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1、2021年6月大学英语U!级考试真题(. Writing (30 minutes)Part IDirections: For this po.rt, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay titled Are people becoming addicted to technology?. The statement given below is for your reference. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Numerous studies

2、 claim that addiction to technology is real and it has the same eff ect on the brain as drug addiction.Part IIListening Comprehension(25 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news

3、 report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report yon

4、 have just heard.A) Enrolhim in a Newcastle football club.C) Forbid him to draw in his workbook.Send him to an after-school art class.D) Help him post his drawings online.A) Contacted Joe to decorate its dining-room.Hired Joe to paint all the walls of its buildings.Renovated its kitchen and all the

5、dining-rooms.Asked Joe for permission to use his online drawings.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report yon have just heard.A) Get her pet dog back.C) Identify the suspect on the security video.Beg for help from the police.D) Post pictures of her pet dog on social media.A) It is suffering a

6、great deal from the incident.It is helping the police with the investigation.It is bringing the case to the local district court.It is offering a big reward to anyone who helps.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report yon have just heard.A) Provide free meals to the local poor.Help people conne

7、ct with each other.A) It does not supervise its employees.It donates regularly to a local charity.Help eliminate class difference in his area.Provide customers with first-class service.It does not use volunteers.It is open round the clock.Im。2021 1 6 1Volunteer to help in animal sheltersntribute to

8、a fund for cat protection.Make friends with JimmyAsk Jimmy what is to be done.He was involved in a traffic accident.He had an operation for his injury12 A) Shopping delivery.Shopping online.13 A) Searching in the aislesB) Dealing with the traffiA) The after-sales service.The replacement policy.A) It

9、 saves money.It offers more choiceA) Keep cats off the street.Rescue homeless catsA) It has ontributed tremendously to the firms fame .It has helped a lot to improve animals well-beingIt has led some other companies to follow suit.It has res ted in damage to office equipmentSection BDiLctions: In th

10、is section, you will hear t long conve tions. At t end of each conversation, u will hear four questions. th the conver tion and the questions will be s n only once. ter you hear a question, . u must ch se the best ansDr om the four choices marked A), B), C) aD D). en mark the cor s nding letter on A

11、nswer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.8 tD 11 arebU Z) cDOvODatlDn yDu havD Just hD8口 A) Find out where Jimmy is.Borrow money from JimmyA) He was unsure what kind of fellow Jimmy wasHe was working on a s dy project with Jimmy.He wanted to make a sin. ere apology to Jimmy .He wanted to

12、invite her to join in a s dy projectA) He got a ticket for speedingHe got his car badly damaged.11 A) He needed to make some donation to charity.He found the 60 pounds in his pocket missingHe wanted to buy a gift for his mothers birthday.He wanted to conceal something from his parents.ti s 12 t 15 a

13、 bth cv: sati y u hav just h J Where he goes shoppingHow often he does shopp gDriving too long a distanceGetting ones car parked.e quality of food productse damage to the pa!JkaQngDIt increases the joy of shopping.It is less time-consuming.Section CDi JDtiQCs: In this section, you will hear three ge

14、s At the end of each pas 一 一口,you will hear three or four questions. Both the i Z . and the questions will be s n only once. After Du hear a question . you must ch se the best ans r from the four choices ma A), B), C) and D). en mark the cor s nding letter on Answer I et 1 with a single line th ugh

15、the centre.ti s 1618 a bas th passag y u hav just hA) ey have little talent for learning math.ey need 交 .ical help. anxiety. ey need extra help to catCh up in the math classey have strong negative emotions towards math. 2021 6 25A) It will gradually pass away without teachers help.It affects low per

16、forming children only.is related to a childs low intelligence.It exists mostly among children from poor families.A) Most of them have average to strong math ability.Most of them get timely help from their teachers.They will regain confidence with counselling.They are mostly secondary school students

17、.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just hearA) Social media addiction is a threat to our health.Too many people are addicted to smartphones.Addiction to computer games is a disease.Computer games can be rather addictive.A) They prioritize their favored activity over what they shou

18、ld do.They do their favored activity whenever and wherever possible.They are unaware of the damage their behavior is doing to them.Ihey are unable to get rid of their addiction without professional help.A) may be less damaging than previously believed.Ithere will never be agreement on its harm to pe

19、ople.may prove to be beneficial to developing creativity.There is not enough evidence to classify it as a disease.Questions 22 to 25 are bas on the passage you have just heaA) They are relatively uniform in color and design.They appear more formal than other passports.They are a shade of red borderi

20、ng on brown.They vary in color from country to country.A) They must endure wear and tear.C) They must be made from a rare material.B) They must be of the same size.D) They must follow some common standards. 3I - - 24 A7 1 Jy- look-mt aditiop 耳口-口 匚口 匚 -he _ ord by a r nes ili 71- T y aB) They look m

21、ore official.D) They are easily identifiable.25. A) For beauty.C) For visibility.For variety.D) For security.PartReading Comprehension(40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section , there is a ssage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given i

22、n a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through care llybefore making your choices. &eh choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the wor in the bank m

23、ore t n once.Social isolation poses more health risks than obesity or smoking 15 cigarettes a day, according to research published by Brigham Young University. e is that loneliness is a huge, if silent, risk factor.Loneliness affects physical health in two ways. First, it produces stress hormones th

24、at can lead tomany health problems. Second people who live alone are less likely to go to the doctor 3 to 2021 6 26exercise or to eat a healthy dietourblic health e erts in many countri s ar how to addr ss wid spr ad Ion liness in society. Last year B itain even appoint d a ministe fo loneliness. ML

25、onelin ssalmost every one ofus at some point, its minister for Ion liness Baroness Ba an said. Mlt can lead to very se ious health 30 for individuals who become isolated and disconnected. HBarran started a Lets Talk Loneliness campaign that difficult co ersations across Britain.He is now supporting

26、benches, which are blic seating areas whe e people are encouraged to go and chat with one another J The minister is also to stop lie tr sportation from eing cut in ways that I people isolat dMore than one-fifth of adults in both the U ted States and Britain said in a 2018 that they often or ways f I

27、 Ion ly. More than half of Americ ad ts are mar ied, and researchers h3ve found hat even among those who are married, 30%of relationships arestrained.A quarter ofAm icans noW live alone, and as the song says, one is the loneliest numberA) abruptlyF) f iendlyK) seve elyB) appointmentsG) hinderedL) sp

28、arkedC) consequenc sH) idiomM) splittingD) deatingI) implicationN) surveyE) dimensionsJ) ush0) touchesSection BDi tions: In this section, (Z u a going to read a gewith ten statements attached to it.chstatement contains info ation given in one of the aglI phs Identic the alD Dom which thei mation is

29、de i d You may ch ea ag a mo et an once. &eh a his ma ked with a例谱叫do r研晒i随附配b 3nch s of the wo既berles 气川航r*恨位rsdJjAmazo中,living alo艺Inst, gd 僧 uging 盛)rWW f。uantiti s, th s peoplerely exc usively on terms similar to a feW or sOme In contrast, our oWn lives are overned yers As you read this, you are

30、 likCly aware of what time it is, hoW old you are, your checkingaccount ala c , your weight and so on. e exact numbers we think With impact everything in our liv s.But, in a historical sense, Rum e -conscious people like us a e the Unusual ones. Fo the bulk of our species app Oximately 200, OOO-year

31、 lifespan, w had no means of precisely representing a . ti ies Whats mOre, the 7,000 or so languages that exist today vary dramatically in hoW they utilize bersSpeakers of aHumeric, or n berless, Ian ages offer a window into hoW the i ention of ersUeshapCd the LZ Dan eCJerlence. DtQQsDL ODDOD D DD 0

32、 Oy Q or two DeD 0 00,100000in ia rs al t i a tser t r words. Without um ers, healthy human adults struggle to precisely distinguish and recall quantities as low as four. In an experiment, a researcher will place nuts into a can oHe at a ti e and then remove th m one y one. The person Watching is as

33、ked to signal when all the Hilts have een removed. Responses suggest that a ume ic people haVe som trouble keeping track of hoW many nuts明“ een &Xllt are oSy-f#uhair fivd total words, they stru gle to make quantitative disti ctions that prOba ly seem na r I to someone like you or me. While only a sm

34、all portion of th wo Ids languages are anumeric or nearly a Ume ic, they2021027demonstratat number words are not a human universal.It is worth stressing that these anumcric people are cognitively( ! ) normal, well-adaptedto the surroundingsth yhavedominatC dfor cen Jries. Asa child, I spentsometime

35、livingwith aDD mericpeople, the Piraha who live along the banks of the black Maici River. Like oth routsiders, I was conli a yimpressed by thDirsuperiorunderstandingof the cology we shared. Yntn mberlcss peoplDstruggle with tasks that rL quireprD cis discrimination betweeCquantitiUs. Perhaps this sh

36、ould b unsurprising. Aft rail, without counting, how can e etell wh th r ere are, say, seven or HintF),用乱付壁i9n端衽ysWffler2fhM的钳sifh&nGH用陶麻闻时etix匚Prior to being Im ricssspi-fed number words, childrEncan only approximatelydiscriminatequantities beyond three. We must be handed th cognitivetoolsof number

37、sbefore we can consistentlyand a ilyreco izDhigher quantitiDD. fact, acquiringthe exact m aningof mbDrwords is a painstaking process that takenchilD nyears. Initially, kidslearn numbersmuchlik they Ie letters. Th yrecognizethat numbers ar organized s匚qulntially,but have little awar nssof what each i

38、ndividual number means. With tim ,th ystart to und rstandthat a given n ber represents a quantity greater by one than th number comingbefore it. ssuccessor principle is part of th foundation of our numerG) None of us, then, is really aHnumbnrsperson. We, are noi born to handle quantitative distincti

39、ons j cognition, out requir3sext_nsivepraciice to unaerstand.skillfully. In the absence of the cultural traditions that fill our lives with numb rsfrom infancy, w woulda stru le with even basic quantitativ distinction .Numberwordsand their written forms trans rm our quantitative reasoning as they ar

40、 introduc dinto our cognitiv exp ri nc by oDparent ,peers and cess seems so normal that we sometimes think of it as anatural part of growing up, but it is-not. H manbrains come equipped with certain quantitativH)国正阳曲的那btti期网用曲破己耳邛注也阴咐喃济眼充fidRjlrearkableas many assume. We ev nshare som basic instinct

41、ual quantitativ r asoning with distant non-mammalian r latives likebirds. Inde d,work with some other speciessuggeststhey too can r fine their quantitative thou t ifI)由,睨底加H觎vdt闱蚱能辄欧&圈严中(曲肥尉泗胆用收型ace? The answer is, literally, at your躯能曲枷曲ft帆)卜怀酢 解困品相圈悔随use端航电围游和出%b的螳师懦糊i150rhat中)language, asevidence

42、dby wordslike 14 (four+10) and 31 (three X 10+one). W sp aka d cimallanguag becaus an ancestral tongu ?proto-Indo-European, wasdecimallybased. Proto- Indo-ropean was decimallyorient dbecause, as in so many cultures, our ancestors hands served as thDgat wayto the realization thatfive fingers on one h

43、and is th same as fiv fingers on the other. Such momentary thoughts were represented in words and passed down across gen rations. This is why thQj 岫用芋 wRiwMany巾b那侬 6ds (tfSav&b穆ght thetcAxJhdfodhatide? Mttu n own b ofrspareimlah aw meric tiBjoproduotoidcRwhatfanttitsisthYhuridiiydapffldity讪cjinMth 口

44、 foicfbu邮吨uoot hdsaKm|y/fpi/siixilseiss iwid a蹴fixation-啾 imitcect bypjhejliussqiandwoclwls牒虫 Ipcdyield numbers in most cultures, but not all.verbal and writtDn reprDsentationsof an EncoDon base-60 numbDrsystem used in ancient 二 2021口6口28Mesopotamia, ey reside in our minds, umerical artifacts (!令 th

45、at not all humans inheritconceptually.Research on the lang ageof numbers shows more and more that one of our species* key characteristicsis tremendous linguistic ( 一 ) and cognitivediversity. If we e to truly understand how much our cognitive lives differ cross-cul rally we must continually explore

46、the depths of our speciesling istiediversity.It is ficultfor ric people to k track of the chang m rsevenwhen the tai is very small.Human numerical instincts are not so sulJeriorto those of other mammals as is generally believed.The author emphasizes being a umeric does not affect ones cognitiveabili

47、ty.In the long history of mankind humans who use numbers are a very small minority.An in-depth study of differences between hQan 1 g agesconlributes to a true understanding of空J丸传曲曲徽银酣心取Ru枇师s many eDeriments that an Deric people have a hard time disting ishingquantities.Making quantitative distincti

48、onsis not an inborn skill.Every aspect of our livesis affected by n bers.Larger numbers are said to be built upon smaller numbers.It takes great efforts for children to grasp the concept of number words.SQtionCDirections: There are 2 agesin t Eis section, c ssage is lloLdby some questions or un inis

49、hed statements. For De o tCemt ereare ourcCoicesmarked A), B), C) and D). Yous ould cide on t eRes/n科林1郎的小图史。8个鼻掘血wl眼诙题Answer SD 2 wit口 a single line 仁rough tlecentre Pass喘garshocked. That describesthe reaction of many Americans this week followingrevelations thatD 50 years ago the sugar industry pa

50、id Harvard scientists for research that shifted the focus away from sugars role in heart disease-and put the sUtligJt 口)squarely on dietary fat.What mint surprise consUers is just how many present-day nutrition studies are still funded by the f d industry. Nutrition scholar rion Nestle of New York U

51、niversity spent a year informally tracking industry-fundedstudies on food. Roughly 90% of nearly 170 studies favored e sponsors interest,M Nestle tells us. Other systematicreviews porther conclusions.For instance, studies funded by Welch Foods-the brand behind Welchs 100% Grape Ju ice-found that dri

52、nking Concord ape juice daily may boost brain function. Another, funded by aker Oats, concluded as a ily Mail story put it that hot oatm I (。breakfast keeps you full for longer.,Last year, T JeNew York Times revealed how Coca-Colawas funding well- own scientists and organizations promoting a message

53、 that, in the battle against weiDt gain, people should pay more attention to exercise and lessto what they eat and drink. Coca-Colaal released data detailing its funding of several medical institutionsand associationsbetween 2010 and 2015.Its certainly a problem that so much research in nutrition an

54、d health is funded by industry/* says Bonnie Liebman, director of nutrition at the Center for ience in the Dblic Interest. When the food industry pays for research it often gets what it pays for. And what it pays for is often a pro-industry finding.工 DeQiZs i OnmeD su Dhould-bDskepticaL(DD-DD-)-wDen

55、Q年nutrition science and ignore the latest study that pops up on your news feed. Rely on health eDDrts whove reviewedall the evidence “ LiebnuA.eLJ mid Ja mDDUO UDyC DDaD D mpD D0 cuCODmDU e .DCy Df Dr fDDdbaLk haEJ bDmO .cd CwDof mo匚nn my. v1田 EJf目目同日目 a 姓目口口口nnnnnnn nn nnnrintinn JQ Elv唱已用国 旧卜 。口用出

56、目日日目 口匚 myEmOZI 口巴,.# . a1n09Ef dErnunti my .y imon eod硒nnanvko)wniDm Oaving Hh 1 jODini敲聆*小Section BDiDtions: In this section, you are going to read a ssage with ten statements attached to it. &ehstatement contains information given in one of the E ragraphs i . . i ntify the ra aph om which theinfo

57、 ation is derived. You may choose a ragraph more than once. &eh ragraph is marked with aletter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Sci ce of setbacks: How il c improve c r prospectshDw dD early career DeQback Dfec 3 ur iDOg- erm ucceHD? Fa lureD cai help uD le

58、arD a d verc me ur fear. 1. Bu. d . a er ca Cll w u d u .Zl. They ca. crew u. up a d e u back. W uld 一 Z1be DDce Ofhere wa ge u e, I c e f cally d cume ed ru h he exprewha d e i N k IIy u make . y u一e. way . al c e .have pr bed he effec 二 f career e back1k a mdlar qualUfUcaEIEI . TheUe ;, fdrrea口口 D

59、haD are mU Dly arbIZI Crary, eD Dher juQ L miZIDed geDDDDga re earch gra r ju barely made . I c al c e ce 1, I hi k w a examgear mlDDeD aDdrDw will area Zl where merQ Dubjec ZJ Ive. ThaD allDwQ re earcher measure Dly he effect f be g ch ei二 ZO. Sudieh area have fou de: fl cL g re ul. O. I hec mpe ve

60、 game fC)为酣曲等怏醯微四题常ee疆?。物咨配A吧嘤的日阳田黜愉雷笳刑出口 ya J earchfldnUGp II he Ne herla d L Re earcher c eluded ha h e wh ju barely qual f ed f r a %ggeha arr w w er bee me eve b gger w er d w he I e. I her w rd J,weme ablehTgelTge w ce a much m ey w h he ex e gh year a h e wh ju miF ed QuEZI. A d DherfHfieSS DD


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