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1、GardenMuseumYongdingRiverWetlandParcYongdingMountainWetlandViewing point 2ParcMoun?01?02Peter LatzRiverShe nglia nGardensForest能在同一地方停留很久,通常只是几分钟的tainchain游客希望看到所有部分的展示,所以他们不在我们的思维里,花园主要带来的是体验时间,或赶在闭馆前匆匆一瞥。只有在林博览会或者园艺展示中,人们体验花园的我们所有的感官:视觉、听觉和感受。在园方法与平时不同。游客不是花园的所有者。一种视觉感受。但当我们体验花园时会运用1 想法与设计餐馆或者咖啡厅人

2、们才会停留稍长时间。同 时,游览者希望看到新颖的、超乎想象的设 计。以此方式,他们只能够抓住和记住极少 的信息。通常情况下,花园都会被建造出很多丰 富的层次。在这里,层次数目减少为可即刻 被感知的几个,有利于人们更迅速地理解。在人们的普遍印象中,花园主要是向 内的。但这个花园位于一个小高地恰恰意味YingshanFengtai着它外向型的属性。通常花园仅供主人自己使用或与朋友 休闲聚会;人们步入花园,在此停留,小憩 或者工作。但有很多参观者都持有与此相反 的意愿。因此我在探寻一种易于理解的,同时 具有向内和向外特征,并具有充分游客承载 能力的解决方案。最终“脊”的表达方式较 之备选的集中式几何

3、形更加有效地表达了这MountainMaster Gardenentrancewing point 1图 01 花园的入口与主要通道,以及与公园道路系统的连 接 Fig.01 Accesses and main pathway in the garden and connection to the road system of the parkMain exhibition pathway Mastergarden pathway/ 作品 / 作品 #?03一理念。该理念是将展园理解为一个通道, 以便开放这个闭合的花园。花园提供了两个 出入口,因此人们不必被迫原路返回。希望 在这里停留更长时间

4、的人,会发现一些更小 的路和座椅。我们通过地形来解决通行、逗 留以及渴望内向空间之间的矛盾。随着参观者向下走,周边的景色逐步 被遮挡起来。游人的视线最终落于花园内向 的中心“雾之枕”上。通过自道路中心向东西两边起坡,游 客因此可以远眺锦绣谷和高架桥下的其他花 园。在路两边,一个山坡上种的是针叶树, 另一个山坡上种的是落叶树。这两种树非常 重要的作用是它们将在未来不断增加山 的高度。在园林博览会期间,新种植的植物能 不能达到预期的效果也是设计时需要考虑的 一点。 因此石头走廊形成的空间以及水雾 取代未来的树荫,带给人们凉爽清新的感 觉。大家一开始进入这个起雾的空间时可能 非常犹豫,但随后就会感到

5、从炎热和尘埃中 解脱的快乐。这些水雾由特殊喷嘴高压喷出的水珠 形成。这些喷嘴的设计非常精细,因此可使 上百万的水滴停留在空气中。白色的水雾被 阳光折射像彩虹一样。在傍晚的时候水雾 被晚霞染红,这将成为视觉与触觉的双重体 验。水分能迅速降低温度,也令呼吸倍感轻 松。水雾是花园的特征并且独立于植物灌溉 系统。2 材料、技术、技能 喷雾系统:高压喷嘴安装在柱廊的前 面和地上。多种程序调节着喷雾的频率和喷 水量,以及特殊的照明设施以保证在夜晚也 能呈现轻纱般的雾韵。在此应用的技术已 在两个建成的项目中被成功试验过:一个是 1998 年法国肖蒙城堡国际花园艺术节 上的螺 旋形状,另一个是德国慕尼黑联邦

6、园艺展上 的涡轮状项目。?04现状、填充开采、地形:花园地处的 位置原来是一个垃圾填埋场,覆盖着厚厚的/ 作品 Projects / a =15cmv =variable ( at least 15cm) =absolute coordinate need to be definedby the executing company=aligned to pathway=aligned to axis?06Visualisation of the central elementsVisualisation of the central elements? 07,45Section 1:501,1

7、0I1,20 1,30II III15cm overlapping2,00 2,00 1,50 1,40 1,30 1,20IV20cm overhanging stone V IV III II I15cm overlapping2,003,000,06m x 4m (3m apparent)x 2,00m0,06m x 4m (3m apparent)x 2,00m? 08淤泥,不存在任何植被。在项目中心挖掘了 一个 1.5m 深的凹陷,堆砌而成的东、 西土丘 的高度为 1.2m ,矿物覆盖料填 满了地表及其 下 5cm 。脊状结构及通道:石头柱廊的材料是 被称为“绿色交响曲”的细锯面花岗

8、岩。这 些石板被钢筋混凝土固定在地面里。第一行 的复合结构确保了水雾系统更高的稳定性和 保护性安装。中央的“石头长廊” 表面以 喷丸沥青和花岗岩骨料建成,在低洼的中心 改为花岗岩的垫脚石。其他路径都配有开放 的砾石表面,最后一层则由高品质的花岗岩 碎石组成。种植区:新的植被包括两个层次:第 一个层次由山丘上的树组成,第二个层次由0.00Stone slabs种植网 草12.5%12.5%细? 10Limit of Peter Latz Master Garden?09以及配电系统均安装在盒子当中。图 06 公园的石板被布置成与通道或轴线形成水平对齐, 0.0而对单块石板则进行重叠布置Fig.0

9、6 Positioning of the stone slabs,alignment to pathway or axis and overlapping of the single slabs 图 07-08 中 心 元 素 可0.0Fig.07-08 Detail drawing of the central element with visualization 图 09 花园模型在北京的初次展示0.2Fig.09 Working model of the Mastergarden for the first presentation in Beijing 图 10 地形平面图、等高线以及

10、斜面 Fig.10Topographic groundplan with contour linesand inclines 图 11-12 花园的纵 截面与横截面,以及中心雾云的图画表示Fig. 11-12 Longitudinal and cross section with pictorial representation of the fog cloud in the centre of the garden草及多年生草本植物组成。树木经过修剪, 提供给游客一个通透的视野。在西山坡上 我们种植了乌克兰松和油松,在东山坡上种 植落叶树如元宝枫和蒙古栎。鉴于现状的微 气候环境,第二个层次选

11、用了能够适应潮湿 低洼中心高湿度环境的植物,如金莎草和花 蔺,耐旱植物则种植在山丘的斜坡上,并遵 循石板的方向种植成行。为了简化维护, 我们采用了一贯使用的间距 60cm 的 种植网 格。我们选用具有装饰性的观赏 草搭配松 树,血红老鹳草等搭配落叶植物。 在中心线 处,我们种植了春天开花的植物。矿物覆料:被称为 矿物覆料 的石屑覆 盖花园表面。游客的脚步踏压石屑时发出的 声音,带来了花园的声之印象。在第九届中 国(北京)国际园林博览会举办年,矿物覆 料裸露于刚种植完的地面上。随着时间的推 移,规划方案中的植物将逐渐覆盖地面。技术基础设施:除了喷雾系统,滴灌也 保证了植物的顺利生长。用于高压装置

12、的控 制、0.00? 11Viewing point 1Stone slabs Fog cloudStone slabsViewing point 2? 120,00“我希望人们能够享受这个花园并且体会 到白色水雾忽然触碰你,滋润你的美妙感受。它 会使你感到放松 并希望重复这个美妙的体 验。” 彼得拉茨I II0,0020,76-0,27I II III IV II I彼得拉茨大师园,这座专门为第九 届(北京)国际园林博览会而设计和建造的 花园,将永久保留在这个新公园中。项目位置: 北京市丰台区项目面积: 2 500m 2 业主单位: 第九届中国(北京)国际 园林博览会组委会 风景园林师: 拉

13、茨合伙事务所( www.latzundpartner.de) 核心设计师: 彼得拉茨教授 项目建筑师: 苏菲霍泽尔施工单位: 重庆天 开园林景观工程有限公司 喷雾装置: 德国 雷根斯堡 GmbH 喷雾系统 设计及实现时 间: 2012 年 2 月至 2013 年 4 月 翻译: 杜婉秋图片提供: 图 01-16 、 18、 19、21 由拉茨合伙事务所提 供图 17、20 由重庆天开园林景观工程有限公司提供 图 22 引自第九届中国(北京)国际园林博览会官 网0,00I II III IV VIII II I,631-0,78,31-0,78I II III IV V IV III II II

14、 II III IV V V IV III II II II III IV V VI VI V IV III II I? 13图 13 不同水平的石柱廊横截面 Fig.13 Cross sections at different levels of the stone colonnad e 图 14 通道系统俯瞰图以及花园不同元素的说明。 Fig.14 Overview with path system and specification of the different garden elements 图 15 附海拔高度数据的主通道横截面 Fig.15 Cross section of t

15、he main pathway with elevations1 Idea and DesignThinking of gardens mostly means a visual perception for us. But we experience a garden with all our senses:Seeing,hearing and feeling.In a garden exposition or a horticultural show, gardens are experienced in a different way than in everyday life. Vis

16、itors are not owners. Visitors want to see everything, so they can not stay in the same place for veryl ong, usually some minutes only, near closing time only seconds. Just in restaurantsand cafesone stays for a longer time. A t thesametimetheywanttoseeall that s new and unexpected. In this way they

17、 can grasp and really take in or keep in mind only little information.In general gardens are built with a lot of information layers. Here they are reduced to a few layersw hich can be understood immediately./ 作品 / 作品 Entrance0.00Information panelViewing pointGround covering perennials0.00+1.20Stone

18、slabs-1.50+1.20Viewing pointOrnamental grassGround covering perennialsStone benches0.00Deciduous tree like Acer truncatum, Quercus mongolica, Fraxinus mandshuricaFog cloud zone with grass and perennials0.00White flowering perennialsPinus sylvestris or Pinus tabuliformisEntranceInformation panel?14In

19、 general the garden is imagined to be mainly introverted. But the position of the garden on ahigh plateau suggests just as wella n extroverted situation.Usuallya garden is rather used by oneselfor together with friends; one goes into the garden, stays there, hasa rest or works there. But a large num

20、ber of visiting people can conflict with the idea of the garden.ThereforeIlookedfor awell understandablesolution which offers both an introverted and an extroverted character with a capacityformany visitors. Finally the spine seemed to be more efficient than my alternative centralized geometries.The

21、 idea is to understand the exposition garden as a passage,to open the enclosedgarden. One is not forced to turn back, as the garden offers two entrances and exits. Who wants to stayt here l onger, finds severalsmaller p aths and benches.It is the topography which resolves the contradiction between p

22、assing throughandlingering and the desire for the introverted.The main passage way slopes gently down to the centre of the garden and up again to the second entrance. A gallery with the form of a spine made of vertically mounted natural stone slabs accompanies the lowered passage way like a canyon.

23、Its colour and texture characterize thePinus sylvestrisor Pinust abuliformisDeciduous tree like Acer truncatum, Quercus mongolica, Fraxinus mandshuricaViewing Point 1Stone-collonade promenadeMain exhibition pathway0.00-1.50Viewing Point 2?15 Projects / 图 16 彼得拉茨花园电脑最终效果图Fig.16 Computer animated illu

24、stration of the final state of the Peter Latz Mastergarden 图 17-22 雾中叶脊实景图Fig.17-22 View of the Mastergardengarden. At the entrance, the colonnade starts knee high. In the low lying centre, the slabs reacha height of up to 3 metres. From there, the passage way risesa gain,whereas the slabsreduce the

25、ir height in a dynamic curve to knee level again.With every step the surroundings gethidden more and m ore visually.The perspective ends with a pillow of mist in the introverted core of the garden which emerges between the slabs in the middle of the passage.By raising the ground tothe eastand to the

26、 west, lookout points enable visual contact to the gardens in the valley below the elevated railway. Picturesque groups of conifers on the one hilltop and of deciduous treeson the other arei mportant features which will multiply the height of the hills over the years.The fact that new plantings don

27、t reach the wanted impression during the exhibition has another essentialimpact on the design. Therefore stone is forming the space and the coolness and freshness of mist replaces the future shade of trees.Having enteredthe shrouds of misthesitantly at first, one feels happy and liberated from heat

28、and dust.The mist is created by water ejected with high pressurefrom special nozzles. These nozzles are extremely fine, so that millions of drops remain in the air. The white mist gets colouredby the sunshine like a rainbow. It will become a visual and tactile experience. The moisture lowers the tem

29、perature immediately and has a relieving impact on the respiration system. The mist representsthe characteristicfeature of the garden and isi ndependent from the irrigation system for the planting.2 Materials, Technologies, SkillsMist system: The high pressure nozzles are mounted at the front of the

30、 colonnade and on the ground. Various programs regulate the frequency of the mist events, the quantity of the water as well asa special illumination for staging the veils of mist at performances in the evening.The technology was tested successfully in two projects: with a spiral - like figure at the

31、 Garden Festival 1998 in Chaumont-sur-Loire, France and with a turbine-like figure at the FederalGardenShow 2005 in Munich, Germany.Existing situation, cut and fill, topography: The garden is situated on a layer which covers a flattened landfill and contains a high percentage of silt. Vegetation did

32、 not exist.A depression1,50m deep is excavated in the centre. The cut forms the Eastern and Western mounds with a height of 1,20m. The fill remains 5 cm below the final level which gets setup by mineral surface material.Spine and passage ways: The material for the stone colonnade is granite called G

33、reen Symphony with afine sawn surface. The slabs are fixedi n the ground with a reinforced concrete foundation. The first row shows a composite construction which allows for higher stability and protected installation of the mist system.The surfaceof the central“ston epromenade” is built with bead-b

34、lastedasphalt and granite aggregates, changing to granite stepping stones in the low lying centre. The other paths are equipped with an open gravel surface, the last layer consisting of high quality granite chippings.Planted areas: The new vegetation consists of two layers: the first one is formed b

35、y the trees on the hill, the second one by grasses and perennial herbs. The trees are pruned in a way that the visitors can look through. On the western hill we find Pinus silvestris and Pinus #?20tabuliformis, on the eastern one broad-leafs like Acer truncatum and Quercus mongolica.Due to the exist

36、ing microclimatic conditions, the second layer shows plants which tolerate the humidity in the moist low-lying centre, like Carex aurea and Butomus umbellatus, and drought-resistant plants on the slopes of the hills. Planted in lines they follow the direction of the slabs. In order to simplify the m

37、aintenance, we use consistent planting grids and methods with spaces 60 cm wide between the lines. Ornamental grassesgo along with the Pinus species, foliage plants like Geranium sanguineum with the deciduous trees. On the central line, a selection of geophytes like Allium “Mon t Blanc ” is blooming

38、 already in?22 #?22 ?21spring.Mineral mulch:Stone chips called “mineral mulch ” cover all the surfaces. Their typical scrunching sound accompanies each step and contributes to the acoustic impressionof thegarden.In the year of the exposition, the mineral mulch will dominate within the freshly planted surfaces. Over the years, the green colour shown in the plans will prevail more and more.Technical infrastructure:In addition to the mis


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