Laboratory management实验室管理程序(中英文)_第1页
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Laboratory management实验室管理程序(中英文)_第4页
Laboratory management实验室管理程序(中英文)_第5页




1、批准:审核:作成:Change History 变更记录Revision版本Effective Date 生效日期Originator编写人Reasons for Change 修改原因2.02020-10-31保持外部实验室资质证明1.0 PURPOSE 目的This document defines the management regulation for the laboratory and ensures that the system is effective and the quality of tests and calibration results are valid.定义

2、实验室管理规范,保证测试的有效性。2.0SCOPE 范围Apply to the people activities and test in the laboratory.适用于对实验室人员和相关实验活动的管理。3.0 DEFINITIONS 定义None 无4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 参考文件IATF16949 Clause 7.6.3 - Laboratory requirements 实验室要求5.0 RECORDS IBMFNQA023 测试申请单 Test Request Form5.2测试报告(FNQA033尺寸报告、FNQA034功能报告)FN-QA-028实

3、验室温湿度控制记录表FN-QA-021专用测量仪器点检表FN-QA-032量产产品标准样件清单FN-QA-024试验设备能力一览表FN-QA-019检具日常点检表6.0 RESPONSIBILITY 职责Lab test technician take charge of test and inspect and issue test report; Maintain test instruments and lab environment.实验室技术员负责日常试验和检测,作好记录并发处测试报告;仪器设备的日常维护、环境条件 的保持。Lab test technician make test

4、instruction , Quality Manage review test report.实验室技术员负责制定测试操作指导书,提交质量经理审核测试报告。Storage and management of the laboratory test samples, the customer samples and the limits samples实验室测试样品、客户样品、限度样品等存储及管理。7.0 PROCESS 流程Lab test scope实验室测试范围Lab test technician make test instruments and review test scope,

5、 including test item, test equipments, operation instruction and test standard. And establish FN-QA-024.实验室技术员制定测试操作指导书,确认实验室的测试项目、测试设备、操作文件、测试标准 等,并建立FNQA024试验设备能力一览表。Qualifications and Training of Lab test technician 实验室测试人员资格要求Lab test technician should be trained by internal or external on the o

6、peration of testing equipments and test steps, could operate the testing equipments with skill.实验室测试技术员应经过公司内部或外部的测试设备操作、测试流程的培训,且能熟练操作实验 室各种检测和试验设备。Cycle test plan周期性测试计划Lab test technician make cycle test plan according to control plan and inspection instruction, and get approve from Quality Manag

7、er.实验室测试技术员根据控制计划或检验规范等要求,制定周期性测试计划,经质量经理批准后实 施。Test flow实验流程For QC routine test, Lab test tech nician con duct the test accordi ng to the requirements o日常QC的测试,实验室技术员协助QC进行相关项目的测试。For the sample test and other test, related department fill in FN-QA-023 with part no., test item and test requirements

8、 to lab with samples. If there are special test requirements, the test standard should be provided.对于样品或周期性检测,需求部门填写FN-QA-023测试申请单,填写相关信息,如料 号、实验项目、实验要求,如有特殊测试要求,请提供相应的测试标准。然后将测试申请单 与样品一起递交给实验室测试人员。Lab test technician conduct the test based on the test request and Wl and fill in the test report. Aft

9、er get approval from lab supervision, test technician send the samples and test report to the department, and keep soft copy.实验室技术员根据测试要求和作业指导书进行相应测试,填写测试报告,经质量经理审 核后将样品与测试报告发给需求部门,测试报告保存电子档。Where customer requires the test data, the appropriate statistical techniques application will be stated in t

10、he Wl.实验室技术员在产品、材料试验过程中可根据实际的工作需要选择以上适当的统计技术方法 对产品、材料试验后的各种原始试验数据和结果进行统计工作。If lab cant con duct the test required by customer or relati ng parties, Lab test technician should ask external laboratory to do the test, which is acceptable by the customer or the laboratory is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025

11、or national equivalent, nd keep the ISO/IEC17025 from external laboratory of national accredited实验室无法承担的试验项目,若客户及相关部门有要求,应委托有资质的外部实验室进行试 验,外部实验室须被客户认可的或通过ISO/IEC17025认证合格或国家同等标准认可。并保 持对外部实验室获得此相关资质的证明文件management of the Laboratory samples 实验室样品管理Each functional departments according to the technical

12、 requirements, fill in the FN-QA- 023 and test samples together to the laboratory. Laboratory test samples and identify of according to the FN-QA-023 .各职能部门根据技术要求,认真填写FN-QA-023测试申请单与测试样品一并交至实 验室。实验室根据FN-QA-023测试申请单对测试样品测试并标识。实验室在接收限度样品时,应对样品进行编号,挂上识别标签,注明样品的状态等信 息,放置于样品架上。实验室在接收量产样件时,提

13、交样品部门相应提交样件报告副本,以便与样品一起存 档。对样品进行编号,挂上识别标签,注明样品的状态等信息并进行,放置于样品架 上。样品保留至下次年度测试时更换。相关信息登记于FN-QA-032量产产品标准样件 清单上。7.5 Laboratory routine management 实验室日常管理Test lab technician is responsible for test equipment regular maintenance, and fill check sheet FN-QA-021 vtesting eauiipment checklist. For the check

14、 fixtures in using, need to check daily. And for the fixtures_on the shelf, weekly check is required. All the check for check fixtures goes to FN-QA-019vcheck fixture daily checklist实验室技术员负责实验室测试设备的定期维护点检,填写FN-QA-021专用仪器点检表; 现在正在使用中的检具,检验员每天使用前对其进行点检,其中如长时间不使用的检具,可 每周进行一次点检,填写FN-QA-019检具日常点检表Laboratory environmental Condition shall be controlled at temperature 205C,Relative Humidity: 6020 %. Lab test technician check the condition and make FN-QA-028 every day.为确保测试结果的准确性,实验室的环境温度控制在205C,湿度40%-80%内。实验室技 术员每天检查实验室的环境状态,并填写FN-QA-028实验室环境记录表。Lab test technician


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