1、江苏省工业与应用数学学会(JSIAM)2012年学术年会会议手册2012年11月 扬州主办单位江苏省工业与应用数学学会承办单位扬州大学数学科学学院会务组联系方式:李 凌 通讯地址:扬州大学瘦西湖校区数学科学学院,225002Email:math友情提醒:特邀报告时间为45分钟(包括提问交流时间),分组报告时间为20分钟(包括提问交流时间),主持人请负责各分组研讨会场秩序与论文报告时间的控制。报告会场具有以下设备:投影机、电脑、激光笔。若有其他需求,请提前与会务组秘书处联系。请每一位做报告的专家于提前将报告文档拷贝到电脑中,如需使用自备电脑请提前试机。会务组设在1105房间。目 录1、会议总体日
2、程12、具体日程2 开幕式及大会特邀报告 2分组报告 33、学术报告简介6江苏省工业与应用数学学会2012年学术年会总体日程日期时间内容地点11月23日下午1:0021:00代表报到扬州花园国际大酒店18:3020:00晚餐二楼自助餐厅20:0022:00JSIAM第五届常务理事会会议一楼海棠厅11月24日7:00-8:00早餐二楼自助餐厅8:309:10开幕式二楼玫瑰厅9:109:25会议代表合影酒店大厅前集中9:30-10:15大会主题报告一复旦大学 谭永基教授二楼玫瑰厅10:15-10:30茶歇10:30-11:15大会主题报告二扬州大学 刘玉荣教授二楼玫瑰厅11:30-12:30午餐二
4、-09:10开幕式9:109:25会议代表合影主持人:唐元生9:30-10:15关于美国大学生数学建模竞赛谭永基主持人:刘继军10:30-11:15多智能体一致性问题刘玉荣江苏省工业与应用数学学会(JSIAM)2012年学术年会具体日程分组报告第一组地点:一楼海棠亭12月24日下午时间报告题目报告人上半场 主席:卢殿臣14:00-14:20Global Existence and Decay Rate of Solutions of Generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers Equation in Multi-dimension徐红梅河海大学14:20-
5、14:40Global stability of a delayed epidemic model with saturation infection rate胡广平南京信息工程大学14:40-15:00带变量核的Marcinkiewicz积分算子在某些空间上的有界性姚红超南通大学15:00-15:20随机矩阵的中偏差陈 磊江苏师范大学15:20-15:40The asymptotic behavior of stochastic differential equations driven by Levy processes朱全新南京师范大学15:40-16:00茶歇 下半场 主席:吴钢 16
6、:00-16:20Numerical analysis on a compact difference scheme for the nonlinear Kuramoto-Tsuzuki equation胡秀玲江苏师范大学16:20-16:40On a Reduced Form Credit Risk Model with Common Shock and Regime Switching梁雪苏州大学16:40-17:00待定肖敏南京晓庄学院17:00-17:20On AGX conjectures involving proximity and remoteness of graphs华洪波
7、淮阴工学院17:20-17:40On the Bases and Spline Quasi-interpolation in Cubic Spline Space 钱江河海大学17:40-18:00Ground states for quasilinear Schrodinger equatons丁建南京信息工程大学第二组地点:一楼迎春厅12月24日下午时间报告题目报告人上半场 主席:高洪俊14:00-14:20Random sampling in shift invariant spaces杨建斌河海大学14:20-14:40Solving the backward heat conduct
8、ion problem by data fitting with multiple regularizing parameters陈群南京信息工程大学14:40-15:00The classification ofderived minimal dg algebras李志伟江苏师范大学15:00-15:20The solutions of the constrained BKP hierarchy and its relation with the Fay identities程纪鹏中国矿业大学15:20-15:40Integrable Ermakov systems in 2+1-Dimen
9、sional Rotating Shallow Water Theory安红利南京农业大学15:40-16:00茶歇下半场 主席:王金华16:00-16:20Valuation of Credit-linked notes with PDE approach葛磊苏州大学16:20-16:40随机动力系统的Sacker-sell谱王广瓦江苏师范大学16:40-17:00次黎曼空间中最优传输问题谭康海南京理工大学17:00-17:20The method of approximate particular solutions for inverse source problems associat
10、ed with the convection-diffusion equation闫亮东东南大学数学系17:20-17:40Uniqueness and stability of a coefficient inverse problem for type III thermoelasticity吴斌南京信息工程大学17:40-18:00中国几大股票市场的分形研究何慧南通大学第三组地点:二楼紫荆厅12月24日下午时间报告题目报告人上半场 主席:林支桂14:00-14:20Alternating direction implicit schemes for 2D fractional diffu
11、sion-wave equation张亚楠苏州大学14:20-14:40基于PDE方法的图像处理陈平南京理工大学14:40-15:00待定崔大成南京晓庄学院15:00-15:20基于流形学习的模式分类方法徐春明盐城师范学院15:20-15:40基于图文法的云资源按需重构方法郝水侠江苏师范大学15:40-16:00茶歇下半场 主席:蒋勇 16:00-16:20频率振幅关系陶诏灵南京信息工程大学16:20-16:40软集族上的信息代数系统管雪冲江苏师范大学16:40-17:00次分数布朗运动的几个结果刘俊峰南京审计学院17:00-17:20Nonuniform behavior for diffe
12、rential equations蒋永新河海大学17:20-17:40拓扑度方法与无穷维耦合格点系统的周期解王 超盐城师范学院17:40-18:00Minimum Monochromatic and Rainbow Subgraph Partition of Graphs Avoiding Forbidden Subgraphs张晓岩南京师范大学学术报告简介报告人:徐红梅 单位:河海大学报告题目:Global existence and decay rate of solutions of generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equations i
13、n multi-dimension.摘要:We study the global existence and decay rates of the Cauchy problem for the generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equations in multi dimensional space. By using Fourier analysis, frequency decomposition, pserdo-differential operators and energy method, we obtain global existe
14、nce and optimal L-2 convergence rates of the solution.报告人:杨建斌 单位:河海大学报告题目:Random sampling in shift invariant spaces摘要:The set of sampling in a shift invariant space plays an important role in signal processing and has many applications. This talk addresses the problem when some randomly chosen sampl
15、es $X=x_j:jin J$ forms a set of sampling in a shift invariant space. That is, when the inequality of the form $c_p|f|_Lp(mathbb Rd)ple sum_x_jin X|f(x_j)|ple C_p|f|_Lp(mathbb Rd)p$ holds uniformly for all functions $f$ in a shift invariant space, where $c_p$ and $C_p$ are positive constants $(1le p
16、leinfty)$. We prove that with overwhelming probability, the above sampling inequality holds for certain compact subsets of the shift invariant space when the sampling size is sufficiently large.报告人:蒋永新 单位:河海大学报告题目:Nonuniform Hyperbolicity behaviors摘要:In this talk I first give the relation between th
17、e notions of nonuniform asymptotic stability and admissibility by using appropriate Lyapunov norms. Then I display the robustness of a nonuniform (,v) trichotomy in Banach spaces, in the sense that the existence of such a trichotomy for a given linear equation persists under sufficiently small linea
18、r perturbations.报告人:钱江 单位:河海大学报告题目:三次样条函数空间基底与样条拟插值研究摘要:基于多元样条空间的维数公式, 说明了非均匀二元三次样条空间 维数与均匀情形一样. 接着, 借助于光滑余因子协调法, 计算了样条空间 基函数, 它由两组具有局部最小支集的样条函数组成, 并以支集中每个三角形胞腔上的10个点处函数值表示; 并且计算出这两组样条函数的B网系数. 然后, 利用由两组具有局部最小支集的样条所组成的基函数, 构造了一系列非均匀2-型三角剖分上的三次样条拟插值算子. 这些变差缩减算子由样条函数 支集上5个网格点或中心, 与样条函数 支集上5个网格点处函数值定义.
19、其中算子 能保接近最优的三次多项式性. 而且, 利用连续模, 分析了算子 一致逼近于充分光滑的实函数. 最后, 对于拟均匀2-型三角剖分, 研究表明样条拟插值算子 导数一致逼近于充分光滑的实函数的导数, 并推导出误差估计.报告人:徐春明 单位:盐城师范学院数科院报告题目:Face recognition using discriminant neighborhood preserving projections 摘要:We propose a novel subspace learning method called discriminant neighborhood preserving p
20、rojections (DNPP) for face feature extraction. Compared with the conventional neighborhood preserving projections (NPP) method, DNPP can effective utilize class information of the data manifold to guide the process of feature extraction. Additionally, when computing the neighborhood graph, the edge
21、weights are constrained to be non-negative, so the weights are more suitable for real world applications. Experimental results on Yale and ORL face databases show the effectiveness of the proposed DNPP algorithm.报告人:王超 单位:盐城师范学院数科院报告题目:拓扑度与无穷维(高维)耦合格点系统的周期解摘要:本报告介绍了运用拓扑度的方法,研究高维耦合格点系统周期解存在的存在性条件问题。针
22、对各种非共振性条件,各给出一类无穷维(高维)耦合格点系统的周期解存在的结果。特别地,对一类满足接触共振点条件的耦合格点系统,证明了一个高维耦合系统周期解存在的延拓定理,并应用此定理证明了系统周期解的存在性。 报告人:刘俊峰 单位:南京审计学院数学与统计学院报告题目:Several results about the functionals corresponding to sub-fractional Brownian motion摘要:In this talk, we will discuss three functionals associated with sub-fractional
23、Brownian motion, such as weighted power variation, self-intersection local time and “adjusted” quadratic variation. This talk is based on some joint works with Litan Yan. 报告人:程纪鹏 单位:中国矿业大学理学院报告题目:Some new results about the gauge transformation of the BKP hierarchy摘要:In this lecture, we mainly deal w
24、ith the gauge transformation of the BKP hierarchy. Three results are obtained: 1)The orbit of the gauge transformation for the constained BKP hierarchy defines a special (2 + 1)-dimensional Toda lattice equation structure. 2) And the tau function of the BKP hierarchy, generated by the gauge transfor
25、mation , is showed as a Pfaffian. 3)The applications of the gauge transformation in the derivation of the Fay like identities about the BKP tau function is showed.报告人:张亚楠 单位:苏州大学报告题目:Alternating direction implicit schemes for 2D fractional diffusion-wave equation摘要:This work considers the numerical
26、methods of fractional diffusion-wave equation with time fractional derivative of order. Since fractional derivatives are non-local, it is difficult to solve fractional problems numerically, especially in high spatial dimensions. In order to overcome the computational difficulty, we derive ADI scheme
27、s for solving the 2D problems. These methods reduce the computation time greatly comparing with traditional implicit methods. The unconditional stability and norm convergence are proved rigorously. Numerical experiments are carried out to support the theoretical results.报告人:梁雪 单位:苏州大学报告题目:On a reduc
28、ed form credit risk model with common shock and regime switching.摘要:Reduced form credit risk models are important ones in credit risk theory. In such a model, certain correlated relations are constructed to represent the default dependence structure among the default intensity processes. In this pap
29、er, we introduced a reduced form credit risk model in which the default dependence structures among default intensity processes are described by the so-called common shocks with regime-switching. We derive some closed-form expressions for the joint distribution of the default times and for the prici
30、ng formulas of the basket default swaps. 报告人:何慧 单位:南通大学理学院报告题目:中国几大股票市场的分形研究摘要:分形市场理论克服了传统的金融市场理论的缺陷,为人们准确刻画股票市场特征开辟了新的视角。我们选择了中国最具影响力的三大股票市场(上证综指、深圳成指以及香港恒生指数)运用了分形理论对这三大股票市场进行了分析研究。针对三大股市近10年的股票指数收盘价,运用R/S分析法分别对三大股指所对应的对数收益序列进行了研究,计算出了三大股市的日对数收益、5日对数收益、10日对数收益以及20日对数收益序列的Hurst指数。结果表明,在不同时间间隔下计算出的H
31、urst指数均大于0.5,说明我国股票市场具有长记忆性的特征,进一步验证了中国股市是分形市场。同样也发现,随着时间间隔的增加,计算出的H值越大。此外,运用统计分析方法,分析了三大股市之间的联动性;还对三大股市日收益序列的JB统计量进行分析。报告人:陶诏灵 单位:南京信息工程大学 报告题目:频率与振幅的关系摘要:振动是自然界最普遍与频繁的现象之一。对于特殊振动方程,探讨频率与振幅的关系及寻求方法。报告人:吴斌 单位:南京信息工程大学报告题目:Uniqueness and stability of an inverse kernel problem for type III thermoelast
32、icity摘要:In this talk, we study a global Carleman estimate for a thermoelastic system of type III. Based on this estimate, we furthermore investigate an inverse problem of determining a spatially varying thermal kernel function. A Holder stability for the coefficient inverse problem only by displacem
33、ent measurements over a given subdomain along a sufficiently large time interval and temperature measurements at some time over whole domain is obatined. The uniqueness for such an inverse problem is yielded as a direct result.报告人:陈群 单位:南京信息工程大学报告题目:Solving the back ward heat conduction problem by d
34、ata fitting with multiple regularizing parameters摘要:We propose a new reconstruction scheme for the backward heat conduction problem. By using the eigenfunction expansions, this ill-posed problem is solved by an optimization problem, which is essentially a regularizing scheme for the noisy input data
35、 with both the number of truncation terms and the approximation accuracy for the final data as multiple regularizing parameters. The convergence rate analysis depending on the strategy of choosing regularizing parameters as well as the computational accuracy of eigenfunctions is given. Numerical imp
36、lementations are presented to show the validity of this new scheme.报告人:胡广平 单位:南京信息工程大学题目:Global dynamics of a delayed epidemic model with saturation infection。摘要:This paper is concerned with a mathematical model dealing with a delayed SEIR epidemic model with saturation infection rate. The global dy
37、namics is studied, through constructing suitable Lyapunov functionals and using LaSalle invariant principle. Numerical simulations are also presented to illustrate the results obtained analytically.报告人:姚红超 单位:南通大学理学院题目:带变量核的Littlewood-Paley算子交换子在某空间上的有界性报告人:华洪波 单位:淮阴工学院报告题目:On AGX conjectures involv
38、ing remoteness and proximity of graphs摘要:In this talk, we discuss several AGX conjectures proposed by Aouchiche and Hansen in M. Aouchiche and P. Hansen, Proximity and remoteness in graphs: results and conjectures, Networks, 58 (2011) 95-102. In particular, we give an extended abstract of the proof
39、of an AGX conjecture.报告人:刘玉荣 单位:扬州大学报告题目:多智能体一致性问题摘要:In this talk, the distributed consensus problem is considered for discrete-time delayed networks of dynamic agents with fixed topologies, where the networks under investigation are directed and the time delays involved are distributed time delays
40、including a single or multiple time delay(s) as special cases. By using the invariance principle of delay difference systems, a new unified framework is established to deal with the consensus for the discrete-time delayed multi-agent system. It is shown that the addressed discrete-time network with
41、arbitrary distributed time delays reaches consensus provided that it is strongly connected. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the proposed methods.报告人:李志伟 单位:江苏师范大学: 报告题目:The classification of derived minimal dg algebras摘要:In this talk, we will introduce the notion of derived minimal dg
42、 algebras and present some classification theorems ofsuch algebras.报告人:管雪冲 单位:江苏师范大学报告题目:软集族上的信息代数系统摘要:本报告介绍了两类用于处理非确定性问题的数学结构模型,即信息代数和软集。通过给出模糊软集上的三个运算,包括标记运算、联合运算以及投影运算,证明了模糊软集族构成了一个信息代数系统。进一步地,证得由所有参数集为有限子集的模糊软集构成了一个紧信息代数。报告人:王广瓦 单位:江苏师范大学报告题目:随机动力系统的Sacker-Sell谱摘要:Sacker-Sell谱(又叫动力学谱,或者二分谱)是动力系统
43、理论中的一个重要研究内容。目前这一方面的工作主要集中在确定性的动力系统框架下,关于随机动力系统情形的成果很少。我们的报告主要研究了随机动力系统的Sacker-Sell谱理论:分别在有限维的情形和无限维的情形下建立了相应的Sacker-Sell谱分解定理。报告人:朱全新 单位:南京师范大学报告题目:The asymptotic behavior of stochastic differential equations driven by Levy processes摘要:本报告首先简单介绍Levy过程的研究动机和应用背景,并给出Levy过程的精确定义以及Levy Ito分解定理、Levy-Khi
44、ntchine公式等重要性质。 然后具体讨论一类由Levy过程驱动的随机微分方程解的存在唯一性及长时间行为以及连续性问题。最后用几个具体例子验证研究结果的有效性和正确性。报告人:张晓岩 单位:南京师范大学报告题目:Minimum Monochromatic and Rainbow Subgraph Partition of Graphs Avoiding Forbidden Subgraphs摘要:Given an edge-colored graph G=(V, E), a subgraph H is said to be monochromatic if all its edges have the same color, and called rainbow if i
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