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1、卷板预弯工艺的对中操作介绍Three bending process1 卷板由预弯(压头)、对中和卷弯三个过程组成。roll plate by bending (head), and roll bending of three process.预弯(压头)在三棍卷板机或预弯压力机上进行。当预弯板厚不超过20mm 的情况下,可采用预弯也一块钢板作为弯模,其厚度不应大于板厚的两倍,长度应比板略长,将弯曲模放入辊筒中,将板料置于弯模上,压下上辊并使弯模来回滚动使板料边缘达到所要求的弯曲半径。同时采用弯模预弯时,必须控制弯曲功率不超过设备能力60%,操作时应严格控制上辊的压下量,以防过载损坏设备。在压

2、力机上用模具预弯适用于各种板厚,用长度比板料短的通用模具,预弯时必须分段进行,预弯两端,预弯尺寸根据工件卷圆卷板机种类而定。 如 20*2000 卷板机端面预弯尺寸是250-300; 8*2000卷板机端面预弯尺寸是150-200。bending (pressure head) in three stick machine or bending machine. When bending thickness under the condition of less than 20 mm, bending can be used also as a steel plate bending die,

3、 its thickness should not be greater than twice the thickness, length should be slightly longer than the board, the bending die is put into the roller, puts sheet metal bending mold, pressure roller and the bending modulus back and forth rolling sheet edge to achieve the required bending radius. Usi

4、ng curved bending mould at the same time, must control bending power equipment capacity by 60%, not more than operation should strictly control the roll reduction, in case of overload damage the equipment. In presses with bending mould is suitable for various thickness, with a general mold length sh

5、orter than sheet metal, and must be segments when bending, bending, bending the size according to the type of workpiece, roll round machine. Such as 20 * 2000 rolls end bending size is 250-300; 8 * 2000 bending roll end bending size is 150-200.对中,将预弯的板料置于卷板机上滚弯时,为防止产生扭曲将板料对中,要使板料的纵向中心线与辊筒轴线保持平 行。对中方

6、法有几种:3 on, bending sheet metal in roll on roll bending machine, in order to prevent to produce distortion in the sheet will be to, to make the sheet metal of longitudinal centerline remain parallel to the roll axis. There are several ways for the:( 1 ) 在三辊卷板机上利用挡板使板边靠紧挡板;on the three-roller plate us

7、ing baffle plate edge by tight damper;2) 将板料抬起使板边靠紧侧辊,然后再放平;the sheet up to make the edge will be tight side roller, and then flat;把板料对准侧下辊的直槽;roll under the sheet metal on the side of the straight groove;用目视观察辊筒的中间位置,上辊的外形线与板边是 否平行调整对中。(4) with the visual observation of the intermediate position of

8、 the roller, the roller contour lines and edge parallel to the adjustment.圆柱的卷弯,将板料位置对中后,一般采用多次进行滚弯,调节上辊,逐步压下上辊并来回滚动,使板料的曲率半径逐渐减小直至达到规定的要求,在卷弯过程中,应不断地用样板检验弯板两端的曲率半径。卷弯半圆(瓦片)时也应卸载 后测验量其曲率。cylindrical roll bending, the plate location for, generally using multiple times to roll bending, roll adjustment

9、, pressure roller and rolling back and forth, step by step to make sheet metal curvature radius decreases until reached the requirements of regulation, in the process of roll bending, should constantly use template radius of curvature at the ends of the test plate. Roll bending round (tiles) should

10、also be its curvature after unloading test.矫圆工艺、圆筒卷弯焊接后会发生焊后变形,所以必须进行矫圆。矫圆分加载、滚圆和卸载三个步骤。先根据经验或计算,将上辊筒调节到重要的最大矫正曲率的位置,使板料受弯。板料在卷板机辊筒的矫正曲率下来回滚卷1-2 圈,着重在滚卷焊缝区附近用卡样板检查,使整圈曲率均匀一致,然后在酿酒设备滚卷的同时,逐渐退回辊筒,使工件在逐渐减少矫正混凝土输送泵载荷下多次滚卷至要求,也可用手矫 圆。圆锥面的卷弯过程与圆柱面制作工艺相似。5 round correction technology, drum roll bending wil

11、l occur after welding deformation after welding, so must be round correction. Circle points loaded and rolling and uninstall three steps. According to experience or calculated first, and will roll on the adjustment to the important position of the maximum curvature correction, make the sheet metal b

12、ending. Blank in curvature to rectify the bending roll roller down to rollback (1-2 laps, emphatically in the roll weld zone near the card sample to check, make the whole circle of curvature uniform, and then roll up at the same time, gradually returned to the roller, the workpiece under the load gr

13、adually reduce correction roll up to a request for many times, also can use hand round correction.On the surface of the conical roll bending process similar to cylinder production process.卷板质量:卷板质量问题包括外形缺陷、表面压伤和卷裂 三个方面。roll plate quality: the quality of rolled plate problems including crushed appear

14、ance defects, surface and volume split in three aspects.外形缺陷,在操作中要注意以下现象:a 矿用网片卷弯圆柱形筒体时外形出现过弯、锥形、束腰、边缘歪斜和棱角等现象是应及时处理,发现过弯时用大锤锤击筒体的边缘可使直径扩展,过弯就可以消除,卷圆时在每次调节辊筒后用样 板检查其弯曲度。appearance defects, in the operation should pay attention to the following phenomena: roll bending of a cylindrical barrel shape ap

15、pear when cornering, conical, beam waist, the edge is skewed, and the phenomenon such as edges and corners shall be handled in time, found that when cornering with the edge of the sledge hammer the barrel can make the diameter of the extension, cornering can eliminate, crimping after each adjustment

16、 roller use sample to check its curvature.表面压伤:钢板或辊筒表面的氧化皮及粘附的杂质会造成板料表面压伤。A.在卷板前,必须清除板料表面的氧化皮。B 卷板设备必须保持干净,辊筒表面不得有锈、毛刺、棱角或其它硬性颗料。C.在卷板时应不断地吹扫内外侧剥落的氧华皮。 D 矫圆时应尽量减少反转次数等。surface crushed: steel plates or scale on the surface of the roller and adhesion of impurities can cause surface pressure plate. A.

17、in front of the coil plate, must remove oxide coating on the surface of the sheet metal. B board equipment must be kept clean, roller surface must not have rust, burrs, sharp edges or other hard material. C. when rolled plate should be constantly scavenging oxygen flake inside and outside of China.D

18、 when circle should reduce as far as possible reversal frequency correction, etc.卷裂:板料在卷板时,由于变形太大,材料的冷作硬化以及应力集中等因素都有使材料的塑性变坏而造成裂纹。为了防止卷裂的产生 A.以采取限制变形率,钢板进行正火处理;.对缺口敏感性大的钢材,最好将材料预热到150-200 C后卷 制。C板料的纤维方向与弯曲线垂直,拼接焊缝需经修磨等 措施。crack: sheet in coil plate, due to the deformation is too large, the material

19、of the cold work hardening and stress concentration factors have made material plastic worse and cause crack. In order to prevent the formation of volume split a. to take limit deformation rate, normalizing treatment plate; B.the notch sensitivity of steel, it is best to material preheat to 150-150

20、after coiling. C. vertical sheet metal fiber direction and bending line, thebutt welds should be measures by grinding, etc.零件的弯曲成型parts bending forming钢板型材在常温下冷弯曲时,内侧弯曲半径应大于两倍板厚,在冷作弯曲后使零件外侧不得有裂纹。steel plate material of cold bending at room temperature, the inside of the bend radius should be greater

21、 than twice the thickness, in cold bending after the lateral parts must not have cracks.热煨零件。钢管、板材弯曲不得少于最小弯曲半径。加热热温度控制在900-1000范围内,不得在蓝脆区( 200-400)范围内进行。弯曲成型部位用样板检查,与样板之间的局部间隙不得大于2。roasted parts. Steel pipe, plate bending shall not be less than the minimum bending radius. Heat temperature control wi

22、thin the scope of the 900-1000 , shall not be in blue brittle zone (200-400 ) range. Bending forming parts using model checking, partial clearance between template and shall not be greater than 2.4 组装工艺assembly process组装前,首先应熟悉零部件图样,根据图样和技术要求弄清产品的特性用途,各零件之间的相对位置、尺寸和连接方法,明确组装基准面和组装工夹具,再定组装方法。before a

23、ssembly, the first should be familiar with spare parts drawings, according to the drawings and technical requirements to the product characteristics, USES, the relative position between the various parts, size and connection methods, clear assembly datum and assembly tooling, and assembly methods. 52 组装前将零件汇总并经检验合格。. 2 summary before assembly parts and the inspection.组装场地的地面应平整、清洁、堆部件堆放要整齐不使损 坏。the assembly site ground should level off, clean, heap parts stacked in order not to damage.对复杂的结构件组装可以分部进行。for complex structure assembly division.组装后定位点焊,作以下规定:after assembly positioning spot


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