1、WORD16/16更多企业学院:中小企业管理全能版183套讲座+89700份资料总经理、高层管理49套讲座+16388份资料中层管理学院46套讲座+6020份资料国学智慧、易经46套讲座人力资源学院56套讲座+27123份资料各阶段员工培训学院77套讲座+ 324份资料员工管理企业学院67套讲座+ 8720份资料工厂生产管理学院52套讲座+ 13920份资料财务管理学院53套讲座+ 17945份资料销售经理学院56套讲座+ 14350份资料销售人员培训学院72套讲座+ 4879份资料更多企业学院:中小企业管理全能版183套讲座+89700份资料总经理、高层管理49套讲座+16388份资料中层管
2、理学院46套讲座+6020份资料国学智慧、易经46套讲座人力资源学院56套讲座+27123份资料各阶段员工培训学院77套讲座+ 324份资料员工管理企业学院67套讲座+ 8720份资料工厂生产管理学院52套讲座+ 13920份资料财务管理学院53套讲座+ 17945份资料销售经理学院56套讲座+ 14350份资料销售人员培训学院72套讲座+ 4879份资料2007年全国国际货运代理从业资格考试国际货代英语试卷A卷(考试时间:14001500)注 意 事 项一、国际货代英语由试卷和试卷两部分组成。试卷为客观题,包括单项选择题、判断题、多项选择题、完型填空题。试卷为主观题,包括英译汉、汉译英、英文
3、单证操作题。二、答题说明1、请将自己的、号写在“答题卡”上方相应的位置上,并将每位下相对应的数字框用2B铅笔涂黑。涂卡方法见答题卡左上侧的说明。2、号不写以与号不涂或涂写不规者,该答题卡作废。3、请将试卷的答案涂在“答题卡”上。涂卡方法见答题卡左上侧的说明,使用其他符号答题无效。写在试卷上的答案一律作废。4、请务必使用2B铅笔涂写答题卡,使用其他类型的笔涂卡,读卡器不能识别,答题卡记零分。一、单项选择题(每题1分,共15分。单项选择题的答案只能选择一个,多选不得分)1、The scope of freight forwarders service on behalf of consignee
4、(CIF) includes( ).Apacking the goodsBpaying the freight to the marine carrierCarranging import customs clearanceDbooking space with the marine carrier2、According to INCOTERMS 2000, ( ) means that the sellers delivers the goods pass the ships rail at the named port of shipment.AFCABFOBCCFRDCPT3、Accor
5、ding to UCP600, the terms “middle” of a month in the L/C shall be construed as( ).Afrom the 10th to the 20th of the monthBfrom the 11th to the 20th of the monthCfrom the 11th to the 21st of the month Dfrom the 10th to the 21st of the month 4、The insurer is not responsible for partial loss of or dama
6、ge to cargo caused by natural calamities under the( )AWABFPACAll RisksDInstitute Cargo Clause(A)5、( )ordinarily means that the shipowner promises to satisfy the charters need for transport capacity over a certain period of time, often one year or several years.AVoyage charteringBTime charteringCBare
7、boat charteringDContract of affreightment6、Payment of freight clauses normally appeared in the( )charter party.AtimeBvoyageCbareboatDTCT7、Marine Bs/L perform a number of functions, which of the following is not correct?( )Aevidence of the contract of carriageBreceipt for the goods shippedCdocument o
8、f title to the goodsDnon-negotiable document8、Document credit means payment against( )instead of against goods.AcontractsBdocumentsCcargoesDbank draft9、From legal point of view, the ( )on the bill of lading is not the party of the contract of carriage of goods by sea.AcarrierBshipperCconsigneeDnotif
9、y party10、( )may be the modes of container transport for LCL/LCL.ACY/CYBDOOR/DOORCDOOR/CYDCFS/CFS11、The responsible period of the carrier for the loss of or damage to the cargo as well as delay in delivery under ( )is between the time the carrier taking over the goods and the time of delivery.ACMR c
10、onventionBthe Hague RulesCthe Hamburg RulesDthe Hague-Visby Rules12、 ( )are rates which are applicable to named types of freight in air cargo transportation.AClass RatesBSpecific Commodity RatesCBulk Unitization RatesDGeneral Cargo Rates13、The movement of finished product to customers is( ).Amarket
11、distributionBprocurementCmanufacturing supportDinventory14、( )is a letter from a bank to a foreign bank authorizing the payment of a specified sum to the person or company named.ALetter of DeliveryBLetter of CreditCLetter of IndemnityDLetter of Guarantee15、For a supply chain to realize the maximum s
12、trategic benefit logistics, the full range of functional works must be( ).AmanagedBintegratedCtransportedDsupplied二、判断题(每题1分,共15分。答案为“是”的,请在答题卡上涂“A”,答案为“否”的,请在答题卡上涂“B”。两个都涂的不得分)16、The forwarders usually book spaces with ocean carrier on behalf of consignor basis on the FCA terms in the sales contrac
13、t made by the consignor as the seller with the buyer.( )17、The CIP term may be used irrespective of the modes of transport including multimodal transport and this term requires the seller to clear the goods for export .( )18、 The words “between” applying to any date or period in the credit referring
14、 to shipment will be understood to include the date mentioned.( )19、The marine cargo insurance is based on the principles of insurable interest, utmost good faith, and indemnity, etc.( )20、A delivery order is a commitment on the part of the shipper to ship the goods and serves as the basis for the p
15、reparation of the bill of lading.( )21、UCP600 published by the International Chamber of Commerce will come into force on Oct. 1, 2007.( )22、The time chartering means that the shipowner provides a designated manned ship to the charterer, and the charterer employs the ship for a specific period agains
16、t payment of hire.( )23、The words “in apparent good order and condition” indicated on the bills of lading are not accepted by the bank due to its unclear meaning .( )24、A vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports can leave the port only when written permission, known as “port cleara
17、nce”, is granted by the local authorities.( )25、The carrier shall be relieved of liability by reason of the defective condition of the vehicle used by him in order to perform the carriage under the CMR convention.( )26、One of the advantages in the multimodal transport is only to reduce the burden of
18、 documentation and formalities for the multimodal transport operators.( )27、Procurement is concerned with purchasing and arranging outbound movement of materials, parts, and/or finished inventory from suppliers to customers.( )28、General Cargo Rates are applicable to any types of commodity, without
19、the restriction of hazardous consignment size.( )29、FIATA is recognized as representing the freight forwarding industry by many other governmental organizations, governmental authorities, private international organizations in the field of transport.( )30、Consolidation can benefit all concerned such
20、 as exporters and shippers, carrier and forwarder.( )三、多项选择题(每题2分,共20分。多项选择题的答案多选、少选、错选均不得分)31、A sound inventory strategy is based on a combination of five aspects of selective deployment: they are core customer segmentation, and( ).Aproduct profitabilityBtransportation integrationCtime-based perfor
21、manceDcompetitive performance 32、According to INCOTERMS 2000,( ) mean that the seller must pay the costs and freight necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination or must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named destination.ACFR、CIFBCPT、CIPCFOB、F
22、CADCPT、FCA33、( )do not cover cargo damage due to fresh water or rain.AWABFPACAll RisksDFresh water and/or rain damage risks34、The sea waybill is one of the shipping documents used for sea transportation and serve as ( ).Acargo receiptBdocument of titleCevidence of contract of cargo transportationDne
23、gotiable documetn35、Usually the( ) charter parties provide a period of time for vessel employment.AvoyageBtimeCbareboatDTCT36、FIATA has created several documents and forms, they are( ),etc.AFBLBFDTCFFIDFOB37、( )can be transferred to third parties.AOrder bills of ladingBCopy bills of ladingCStraight
24、bills of ladingDBearer bills of lading38、( )are the documents used in air cargo transportation.ASLIBSWBCAWBDCargo manifest39、Scope of freight forwarding services on behalf of the consignor usually includes( ).Aweighing and measuring the goodsBpacking the goodsCarranging for import clearanceDbooking
25、space with carrier40、An international freight forwarder should be familiar with( ).Ainternational trade routesBlocation of portsCpattern of international tradeDprovisions of the letter of credit四、完型填空(每题1分,共10分。每题答案只能选择一个,多选不得分)Transportation is one of the most significant areas of (41) because of i
26、ts impact on customer service and the firms cost structure. The primary transportation value proposition is product movement up and down the supply chain. Without reliable transportation, most commercial activities could not function. The international (42) is nowadays frequently carried out in cont
27、ainers. Containers are particularly suitable for (43). If the exporter intends to fill a full container load, the forwarder or shipping line will prepare an empty container to the exporter for loading. If the cargo is (44), the exporter sends it to the container freight station, where it will be (45
28、) with the goods of other exporters in a container.41、AlogisticsBinventory CwarehousingDpackaging42、AtransshipmentBtansportation ChandlingDconsolidation43、Aair transportBroad transport Crail transport Dmultimodal transport44、ALCLBFCL Clarge quantityDbulk cargo45、Astuffed Bconsolidated Cloaded Dfille
29、dA large number of documents are used in the modern international trade such as marine bills of lading, letter of credit, insurance policy, commercial invoice, packing list, air waybill etc. The (46) is a document of title, the holder of which can get the goods at the port of destination from the ca
30、rrier. (47)is the most common method of making international payments. The (48) mainly functions as receipt of the goods for dispatch, evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor in air transportation. (49) is an evidence of insurance contract issued by the insurer to
31、the assured in which stipulating each partys rights and responsibilities. (50) is a document issued by the authorized body in the exporters country stating the country of origin of the goods.46、Asea waybill Bocean bill of lading Cair waybillDinvoice47、AInvoice BLetter of credit CCheckDBill48、Ainsura
32、nce policy Bocean bill of lading Cair waybill Dinvoice49、AInsurance policy BOcean bill of lading CAir waybill DInvoice50、APacking list BCertificate of origin CInvoice DDock receipt2007年全国国际货运代理从业资格考试国际货代英语试卷(考试时间:15051605)题 号一二三总 分阅卷组长得 分注 意 事 项一、国际货代英语由试卷和试卷两部分组成。试卷为客观题,包括单项选择题、判断题、多项选择题、完型填空题。试卷为主
33、观题,包括英译汉、汉译英、英文单证操作题。二、将自己的、号、号、工作单位写在试卷纸上的密封线以。凡写在装订线以外的,试卷作废,并视为违规。三、试卷答案直接写在试卷上。得分评卷人一、英译汉(前10道题,每题0.5分,第11道题5分,共10分)(1)THC(2)IATA(3)UCP(4)EDI(5)BAF(6)UIC(7)TCT(8)AWB(9)INCOTERMS(10)MTO(11)FIATAs main objectives are:To unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide.To represent, promote and prot
34、ect the interests of the industry.To familiarize trade and industry and the public at large with the services rendered by freight forwarders.To improve and promote the quality of services rendered by freight forwardersTo assist with vocational training for freight forwarders.得分评卷人二、汉译英(英文全拼,简写不得分,前1
35、0道题,每题0.5分,第11 道题5分,共10分)(1)仓储和配送(2)场站收据(3)正本提单(4)物流条形码(5)商业信函(6)整箱货(7)积载因数(8)包装舱容(9)公共承运人(10)保险批单(11)除非另有规定,公司对于下列原因造成的任何损失不承担任何责任:客户或其代理的行为或疏忽;遵循客户的指示;货物包装或标识不良;货物固有的缺陷。得分评卷人二、英文单证操作题(共20分)请根据下列所提供的销售合同主要条款,修改信用证条款的主要容,再根据修改后的信用证条款审核并修改集装箱货物托运单。(注意:对信用证和托运单的容进行审核,将错误的项目划掉,并填写上正确的容。)有关销售合同的主要条款合同号:
36、CH200501卖方:AAA进出口公司买方:新加坡BBB贸易公司商品:100%棉衬衫数量:300箱,每箱20件,总重量20500公斤,总体积为30立方米单价:CFR新加坡每箱2000美元总金额:600000美元装运期:2005年3月31日前自中国港装运,可转运,但不可分批装运保险:买方自理付款条件:不可撤销的即期信用证方式付款,议付有效期为上述装运期后15天,在中国到期。2、信用证主要容Revocable documentary creditNumber: LCDate: March 1, 2005Date and place of expiry: March 31, 2005 Singapo
37、reAdvising bank: Bank of ChinaBeneficiary: Singapore BBBTrading Company.Applicant: Qingdao AAA Import and Export CorpShipment from: Qingdao to Singapore, on or about March 31, 2005 Partial shipments: Not allowedTransshipment: Not allowedDescription of goods: 100% Cotton Shirt as per S/C No. CH2004To
38、tal amount: USD660000 (SAY US DOLLARS SIXTY-SIX THOUSANDS ONLY)Total quantity: 300 CartonsTotal gross weight: 20500 KGS Total measurement: 30CBMPrice term: CIF Singapore.Following documents required:+Signed commercial invoice in triplicate+Packing list in triplicate+Full set of clean on board ocean bill of lading made out to order of shipper and endorsed in blank and marke
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