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1、 名词解释:1)Bank holding company(银行(ynhng)控股公司)A bank holding company is simply a corporation chartered for the purpose of holding the stock (equity shares)of at least one bank,often along with other businesses.(一家银行控股公司(kn n s)只是租用了持有至少一家银行的股票(股权),常与其他企业为目的的公司。) 2)Financial holding companies(金融(jnrng)控

2、股公司)Financial holding companies are defined as a special type of holding company that may offer the broadest range of financial services,including dealing in and underwriting securities and underwriting insurance(金融控股公司被定义为一种特殊类型的控股公司可能提供最广泛的金融服务,包括交易和承销的证券和承销保险。)Unused commitments(未使用承诺)unused comm

3、itments,in which a lender receives a fee to lend up to a certain amount of money over a defined period of time ;however,these funds have not yet been transferred from lender to borrower.(未使用的承诺,其中贷款人收取一定费用,以贷款达到一定数额的钱超过规定的时间;然而,这些资金尚未转移,从贷款人借款。)Standby credit agreements(备用信贷协议)Standby credit agreeme

4、nts,in which a financial firm receives a fee to guarantee repayment of a loan that a customer has receives from another lender(备用信贷协议,其中金融公司收取一定费用,以保证还款的客户有来自另一个贷款人收到借款。).Liquidity risk(流动性风险)The danger of running out of cash when cash is needed to cover deposit withdrawals and to meet credit reques

5、ts from good customers.(用完现金时需要现金支付存款提取和满足优质客户的信贷要求的危险。)Interest rate risk(利率风险)The danger that revenues from earning assets will decline or that interest expenses will risk,squeezing the spread between revenues and expenses and thereby reducing net income.(危险的收入来自生息资产会下降,或者利息费用将风险,挤压的收入和支出,从而减少净利润之

6、间的差额。)Camels rating(骆驼评级)Capital adequacy 资本充足率 earning record 盈利记录 asset quality 资产质量 liquidity position流动性状况Management quality 管理质量 sensitivity to market risk敏感的市场风险The Cs of creditThis usually involves a detailed study of the critical aspects of a loan application :character,capacity, cash collat

7、eral,control and conditions.all of the Cs of credit must be satisfactory for the loan to be a good one from the lenders point of view.这通常涉及的贷款申请的关键方面的详细研究:性格,能力,现金抵押,控制和条件.所有的信贷Cs必须是令人满意的贷款是从看贷款人的角度来看是好的。简答题:Funds management strategy(资金(zjn)管理策略)management should exercise as much control as possible

8、 over the volume,mix,and return or cost of both assets and liabilities in order to achieve the financial institutions goals(.管理层应该行使尽可能多的控制(kngzh)尽可能多的体积,混合,以达到金融机构的目标回报或资产和负债的成本)Managements control over assets must be coordinated with its control over liabilities so that asset management and liabil

9、ity management are internally consistent and do not pull against each other .effective coordination in managing assets and liabilities will help to maximize the spread between revenues and costs and control risk exposure.(管理的控制权的资产必须协调(xitio)与控制负债,使资产管理和负债管理的内部一致,不反对在管理资产和负债相互协调。有效拉动,将有助于最大限度地提高收入和成

10、本之间的价差控制风险。) Revenues and costs arise from both sides of the balance sheet(i.e.from both asset and liability accounts).management policies need to be developed that maximize returns and minimize costs from supplying services.(收入和成本产生于资产负债表(i.e from资产和负债账户)。管理政策需要双方进行开发的收益最大化,并尽量减少提供服务的成本) Gaping met

11、hods(填补缺口的方法) management must choose the time period during which the net interest margin (NIM) is to be managed (e.g.six methods or one year) to achieve some desired value and the length of subperiods (“maturity buckets”)into which the planning period is to be divided.(管理层必须选择的时间段,在此期间的净息差(NIM)是管理(

12、e.g.six方法或一年),以实现一些理想值和子周期的长度(“到期桶”)进入该规划期要被分割)Management must choose a target level for the net interest margin-that is ,whether to freeze the margin roughly where it is or perhaps increase the NIM.管理层必须选择适合的净息差目标水平 - 也就是,是否要冻结保证金大约在那里或者提高净息差If management wishes to increase the NIM ,it must either

13、develop a correct interest rate forecast or find ways to reallocate earning assets and liabilities to increase the spread between interest revenues expenses.如果管理层希望增加的净息差,就必须要么建立一个正确的加息预期,或想办法重新分配生息资产和负债,以增加利息收入支出之间的价差Management must determine the volume of interest sensitive assets and interest sen

14、sitive liabilities it wants the financial firm to hold.管理层必须确定利率敏感性资产和利率敏感性负债就是了金融公司持有的音量The ultimate standard for assessing liquidity needs:signals from the marketplace. (评估流动性的最终标准需要:市场信号 ) public confidence公众信心 2)stock price behavior股票价格行为 3)risk premiums on CDs再CD上的风险溢价4)loss sales of assets流失(l

15、ish)销售资产 5)meeting commitments 会议承诺 6)borrowing from the central bank从央行借款If the answer to any of the foregoing questions is yes ,management needs to take a close look at its liquidity management policies and practices to determine whether changes are needed.如果答案(d n)为任何上述问题是肯定的,管理层需要仔细看看它的流动性管理政策和做

16、法,以确定是否需要改变。 Factors in choosing among the different sources of reserves.(储备的不同来源之间的选择(xunz)因素。)immediacy of need 即时需要2)duration of need 时间需要 3)access to the market for liquid funds.进入市场的流动资金relative costs and risks of alternative sources of funds相对成本和其他资金来源的风险 5)the interest rate outlook.利率前景outloo

17、k for central bank monetary policy展望央行货币政策 Rules and regulations applicable to a liquidity(.规则和规定适用于流动性)Tasks performed by capital(任务完成资本)provides a cushion against risk of failure.提供了针对故障风险的缓冲 2)provides funds to help institutions get started.提供资金,以帮助机构上手promotes public confidence (credit crisis 20

18、07-2009 showed importance)促进公众的信心(信 贷危机显示,2007-2009年的重要性)Provides funds for growth 提供资金增长 5)role in growth of bank mergers银行并购的发展中的作用 6)regulatory tool to limit risk exposure 监管工具来限制风险敞口 7)protects the governments deposit insurance system. 保护政府的存款保险制度Types of loans 贷款种类real estate loans 房地产贷款2)finan

19、cial institution loans 金融机构贷款 3)agricultural loans 农业贷款commercial and industrial loans商业和工业贷款 5)loans to individuals个人贷款miscellaneous loans include all loans not listed above, including securities loans.其他贷款包括上面没有列出所有的贷款,包括证券贷款Lease financing receivables融资租赁应收款. 7、Loan workouts 处理不良资产The process of

20、resolving a troubled loan so the bank can recover its funds. 解决一个困扰的贷款使银行可以收回其资金的过程coal is to maximize full recovery of funds 煤炭是最大限度的资金完全恢复Rapid detection and reporting of problems is essential.问题的快速检测和报告是必不可少的Loan workout should be separate from lending function.贷款的锻炼应该是独立于贷款的功能Should consult with

21、 customer quickly on possible options.应客户迅速就可能的选项咨询Estimate resources available to collect on loan .可收集关于贷款的估计资源conduct tax and litigation search.进行税务(shuw)和诉讼的搜索 Evaluate quality and competence of management.质量评估(pn )和管理能力Consider all reasonable alternatives.考虑所有(suyu)合理的替代方案.The loan officer can s

22、hed light on such critical areas in business lending as a borrowing customers :ability to control expenses有能力控制开支 2)operating efficiency in using resources to generate sales.运营效率利用资源,产生销售marketability of product line产品线的市场化 4)coverage that earnings provide over of financing cost.报道说收益提供了融资成本liquidit

23、y position, indicating the availability of ready cash.流动性状况,显示现钱的可用性Track record of profitability.追踪盈利纪录 7)financial leverage.财务杠杆 8)contingent liabilities.或有负债.Planning to meet capital needs 规划以满足资金需求:Raising capital internally内部筹集资金dividend policy股利政策 2)internal capital growth rate.内部资本增长率Raising

24、capital externally外部筹集资金selling common stock 卖出普通股 2)selling preferred stock 卖出优先股 3)issuing debt capital .发行债务资本selling assets and leasing facilities.出售资产和租赁设施 5)swapping stock for debt securities.交换股票债券choosing the best alternative for raising outside capital.选择最好的替代资金境外募集10、 these five categories

25、 describe how well capitalized each U.S depository institution is这五大类介绍如何以及资本每个美国存款机构被:well capitalized资本良好a ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets of at least 10 percent资本到至少10的加权风险资产的比率a ratio of Tier 1 (or core) capital to risk weighted assets of at least 6 percent一级(或核心)资本比率的风险至少6的加权资产a levera

26、ge ratio (Tier 1 capital to average total assets ) of at least 5 percent至少5的杠杆率(一级资本,以平均总资产)adequately capitalized资本充足a minimum ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets of at least 8 percent资本的至少8的加权风险资产的最小比率a ratio of Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets of at least 4 percent一级资本到至少4的风险加权资产的比例a l

27、everage ratio of at least 4 percent杠杆比率至少4undercapitalized资本不足that fails to meet one or more of the capital minimums for an adequately capitalized institution is considered undercapitalized and is subject to a variety of regulatory restrictions.不符合一个最低资本为资本充足的机构被认为是资金不足或更多,受到的各种法规限制significantly und

28、ercapitalized显著资本(zbn)不足a ratio of total capital to risk-weighted assets of less than 6 percent总资本的不到(b do)6的风险加权资产的比例a Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets ratio of under 3 percent第1级资本在3的风险(fngxin)加权资产的比例a leverage ratio average of less than 3 percent杠杆比率平均不到3critically undercapitalized严重资本不足rat

29、io of tangible equity capital to total assets its 2 percent or less有形股本的比例占总资产的2或更低论述题1、Questions regulators usually ask the organizers of new(De novo)bank问题监管通常会问新(从头)银行主办方what are the population and geographic boundaries of the primary service area(PSA)from which the new financial firm is expected

30、 to generate most of its loans and deposits?什么是主要的服务区域(PSA)从中新金融公司预计将产生大部分的贷款和存款的人口和地域界限?how many competing banks , thrifts , credit unions , finance companies , and other competitors are located within the service area of the proposed new financial institution?有多少竞争的银行,储蓄机构,信用社,财务公司,以及其他的竞争对手都位于提出了

31、新的金融机构的服务范围内?what are the number , types , and sizes of businesses in the area?什么是数量,类型和企业在该地区的大小?what are the traffic patterns in the area ,adequacy of roads and geographic barriers to the flow of traffic?什么是在该地区的交通模式,道路和地理障碍的交通流是否充足?What is happening to population growth ,incomes ,types of occupat

32、ions represented educational levels , and the age distribution of residents in the proposed service area?什么是发生在人口增长,收入类型代表教育水平的职业,而居民提出的服务区的年龄分布?the organizers often are asked to describe the financial history of the community served , the frequency with which new financial firms have appeared and t

33、heir track record.主办方往往被要求描述社会的金融服务的历史,与新的金融机构出现的频率和他们的记录。who is own any stock issued?谁是自己发出的任何股票?how experienced are the organizers , management , and the board of directors of the new institution?如何有经验的组织者,管理和新机构的董事会what are the organizers projections for deposits , loans , revenues, operating exp

34、enses , and net income for the first few years?什么是组织者的预测存款,贷款,收入,经营费用和净利润的第几年?2、Loan review贷款审查:carrying out review of all types of loan on a periodic basisfor example , routinely examining the largest loans outstanding every 30,60or90days,along with a random sample of smaller loans.开展审查各类贷款的定期,例如,定

35、期检查最大的贷款余额每30,60或者90天,随着小额贷款的随机样本。structuring the loan review process careful to make sure the most important features of each loan review process careful to make important features of each loan are checked , including构建了贷款审查过程中谨慎,以确保(qubo)每笔贷款审查过程中谨慎地使每笔贷款的重要特征的最重要的功能检查,包括:the record of borrower payments to ensure the customer is not falling behind the planned repayment schedule.借款人支付的记录,以确保客户不属于(shy)规划还款进度落后the quality and condition of any collateral pledged behind the loan.任何抵押品的质量(zhling)和条件质押贷款的后面the completeness of loan documentation to make sure the lender has acc


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