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1、 2022年北京交通学院海滨学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析)第1题【单选题】【阅读判断】Fermis genius was known throughout the scientific world. In 1938 he had won a Nobel Prize. Four years later he produced the first nuclear chain reaction, leading us into the nuclear age.Q: Fermi, an experimentalist as well as a theoretician, won a Nob

2、el Prize for producing the first nuclear chain reaction in the world. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。Fermi在1938年获诺贝尔奖,四年以后才建立核连锁反应的。第2题【单选题】【完成句子】Certainly there are millions who need to lose weight. But there are also millions who only imagine they need to. Compulsive and continuous di

3、eting, not to mention eating disorders, shows that some of us will do anything to reduce our bodies down to the currently desirable shape. But is being underweight really desirable?A great many people go on a diet to_. A、keep fit B、have a body shape that all people will admire C、prolong life span D、

4、get ride of digestive system diseases【正确答案】B【答案解析】本段文字指出,很多人为了达到当前流行的体型(reduce our bodies down to the currently desirable shape)而不惜通过节食等方法减肥。因此选择B。第3题【单选题】【阅读判断】Five neighbors at a central Missouri retirement community who are all centenarians (百岁老人) get asked all the time:“How did you live to be 10

5、0?Q: The five centenarians live in a very friendly community A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。题目说的是“这五位百岁老人生活在一个非常友好的社区”,文章开头部分提到了“community(社区)”,但该句并没有说这五位百岁老人生活的社区是否是一个友好的社区,因此判断问题句的信息在文章中没有提到。第4题【单选题】【阅读判断】People living north of the mountain heard a loud boom that shook their windows,

6、and airline pilots flying near the volcano soon afterwards described a thick black column of ash and steam shooting more than 2,100 meters into the sky.Q: Pilots flying at the height of more than 2,100 meters saw a thick black column of ash and steam shooting up into the air from the crater. A、True

7、B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。该题说的是: 飞行员飞行的高度超过2100米时,看见一个黑色的火山灰和蒸汽从火山口急速上升到空气中。但是,文章中airline pilots flying near the volcano soon afterwards described a thick black column of ash and steam shooting more than 2,100 meters into the sky.说的是靠近火山的地方出现了一个黑色的火山灰和蒸汽上升到空气中,其高度超过2100米。因此该命题是错误的。第5题【单选题

8、】【完成句子】Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages.Book written by J. Verne are_. A、science fictions with a rec

9、urrent theme B、concerned with the problems that we have to solve in the future C、read worldwide D、political implications【正确答案】C【答案解析】这段文字讲到J. Verne是一位有名的作家,所写的书已经译成了许多种语言,因此C选项是正确答案。第6题【单选题】【2009.10】As for family education, parents are encouraged to rely on _ rather than punishment. A、criticism B、in

10、timidation C、persuasion D、scolding【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查名词词义区分。【译文】 关于家庭教育,鼓励父母们依靠说服而不是惩罚孩子。 A 批评、指责 B 恐吓、威胁 C 说服、劝服 D 责骂、斥责第7题【单选题】【2007.04】Having decided to rent a flat, we _ contacting housing agencies in the city. A、set about B、set down C、set out D、set up【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查关于set的短语。contacting housing a

11、gencies:联系房屋中介。根据句意,应该选set about。set about:开始做某事。set down:放下,搁下;记下,记载,写下。set out:出发,开始,后面跟to do sth。set up:建立(事业);成立(组织);为某人提供必需品或有用的东西。 第8题【单选题】【2009.01】You should help them_when your friends quarrel with each other. A、come into sight B、come to terms C、come into play D、come to power【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考

12、查短语的习惯用法。句意:当你的朋友吵架时,你应当帮助他们协调一下。come into 或 come to 都表示进入(某种状态)。A 映入眼帘;B. 达成协议,妥协;C 开始运作;D. 上台,开始掌权。 第9题【单选题】【2009.7】He would _ that all the classified data should be kept safe when in office. A、assure B、ensure C、insure D、secure【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查动词意义区分。【译文】他保证在办公室里的所有机密数据处于安全状态。【详细解答】A 使确信,使有信心;B 确保

13、(某事)发生,担保;C 为投保,给保险;D 安全的,没有危险的第10题【单选题】【概括大意】They always complained(抱怨) more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways. They also blamed that their parents always have a final say. And the young felt that their parents do not trust their children to deal with crises. Besi

14、des, they dissatisfied too much murmurs of their parents about certain problems and the lack of sense of humor in dealing with the problems, at least in parents-children relationships.The main idea of this paragraph is_. A、The criticisms to their parents can be kept out of the young peoples mind in

15、following ways. B、It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstanding between them. C、There are so many criticism to their parents among the young people. D、Young people have gotten enough reasons to criticize their parents.【正确答案

16、】C【答案解析】本题段落中的各句列举了年轻人都抱怨其父母些什么,谈的是what are the criticisms?的问题因此选择C。第11题【单选题】【阅读选择】You cant change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help, Dr. Kleitman believes. Maybe youre sleepy in the evening but you must stay up late anyway. Counteract your cycle to

17、 some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to. If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This wont change your cycle, but youll get up steam and work better at your low point.If one wants to work more effici

18、ently at his low point in the morning, he should _. A、change his energy cycle B、overcome his laziness C、get up earlier than usual D、go to bed earlier【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题要求读者找出本段中的最后两句,并联系本段开头两句的意思,作出正确判断。本段开头说,“虽然你无法改变自己的能量周期,但你可以使你的生活适合这一周期。Dr. Kleitman认为经常性的行为(对你的能量周期)能起作用。”最后两句又说,“rise before your usu

19、al hourwork better at your low point”(“如果你在上午处于能量的低潮,但你有重要的工作要在上午做,那么你就要比平时早起。这并不改变你的周期,但你可以在低潮时得到能量,工作得更好。”)因此选项C是正确答案。第12题【单选题】【阅读判断】Every year, in November, Thanksgiving Day reminds us of the good things in life, and people are thankful. On this day people usually eat turkey and great quantities

20、of other foods.Q: The turkey is a most popular food on Thanksgiving Day. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。感恩节这天火鸡通常是必不可少的。因此本题是正确的。第13题【单选题】【填句补文】Many beginning interviewers are afraid that they are forcing the other person to answer questions and have no right to inquire about his person

21、al secrets. _. Unless the person really hates being interviewed, he is delighted that somebody wants to interview him. A、This fear is almost 100 percent unnecessary. B、This doesnt necessarily mean that it will go well. C、Most men and women lead lives that are uninteresting. D、Both of you need time t

22、o get to know each other.【正确答案】A【答案解析】抓住关键词进行同义替换,也就是afraid,选项中this fear就是对这种担心的补充,这种担心是完全没有必要的,除非被采访者确实是讨厌别人问自己。第14题【单选题】【2010.04】What her grandfather said left a _ impression on her mind. She still remembers it. A、final B、vague C、deep D、main【正确答案】C【答案解析】【译文】 她爷爷说的事情给她留下深刻的印象,她仍然还记得。【试题分析】词汇题。【详细解答

23、】形容词意义区分题。第15题【单选题】【阅读判断】The tornado caused a lot of damage to cars and houses in the area. It will take a long time and much money to repair everything. There was also serious water damage from the thunderstorms. The heavy rains and high wind caused the power to go out in many homes.Q: Power supply

24、 system was not damaged during the storm. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。本题可译为:暴风雨中供电系统没遭到破坏。最后一句说大风和暴雨使一些家庭的供电出现了问题,与题项矛盾,故选B。第16题【单选题】【阅读选择】Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money and put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because they have so little of it. Resid

25、ents of cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam spend a lot of their winter in the dark because the days are so short, and much of the rest of the year in the rain. This is the reason the Mediterranean has always attracted them. Every summer, more than 25 million people travel to Mediterranean

26、 resorts and beaches for their vacation. They all come for the same reason: sun!In the paragraph, cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam are mentioned_. A、to show that they are not good cities in terms of geography and climate B、to tell us how wealthy their residents are C、to suggest that the

27、se cities lack places of historic interest and scenic beauty D、to prove that they have got more tourism than they can handle【正确答案】A【答案解析】该段中所列举的三个城市都具有阴冷日短的气候特点,这些不利的地理气候条件使得当地居民向往阳光充足的地方。四个选项中,选项A最接近题意。第17题【单选题】【2010.04】The spokesman occasionally _ his speech with gestures. A、acknowledges B、accompa

28、nies C、attributes D、anticipates【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查词汇。【译文】这位发言人讲演中偶尔伴有手势。第18题【单选题】【阅读选择】Many researchers,whose work depends on ocean sounds object to a limit of one-hundred-twenty decibels(分贝). They say such a limit is a greater danger than they believed. They want to prevent noises from harming creatu

29、res in the ocean.According to the passage, what will scientists most probably do in the future? A、They will work hard to reduce ocean noise pollution. B、They will protect animals from harmful noises. C、They will try to set a limit of 120 decibels. D、They will study the effect of ocean noise pollutio

30、n.【正确答案】B【答案解析】They will protect animals from harmful noises. 本段的最后一句话是答案的出处。第19题【单选题】【2009.10】As for family education, parents are encouraged to rely on _ rather than punishment. A、criticism B、intimidation C、persuasion D、scolding【正确答案】C【答案解析】本题考查名词词义区分。【译文】 关于家庭教育,鼓励父母们依靠说服而不是惩罚孩子。 A 批评、指责 B 恐吓、威胁

31、C 说服、劝服 D 责骂、斥责第20题【单选题】【2008.04】The farming methods have been _ improved with the invention of the new machine. A、efficiently B、proficiently C、professionally D、intentionally【正确答案】A【答案解析】本题考查副词词义辨析。句子翻译为:由于新机器的发明,人们已经高效率地改进了农业耕种方法。A 高效率地 B熟练地 C 职业地、专职地 D 故意地、有意地。第21题【单选题】【阅读选择】But Ellen really becam

32、e famous in 2001. Aged only 24, she was one of only two women who entered the Vendee Globe round the world solo race(单人环球帆船比赛), which lasts 100 days. Despite many problems, she came second in the race out of 24 competitors and she was given a very warm welcome when she returned.In the Vendee Globe r

33、ace, Ellen won _. A、a gold medal B、The “Best Woman Sailor” award C、The “Young Sailor of the Year” award D、the second place【正确答案】D【答案解析】细节查找题答案特点:答案一般在原文有共同或相似关键词。第22题【单选题】【2009.01】If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get_. A、concentrated B、confused C、confirmed D、convinced【正确答案】B【答案

34、解析】本题考查形近形容词意义区分。句意:如果你试图一次学太多东西,你就有可能糊涂了。A .浓缩的,专心的;B 糊涂的,混淆的;C 根深蒂固的;D 确信的。第23题【单选题】【2009.7】He would _ that all the classified data should be kept safe when in office. A、assure B、ensure C、insure D、secure【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查动词意义区分。【译文】他保证在办公室里的所有机密数据处于安全状态。【详细解答】A 使确信,使有信心;B 确保(某事)发生,担保;C 为投保,给保险;D 安全

35、的,没有危险的第24题【单选题】【阅读判断】One problem with this design is that the mouse gets dirty as the ball rolls over the surface and picks up dirt. Eventually you have to clean your mouse.Q: When an ordinary computer mouse gets dirty, it has to be replaced with a new one. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案

36、选B。题中说鼠标脏了,就得换用新的。这一说法与原文不符。原文说的是鼠标脏了,可以擦干净再用。it has to be replaced with a new one 与 you have to clean your mouse 不符。所以选B。第25题【单选题】【2009.04】If payment is not received, legal action will be our only_. A、aggression B、advantage C、alternative D、ambition【正确答案】C【答案解析】译文:如果我们收不到付款,那就只好诉诸法律了。试题分析:词义选择题。详细解答

37、:A 挑衅、侵犯;B 优势、优点;C 选择、取舍;D 野心、抱负。第26题【单选题】【2009.7】He would _ that all the classified data should be kept safe when in office. A、assure B、ensure C、insure D、secure【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题考查动词意义区分。【译文】他保证在办公室里的所有机密数据处于安全状态。【详细解答】A 使确信,使有信心;B 确保(某事)发生,担保;C 为投保,给保险;D 安全的,没有危险的第27题【单选题】【阅读选择】In a special report on

38、 cancer and blacks, the organization said blacks are usually diagnosed with cancer later than whites, and they are more likely to die of the disease.Which may NOT be a reason for higher cancer death rates among US blacks? A、Unequal access to medical care. B、Greater probability of having other diseas

39、es. C、Differences in the biology of the cancer. D、Early diagnosis.【正确答案】D【答案解析】本段指出blacks are usually diagnosed with cancer later than whites,与D项内容是相反的,因此选D。第28题【单选题】【完成句子】Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jule

40、s Verne and H.G. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages.Book written by J. Verne are_. A、science fictions with a recurrent theme B、concerned with the problems that we have to solve in the future C、read worldwide D、political implications【正确答案】C【答案解析】这段

41、文字讲到J. Verne是一位有名的作家,所写的书已经译成了许多种语言,因此C选项是正确答案。第29题【单选题】【阅读判断】Fermis genius was known throughout the scientific world. In 1938 he had won a Nobel Prize. Four years later he produced the first nuclear chain reaction, leading us into the nuclear age.Q: Fermi, an experimentalist as well as a theoretici

42、an, won a Nobel Prize for producing the first nuclear chain reaction in the world. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。Fermi在1938年获诺贝尔奖,四年以后才建立核连锁反应的。第30题【单选题】【阅读选择】Calorie restriction dramatically extends the lifespan of organisms as different as worms and rodents. Whether this works in hum

43、ans is still unknown partly because few people are willing to submit to such a strict diet.According to the passage, we do not know whether humans will benefit from taking in fewer calories partly because_. A、humans, worms and rodents are different. B、most people are not willing to be put on a stric

44、t diet. C、the effect is not known. D、genetic changes in tissues can not be performed on humans.【正确答案】B【答案解析】本题答案可从本段的最后一句话中找出。第31题【单选题】【完成句子】Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to ment

45、ion just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages.Book written by J. Verne are_. A、science fictions with a recurrent theme B、concerned with the problems that we have to solve in the future C、read worldwide D、political implications【正确答案】C【答案解析】这段文字讲到J. Verne是一位有名的作家,所写的书已经译成了许

46、多种语言,因此C选项是正确答案。第32题【单选题】【完成句子】The average lightning strike is more than 3 miles long and can travel at a tenth of the speed of light. Ball lightning, the rarest and most mysterious form, derives its name from the small luminous ball that appears near the impact point, moves horizontally, and lasts

47、for several seconds.One form of lightning that _ is ball lightning. A、occurs most infrequently B、is shifted sideways by strong winds C、is often hidden from our view D、is estimated at 20 millions a year【正确答案】A【答案解析】本段文字与题目相关的句子是:Ball lightning, the rarest and most mysterious form, derives its name fr

48、om the small luminous ball,关键词是rarest(rare的最高级形式)与infrequently“很少发生,少有”表达相同的意思。第33题【单选题】【阅读判断】Over the weekend, Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of former president Bill Clinton, announced her run for 2008 presidency. This is partly due to the biased thinking that women are weak on national security, th

49、ough they might be strong on education and health care. This damages their prospects as a presidential contender.Q: One of Hillarys campaign promises is to reform the nations health care system. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。问题句说“Hillary的一个竞选承诺是改革国家的医疗制度。”而本段只是说“女人做教育和医疗方面的工作有优势”,没有说Hi

50、llary的一个竞选承诺式改革国家的医疗制度,因此问题句的信息在文章中没有被提到。第34题【单选题】【阅读判断】Over the weekend, Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of former president Bill Clinton, announced her run for 2008 presidency. This is partly due to the biased thinking that women are weak on national security, though they might be strong on education

51、 and health care. This damages their prospects as a presidential contender.Q: One of Hillarys campaign promises is to reform the nations health care system. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】C【答案解析】答案选C。问题句说“Hillary的一个竞选承诺是改革国家的医疗制度。”而本段只是说“女人做教育和医疗方面的工作有优势”,没有说Hillary的一个竞选承诺式改革国家的医疗制度,因此问题句的信息在文章中没有被

52、提到。第35题【单选题】【完成句子】The average lightning strike is more than 3 miles long and can travel at a tenth of the speed of light. Ball lightning, the rarest and most mysterious form, derives its name from the small luminous ball that appears near the impact point, moves horizontally, and lasts for several s

53、econds.One form of lightning that _ is ball lightning. A、occurs most infrequently B、is shifted sideways by strong winds C、is often hidden from our view D、is estimated at 20 millions a year【正确答案】A【答案解析】本段文字与题目相关的句子是:Ball lightning, the rarest and most mysterious form, derives its name from the small

54、luminous ball,关键词是rarest(rare的最高级形式)与infrequently“很少发生,少有”表达相同的意思。第36题【单选题】【2009.10】So far scientists have only acquired _ understanding of the physical processes that cause earthquakes. A、a partial B、a changeable C、an original D、an individual【正确答案】A第37题【单选题】【阅读选择】But Ellen really became famous in 2

55、001. Aged only 24, she was one of only two women who entered the Vendee Globe round the world solo race(单人环球帆船比赛), which lasts 100 days. Despite many problems, she came second in the race out of 24 competitors and she was given a very warm welcome when she returned.In the Vendee Globe race, Ellen wo

56、n _. A、a gold medal B、The “Best Woman Sailor” award C、The “Young Sailor of the Year” award D、the second place【正确答案】D【答案解析】细节查找题答案特点:答案一般在原文有共同或相似关键词。第38题【单选题】【阅读选择】The riches of the sea yet to be developed by mans technology are impressive. Oil and gas explorations have existed for nearly thirty yea

57、rs. Valuable amounts of minerals such as iron, copper and so on exist on the ocean floor.According to the author, technology is important because _. A、resources on land are running short in ten years B、man can use it to explore the deeper sea C、it is a lot of fun diving into the sea D、ancient people

58、 used it to explore the sea【正确答案】B【答案解析】本段第一句作者提到The riches of the sea yet to be developed by mans technology are impressive,人类利用技术可以开发的海洋资源是惊人的。段末说到:Valuable amounts of minerals such as iron, copper and so on exist on the ocean floor. 然而,大量有价值的矿物均还埋藏于海底。如铁,铜等等。其他三项都没有提到。第39题【单选题】【阅读判断】Although no o

59、ther game is exactly like baseball, perhaps the one most nearly like it is the English game of cricket(板球).Q: Baseball shares many features with the English game of cricket. A、True B、False C、Not Given【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。本题对应的语句为:the one most nearly like it is the English game of cricket,因此是正确的。第40题【单选

60、题】【完成句子】Americans eat with knives and forks; Japanese eat with chopsticks. Americans say Hi when they meet; Japanese bow. Many American men open doors for women; Japanese men do not. On the surface, it appears that good manners in America are not good manners in Japan, and in a way this is true. But


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