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1、更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页综合英语(二)2017 年 10 真题试题及答案解析(00795)1、the government will do at the critical moment is try allways to reduce the unemployment rate.A、ThatB、WhatC、HowD、This试题答案: B试题解析:本句意为:政府在关键时刻要做的就是尽一切努力减少失业率。本 句为 what 引导的主语从句,在从句中充当宾语。2、Technology has greatly improved and now this

2、 type of car is produced and sold at a pricecan afford.A、an average personB、that an average person whoC、and an average personD、an average person who其前试题答案: A试题解析: an average person could afford 是定语从句,修饰 price, 省略了关系代词 that 。3、Not until he shouted“help! ”at the top of this voiceherhead.A、the girl tur

3、nedB、that the girl turnedC、did the girl turnD、had the girl turned试题答案: C试题解析:否定意义的词放句首用部分倒装,在部分倒装句中, 只有助动词、 情态动词或连系动词 to be 可以置于主语之前,其它部分都要置于主语之后。4、The rumor of his bribery came as quite a surprisehe had areputation for being a government official of high dignity.A、soB、becauseC、althoughD、if试题答案: B试题

4、解析:本句意为:关于他受贿的传闻令人吃惊,因为他是以一位有尊严的 政府官员而闻名。5、So far no firm evidence has come to lightthe man wasresponsible for the accident.A、whichB、as更多自考资料关注作者主页C、whatD、that试题答案: D试题解析:本句意为:到目前为止没有正式的证据表明这个这个人应对这个事 故负责。 that 引导同位语从句,解释说明前面的 evidence 。6、Great as Charles Darwin was, his theory of evolutionandis bei

5、ng modified by the work of scientists of our time.A、may be challengedB、is to challengeC、has been challengedD、is challenging试题答案: C试题解析:本句意为:尽管牛顿很伟大,他的进化论已经受到挑战了,正在被 当代的科学家进行改变。现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成的的动作对现在 造成的结果或影响。主语是单数,故谓 语用 has , theory 和 challenge 是动宾 关系,用被动语态。yesterday, but we have7、The results of th

6、e election should heard nothing yet.A、have announcedB、have been announcedC、announceD、be announced试题答案: B试题解析:现在完成时的被动语态的肯定式为: have/has+been+done。8、When a country s currency got into trouble, the government would raise interest rates to attract foreign exchange,would inturn prop up the value of domes

7、tic currency.A、in whichB、thatC、in thatD、which试题答案: D试题解析:由 which 引导的非限制定语从句。9、You should have enough courage tounexpected difficultiesand never run away from them.A、face up toB、live up toC、look up toD、come up to试题答案: A试题解析: face up to 意为“勇敢地接受 /面对, 正视(而不畏缩 ) ”; live up to 意为“不辜负、履行” ; look up to 意为“

8、抬头看、尊重” ; come up to 意为“达到”。更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页10、“ Shut up! Myof your impoliteness is limited.A、awarenessB、judgementC、toleranceD、imagination试题答案: C试题解析: awareness 意为“察觉、意识” ; judgement 意为“评价、判断” tolerance 意为“宽容、容忍” ; imagination 意为“想象、想象力” 。11、George took a(

9、n)job in town while he was waiting to jointhe army.A、accidentalB、temporaryC、occasionalD、random试题答案: B试题解析: accidental 意为“偶然的、以外的” ; temporary 意为“临时的、暂 时的” ;occasional 意为“偶尔的、不经常的” ; random 意为“任意的”。12、If you take this medicine three times a day, it shouldyourcough.A、healB、cureC、treatD、recover试题答案: B试

10、题解析: heal 侧重指治愈伤口、伤痛如灼伤等, heal 不能用来表示“感冒” 等疾病的治愈 ;cure 多指用药物治疗并治愈某种疾病 ;treat 强调治疗过程,指 通过药物,特别的食品或运动治疗 病人或治病,不强调结果 ;recover 指身体的痊 愈。13、Weher not to walk on the thin ice but she just wouldntlisten to us.A、warnedB 、 convincedC 、 suggestedD、encouraged试题答案: A试题解析: warn 意为“警告、告诫” ; convince 意为“使相信、说服” sug

11、gest 意为“建议” ;encourage 意为“鼓励”。14、Most of thepassengers were quickly removed from theaircraft.A、brokenB、damagedC、injuredD、harmed试题答案: C试题解析: broken 一般指物品损坏 ;damaged 指损失,经济损失也算 ; injured 指外表的伤,多指在意外中受的伤 ; harmed 常指看不到的内伤。15、Laura is only a sort ofof her mother s opinion and hasno ideas of her own.A、sa

12、mpleB、shadowC、modelD、echo试题答案: D试题解析:本句意为: Laura 只是她母亲的观点的应声虫,而没有一点自己的 想法。 sample 意为“样品、标本” ;shadow 意为“影子” ;reproduction “繁 殖、再现、再生 产”; echo 意为“回声、回声、共鸣” , 引申为没有独立思 想的“摹仿者、应声虫”。1、Lie detector is a device that helps determine whether a person is telling the truth. A lie detector, also called a polygr

13、aph, records physical changes that occur 16 questions. Such changes include alterations in the blood pressure, pulse 17 , perspiration ( 出汗), and respiration (呼吸)that may occur when anindividual lies. It helps police andother 18 question suspects about their possible involvement in a 19Polygraph exp

14、erts and othersupporters of lie detector testing believe that such tests are highly accurate. Some criminal cases are decided on the basis of liedetector tests, 20can be used as evidence if allpeople 21agree beforehand to their use. A person whoagrees to do so is connected to a polygraph and sits in

15、 a chair while answering questions. The lie detector makes a continuous 22 of body functions by drawing lines on a moving graph. Some of the questions asked during a lie detector test arc related 23 the matter being investigated.Others are unrelated or only 24 related, but they are included to impro

16、ve the test s 25Each questionmust be answered yes or no. If a person lies, the graph normally records a physical change. This change occurs because of the person s 26response to telling a lie. After thetest, a lie detector examiner 27 the test results. But many legal experts believe that testimony o

17、btained with the aid of lie detectors is not accurate enough to be used 28These experts also say that suchtestimony may 29 the legal principle which can protect people 30testifying against themselves. The judgesin most criminal cases do not permit testimony obtained with lie detectors to be used as

18、evidence.16()A、in reaction toB、in terms ofC、by means ofD、with regard to试题答案: A试题解析: in reaction to 意为”作为 的反应“ ; in terms of 意为”根据、就 而言“ ;by means of 意为”通过、依靠“ ; with regard to意为”关于、就 而言“。2、17()A、beat更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页B、degreeC、paceD、rate试题答案: D试题解析: pulse ra

19、te 意为“脉搏率”3、18()A、pursuersB、explorersC、investigatorsD、researchers试题答案: C试题解析: pursuer 意为”追捕者、追求者“ ; explorer 意为”勘探者、探测 器“ ; investigator意为“调查者” ; researcher 意为”研究者“。4、19()A、crimeB、quarrelC、crisisD、mystery试题答案: A更多自考资料关注作者主页试题解析: crime 意为“罪犯” ; quarrel 意为“争吵” ; crisis “; mystery 意为”神秘“。5、20()A、thatB、

20、whichC、theyD、those试题答案: B试题解析:由 which 引导的非限制性定语从句6、21()A、mentionedB、influencedC、contactedD、involved试题答案: D试题解析: mention 意为“提及、提到” ; influence 意为“影响 意为“联系” ;involve 意为”牵涉、涉及”。7、22()意为”危机;contactA、resultB、readjustC、recordD、reply试题答案: C试题解析:词义辨析。 result 意为“结果” ; readjust 意为“再整理、再调 整” ; record 意为“记录” ;

21、reply 意为“回复、答复”。8、23() A 、 on B 、 to C、 at D、in试题答案: B试题解析:介词搭配。 be related to 意为“与 有关、和 有联系”。9、24()A、slightlyB、specificallyC、irregularlyD、obviously更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页试题答案: A试题解析:词义辨析。 slightly 意为“轻微地” ; specifically 意为“特有 地、明确地” ; irregularly 意为“不规则地” ; obvi

22、ously 意为“明显地”10、25()A、authorityB、timelinessC、wholenessD、accuracy试题答案: D试题解析:词义辨析。 authority 意为“权威” ; timeliness 意为“合时” wholeness 意为“全体” ;accuracy 意为“精确、准确”。11、26()A、officialB、logicalC、emotionalD、terminal试题答案: C试题解析:词义辨析。 official 意为“正式地” ; logical 意为“逻辑( 上) 的” ; emotional 意为“表现强烈情感的” ; terminal 意为“末

23、期的”。12、27()更多自考资料关注作者主页A、improvesB、interpretsC、definesD、simplifies试题答案: B试题解析:词义辨析。 improve 意为“提高” ; interpret 意为“解释” define 意为“规定、下定义” ; simplify 意为“简化”。13、28()A、in courtB、in businessC、at largeD、at choice试题答案: A试题解析:词组辨析。 in court 意为“在法庭上” ; in business 意为“在做 买卖”; at large 意为“在逃” ; at choice 意为“供任选

24、”。14、29()A、denyB、resistC、violateD、refuse试题答案: C试题解析:词义辨析。 deny 意为“拒绝” ; resist 意为“抵抗” ; violate 意 为“违反” ; refuse 意为“拒绝、回绝”。15、30()A、forB、inC、withD、from试题答案: D试题解析:介词搭配。 protect sb from 意为“保护某人免于”。1、Sometimes I think how grateful I would be today if I had learned more back then about what really matt

25、ers.A、I would be happy now if I had learned more about great historic events.B、I would be satisfied today if I had learned more about things really important.C、Since I have learned how to deal with difficulties, I feel content with my education.D、Since I have learned more than other students, I feel

26、 thankful to my school teachers.试题答案: B试题解析:本句意为:有时我会想,如果我能在那时候了解更多关于什么是真 正重要的东西,我将是多么感激。用到了 if 对过去进行虚拟。2、This kind of vacillation not only impairs the parents ability toset limits, it also sours the parent-child relationship to some degree.A、Parents are in a dilemma as to whether to set limits or g

27、ive full freedom to children.B、Saying no to children is an obstacle to the improvement of the parent-child relationship.C、The parent- child relationship depends on both parents abilityand childrens cooperation.D、Parents hesitation weakens their parental authority and relationship with their children

28、.意为“不但、而且”, impair 意为“削试题答案: D试题解析: not only.but also. 弱、损坏”。3、Her Lauras father was very fond of Hughie, but would not hear of any engagement.A、. but the old man would not allow her to be engaged to Hughie.B、. but Hughie wouldnt make a proposal to Laura.C、. but it was impossible for them to get mar

29、ried.D、. but Laura was not ready for marriage.试题答案: A更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页试题解析:本句意为:她父亲很喜欢休吉,但是不允许他们订婚。4、That would make a Gestapo sit up and take notice.A、A Gestapo would feel very nervous.B、That would make a Gestapo relaxed.C、That would attract a Gestapos attention.D、A Gestapo would write down

30、what he saw.试题答案: C试题解析: make sb do sth 表示使某人做某事, sit up and take notice 示突然关注、突然发生兴趣。5、There is more genuine satisfaction from life in the humble cottages of the poor than in the palaces of the rich.A、Rich peoples living conditions are more satisfactory than those of poor people.B、Despite their bad

31、 living conditions, the poor are truly happier than the rich.C、Without grand palaces, the poor are more ambitious than the rich.D、Rich people are proud of their luxurious life and social status.试题答案: B试题解析:本句意为:穷人的简陋的村舍比富人的宫殿里的生活更能带来真正 的满足感。6、His remark was to the effect that Fotheringay was a fool.

32、 更多自考资料关注作者主页A、He said that Fotheringay actually made a fool of himself.B、His comments on Fotheringay was proved to be foolish.C、He said that Fotheringay s foolishness was obvious.D、His words indicated that Fotheringay was foolish.试题答案: D试题解析:本句意为:他的话大意是说佛泽林盖当众出丑了。 remark 意为“话 语” 。7 、 The trees and

33、hedges, the grass and wild flowers in the foreground, all suggest that Nature has not been forced into obedience.A、. Nature has no power to compete with human beings.B 、 . people have the power to change the natural surroundings.C、.Nature does not need to be changed to satisfy human beings.D、. the e

34、nvironment still keeps its natural state despite mansactivity.试题答案: D试题解析:本句意为:前景中的树木和树篱,草和野花,都表明大自然没有被 迫服从。8、Different friends fill different niches in eachperson s life.A、Each person has friends of varied social status.B、Different friends help a person in different ways.C、Different friends play di

35、fferent roles in a persons life.更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页更多自考资料关注作者主页D、Each person has specific responsibilities for his friends.试题答案: C试题解析:本句意为:不同的朋友在每个人的生活中有不同的作用9、This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is whatat last I have found.A、.t

36、hough it is not desirable, this is what I for.ve been lookingB、 though it is not believable, this is what I for.ve been lookingC、. though it seems to exist only in heaven, I found it. ve eventuallyD、. though it seems too far away for other people, I found it.ve actually试题答案: C试题解析:本句意为:这就是我所寻求的东西,虽然

37、它也许似乎是人生所难以 得到的美好事物,但这就是最后我终于找到的东西。10、Thus the age we live in offers little prospect of outwardstability.A、Therefore in our age, the world shows little signs ofrevolutionary change.B、Therefore in our age, we cannot expect the world to remain unchanging.C、So nowadays no one can make promise of peace

38、for human beings.D、So nowadays we have little chance to build up a prosperous world.试题答案: B 试题解析:本句意为:因此我们生活的这个时代难以有安定的外部环境。由 the age we live( 我们生活的这个时代 ),可排除 C、D 选项,stability意为“稳定性”, prospect 意为“前景、可能性”。1 、Passage 1One evening, 60-year-old June Griffith was on her way home when she took a right tur

39、n at an unfamiliar intersection. Almost immediately, however, she realized that she had gone the wrong way. She slowed to a crawl and looked into the dark, searching for a place where she could return to the main road. The headlights in the opposite lane made it hard to see. After a minute or two, s

40、he spotted what looked like a road that would take her around the block and back to the intersection. As she turned right, the rear end of her car scraped pavement and the wheels dropped a few inches, landing with a loud thump. In the dark, Griffith froze. Then she shifted into reverse. The rear tir

41、es rolled onto the road behind her, but the front wheel well snagged ( 卡住 )on something and the car stopped. Griffith realized the problem then: Shed driven onto railroad tracks and theunderside of her car was caught. As Griffith tried to move the car, its swaying headlights attracted the attention

42、of a passerby, Jordan Ricks, a college student.“Maam, are you okay? ”Ricks asked. “No,Im stuck, Griffith replied. Ricks could see the potential for calamity. But he tried to appear calm as he instructed Griffith to put the car in neutral. Both of them could now see the wheel well stuck between the r

43、ails and the uneven track bed. Ricks put his hands under the front fender and gave it a heave (上提 ). It didn t move.He shoved it again with all his strength. Still, no movement. From about 50 feet away, a group of students watched the scene. Ricks motioned to them, and five of the guys came over. Th

44、ey clearly were both nervous and amused. “Come on, Ricks told them.“This could beanybodys grandma. ” He directed them to different sides of the car, and they all put their hands under the frame.“One, two, three! ”Ricks yelled. They all heaved.“One, two, three! ” he yelled again.The car didn t move.

45、At that moment, they felt the ground begin to shake. Then four dings signaled an oncoming train, red beacons flashed from posts on either side of the tracks. In the distance, a fuzzy beam of light appeared, followed by the roar of a horn. The guys started yelling,“Get out of the car!”But Griffith fe

46、ltparalyzed. When she glanced in the rearview mirror, she saw the train lights approaching. But she worried that the arthritis (关节炎)in herfeet would prevent her from escaping in time and that her car would be damaged. One of the students saw her stunned face and reached for the car door and yanked i

47、t open. The train was just a few hundred feet away. The brakes shrieked. In the last few seconds, Ricks grabbed Griffith s arm and pulled h er from the car. Other students grabbed her other arm, and they dragged Griffith to a nearby stairway. They watched as the train smashed into the car, crushing

48、it into half its original size and sending metal pieces flying. Griffith sat crying as police arrived and sorted through the wreckageandwrote her a ticket for inattentive driving. A few days later, a reporter asked the young men and Griffith to reunite at a local coffee shop. There a tearful Griffit

49、h hugged her rescuers.Griffith s story hit thelocal TV news. A family decided to donate acar when they knew Griffiths predicament that her insurer was notgoing to replace her car. Griffith was overwhelmed by their generosity. “These boys are heroes, ”she would later tell anyone who would listen. T h

50、ey saved my life. ” Ricks feels only gratitude for the outcome. It was one of those moments,” he says, “when we couldhave been gone together. It makes you think how precious life is.”What caused Griffiths panic on her way home that evening?A、The awareness that she was stuck on the railroad.B、The bli

51、nding lights from the opposite direction.C、The realization that she had got lost.D、The complete darkness around her.试题答案: A试题解析:根据短文第二段中 Griffith realized the problem then: Sheddriven onto railroad tracks and the underside of her car was caught. 可知,她意识到自己被困在铁路上。2、What did Ricks mean by saying grandm

52、a.” in Paragraph 7?A、He tried to emphasize GriffithB 、 He tried to find out GriffithCome on, this could be anybody s s age.s identity.C、He tried to urge the boys to help Griffith.D、He tried to be polite and show respect to Griffith.试题答案: C试题解析:根据短文第六段的描写可知, Ricks 一个人不能把车子推出来,第八 段中 Ricks 安排学生从不同位置一起用

53、力,可知此处他是劝说学生来帮忙。3、After they realized that a train was roaring towards the car, what did the students do first?A、They shouted to Griffith,“Get out of the car!”B、They tried to lift the car away from the tracks.C、They dragged Griffith out of the car.D、They forced the car door open.试题答案: A试题解析:根据短文第十一段

54、中 The guys started yelling,“Get out ofthe car! ”可知选 A。4、What happened to Griffith after the incident?A、She was interviewed as a witness of the accident.B、She was criticized by the public for the accident.C、She was praised by the students for her courage.D、She was fined by the police for careless dri

55、ving.试题答案: D试题解析:根据短文第十三段中 Griffith sat crying as police arrived and sorted through the wreckage and wrote her a ticket for inattentive driving(粗心驾驶 ) 可知。5、Which of the following can best explain the underlined word “predicament ” in the second paragraph from the bottom?A、Obvious embarrassment.B、Ext

56、reme poverty.C、Dangerous experience.D、Unpleasant situation.试题答案: D试题解析:根据本段中 that 从句后面的 her insurer was not going to replace her car 可知,她的保险公司不会更换她的车。Passage 2Arwa, a researcher at Oxford University, spends her working life seeking out the causes of blood-borne diseases. But now she is in search of

57、child care for her babyand it is proving even moreelusive. Her nine months of maternity leave (产假 ) are about to runout and despite booking a nursery place soon after becoming pregnantshe was too late to beat her chosen nurseries two -year waiting lists.For now, her parents are helping out. Many of

58、my friends don thave anyone else to rely on, ” she says. “Theres simply not enough child care to g o around. ”Britain s new government has come up with what it believes is the solution.On May 27th it announced a plan to give working parents of children aged three and four the right to claim 30 hours

59、 of free nursery care per child per week, for 38 weeks a year double the current 15-hour allowance. The new initiative is expected to cost 350 million a year.The price of child care has been soaring: it now costs an average of 110 to buy 25 hours atnursery for a two-year-old, over a third more than

60、five years ago. The expense weighs heavily on parents and on the economy. For women, who still do most of baby-minding, pricey nurseries make returning to work less worthwhile. After tax, the average woman in full-time employment takes home 19,000 a year. The typical cost of keeping two pre-school c


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