1、 口腔医学专业留学申请书 口腔医学专业留学申请书 Dear _, From a very early age, I have always wanted to be a healthcare professional because of my love of science and caring nature. I attended a medical school successfully completed my second year of study. I shared my accommodation with dentistry students and I began ques
2、tioning whether I had made the right choice. I believe I was quite naive when applying for medicine as I did not consider the job itself after graduating. I believe dentistry and medicine have many similarities but the typical work activities, working conditions and career development aspects are to
3、tally different. Taking into account my interests, abilities and skills, dentistry is the perfect career and thus I ended my medical career.Dentistry is a career thats challenging and rewarding. I want to apply my scientific knowledge to help people maintain their health and appearance. Dentistry of
4、fers the opportunity to be ones own boss and own a dental practice. I want a career thats hands on experience where I have the opportunity to build long term relationships withy my patients. I have a passion for oral care and am always educating my family about developing good brushing habits. I hav
5、e a strong interest and ability in science as reflected by achieving As on all my A-level exam papers. I was selected student of the year by science tutors which was an outstanding achievement and portrays my competitive nature. I am committed to completing a life long, rewarding career as a dentist
6、 and am very excited about the lifelong learning opportunities presented by dentistry. I am passionate about applying my scientific knowledge to help treat people of all ages. There is a great deal of personal satisfaction by providing an important health service. I am a friendly, empathic individua
7、l with a caring nature. For the past three years, I have been assisting my sisters by caring for my niece and nephew on a weekend basis. This reflects my caring nature as Im quick to offer my help to make life easier for others. I have been working as a sales and marketing consultant for two years a
8、nd have the ability to build long-term relationships with clients and colleagues at great ease because of my friendly approach. My duties involve cold-calling potential clients, building a rapport and meet their needs by offering online marketing campaigns. I am a successful team member and thrive u
9、nder pressure with the responsibility of achieving sales targets. I have further enhanced my communication, teamwork and organisational skills which are of great importance for the interaction with patients and running a dental practice. I have a professional, confident manner and possess good busin
10、ess and managerial abilities. I have devised successful marketing campaigns for 2 dental practices which was an exciting experience. I have further realised my entrepreneurial abilities and have a talent for business. I have excellent IT skills which are necessary due to the increasing use of comput
11、ers. I have completed two weeks of work experience at 2 dental practices. It was one of the most exciting experiences of my life and provided me with a further insight into day-to-day dental management. I was offered the opportunity to shadow a number of dentists, specialists in different fields fro
12、m orthodontists, prosthodontists to endodontists. I learned it is important to have good communication and interpersonal skills, for interaction with patients of all ages, cultures and personalities. The dentists typical day was diverse and interesting. It was great to observe excellent teamwork and
13、 how vital everyone was to the running of the practice. I observed a root canal treatment, where the endodontists placed the patient at ease (patient centred approach), explained the treatment fully and it was great watching the effective interaction between the dentist and the dental assistant. I a
14、ppreciate the dentist is a manager and a team leader running a small business. This experience has further reinforced my desire to apply for dentistry. My main interests are music, sport and sewing. I am a strong believer in taking a balanced approach to life. My current job is quite stressful and t
15、hus I attend the gym after work with colleagues where we play tennis, go climbing and exercise. I enjoy designing and sewing my own dresses and thus possess good hand-eye coordination. I appreciate manual dexterity is required in dentistry and is of great importance when treating patients.I am excit
16、ed about entering the dental profession and can assure you I will make use of all opportunities that are presented. I believe I possess the ideal skills and attributes required to run a dental practice. I am committed to running an effective practice offering each patient the best possible treatment
17、 in a caring, supportive and professional environment. Yours sincerely, 瑞典留学申请条件与费用 一、瑞典留学申请条件 1、学历证明:有高中毕业证 2、语言要求:要有良好的英语水平,托福(TOEFL)成绩至少在500-550分之间; 3、瑞典语水平:要能用瑞典语听课、做笔记、读参考书,通过由瑞典_主持的全国性瑞典文水平考试;要做到这一点,至少需在瑞典专门学习一年瑞典语; 4、经济担保:本科学习时间延续较长,必须提供整个学习期间的经济担保,约30多万克朗,才能拿到瑞典的入境签证和居留许可证。 二、留学瑞典费用 瑞典大学的收费标
18、准都是各个学校各自定的,瑞典学校的大多数专业的学费都是在70000-140000克朗之间,这个范畴以内的学费还是不算贵的,不过还是有个别的专业会要略高一点,比如艺术专业的。申请瑞典的学校要交一定的申请费,通常是900克朗。在瑞典的学校学习除了学费是要交的之外,书本也是需要自行购买的,每个月至少是750克朗。 通常在瑞典读书的大部分学生是免不了要到外面租房子的,他们基本上都是3-4个人合租一套房子,一共是6000-8000元一个月,平均每个学生只需要交1500-2000元的房租,这是特别省钱的一种租房方式,每年一个学生只要18000元到24000元。其实瑞典的宿舍也是可以住的,但是每年能提供给学
19、生的宿舍房间都不多,只有一少部分的学生能够住到学生宿舍。 在瑞典晚饭都是吃的比较丰富的,晚饭花的钱也要比中饭花的钱要多一点,晚饭一般一顿是100-150克朗,中饭一顿要55-85克朗之间,这都是在外面吃饭的价格,要是你是在学校的食堂或者是自己做饭就没有这么贵了,自己想吃什么就自己做,瑞典超市的食材也是特别便宜,在外面吃一顿饭的价格都可以买还几天的食材了。 三、瑞典留学专业选择 1.技术 可调节扳手、炸药和文件共享网站_的创作,都证明了瑞典是一个创新的技术强国。Skype,Soundcloud,Spotify和Ericsson都是瑞典的发明,以及大量漂亮的小工具如Zaplox,能开门的电子智能手
20、机应用程序,和hovding(一种充气项圈,如果你遇到自行车事故,它可以充当安全气囊)。一些重要的国际投资者来到瑞典,试图找寻出下一个像Spotify这样的发明,所以科技行业的机遇和进步会持续增长:对于技术和一般工程,以及其他相关工程或计算机科学和IT领域的学生来说,这是一个好消息。 瑞典在生物能源利用和环境技术方面也处于世界地位。1972年,世界上第一次联合国环境大会在斯德哥尔摩召开,今天,瑞典在可再生能源、可持续水资源管理和交通运输领域开展了许多备受关注的研究。德国排名高的隆德大学(Lund University)在环境科学方面排名全球第31位,而于默奥大学的科学和技术学院为学生提供了完成
21、一系列特定的、以环境为重点的硕士课程,比如环境化学硕士课程。 2. 设计 瑞典人不仅仅在技术方面富有创造力:任何人都能辨认出瑞典设计的时尚韵味、实用风格。瑞典家具巨头宜家(IKEA)和服装品牌H&M,都提倡将极简主义与实用性结合起来,它们的作品风靡全球。瑞典设计注重材料、现代技术和可持续发展的潜力,为瑞典设计的新方向提供了无限的可能性。在瑞典,设计专业的学生被灌输的一个概念就是-要把设计师想象成一个天然的链接,一个连接顾客和他们需求的实际链接,并鼓励他们在创造中采用多学科的方法。 学生一般在康斯塔法克大学工艺美术学院、哥德堡大学工艺美术学院等多所知名院校完成设计课程。瑞典有许多艺术和设计委员会,基金会,设计奖项和贸易博览会,还有很多发掘学生创意潜力的创意艺术,非工业设计,时装和纺织设计和工业设计的活动。 3. 社会科学 瑞典以其先进的社会立场和国家平等主义价值观而闻名,是世界上平等财富程度高的国家。瑞典也被社会进步指数评为世界上社会进步程度高的国家;瑞典四所大学在政治与国际方面的研究排名全球前200,而在社会学课程中,八分之六的学生取得了优异的成绩。 瑞典一直是一个稳定的政治国家,加上其与欧洲的联系,使学生能够参与到独特的政治思维模式和社会分析
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