Application and Perseverance Give Results努力勤奋并且持_第1页
Application and Perseverance Give Results努力勤奋并且持_第2页
Application and Perseverance Give Results努力勤奋并且持_第3页
Application and Perseverance Give Results努力勤奋并且持_第4页
Application and Perseverance Give Results努力勤奋并且持_第5页




1、Application and Perseverance Give Results 努力勤奋并且持之以恒终结硕果The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities. The common life of every day, with its cares, necessities, and duties, affords ample (充足的)opportunity for acquiring experience of the bes

2、t kind; and its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant (充裕的)scope for effort and room for self-improvement. The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing; and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will usually be the most suc

3、cessful.人生最大的成就通常是运用简单的方法和一般的才能获得的。每天的日常 生活以及生活中的种种忧虑、不可避免之事和职责给人们提供了取得最好经验的 众多机会;生活中那些被走的最多的道路给真正的工作者提供了大量努力奋斗和 自我提升的空间。人类幸福之路就是坚定不移沿着做好事的康庄大道前进;那些 最坚毅而又最富有工作精神的人常常会取得最大的成功。Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness; but fortune is not so blind as men are. Those who look into practical life (观

4、察实际生活) will find that fortune is usually on the side of(支持)the industrious, as the winds and waves are on the side of the best navigators. In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human inquiry, commoner qualities are found the most useful-such as common sense, attention, application, and pers

5、everance.运气经常因为她的盲目性而备受指责;但是运气并不像人类那样盲目。那些 洞察实际生活的人们会发现运气通常站在勤奋劳作的人这一边,正如风浪永远支 持最优秀的航海家一样。甚至在对人类探索的最高学科的追求中,也会发现那些 普通的品质是最有用的诸如常识、专注力、勤奋和坚持。Genius may not be necessary, even though genius of the highest sort does not disdain the use of these ordinary qualities. The very greatest men have been among

6、the least believers in the power of genius, and as worldly wise (善于处世)and persevering as successful men of the commoner sort. Some have even defined genius to be only common sense intensified. A distinguished teacher and president of a college spoke of it as the power of making efforts. John Foster

7、held it to be the power of lighting ones own fire (点燃自己热情的力量).Buffon said of genius it is patience.天赋或许不是必需的,即使是那些最具天赋的人也不能轻视对于一般才能的 使用。最伟大的人物位身于最不相信天赋力量的人们之中,他们像普通的成功者 一样,是精于世故和锲而不舍的。一些人甚至将天赋定义为只是增强(成功机会) 的常识。一位杰出的教师兼大学校长把天赋说成是努力的力量。约翰福斯特认为 天赋是点燃自己火热激情的力量。布丰说天赋就是“耐心”。Newtons was unquestionably a mi

8、nd of the very highest order, and yet, when asked by what means he had worked out his extraordinary discoveries, he modestly answered, By always thinking into them. At another time he thus expressed his method of study: I keep the subject continually before me, and wait till the first dawns open slo

9、wly little by little into a full and clear light. It was in Newtons case, as in every other, only by diligent application and perseverance that his great reputation was achieved. Even his recreation consisted in change of study, laying down one subject to take up another. To Dr. Bentley he said: If

10、I have done the public any service, it is due to nothing but industry and patient thought.毋庸置疑,牛顿(的头脑)是最富智慧的头脑,然而当问到他是用什么方 式取得了那些非凡的成就时,他谦虚地回答:“通过对问题不断地思考。”另一次 他也是这样表述他的研究方法:“我让那些问题不断的呈现在我的面前,一直等 到最初的灵感慢慢一点一点地变成完全清晰明亮的思维。”牛顿的事例和其他事 例一样,正是靠孜孜不倦的努力奋斗和坚持不懈的精神毅力,他才获得了极大的 声望。甚至在他娱乐的时候都是变换着科目来进行研究。他对本特利博士

11、说:“如 果我对社会做了任何贡献的话,那完全归功于勤奋和耐心的思考。”The extraordinary results effected by dint of (凭借; 通过)sheer industry and perseverance, have led many distinguished men to doubt whether the gift of genius be so exceptional an endowment as it is usually supposed to be. Thus Voltair (伏尔泰) held that it is only a very

12、 slight line of separation that divides the man of genius from the man of ordinary mould. Beccaria (拜克雷亚)was even of opinion that all men might be poets and orators, and Reynolds (雷诺兹)that they might be painters and sculptors. If this were really so, that stolid Englishman might not have been so ver

13、y wrong after all(那么这位不动感情的英国人犯的错误归根结底也不算太大了), who, on Canovas death, inquired of his brother whether it was his intention to carry on the business!.凭借十足的勤奋与毅力所取得的非凡成就,已经引起了许多名人去怀疑天 才的天赋是否真像通常认为的那样,是种极为异常的天资。因此,伏尔泰认为天 才和一般类型的人之间只存在着非常细微的区分界限。拜克雷亚甚至认为所有人 都可能成为诗人和演说家,雷诺兹则认为所有的人都可能成为画家和雕塑家。如 果真是这样的话,那么

14、这位不动感情的英国人(雷诺兹)犯的错误归根结底也不 算太大了,他(雷诺兹)在卡诺瓦临死之际,询问他(雷诺兹)的兄弟是否“打 算继续(继承)他(雷诺兹)的事业(雕塑)!”。Locke (洛克),Helvetius (爱尔维休),and Diderot (狄得罗)believed that all men have an equal aptitude for genius, and that what some are able to effect, under the laws which regulate the operations of the intellect, must also b

15、e within the reach of others who, under like circumstances, apply themselves to like pursuits. But while admitting to the fullest extent the wonderful achievements of labor, and recognizing the fact that men of the most indefatigable (不知疲倦的)workers, it mustnevertheless be sufficiently obvious that,

16、without the original endowment of heart and brain, no amount of labor, however well applied, could have produced a Shakespeare, a Newton, a Beethoven, or a Michelangelo.洛克、爱尔维休和狄德罗都相信所有的人都有相同的天赋,在规范智者活 动的规则之下,有些人所够受到(规则的)影响(而成功),其他的人在相似的 环境下致力于相似的追求,也一定能取得成功的。但是,在最大程度上承认劳动 的了不起的成就,承认(最富智慧的天才人物永远是)最不

17、知疲倦的工作者这一事 实的同时,无论怎样都必然足够明显的是,假如没有心灵和头脑最初的天资,无 论多么大量的劳动应用得多么恰当,都创造不出一位莎士比亚、牛顿、贝多芬或 者米开朗琪罗。Dalton (道尔顿),the chemist, repudiated the notion of his being a genius, attributing everything which he had accomplished to simple industry and accumulation. John Hunter (约翰.亨特)said of himself, My mind is like a

18、 beehive; but full as it is of buzz and apparent confusion, it is yet full of order and regularity, and food collected with incessant industry from the choicest stores of nature. We have, indeed, but to glance at the biographies of great men to find that the most distinguished inventors, artists, th

19、inkers, and workers of all kinds, owe their success, in a great measure, to their indefatigable industry and application. They were men who turned all things to gold-even time itself.化学家道尔顿拒绝接受他是“天才”这一观点,他把所有取得的成就完全 归功于单纯地勤奋和积累。约翰亨特谈到自己时说:“我的脑袋像个蜂巢;里面 充满的是嗡嗡声和明显的混乱,然而(同时)又富有条理和规律性,还有以不间 断的勤奋从大自然最优质的

20、储藏室中收集而来的食物。”的确,只要我们浏览一 下伟人们的传记就会发现,那些最杰出的发明家、艺术家、思想家以及各行各业 (成功)的工作者,在很大程度上都把成功归功于他们不知疲倦的劳作。他们是 那些把一切甚至时间本身变成黄金的人。D lsraeli (迪斯累)the elder held that the secret of success consisted in being master of your subject, such mastery being attainable only through continuous application and study. Hence it

21、happens that the men who have most moved the world, have not been so much men of genius, strictly so called, as (不是而是) men ofintense mediocre (普通)abilities, and untiring perseverance; not so often the gifted, of naturally bright and shining qualities, as those who have applied themselves diligently

22、to their work, in whatsoever line that might lie. Alas! said a widow, speaking of her brilliant but careless son, he has not the gift of continuance. Wanting in perseverance (缺乏毅力),such volatile natures are outstripped in the race of life by the diligent and even the dull. Who goes slowly, goes long

23、, and goes far, says the Italian proverb.迪斯累里坚持认为成功的秘诀在于精通你的专业(领域),这种精通只有 通过不断努力和研究才能达到。因此,那些最令世人感动的人,严格意义来上说 不是那些天才,而正是那些热情的、拥有普通能力而坚持不懈的人;他们经常不 是天生聪明才华横溢的人,而是那些投身于自己的行业在任何情况下都肯埋头苦 干的人。“哎呀! ”一位寡妇说到她的才华出众而粗心大意的儿子时说,“他没有 持之以恒的品质。”缺乏毅力,在生存的竞争中,那些善变的人就被勤奋甚至迟 钝的人所超越。意大利有句格言是:走得慢,走得久的人,才能走得远。Hence, a gre

24、at point to be aimed at is to get the working quality well trained. When that is done, the race will be found comparatively easy. We must repeat and again repeat; facility will come with labor. Not even the simplest art can be accomplished without it; and what difficulties it is found capable of ach

25、ieving! It was by early discipline and repetition that Sir Robert Peel (罗伯特.皮尔爵士)cultivated those remarkable, though still mediocre powers, which rendered him so illustrious an ornament of the British Senate.因此,(如果)心中有宏大的目标(首先)就要练好工作本领。当本领练 好了,就会发现(工作的)竞争相对来说就比较容易了。我们必须百炼成钢;熟 能生巧。没有这一点,即使最简单的工艺也不能完成

26、;掌握了这一点,就会发现 无论多么困难都能取得成功!罗伯特皮尔爵士就是靠早期的训练和重复培养了非 凡卓越(的能力),尽管只是普通之才,(这些才能)也使他为英国参议院增辉不 少。When he was a boy at Drayton Manor, his father was accustomed to set him up at table to practice speaking extempore (即席地)and he early accustomed him to repeat as much of the Sundays sermon as he could remember. L

27、ittle progress was made at first, but by steady perseverance the habit of attention became powerful, and the sermon was at length repeated almost verbatim (一字不差地).When afterwards replying in succession to the arguments of his parliamentary opponents-an art in which he was perhaps unrivalled-it was l

28、ittle surmised that the extraordinary power of accurate remembrance which he displayed on such occasions had been originally trained under the discipline of his father in the parish church of Drayton.在德雷顿庄园,当他(罗伯特皮尔爵士)还是一个小孩的时候,他父亲 总是让他坐在桌旁练习即席演讲;并且很早使他习惯于尽量多的重复他所记得的 礼拜天的布道文。起初进步很小,但通过坚持不懈的努力,集中注意力的

29、习惯变 得富有成效,终于他几乎能够把布道文逐字详尽的复述出来。当后来在议会上回 应对手一个接一个的争论时他的辩论技巧或许是无人能敌的很难猜到他在这种场合展现出的非凡的准确记忆力最初是在德雷顿牧区教堂里他父 亲的训练之下养成的。It is indeed marvelous what continuous application will effect in the commonest of things. It may seem a simple affair to play upon a violin; yet what a long and laborious practice it req

30、uires! Giardini said to a youth who asked him how long it would take to learn it, Twelve hours a day for twenty years together. Industry, it is said, makes the bear dance. The poor ballet dancer must devote years of incessant toil to her profitless task before she can shine in it. When the ballet da

31、ncer Taglioni was preparing herself for her evening exhibition, she would, after a severe two hours lesson from her father, fall down exhausted, and had to be undressed, sponged, and resuscitated from being totally unconscious. The agility (敏捷;灵活)and bounds of the evening were insured only at a pric

32、e like this.最普通的事情只要坚持不懈的努力去做,也一定会产生了不起的(结 果)。演奏小提琴似乎是件简单的事情;然而(就这件简单的事情)需要多么长 期和艰苦的练习呀!基阿迪尼对一位问他学会拉小提琴需要多长时间的青年说: “每天12小时,连续20年。”据说,勤奋可使熊跳舞。可怜的芭蕾舞演员必须 经过多年不断辛劳的训练之后她才能在芭蕾舞舞台上大放光彩。当芭蕾舞演员泰 格利欧尼准备晚会演出时,在跟着父亲上了两小时高强度的芭蕾舞课程之后,她 会精疲力尽跌倒在地,不得不让别人帮她脱下(舞服),用湿海绵(擦身),使她 从完全失去知觉中苏醒过来。只有付出这样高昂的代价,晚会演出时(她自己) 才能保证动作灵活、跳跃自如。Progress, however, of the best kind, is comparatively slow. Great results cannot be achieved at once; and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk, step by step. De Maistre (麦斯特


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