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ibt新托福镇魂单词题(excel助记版)分列版 全集1.5版_第4页




1、,1, a matter of speculation ,supposition n, 推断,2, a solicitation of ,an invitation of n, 垦求;垦请,3, abandoned, left a, 被遗弃的,4, aberrant, abnormal a, 脱离常轨的,5, abort, quit v, 夭折;中止,6, abrupt,sudden adj,突然的,7, abruptly, suddenly ad, 突然地;意外地,8, absorb ,appeal v, 吸收;被吸引,9, absorb, learn(学习) v, 吸收,10, absor

2、b, take in v, 吸收;被吸引,11, abstract, not concrete a, 抽象的;非实际的,12, absurd, ridiculous a, 荒谬的;可笑的,13, abundance, great number n, 大量,14, abundance, large amount n, 大量,15, abundant , affluent a, 丰富的;大量的,16, abundant, ample a, 丰富的;大量的,17, abundant, numerous a, 丰富的;大量的,18, abundant, plentiful a, 丰富的;大量的,19,

3、 abundant, substantial a, 丰富的;大量的,20, abundant,ample adj,丰富的,21, abundantly, plentifully ad, 丰富地;大量地,22, access ,reach v, 接近,23, accessible ,easy to reach a, 易接近的,24, accessible ,reachable a, 可接近的,25, accidental ,unexpected a, 意外的;偶然的,26, accommodate, provide for v, 提供,27, accomplished ,achieved a,

4、实现完成的,28, accomplished ,skilled a, 熟练的,29, account for, explain v, 说明,30, account, description n, 说明,31, accumulate ,collect v, 积累;聚集,32, accumulate ,pile up v, 积累;聚集聚集,33, accumulate,build up 积累,34, accurate ,correct a, 正确的,35, accurately, correctly ad, 正确地,36, acknowledge, recognize v, 承认,37, actu

5、ally, in fact ad, 事实上,38, added ,extra a, 附加的;额外的,39, adept ,skilled a, 熟练的,40, adherent, supporter n, 拥护者,41, adherent,advocate n,追随者,提倡者,42, adjacent ,nearby a, 毗连的,43, adjacent ,neighboring a, 毗连的,44, adjust, modify v, 调整;改变以适应,45, administer , manage v, 管理,46, admit, let in v, 准许进入,47, adopt, en

6、act v, 采用,48, advance, improvement n, 发展;增长,49, advent, arrival n, 出现;到来,50, advent, beginning n, 出现;到来,51, affair, matter n, 事件;事情,52, afford, provide v, 提供;给予,53, aggravate ,annoy v, 使恼火,54, aggravate, increase v, 加重;增剧,55, aggregate, combined a, 聚集的;合计的,56, aggregate, overall a, 聚集的;合计的,57, aggre

7、gation,group n,聚合,聚集;聚集体,集合体,58, agile, astute a, 灵活的;敏捷的,59, agile, clever a, 灵活的;敏捷的,60, agile, move and act quickly a, 灵活的;敏捷的,61, agile, quick and active a, 灵活的;敏捷的,62, air, feeling n, 气氛,63, alarm, sound v, 警报,64, alarm, warning n, 警告,65, albeit ,even though conj, 尽管;虽然,66, albeit, although con

8、j, 尽管;虽然,67, allow, enable v, 允许,68, allude to, refer to phrv, 提到,69, allude, suggest v, 暗示,70, ally with, link to v, 结盟,71, alter, change to v, 改变,72, amazing, remarkable a, 令人惊讶的/非凡的,73, ambiguous ,vague a, 不明确的,74, ambivalent ,mixed a, 矛盾的,75, ample ,spacious a, 宽敞的,76, ample, plentiful a, 充足的;丰富

9、的,77, anchor, hold in place v, 使固定,78, ancient ,antique a, 古老的,79, ancient, old a, 古老的,80, annihilate ,completely remove v, 消灭,81, annihilate, destroy v, 消灭,82, annihilated,destroy v,废止,83, annually, yearly ad, 每年,84, anomaly, irregularity n, 异常的人或物,85, antagonist ,competitor n, 对手;敌手,86, anticipate

10、, expect v, 预期,87, antiseptic ,clean a, 抗菌的,88, antithesis, opposite n, 对立面,89, antler ,horn n, 鹿角,90, anxiety ,worry n, 忧虑;担心,91, apart from ,except for phr, 除了之外,92, apart from, exception phr, 除了之外,93, apparatus, equipment n, 仪器;设备,94, apparent ,obvious a, 显然的,95, apparently, clearly ad, 显然地,96, a

11、pparently,seemingly adv, 显然地; 似乎,bustling,busy adj, 忙乱的,97, appeal, attraction n, 吸引力,98, appealing ,attractive a, 有吸引力的,99, appear, seem v, 似乎,100, appearance, arrival n, 出现,101, appearance, rise n, 出现,102, appearance, showing up n, 出现,103, application, use n, 应用,104, appreciable, noticeable a, 相当可

12、观的,105, approach ,method n, 方法,106, approach, move toward v, 接近,107, approximately, roughly ad, 大约地,108, architecture, structure n, 构造,109, archive, record v, 存档,110, archive, stock v, 存档,111, archive, store v, 存档,112, arduous, difficult a, 艰巨的,113, arid ,dry a, 干旱的,114, arid,dry adj,干旱的,115, arise,

13、 emerge v, 出现,116, arrangement, configuration n, 安排;布置,117, array,range n, 一系列,118, article, item n, 物品,119, article, object n, 物品,120, as a rule ,in general phr, 通常,121, assert, declare v, 断言;宣称,122, assertion, strong statement n, 断言;主张,123, asset, advantage n, 资产;有利条件,124, assimilate, combine v, 同

14、化,125, assistance, help n, 帮助;协助,126, assorted, various a, 各式各样的,127, assume, believe v, 假定;设想,128, assume, suppose v, 假定;设想,129, assume, take on v, 承担,130, assumption, premise n, 假设,131, astonishing, amazing a, 惊人的,132, astoundingly,incredibly adv,使人震惊的,133, astute, clever a, 敏锐的,134, at random, wi

15、thout a definite pattern phr, 随便地;任意地,135, attachment to, preference for n, 依恋,136, attain ,achieve v, 达到;获得,137, attainment ,achievement n, 达到;获得,138, attendant, accompanying a, 伴随的,139, attest to ,confirm v, 证实,140, attribute ,characteristic n, 特点,141, attribute to ,credit with v, 归于; 认为,142, attr

16、ibute, accredit v, 归于;认为,143, attribution ,character n, 属性,144, augment, increase v, 增加;提高,145, available ,obtainable a, 可获得的,146, avenue ,means n, 途径;手段,147, avenue, method n, 途径;手段,148, avid, enthusiastic a, 热衷的,149, barely , just ad, 仅仅,150, barge, boat n, 驳船,151, barrier ,impediment n, 障碍,152, b

17、arrier, obstacle n, 障碍,153, battle, struggle n, 搏斗;奋斗,154, be accustomed to, get used to phrv, 习惯,155, be aware of ,familiar with phrv, 了解,156, be beforehand, foreordain v, 预先,157, be closer resemblance to, be more like phr, 非常相似,158, be consistent with, be compatible with phr, 一致的,159, be entitled

18、to, have the right phrv, 有权利,160, be inclined ,tend v, 倾向,161, be susceptible to,be subject to 受影响的,162, beckon, invite v, 招唤;引诱,163, become extinct, die out phrv, 灭绝,164, being, creature n, 生命,165, beneficial ,advantageous a, 有益的,166, blossom, flourish v, 兴旺,167, blossom, thrive v, 兴旺,168, boast, e

19、xaggerate v, 吹嘘,169, boast, puff v, 吹嘘,170, bombard ,assault v, 炮击;轰击,171, bombard ,strike v, 炮击;轰击,172, bombard, assail v, 炮击;轰击,173, boom, expansion n, 激增;爆涨,174, boon, great benefit n, 利益,175, boost, raise v, 增加;提高,176, boundary, periphery n, 边界,177, branch ,division n, 分支,178, breakthrough,revol

20、ution n,突破,革命,179, breed, reproduce v, 繁殖;饲养,180, brew,develop vt,开发,181, brilliant, bright a, 光辉的;明亮的,182, brittle, breakable a, 脆弱的,183, brittle, fragile a, 脆弱的,184, broad appeal ,wide popularity a, 广泛的吸引力,185, broadly ,generally ad, 大体上,186, broadly, extensively ad, 大体上,187, bulk ,major part n, 主

21、体,188, bulk, great quantity n, 大部份,189, bulk, large part n, 大部份,190, bulk, large portion n, 大部份,191, bulk, majority n, 大部份,192, burgeon, expand v, 急速成长,193, bustling, lively a, 活跃的,194, by and large,for the most part 总的来说,195, camouflage ,hide v, 伪装,196, camouflage, blend with circumstances v, 伪装,19

22、7, camouflage, decorate(装饰) v, 伪装,198, camouflage, disguise v, 伪装,199, cardinal, fundamental a, 基本的,200, cargo, shipment n, 船货;货物,201, catastrophic,badly harmful 灾难性的,202, celebrated, famous a, 着名的,203, central, essential a, 主要的,204, certain, specified a, 指定的,205, champion,promote vt,提升,提拔,206, chan

23、cy ,risky a, 冒险的,207, channel ,direct v, 引导,208, channel ,guide v, 引导,209, channel ,provide v, 提供帮助,210, chaotic, disorganized a, 混乱的,211, cherish ,value v, 珍爱,212, chief, major a, 主要的,213, chisel ,carve v, 刻;凿,214, choose, opt v, 选择,215, chronic ,confirmed a, 长期的;不断的,216, chronic ,inveterate a, 长期的

24、;不断的,217, chronic, habitual a, 长期的;不断的,218, chronic, persistent a, 长期的;不断的,219, chronically,constantly ad, 长期地,220, circuitous ,indirect a, 迂迴的,221, circumstance, condition n, 环境;情况,222, circumstance,situation n,情况,223, cite ,refer to v, 引用,224, cite, quote v, 引用,225, classic ,typical a, 典型的,226, cl

25、ear ,visible a, 容易看见的,227, clear, apparent a, 显然的,228, cling to, attach to v, 附着,229, close, careful a, 严密的;周密的,230, clue, hint n, 线索,231, clung to,hold v,坚持,232, cluster,group n,组,群,233, coating, cover n, 覆盖层,234, coincide with, be as the same time as v, 同时发生,235, coincide with,accord with 符合;与,236

26、, coincidence,likely events 相同,符合,237, collaborate, cooperate v, 合作,238, collaboration, joint effect n, 合作成果,239, collect ,gather v, 收集,240, collide with ,run into v, 碰撞,241, collide, hit each other v, 碰撞,242, colossal,enormous adj,巨大的,243, commemorate ,celebrate v, 庆祝;纪念,244, commonly,generally/nor

27、mally adv,通常地,245, compact ,concise a, 紧密的;简明的,246, compact, compressed(结实的) a, 紧密的;简明的,247, comparable, equivalent a, 可比较的,248, comparative , relative a, 相当的,249, compel ,push v, 强迫,250, compelling, convincing a, 令人信服的,251, compelling,forcing adj,强烈的,引人入胜的,252, compensate for ,balance phrv, 赔偿;补偿,2

28、53, compensate, reimburse v, 赔偿;补偿,254, complaint ,protest v, 抗议,255, complement, add to v, 补充,256, complement, supplement n, 补充物,257, completely, totally ad, 完全地,258, complex ,system n, 复合物;综合体,259, complex, elaborate a, 复杂的,260, complicated ,complex a, 复杂的,261, complicated ,made things more diffic

29、ult a, 复杂的,262, component, constituent a, 组成的,263, composition, mixture n, 合成物,264, comprehensive, complete a, 全部的,265, comprehensive, understandable a, 能理解的,266, comprehensive,thorough adj,全面的,彻底的,267, comprise ,make up v, 组成,268, comprise, form v, 组成,269, compulsory,required adj,必须的,270, consensus

30、,agreement n,一致,271, concern, interest v, 感兴趣,272, conclusive, final a, 最后的,273, conclusive, ultimate a, 最后的,274, conducive, contributive a, 有助于,275, configuration, arrangement n, 布局;结构,276, configuration, form n, 佈局;结构,277, confine ,limit/boundary v, 限制,278, confined,limited adj,有限的,279, confined,r

31、estricted v, 限制,280, confront, face v, 面临,281, congeal, solidify v, 使凝结,282, congregate,gather vt, vi(使)集合,聚集,283, consecutive, successive a, 连续的,284, consequence ,importance n, 结果;重要性,285, consequence, result n, 结果;重要性,286, consequent ,resulting a, 作为结果的,287, consequent, later a, 随后的,288, consequen

32、t, resultant a, 作为结果的,289, consequential, significant a, 重要的,290, consequently, therefore ad, 因此,291, consequently, thus ad, 因此,292, consequently,as a result 结果,因此,293, conserve, save v, 保存,294, consider ,think about v, 考虑;认为认为,295, consider ,think as v, 考虑;认为,296, consider ,view as v, 考虑;认为,297, co

33、nsiderable, substantial/significant a, 相当大的,298, considerably,greatly adv,相当大地,299, consist of ,compose of v, 由组成,300, consistent, regular a, 一致的,301, consistently, regularly ad, 一致地,302, conspicuous, notable a, 明显的,303, constant ,stable a, 固定的;不变的,304, constantly ,always ad, 经常;不断地,305, constellati

34、on ,collection n, 一系列;一群,306, constellation ,combination n, 一系列;一群,307, constitute,make up vt, 组成,构成;建立,308, constitution, component n, 构造,309, constrain ,restrict v, 限制,310, constraint, limit n, 限制,311, constraint, restriction n, 限制,312, consume, eat up v, 消耗;吃;喝吃;喝,313, consume,use completely 耗尽,3

35、14, consumed, used up v, 消耗,315, contains,includes v,包含,316, contemplate, consider v, 沉思,317, contemporary,modern adj,现代的,318, contentious, disputed a, 好争吵的,319, contiguous,neighboring adj,临近的,320, continual, constant a, 不间断的;连续的,321, continuous ,uninterrupted a, 连续的;持续的,322, continuous,ongoing adj,

36、不断前进的,323, contour,outline vt, 画轮廓,324, contrive, create v, 发明,325, contrive, invent v, 发明,326, conventional, customary a, 习惯的;惯例的,327, conventional, traditional a, 习惯的;惯例的,328, converging, concentrating a, 收缩的;会聚的,329, convert ,transform v, 使转变,330, convert into, change to v, 转变成,331, convict ,doom

37、(判决) v, 宣判,332, convict ,sentence v, 宣判,333, convict, condemn v, 宣判,334, conviction ,strong belief n, 坚定的信念,335, conviction, belief n, 相信;信念,336, convince,persuade vt,劝说,说服,337, cope with, deal with phrv, 应付;处理,338, cope with, handle phrv, 应付;处理,339, copious, plentiful a, 丰富的;大量的,340, core ,center n

38、, 核心;要点,341, correlate,match v,相关,关联,342, correspondence, harmony n, 一致,343, corroborate, confirm v, 证实;确证,344, costly, expensive a, 贵重的;昂贵的,345, counsel ,advise v, 忠告,346, counter of, in the opposite of a, 相反的,347, counter, oppose v, 反对,348, counterpart, equivalent(同等物) n, 复本;副本,349, counterpart, s

39、imilitude(类似物) n, 复本;副本,350, counterpart, version(版本) n, 复本;副本,351, countervail ,compensate v, 抵销;对抗,352, countervail, oppose v, 抵销;对抗,353, countless, innumerable a, 数量很多的,354, couple ,associate v, 与联系起来,355, couple with,together with 把连同在一起,356, covered, included a, 隐蔽的;有盖的,357, crawl ,move v, 爬行;移

40、动,358, create, invent v, 创作;产生,359, creative, inventive a, 创造的,360, crest, peak n, 顶峰,361, critical ,crucial a, 关键的,362, critical, essential a, 关键的,363, criticize ,debate(争论;辩论) v, 批评;责备,364, crucial, important a, 重要的,365, crucially, decisively ad, 关键地,366, crushed ,ground a, 碾碎了的,367, culminate in,

41、peak 达到顶点;以告终,368, cumbersome awkward a, 笨重的;麻烦的,369, cumbersome,370, cumbersome,371, curb,372, current ,373, cushioned,374, dam,375, dangle,376, daring ,377, debate,378, decimate,379, decimation,380, deficient,381, degree ,382, degree,383, delicate,384, delight,385, delight,386, deluxe,387, demand,

42、388, demise ,389, demography,390, dense,391, dense,392, depend,393, dependable,394, depict,395, depict,396, deplete,397, depletion,398, deposit ,399, deposit,400, derive,401, desiccated,402, design ,403, designate,404, despite,405, detected,406, determine,407, detractor,408, detrimental ,409, deviat

43、e,410, deviation,411, devise,412, devoid of,413, devoid of,414, devoid of,415, devoted ,416, devoted to ,417, devour ,418, dictate,419, dictate,420, differential,421, diffuse ,422, diffuse,423, dilemma,424, diligent,425, diligently,426, dilute,427, dim,428, dim,429, dimension,430, dimension,431, dis

44、assemble ,432, disassemble,433, disband ,434, discard,435, discard,436, discernible ,437, discernible,438, discernible,439, discharge,440, discrete,441, disentangle ,442, disgust,443, disintegrate ,444, disintegrate,445, disintegrate,446, dismantle ,447, disorder,448, dispensable,449, dispersal ,450

45、, dispersal,451, displace,452, disposition,453, dispute ,454, dispute,455, dissipate,456, dissipated ,457, dissuade ,458, distant,459, distinct,460, distinction,461, distinction,462, distinction,463, distinctive,464, distinguish,465, distribute,466, distribution ,467, distribution,468, disturb,469,

46、diverse,470, diverse,471, diversification,472, diversity ,473, divest ,474, divest ,475, doctrine,476, domestic,477, dormant,478, dormant,479, dramatically,480, drastic,481, drastically ,482, drastically ,483, dual ,484, duplicate,485, duplicate,486, durable,487, earn,488, ease,489, eccentric ,490,

47、eccentric,491, efface,492, elaborate ,493, elaborate,494, elapsed ,495, element ,496, elevate,497, eliminate,498, elite,499, elusive ,500, emanate,501, embark on,502, embed ,503, embed,504, embed,505, emergence,506, emergency ,507, emergent ,508, employ,509, enable ,510, enactment,511, encapsulate,5

48、12, encounter,513, encourage,514, end,515, endangered,516, endeavor,517, endorse,518, endow,519, enduring,520, engulf,521, engulfed,522, enhance,523, enhance,524, enjoy ,525, enlist,526, enormous,527, enormous,528, enrich,529, ensue,530, ensuing,531, ensure,532, entail,533, enthusiastic,534, entirel

49、y,535, environment,536, envision,537, ephemeral ,538, ephemeral ,539, episode,540, equilibrium,541, era ,542, eradicate,543, erect ,544, erratic,545, erratic,546, escalate,547, essential,548, essential,549, essentially,550, established ,551, establishment ,552, estimate,553, estimation ,554, euphori

50、c,555, evaluate,556, eventual,557, eventual,558, eventually,559, eventually,560, eventually,561, eventually,562, evidence,563, evident ,564, evident,565, evoke ,566, evoke,567, evoke,568, evoke,569, evoke,570, evoke,571, evolve,572, exaggerate ,573, excavate ,574, excavation ,575, exceed ,576, excee

51、d,577, exceedingly ,578, excess ,579, exclusively,580, exclusively,581, excrete,582, exercise ,583, exert,584, exhausted,585, exhausted,586, exhibit ,587, exhibit ,588, expand ,589, expand,590, expanse,591, expansive,592, expediency,593, expediency,594, expedient,595, expend,596, explicit ,597, expl

52、icitly,598, exploit,599, exploit,600, exploit,601, explore,602, expose to,603, express,604, extant ,605, extant,606, extant,607, extend,608, extend,609, extensive,610, extensive,611, extol ,612, extraneous,613, extraneous,614, extraordinary,615, exude,616, exude,617, fabricate,618, facet,619, far-re

53、aching,620, far-reaching,621, fascinating,622, fashion,623, fashion,624, fashionable ,625, feasible,626, feasible,627, feasibleprobable adj,可能的,628, feast,629, ferry,630, fertile,631, fertile,632, figure out ,633, finding,634, first and foremost ,635, flake ,636, flattery,637, flee,638, flexible,639

54、, float ,640, float,641, flourish ,642, flourish,643, flourishing,644, flow,645, fluctuate,646, fluctuation,647, focus ,648, focus,649, follow,650, for instance,651, forage ,652, forage,653, foremost,654, formidable ,655, foster ,656, foster,657, foster,658, foul,659, fragment,660, fragmentation,661

55、, fragmentize,662, frankly ,663, frankly,664, friction,665, function,666, function,667, fundamental ,668, funds,669, furthermore,670, furthermore,671, gap,672, gear ,673, generate,674, genuine,675, genuinely ,676, gesture,677, get accustomed to,678, give rise to,679, given ,680, govern,681, govern,6

56、82, grasp ,683, groom ,684, groom,685, groundless ,686, grounds ,687, groundwork,688, groundwork,689, groundwork,690, grudging,691, guarantee,692, hairline,693, hallmark,694, hamper ,695, hamper ,696, hamper,697, handy,698, haphazard,699, harness,700, harness,701, harsh,702, hasty,703, haul,704, hav

57、e nothing to do with,705, havoc,706, hazard ,707, heed,708, heighten,709, heir,710, hence,711, heritage ,712, heritage,713, heterogeneous,714, hide,715, hinder,716, hint,717, hint,718, hint,719, hint,720, hire,721, hitherto,722, hobby,723, hold ,724, hold,725, hollow,726, homogeneous ,727, host of ,

58、728, however ,729, hub,730, huge,731, hurdle ,732, hypothetical ,733, ice sheet,734, identical,735, idiosyncrasies ,736, ignite,737, illuminate,738, illusion,739, immediately,740, immense,741, immense,742, immense,743, immensely,744, immigration,745, immobile,746, immobility,747, immoral,748, immora

59、l,749, impermeable ,750, impermeable,751, impetus,752, impetus,753, implausible,754, implement,755, implement,756, imply,757, imposing,758, imprecise,759, improbable,760, in fact,761, in great demand ,762, in respect to,763, inaccessible,764, inadvertently ,765, inadvertently,766, inaugurate ,767, i

60、nauspicious,768, incentive,769, inception,770, incidentally,771, inclement ,772, inconceivable,773, inconclusive,774, incorporate,775, incorporate,776, incursion,777, indicate,778, indigenous ,779, indispensable ,780, indispensable,781, indispensable,782, indispensable,783, indispensable,784, indisp


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