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1、Unit10 Youre supposed to shake hands一、单项选择(共15 小题;共 15 分)1.Everyone is supposeda seat belt in the car.A. wearingB. to wearC. to be wornD. wears2.Listening to themusic always makes me.A. relaxed; relaxingB. relaxed; relaxedC. relaxing; relaxingD. relaxing; relaxed3.Myparentsandteachersalwaysmeprogres

2、s. So I have to work hard.A. hope; to makeB. wish; makeC. expect; makeD. expect; to make4.It is importantpeoplelearn teamspirit.A. of; ofB. of; toC. for; toD. to; to5.Its possible for ordinary peopleon the moon in the nearfuture.A. walkB. to walkC. walkingD. will walk- Mom, Tom broke my glasses.- Do

3、nt be angry, dear., he is only two years old.A. First of allB. After allC. All the timeD. Not at all7.Hong Kong Disneyland is well worth.A. to visitB. visitingC. visitD. visited8.They are used toat 6:00 every day.A. get upB. getting upC. got upD. to get up- Are we all here?- Everyone is hereTom. He

4、is looking after his sister athome.A. besidesB. except forC. exceptD. except that10.China is making great effortsthe traditional culture.A. to developB. developingC. developedD. develop11.In China, most studentswear school uniform.A. are supposed toB. are supposedC. suppose to12.Im glad to have avac

5、ation.A. relaxB. relaxesC. relaxedD. relaxing1/12- You look sad. What has happened?- EveryoneusA. expect; winC. expect; to winIts important for youA. talkB. to talk15.is really hardthe match, but we lost.B. expected; to winD. expected; to beatit over with your parents.C. to be talkedD. not to talk t

6、hem to climb MountQomolangma.A. This; toB. It; forC. This; forD. It; to二、单词拼写 ( 单句首字母填空 ) (共 10 小题;共 10 分)16.Light music often makes people feel r( 放松的 ).17.When you gsomeone, you say Hello or shake hands with them.18.The dictionary that my father bought for me many years ago is still of greatv.19.I

7、ts good mto say hello when you meet each other.20.I will go to the USA as a foreign estudent soon.21.As a gentleman, you should learn how to bat the dinner table.22.- Can you give me some son learning English?-Yes. Read English magazines, and.23.Listening, speaking, reading and writing are four bski

8、lls ofEnglish learning.24.He goes to work every day eMonday.25.Many places in the n( 北方 ) part of China are terribly shortof water because of years of drought.三、单词拼写 ( 根据中文提示拼写单词) (共 10 小题;共10 分)26.My friend Jim is from Australia and he is an( 交换 ) studentin our school.27.Everyone is really( 放松 ) on

9、 the beach.28.He( 敲 ) at the door, but nobody answered.29.You cant leave the country without a(护照).30.China is an old( 东方的 ) country in Asia.31.It is difficult to get used to another countrys(风俗).32.The(用 途 ) ofregularexercise should not beunderestimated(低估 ).2/1233.In order to make a good impressio

10、n, you should learn to(表现 )in an interview first.34.Our English teacher gave us many( 建议 ) on the study of aforeign language.35.His dream came true at last with his great(努力).四、翻译 ( 根据中文提示完成句子 ) (共 8 小题;共16 分)青少年应该敢于质疑。Teenagers arebe brave enough to ask questions.我认为学一门外语很必要。(词数不限)I thinklearn a fo

11、reign language.因此当我与朋友见面时,我努力做到守时。So Ito be on time when Imeet my friends.不要总是和朋友生气 , 否则你会失去他们的。Dont alwaysmad with friends,youll lose them.你习惯那里的气候吗?Do youthe weather there?他费尽心思地帮助我。Heto help me.哆啦 A 梦这部电影值得看。 ( 词数不限 )The movieDora Emon.天气很冷,不要把大衣脱掉。the coat because its very cold.五、完形填空(共10 小题;共 1

12、5 分)Thewordkimonomeanssomethingtowear.Thekimono isakindofJapanese traditional clothes. It has a long history and44the culture ofJapan and the life of Japanese.Therere many45types of kimonos for men, women and children inJapan. People wear the kimono accordingto(按照)46onesage,theseason,theevent,butals

13、oonesmarriage.Young unmarried women wearkimonoswith long sleeves(袖子 ). These kimonos are colorful and have many patterns(图案 ),while married women or elder women wear kimonos with47sleeves. Men worekimonosasdailyclothesinthe48,buttodayJapanese usuallywearkimonosforfestivals,ceremonies(典 礼 )and49occas

14、ions.A childskimono is50very colorful, just like a womans kimono.3/12Today, a Japanese woman usually51only one kimono. She wears itforthecomingoftheage ceremonyon her19thbirthday.MostJapanesehaveto52kimonosforweddings(婚 礼).Todaytheyseldomwearkimonoseveryday clothes. Sometimes, if you go to a small t

15、own or village in Japan, you may see elders wearing kimonos luckily.44.A. callsB. explainsC. saysD. shows45.A. similarB. differentC. newD. useful46.A. not onlyB. not justC. bothD. between47.A. heavyB. beautifulC. shortD. warm48.A. cityB. workC. pastD. house49.A. commonB. specialC. quietD. noisy50.A.

16、 usuallyB. seldomC. neverD. once51.A. likesB. washesC. hasD. sends52.A. keepB. rentC. makeD. lend53.A. withoutB. insideC. asD. over六、阅读理解(共16 小题;共32 分)AOnApril18, the 100-day countdowntothe2012OlympicGames inLondonbegan.ForthisyearsGamesslogan,theLondonOrganizingCommitteeoftheOlympic Games has chose

17、n the phrase“Inspire a Generation” ( 激励一代人). It isexpectedtoinspireathletes(运动员)todotheirbest,and common peopletodobetter in their daily lives.TheGames are alsoinspiringlotsoftourists tocome to London.Butifyou gothere, youdbettertryyour best to followBritishmanners andcustoms.Otherwise,youllendup in

18、arightmess!ExpertWilliamHansonhasgiventheAssociate Press a few tips for tourists on how to act while in the UK. Lets havea look:Dont talk about money. According to Hanson, British people hate talkingabout money anditisconsideredrudetodoso.In particular,neveraskanyoneabout their salary.Afternoontea.T

19、hetraditionalviewoftheBritishsittingdownforanafternoon tea is not exact. Few people keep the tradition nowadays.Givetipsbutnotinan obviousway.TheBritishfav oraquiet“thankyou” gift for good service rather than the rigid 16-20% tip Americans always give.4/12In fact, many British waiters will not feel

20、anxious and nervous if you decide not to tip at all.Greeting with a kiss. The British are not like their passionate neighborsin France. Many prefer a handshake or a pat on the back to say“hello ”.Conversation tip. If you want to be friendly, end a sentence with the word“mate”.54. The underlined word

21、“It ” in the first paragraph refers to.London“Inspire a GenerationThe 100-day countdownThe London Organizing Committee55.British people think it rude to.A. have tea in the early morningB. ask others about their salaryC. give a 10% tip to a waiterD. shake hands with friends56.The underlined word“pass

22、ionate in the passage means“”in Chinese.A. 冷酷的B. 羞涩的C. 有激情的D. 聪明的57.When will the London Olympics be held?A. On August 18B. At the end of JulyC. At the beginning of AugustD. In the middle of JulyBTable manners are how to behave when you eat a meal. They include how to handle knives, forks and spoons

23、 and how to eat in a polite manner. To behave well abroad, you are to know some table manners.EATING MANNERSJapan: It is perfectly okay to slurp when you eat noodles. Unlike making big noises, slurping slightly is not rude. Japanese also say it tastes better if you slurp.Russia: Your wrists should b

24、e placed on the edge of the table while eating, fork in left hand, and knife in the right. It is not good manners to rest them on your lap. Keep your elbows off the table. Leave some food on your plate to show that the host has given you enough to eat.5/12France:Neverdiscussmoney orreligionoverdinne

25、r.What isdifferentfromthemannersinRussiaisthatfinishingeverythingonyourplateisconsidered good manners.Mexico:Wheneveryoucatchtheeyeofsomeone whoseating,evenastranger,itsgoodmannerstosayprovecho,whichmeans enjoy.InMexico,dining is more than a meal. Its a social occasion lunches are seldom quick andsu

26、ppers can last for hours. Where you sit matters in the country. Before you getseated, look for place cards, or wait until the host seats you. And you must sayenjoy your meal before you leave the table.DRINKING MANNERSAmerica:Ifyouemptyabottleintosomeonesglass,itobligesthatpersontobuythenextbottle.It

27、spolitetoputthelastdropsintoyourownglass.Australia: In a pub it s usual to buy a round of drinks for everyone inyour group. When it s your turn, say Its my round. When its their round, theywill buy it for you. Dont leave before youve bought a round.Japan: Dont fill your own glass of alcohol. Instead

28、, you should pour forothers and wait for them to do it for you.58. When you are at table in Mexico, you should.A. keep silent if you catch the eye of a strangerB. eat as quickly as you can to save your timeC. wish others happy with eating before leaving the tableD. seat yourself anywhere before the

29、host tell you to59. According to the passage, it is good manners to.A. keep quiet when eating noodles in JapanB. leave some food on your plate in FranceC. put the fork in the right hand in RussiaD. take turns to treat each other in Australia60. Which of the following can be the best title of this pa

30、ssage?A. Eating MannersB. Drinking MannersC. Table MannersD. Country Manners61.Thewritertellsusthetablemannersinmanycountriesinorderto.A. attract us to these countries to enjoy foreign foodB. help us behave in a polite manner in different countries6/12C. teach us how to handle knives, forks and spoo

31、nsD. make us able to express thanks to different hostsCWhat do youdo inasituationlikethis?Yourecallingdinner with friends at a nice restaurant. Youre having a great time when a phoneringsatthetablenexttoyou.A man takesouthisphoneandstartstalkingloudlyaboutproblemsheshavingwithhisgirlfriend.He talksf

32、oralmosttenminutes! This happens all the time on buses, in restaurants, everywhere!Manypeoplefindcellphonesusefulintheirdailylives.Butweveallsat next to someone talking too loudly on a cell phone. You may want to tell theloudmouth to end the conversation, but let the management take care of those no

33、isycustomers. You can only control your own behavior. Here are a few rules:Off means off!Follow the rules of restaurants and other public places. Ifasignsaysturnoffcellphones,dontuseyourphone.Ifyouareallowed,speak softly and for a short time and try to move away from other people.Lights off, phone o

34、ff!Never make calls in a theater or at the movies.Pay attention!Talkingon acellphonewhiledrivingisdangerous.Andwatch where youre going when youre walking down the streets and talking on thephone.Asmore peopleuse cell phones,thingsareonlygoingtogetworse. So,the next time youre getting ready to make a

35、 call, stop and consider the peoplearound you.62.Themantalkingonthecellphoneloudlyintherestaurantwill.A. talk for half an hourB. pay more for his mealC. make other customers angryD. be driven out by the boss63. Some people use cell phones in a rude way because.A. they dont consider the people around

36、 themB. some public places allow them to do soC. they are proud of having cell phonesD. cell phones are common and available everywhere64. According to the passage, weshouldntmake calls.7/12A. in restaurantsB. on busesC. at the moviesD. on the street65. From the passage we can infer(推断 ) that.A. cel

37、l phones have become the most useful tool in our lifeB. public manners play an important role in our lifeC. cell phones lead to peoples bad relationshipD. people ought to turn cell phones off in a public placesDManyfactssuggestthatchildrenareoverweightandthesituationisgetting worse, according to the

38、 doctors. I feel there are a number of reasons forthis.Somepeopleblamethefactthatwearesurroundedbyshopssellingunhealthy, fatty foods, such as fried chicken and ice cream, at low prices. Thishasturnedoutawholegenerationofgrown-upswhoseldomcookamealforthemselves. If there were fewer of these restauran

39、ts, then probably children wouldbuy less take-away food.There is another argument that blames parents for allowing their childrento become overweight. I agree with this, because good eating habits begin early inlife, long before children start to visit fast food shops. If children are givenfriedchic

40、kenand chocolateratherthanhealthyfood,orarealwaysallowedtochoose what they eat, they will go for sweet and salty foods every time, and thiswill carry on throughout their lives.There is a third reason for this situation. Children these days take verylittle exercise. They do not walk to school. When t

41、hey get home, they sit in frontof the television or their computers and play computer games. Not only is this anunhealthy pastime(消遣 ), it also gives them time to eat more unhealthy food. Whatthey need is to go outside and play active games or sports.The above are the main reasons for this problem,

42、and therefore we have to encourage young people to be more active, as well as steering them away from fast food shops and bad eating habits.According to the text, what kind of children may eat more unhealthy food?Those who often do sports.Those who often watch television.Those who often have meals a

43、t home.8/12D. Those who often walk to school.67.Theauthorthinksthatchildrenarebecomingoverweightbecause.A. they cant choose what to eatB. they are too busy to go out and playC. their parents often cook meals for themD. there are too many fast food shops around68.Thewordsteeringunderlinedinthelastsen

44、tencemostprobablymeans.A. forcingB. guidingC. drivingD. moving69. The main purpose of the text is to.A. tell a storyB. provide factsC. give adviceD. compare opinions七、短文7 选 5(5 选 5 等) (共 5 小题;共10 分)Once,twobirdsnamedCiciandNicklivedinanest.70.They always found excuses for not doing any work.On a col

45、d winter day, a strong wind was blowing. 71.Bychance, a hole was made in their nest(巢 ). The cold wind blew in through the holeand got away the warmth from the nest. Both the birds started feeling cold. Nickthought, I wonder why Cici is so lazy? Why is she not repairing the hole?Ontheotherhand,Cicit

46、houghtthatNickwouldfillthehole.Bothofthem were depending on each other. 72.Soon snow started to fall and the wind nearly blew off the last warm airfrom the inside of their nest. The snowflakes entered the nest through the hole.The lazy birds started shivering(颤 ) with cold. 73.In the morning both th

47、e birds were dead in their nest. They had shiveredto death but because of laziness they had not got up to repair the hole.Life is the same. Some people never get success. 74.Doyou think so?A. Because their laziness blows out the chances.B. But no one was active enough to work.C. Both of them were ve

48、ry lazy.D. There was some snowfall too.E. So no one repaired the hole.9/12八、阅读与表达 ( 问答式 ) (共 5 小题;共 10分)Two years ago, Russian newspapers published a dramatic story about LeonidStadnik. The man suffers from his own height: he is 257 centimeters tall. He isthe tallest man in the world and he is still

49、 growing.He lives in his house in a small Ukrainian village. The manhas to makequite an effort to be able to enter the house. He is almost twice as high as thedoorway. The shoes that Leonid wears are 62 centimeters long. It is very hard forhim towalkandeven tomove.Leonidcanhardly controlhisown legs.When hewalks,he needstoholdontosomething it couldbeatreeortheroofofhishouse.Thegiant isnowa proud owner of two kingsizebeds the presentsfromlocal entrepreneurs(企业家 ). Last year Leonid welcomed the delegation


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