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1、2022 年四年级英语试卷考试范围:xxx;考试时间:xxx 分钟;出题人:xxx姓名:班级:考号: 题号得分一二三四五六总分注意事项:答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息请将答案正确填写在答题卡上评卷人得 分一、选择题Let me.goB. goesC. to go听录音,把你听到的句子序号填在括号里。(10 分)(1)A.I have a new pen.The door is orange.(2)A.I like blue.B.Do you like noodles?(3)A.How are you?B.Whats your name?(4)A.Whats your mothers

2、job? B.He is tall and strong.(5)A.Turn on the light.B.Open the door.(6)A.My mther is a nurse.B.I have a bag.(7)A.Whats for dinner?B.Its Wu Yifan.(8)A.I am a teacher.B.Id like some chicken.(9)A.Whats in your schoolbag? B.Nice to meet you.(10)A.Theyre on the fridge. B.My books are on the sofa.I getear

3、ly every morning . AonBinConDup选择合适的答语,将其选项填入题前括号内。( ) 1.What are these?AToday is Friday.( ) 2.How many caps do you have?BYes, it is. ( ) 3.What day is today?CThey are shoes.( ) 4.Is this your scarf?DShe is wearing a red dress. ( ) 5.What is she wearing? E. Six.5.- I have a new schoolbag.-? What col

4、our is it? AGoodBReallyCNoTherethree chickens. Theyre eating rice.A. am B. is C. areLook at these.ApictureBphotoesCphotosDmy picturesYoua good girl.A. areB. isC. am英汉互译。我的椅子他的书我们的教室他们的课桌她的毛衣New Years Day International Workers Day Childrens Day National Day Spring Festival 找出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的单词。()1shark

5、AbirdBstarCname ()2starAcakeBcardCnut()3heartAcatBarmCball()4chairAfarmBgardenCair()5barAhaveBwaterCafter评卷人得 分二、判断题阅读下面的短文,判断所给的句子是否与文章一致。若一致写“T”,不一致写“F”。(10 分)Today is September 2nd. Its Lalas birthday. Kate is making a birthday cake for Lala. But Lala doesnt know. He is playing football with Maom

6、ao. It is so hot. After a while, they are tired, so they go back home. When Lala comes into the room, he sees the cake. He is surprised, and he doesnt know who make the cake for him. But he eats it happily.() 1. Its Kates birthday today.() 2. Kate is making a birthday cake for Maomao. () 3. Lala and

7、 Maomao are playing football.() 4. Lala is surprised when he sees the cake. () 5. Lala knows Kate makes the cake for him.趣味判断,看图判断句子,对(T)错(F)。()1. This is a bedroom.()2. You can take a shower here.()3. A picture is on the wall.()4. The shoes are on the bed.()5. You can do homework here.读短文,判断句子是否符合短

8、文意思,如果符合请划“”表示,不符合则划“”表示。Today is fathers birthday. Lets have a party. What does father like? Does he like noodles? I dont think so. What about chicken? Does he like chicken? Oh, yes, he likes chicken very much! Anything else? (其他的呢?) He likes hamburgers and French fries, too. Chicken, hamburgers, F

9、rench fries, Lets go to KFC then!1.() Lets have a party for Christmas. 2.() Father likes noodles.3.() Father doesnt like chicken. 4.() They will have a party in KFC!5.() There arent any hamburgers or French fries in KFC.阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子的对错,对的在括号里写“Y”,错的写“N”。Look! This is my new schoolbag. Its big.

10、Its blue and white. I have an English book, a Chinese book, a math book, three notebooks and a pencil-case in it. In my pencil-box, you can see a ruler, two pens, seven pencils and a notebook. Oh, where is my schoolbag? Its on my chair.()1.My schoolbag is small.()2.I have three Chinese books.()3.My

11、pencil-case is in my schoolbag .()4.There are six pencils in the pencil-case. ()5.The schoolbag is on the chair.阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。A:Can I help you?B:Do you have any beautiful dresses?A:Yes,we doCome here,pleaseLet me show youB:I like the yellow onelet me try it on Oh,Its too smallDo you have any big o

12、nes? A:No,we dontBut we have some big green onesB:Let me try it onOh,its too longDo you have some short ones? A:Here is the pink oneIt must fit youB:Oh,yesHow much is it? A:Its 996 yuanB:Err.Let me seeSorry,I dont have enough money. ()1Miss Li wants to buy a new dress()2Miss Li likes the white dress

13、()3Miss Li wants to buy the red dress()4The pink dress is very suitable (合适的) ()5The green dress is very small()6The pink dress is very expensive评卷人得 分三、填空题读一读,选一选。1、-is her name?Her name is Kate. 2、-Heglasses and his shoes are blue. 3、She is my good is Sarah. 4、-is he?-Oh,he is Zhang Pe

14、ng.5、Ia friend.His name is John. 17.用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.Can Sam(ride) a bike?2.Im the(win). 3.Can I help(you)?4.Look! They are(swim). 5.He is(we) star.根据实际情况回答问题 (每小题 1 分, 共 6 分)Whats your name? How old are you? How do you go to school in the morning? Can you use chopsticks? What do you want to be? Do y

15、ou love your teachers? Where are the socks? 给下列单词归类。AmorningBinCyesterdayDdrinkE. onF. eveningH. eatI. walkJ. todayK. run评卷人得 分四、单词拼写看国旗写词语1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 写出下面词语的反义词。1.new2.tall 3.big4.good 5.fat 23.看图写单词。24.jm(跳)根据汉语描述,写出合适的英语单词。你到上海旅游,首先应看,确定路线。你在可以看见许多可爱的小动物。你想查阅资料或借阅图书,应该去。你想乘火车,应去。奶奶生病了,你应该送她

16、去。你逛街时,想方便,应该去。评卷人得 分五、阅读理解在 ABCD 中选出一个最佳答案。A Clock and a Watch We can tell the time by a clock or by a watch. A clock is big; it is usually on the wall or on the table. A watch is small; we can put it in the pocket (口袋), or wear it on the wrist(手腕)! A clock or a watch usually has a round face. It h

17、as two hands, a long one and a short one. Toms clock can speak and call him to get up every day. His watch has a picture of a lovely dog on the face. He likes it very much.( ) 1. Where do people usually put a clock?A. On the wall.B. On the bed.C. On the wrist.D. On the desk.( ) 2. How many hands has

18、 a clock?A. One.B. Two.C. Four.D. Five. ( ) 3. What does Tom have? He has.A. a lovely dogB. a lovely clock.C. a lovely watchD. both B and C( ) 4. Toms clock can call him to.A. get downB. get upC. go to school()5. Toms watch has a picture of dogB. chickenC. matD. dogs阅读理解,选择正确答案。Two boys,they have th

19、e same(相同的)name-JackOne lives in(住在)ShanghaiHe is eightThe other lives in NanjingHe is eight,tooThey dont know each other(互相)One Jack has big eyesThe other has small eyesOne Jacks house is very newHe can see cars and buses come and goThe other Jacks house is oldHe can see cats and dogsTwo boys,two d

20、ifferent faces(不同的长相)But the same nameAre the two boys good friends? AYesthey areNo,they arentYes,it isNo,it isntWhat are their names?ANanjing B Shanghai CJack DSameOne Jack has bigAearsBeyesChouse DcarOne Jacks house isHe can seeold,cars and busesold,cats and dogsnew,cats and dogsnew,cars and dogsT

21、he two boys with the same nameare twins(2)What are you going to do?have the same housewith the same big eyeshave the same age(年龄)评卷人得 分六、书面表达(1)Where are you going to go?看图,回答问题。(14 分)参考答案1 .A【解析】此句意是:让我去吧。Let 后跟动词原形,应选A。2 .【解析】【听力材料】(1)A. I have a new pen.(2)B. Dyou like noodles?(3)A.How are you?(4

22、)A. Whats your mothers job?(5)B. Open the door.(6)A.My mther is a nurse.(7)A.Whats for dinner?(8)B. Id like some chicken.(9)A. Whats in your schoolbag?(10)B. My books are on the sofa.3 .D【解析】4 .1.C 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.D【解析】略.B【解析】根据题干及填空后的问号可知句意为:我有一个新书包。真的吗?它什么颜色?真的吗?对应的英文表达为 Really?.C【解析】略.C【解析】略.A【解析】此

23、句意是:你是一个好女孩。主语是you,所以动词要用 are。9 .【解析】略10 .1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C【解析】shark / a:/bird / :/star / a:/name / ei/ 所以B 项与所给单词发音相同。star / a:/cake / ei/card / a:/nut / / 所以B 项与所给单词发音相同。heart / a:/cat / /arm / a:/ball /:/ 所以B 项与所给单词发音相同。chair /farm / a:/garden / a:/ air / 所以C 项与所给单词发音相同。bar / a:/have / /wa

24、ter / :/after / a:/ 所以C 项与所给单词发音相同。11 .1. F2. F3. T4. T5. F【解析】略12 .1. T2.F3. T4. F 5. T【解析】略13 ..5.【解析】略14 .1. NNYNY【解析】根据 This is my new schoolbag. Its big. 可知我的新书包大,所以题干错误。根据I have an English book, a Chinese book, . 可知我有一本语文书,而不是三本,所以题干错误。根据. and a pencil-case in it. 可知我的铅笔盒在新书包里,所以题干正确。根据

25、 In my pencil-box, you can see a ruler, . seven pencils 可知我有七只铅笔,而不是六只, 所以题干错误。根据 where is my schoolbag? Its on my chair. 可知我的书包在椅子上,所以题干正确。15 .1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T【解析】根据 Do you have any beautiful dresses? 可知 Miss Li 想买一条裙子,所以题干正确。根据I like the yellow one可知 Miss Li 喜欢黄色的那条裙子,而不是白色的,所以题干错误。根据 Here is the pink oneIt must fit youOh,yesHow much is it? 可知 Miss Li 想买粉色的裙子,而不是红色的,所以题干错误。根据 Here is the pink oneIt must fit youOh,yes可知粉色的裙子大


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