1、Understanding Dreams in Psychotherapy and Life在心理治疗和日常生活中理解梦Beijing, ChinaMay 19-20, 2012With Dr. Erik CraigSanta Fe, NM USA1Dream Quotes有关梦的名言A dream that is not understood is like a letter that is not opened.Talmud一个未被理解的梦就像一封未被拆开的信 塔木德It is the way of dreams to give us more than we ask.Carl Jung梦
2、带给我们的超过我们所求、所想 卡尔荣格2Dream Quotes有关梦的名言Dreams seem to be induced not by reason but by desire, not by the head, but by the heart. Fyodor Dostoevsky梦好像被欲望而非理性,被心灵而非头脑引导 陀思妥耶夫斯基The astonishment remains that one should dream.Ralph Waldo Emerson梦可以保全一个人的惊异 爱默生3Chuang-tse on Dreaming庄子的梦Once upon a time, I
3、, Chuang-Tse, dreamt that I was a butterfly fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was aware only of following my fancy as a butterfly, and unconscious of my human individuality. Suddenly I awoke, and there I lay, myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then
4、a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man.(Cited from Boss, 1957, p. 11; cf. Chuang-tses Inner Chapters, end of Chapt. 2)很久以前,庄子梦见自己就是一只上下翻飞的蝴蝶。庄子觉得他的认知和感觉都是一只蝴蝶,可是在潜意识当中却有人的性格。突然,自己醒了,又回到了自己的身体中。于是,庄子想我是一个梦见蝴蝶的人呢,还是一只梦见人的蝴蝶?4Where Dream Begins梦从哪里开始Strip
5、off kindness,Strip off shelter,Stripped down, friendless,Nor pride, nor warm shoes,Nor any coveringA cold man might useWhen there is no sun,When heart is gone.Without coat or cape, Shoestring or doorlatch, Or one cosy hope,Stripped of odds and ends,Even at last of love,Were the world ends,Go rich in
6、 povertyGo rich in poetry.This nothingnessIs plentitude,Honeycomb wildernessWhere the wild hare runs,Wind in the torn seams,Where rise buried suns,Where darkness begins.Here dream begins.May Sarton 5The Primary Problem Dream Analysis析梦的难题The basic problem of all forms of dream analysis is how to get
7、 from the phenomenon of the dream to understanding its meaning. This may be stated most briefly as follows:对于所有形式的析梦而言,最基本的难题在于如何从现象到理解它的意义。这个可以按如下描述:P U (The phenomenon to its understanding)P - U (从现象到理解)D M (The dream to its meaning/s)D - M (从梦到意义)In the clinical analysis of dreams this is stated
8、in terms of two different kinds of content. What are these?在临床析梦中,这个难题呈现在两种内容中。这些是什么?6Two Kinds of Dream Content两种梦的内容Manifest Content显性内容The dream just as it is lived or remembered这个梦就像它产生和被记住的那样Latent Content隐性内容The meaning of the dream arrived at through the process of analysis梦的意义是通过分析而产生的This r
9、aises the question, “What is analysis?”一个问题产生了,“什么是分析?”7The Meaning of Analysis分析的意义The Greek word for analysis, analeuin, first appeared in Homers Odyssey where it described Penelopes “night work” of unraveling her uncles shroud.“分析”在希腊语中第一次出现在奥德赛中。它描述佩内洛普每天晚上拆掉她叔叔的寿衣。The same word was used to desc
10、ribe the striking of tents to set out for a new camp, the unmooring of a ship before setting out to sea, and the untying of bonds to set a slave free.“分析”也被用在拆解帐篷以为了新的扎营;解开栓绳,扬帆出发;解开绑索,给奴隶自由。Analysis, then, means “unraveling something to set it free for other, future purposes and projects.” “分析”意味着,
11、解放并给予他人自由,去追寻未来的计划和目的。8Primary Systematic Approaches to Dream Analysis析梦的主要体统途径We will focus on the heuristic possibilities of four major systematic approaches to dream analysis. Each of these approaches has now succeeded in unlocking the secrets of millions of dreams. These four heuristic approache
12、s are:我们将聚焦于四种主要析梦的系统方式的探索可能性。这四种方法每一个都成功地解开了数以万计的梦的秘密。这四种探索性的方式是:Psychoanalysis (Sigmund Freud) 精神分析(弗洛伊德)Analytical Psychology (Carl Jung) 分析心理学(荣格)Gestalt Psychotherapy (Fritz Perls) 格式塔心理治疗(皮尔斯)Existential or Daseinsanalysis (Medard Boss) 存在分析(博斯)9What is Heuristic?什么是探索性?Heuristic: Serving to d
13、iscover 探索性:为了发现而服务 Gr. Heuretikos: to discover, to find 希腊文:去发现,去找到 Archimedess Discovery: Eureka 阿基米德的发现:我找到了!Heuristics: Flexible, open-ended processes that allow individuals to learn things independently and for themselves探索性:弹性、结局开放的过程,允许个体独立的为他们自己学习。Archimedes: Exemplar of the spirit of heuris
14、tics阿基米德:灵性探索的典范10Universal Heuristic Processes普遍性的探索性进程All four primary systematic approaches to dream analysis engage in four basic processes for the everyday and clinical study of dreams. These are:所有这四种主要的系统析梦方式都包含着四个步骤以解析日常和临床研究中的梦,它们是:Recalling 回忆Exploring 探索Understanding 理解Synthesizing (Artic
15、ulating) 综合11HEURISTIC PROCESS I: RECALLING THE DREAM探索性步骤 1:回忆梦Primary Problem: Dreams are often difficult to recall 主要难题:梦常常难以回忆 Dreams are jealous of being remembered; they dissipate instantly and angrily if you try to hold them.梦讨厌被记住;当我们试图抓住它们的时候,它们会很生气地转瞬溜走。 爱默生Ralph Waldo Emerson12HEURISTIC P
16、ROCESS I: RECALLING THE DREAM探索性步骤 1:回忆梦We have 5-100 or more dreams every night. Our problem is not having dreams but remembering them. Dream recall can be increased in several ways:我们每晚会做5100个,甚至更多的梦。我们的难题不是要有梦,而是要记住它们。有几种方法可以有效地帮助我们记住梦:Taking sleeping and dreaming seriously,认真地对待睡觉和做梦Learning abo
17、ut both sleeping and dreaming,了解睡眠和梦的知识Being anxious (“thin boundaried”) & self reflective,伴有焦虑和自我反省状态Having others with whom to share dreams,找人分享自己的梦And, most important, waking up during REM sleep.在快速眼动期醒来Many people find it helpful to have paper and pencil handy to write down their dreams immediat
18、ely.在枕头边准备笔和纸,随时记下自己的梦13HEURISTIC PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAM探索性步骤 2:探索梦Primary Problem: You dont yet know enough about the dream or the dreamer, even if that dreamer is you, yourself.主要难题:你对梦和做梦者没有足够的了解,即使那个做梦者是你自己。 There are 4 basic kinds of mental processes and methods for gathering relevant
19、information (developing a context) for understanding dreams:以下有4种步骤和方法可以用来搜集梦的信息,以理解梦:Association & Associative methods (Freud and Jung). 自由联想(弗洛伊德和荣格)Imagination & Imaginative methods (Jung). 想像法(荣格)Dramatization & Dramatic methods (Perls). 戏剧表演法(皮尔斯)Description & phenomenological methods (Boss /ex
20、plication).描述和现象学方法(博斯)14PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMAssociation/Associative Methods (Freud) A步骤2:探索梦自由联想法 (弗洛伊德)AFree Association from Freuds psychoanalysis:弗洛伊德精神分析的自由联想Divide dream into meaning units.给梦划分意义单元Say what comes to your mind spontaneously with the first meaning unit (not just words
21、but whole comments or life stories). 说出关于第一个意义单元的最先浮现在脑海中的词句(不要仅仅说词,而要讲故事)Keep associating freely until finished. 保持自由联想直到结束。d) Complete with all meaning units of dream. 结合每一个意义单元的联想15PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMAssociation/Associative Methods (Jung) B步骤2:探索梦自由联想法 (荣格)BAmplification from Jungs an
22、alytical psychology:荣格的分析心理学的单点放大Divide dream into meaning units.给梦划分意义单元Say what comes to your mind spontaneously with the first meaning unit (not just words but whole comments or life stories).说出关于第一个意义单元的最先浮现在脑海中的词句(不要仅仅说词,而要讲故事)After first association return to the same meaning unit and repeat u
23、ntil no more associations occur. 第一个自由联想之后再回到同一个意义单元继续联想直到没有联想为止。d) Complete with all meaning units of the dream.结合每一个意义单元的联想16PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMImagination/Imaginative Methods (Jung) A步骤2: 探索梦想像法 (荣格)AActive Imagination from Jung/analytical psychology: 荣格分析心理学的积极想像Select a puzzling, un
24、intelligible image in the dream.选取梦里面一个难以理解、莫名其妙的意象Set your attention on that image in the dream. 对该意象集中注意力Observe what happens as you continue to observe the image. 发现当你探索这个意象时发生了什么Allow your imagination free reign. 允许你的梦自由的展开Dont force or control your imagination, let it occur. 不要强迫或控制你脑海中的想像,就让它发
25、生。17PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMImagination/Imaginative Methods (Jung) B步骤2:探索梦想像法 (荣格)B2) Imaginative Dialogue from Jung/analytical psychology: 荣格分析心理学的想像对话Select a puzzling, unintelligible person in the dream.在梦中选取一个难以理解、莫名其妙的人。Set your attention on that person in the dream. 对这个人集中关注。Allow an i
26、maginative dialogue to occur between you and that person. Allow your imagination free reign. 允许你与这个人有一番想像的对话,允许这个想像自由发展。Notice what you say to each other or what you do. 注意你们之间谈了什么或者做了什么Dont force or control your imagination, let it occur.不要强迫或控制你脑海中的想像,就让它发生。18PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMDramati
27、zation/Dramatic Methods (Perls) A步骤2:探索梦戏剧表演法 (皮尔斯)ADramatic Reiteration from Perls/gestalt therapy:皮尔斯格式塔疗法 戏剧化重现Tell the entire dream, first person, present tense. 以第一人称现在时描述整个梦。For example: 例如: “I am walking into a dark room” “我走进一个黑色的房子” “I am feeling” “我感受到” “The window is open and I am going o
28、ver.” “窗户是打开的,我正在穿过它” “Now I see.hearsmelletc.” “现在我看见听见闻到” “Now it is occurring to me that” “I see.” “现在我正在经历”“我看见”Allow yourself to experience the dream in the here and now, precisely as you recall it having occurred. 允许你自己体验梦中当下的经验,当你回忆的时候,当它正在发生。19PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMDramatization/Dra
29、matic Methods (Perls) B步骤2: 探索梦戏剧表演法(皮尔斯)B 2) Dramatic Identification from Perls/gestalt therapy:皮尔斯格式塔疗法 戏剧化认同 Tell the entire dream, first person, present tense as another person or object in the dream. 用第一人称和现在时,把自己当作梦中的另一个人或一个物品来描述整个梦。For example: 例如“I am a dark roomsomeone is opening my doorno
30、one has been in me for years My door is now open and I see Sun Ying standing there looking nervousI am wondering why she is nervousIm the one who hasnt had a visitor in yearsI feel pain with every step she takes into me and I am creaking loudlydoesnt she get it, how much this hurts,” etc.“我是一间黑房子有个人
31、打开了我的门已经有许多年没人进入我里面我的门正在打开,孙英站在那儿,看上去有点紧张我很奇怪她为什么紧张”Allow yourself to experience the whole dream in the here and now, as that other person or or object.允许你自己作为另一个人或物品体验梦中当下的经验。20PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMDramatization/Dramatic Methods (Perls) C步骤2:探索梦戏剧表演法 (皮尔斯)C3) Dramatic Dialogue from Perls/
32、 gestalt therapy: 皮尔斯格式塔疗法 戏剧化对白Select a puzzling or significant person in the dream. 选择梦中的一个有疑惑或者重要Carry on a dialogue with that person with you playing the part of both persons (standing or sitting in the place of both individuals) . 你扮演梦中的自己和这个人,并进行一场对话(可以分别站在或坐在彼此的位置)Carry out the dialogue in th
33、e first person, present tense as both yourself and the other person until it reaches some natural crisis or conclusion. 对话需要以第一人称,现在时的方式在你自己和另一个人之间展开,直到有了结论或争论。Say honestly what you think and feel as each of you. 真实地说出每个角色的想法和感受。Dont be concerned with appearance or propriety. 不要太考虑得不得体。21PROCESS II:
34、 EXPLORING THE DREAMDramatization/Dramatic Methods (Perls) D步骤2: 探索梦戏剧表演法(皮尔斯)D4) Dramatic Exaggeration from Perls/gestalt therapy皮尔斯格式塔疗法 戏剧化夸张Notice where, in reliving the dream in the previous dramatizations, the affect or body tone was flat, incongruous or inappropriate (Perhaps even the whole r
35、eliving was so). Repeat the reiteration, identification, or dialogue but with fully expressed affect (perhaps imagine being on a grand stage and having to convince a full house)Allow yourself to experience the full emotional possibilities of the dream experience, again, here and now, but without phy
36、sical or emotional restraint.22PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMDescription/Phenomenological Methods (Boss) A步骤2:探索梦现象学描述法 (博斯) Explication from Bosss Daseinsanalysis:博斯的存在分析 说明Retell or explicate the whole dream in detail. 复述或者说明梦的全部细节Divide the dream into meaning units.将梦划分意义单元Explicate each meaning
37、 unit in turn.逐个说明意义单元Such explication or thick, rich, description can involve a number of phenomenological methods including definition, description, differentiation, specification, and relation. 这样详细的描述包含着许多现象学的方法,如:定义、描述、区分、说明和关系Complete with all meaning units of the dream. 整合所有的意义单元23PROCESS II:
38、 EXPLORING THE DREAMDescription/Phenomenological Methods (Boss) B步骤2:探索梦现象学描述法(博斯)B 2) Dreamers definition of dreamt phenomena.做梦者定义梦中的现象Select any phenomena (X) in the dream 选择梦中任一现象(X)Ask, “What is an X?” or “Who is X?” 问,“X是什么?”或“X是谁?”Define an X as clearly as possible, as if to a completely nave
39、 or ignorant listener. Say exactly what kind of thing an X is. 尽量清楚地定义X,好像在对一个无知愚蒙的听者讲述。精确地描述X是什么种类的事物。The purpose is to articulate the basic structure, nature, purpose, or way of being typical of all Xs. 目的是清楚地标明作为X这种事物的基本结构、自然属性、目的意图或存在方式24PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMDescription/Phenomenologica
40、l Methods (Boss) C步骤2:探索梦现象学描述法 (博斯)C 3) Dreamers description of dreamt phenomenon.做梦者描述梦中的现象Continuing to attend to X, describe an X in detail. 持续地关注X,描述一个X的细节。Ask or say what Xs are like or what this kind of person is like or what this person, X, is like in waking. 描述X是什么样子,或者X是什么样的人或者X在醒的时候是什么样Th
41、e purpose is to indicate the spontaneous, everyday sense of an X, not the phenomenons nature but, rather, its qualities. 目的是描述平日对X的自发的看法,不是X的本质,而是特征。25PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMDescription/Phenomenological Methods (Boss) D步骤2:探索梦现象学描述法 (博斯)D4) Dreamers differentiation of dreamt phenomenon.做梦者对梦
42、中现象的区分Continuing to attend to X in the dream, differentiate an X from other similar kinds of things. (e.g., How is a bicycle different from and automobile? Lettuce different from rice? A student from a teacher? etc.) 持续关注梦中的X,区分X与一些类似事物。(例如,自行车与摩托车有什么区别?生菜与稻谷有什么不同?学生和老师的差别在哪里?)Ask or say how are Xs
43、in general are distinguished from Ys. 描述总体来看X怎么样能够区别于YThe purpose is to articulate how this particular kind of thing, an X, is different from other things in roughly the same category (e.g., modes of transportation, foods, learners). 目的是弄清楚X作为一种特殊的事物与近乎相同的其他事物的区别。26PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMDes
44、cription/Phenomenological Methods (Boss) E步骤2:探索梦现象学描述法 (博斯)E5) Dreamers specification of dreamt phenomenon.做梦者对梦中现象的说明Continuing to attend to X, describe what this specific X was like in this specific dream, what this particular person X was like specifically in this dream. 持续关注梦中的X,描述这个独特的梦中独特的X是什
45、么样的事物或人Pay attention to ways in which this specific object, person, or event appeared or occurred in this particular dream. 关注这个独特的事物或人在这个独特的梦中是如何呈现或发生的。The purpose is to articulate dreamers precise experience of X, not just in general, but as he, she, or it appeared uniquely in this particular drea
46、m. 目的是表明做梦者在这个独特的梦中对X的独特经验,而不是泛泛的理解。27PROCESS II: EXPLORING THE DREAMDescription/Phenomenological Methods (Boss) F步骤2:探索梦现象学描述法(博斯)F6) Dreamers relation to dreamt phenomenon.做梦者对梦中现象的关系的把握Describe your relationship (thoughts, feelings, fantasies, beliefs, memories, etc.) to X as you experience that
47、relationship in waking life. 描述你与X的关系,像在醒时经历它的状态(想法、感受、猜想、信念等等)Describe your relationship to X as you experienced that relationship specifically in this dream. 描述在这个特别的梦中你所经历的与X的关系。The purpose is to uncover the dreamers waking and dreamt response to the various dreamt phenomena (objects, persons, ch
48、aracters, institutions, settings, events, behaviors, etc.) . 目的是揭示做梦者醒时和梦时对各种现象(物体、人、角色、制度、北京、事件、行为等)的反映。28HEURISTIC PROCESS III: UNDERSTANDING THE DREAM步骤3:理解梦Primary Problem: How does the individuals experience while dreaming relate to his or her waking life? 主要难题:梦中的个人经验怎么和他/她的醒时的生活建立关联。Aristotle
49、 suggested that the capacity to perceive analogies (or homologies) is the most important aptitude for dream interpretation. This is as true today as it was in ancient Greece. Once you have gathered the data associated with the dream, you are faced with discerning the dreams unique implications for t
50、he dreamers life. It is never just, “What does the dream mean?” but, crucially, “What does the dream mean to and for the dreamer?” 亚里士多德主张对类似性的敏察是析梦的最重要的才能。而这个主张今天仍然适用。一旦你搜集了与梦相关的信息,你就要面对如何辨别梦的独特暗示与做梦者生活的联系了。这绝对不是“这个梦的意思是什么”,而是“这个梦对于做梦者来说是为了什么”。29HEURISTIC PROCESS III: UNDERSTANDING THE DREAM步骤3:理解梦
51、Here are some potential clues to understanding the most significant meanings of a dream to and for the dreamer:这里有一些线索可以帮助理解梦对于做梦者而言的重要意义。Repetition. Notice trains of thought (ideas or themes) that were repeated in the process of reporting and gathering a context for understanding the dream. 重复:注意在报
52、告和搜集的过程中出现的一连串的不断出现的想法Salience. Notice particularly intense, vivid, or salient moments in the dream itself or in the process of gathering a context for understanding it. 沉默:注意在梦中出现的或者在报告和搜集梦的过程中情感激烈的、鲜活的或沉默的时刻Development. Notice the sequences of events, or feelings in the dream. 发展:注意梦中事件和情感的发展30HEU
53、RISTIC PROCESS III: UNDERSTANDING THE DREAM步骤3:理解梦Intense Emotional Experience. Perhaps the most direct path leading from the dream to the dreamers waking life is intense affect. 情感激昂的经验。很可能梦给做梦者醒时生活的最直接的带领是来自激昂的影响。Therefore, notice any particularly strong emotions while the dream is being described and then ask, directly, “Where or when in your waking life do you or have you experienced that particular feeling?” 因此,关注在描述梦的时候任何特殊的强烈情感,然后问“当你在醒时的生活中,在何时何处曾经经验过这样的情感?”31HEURISTIC PROCESS III:UNDERSTANDING THE DREAM步骤3:理解梦There are two classical ways of interpreting the images in the dream, objec
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