mans shirts. Before negotiating, he would like to do some market research in America and make a credit investigation about GFTD through Bank of China, Guangzhou Branch.翻译第39页,共52页。Part IVRoles Simulation帕克先生是美国AAA轻工进出口公司的销售经理。目前该公司正在拓展其

55、进口贸易。帕克先生本人很支持这样做。他认为公司的前途在很大程度上取决于发展与第三世界尤其是与中国的贸易往来。事实上,他正在筹划着一次与广州对外贸易发展公司(GFTD)就进口男士衬衣合同的磋商。不过在正式磋商前,他想先在美国做一个市场调查,并且还打算通过中国银行广州分行对GFTD 的资信情况做一个调查。第40页,共52页。Roles SimulationPart IVRole Play 1. Suppose you are Mr. Parker. You are going to do some market research in America. Try to complete the fo

56、llowing dialogue with some of the drills and expressions in part II and III. The Chinese expressions in the brackets are for your reference only. P-Mr. Parker I-IntervieweeP: Excuse me. ( 我正在做一个市场调查). Do you mind my asking you some questions?I: No, I dont mind. Ask anyway.P: (调查是关于男士衬衣的), so the que

57、stions will be about that.I: OK. No problem.P: (在主要的男士衬衣牌子里,您最喜欢哪一个?)I: I dont care of the brand. What I care is the maximum comfort of cloths.P: (您最喜欢哪一种材料),cotton or silk or fiber(纤维)?I: Id rather have cotton.P: (这个偏爱是不是您选择衬衣的决定性因素呢?)I: Almost.P: (您在不在乎产品的价格或者原产地(origin)呢?)翻译第41页,共52页。Roles Simula

58、tionPart IVRole Play 1. Suppose you are Mr. Parker. You are going to do some market research in America. Try to complete the following dialogue with some of the drills and expressions in part II and III. The Chinese expressions in the brackets are for your reference only. P-Mr. Parker I-IntervieweeI

59、: About the price, yes. You know, everybody wants to get more for his money. As to the origin, I dont think it matters.P: Do you mind “made in China”?I: Of course not. You know, China is famous for its textiles.P: (谢谢合作).I: You are welcome.翻译第42页,共52页。Part IVRoles SimulationP: Excuse me. (Im doing a

60、 market research). Do you mind my asking you some questions?I: No, I dont mind. Ask anyway.P: (The research is related to Mens shirts), so the questions will be about that.I: OK. No problem.P: (Which of the major mens shirt brands do you prefer?)I: I dont care of the brand. What I care is the maximu


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