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1、 2022大学生韩国留学详细申请书 2022大学生韩国留学详细申请书 Dear _, My initial interest in the petroleum industry and geosciences stemmed from an epiphany I had whilst engaged in conversation with a young, successful Dutchman in Dubai. This man was a friend of my Fathers who was discussing with me the terms of a Shell spons

2、orship through University, and essentially who I would aspire to become. I had always known about the attractiveness of the industry which my Father has been involved in for close to forty years and knew that it was where I would be destined to pursue a career; the only question was, in which field

3、of work? I have always been fascinated by and excelled in Geography and Physics. Having achieved the Geography prize in both Higher and Standard Grade, as well as merits in Physics. I have chosen to study Petroleum Geology Geosciences as it is a unique combination that will satisfy my interest and a

4、bility in both subjects and develop and nurture my skills to further aid my entry into the industry. My love of the Earths natural Geography has long affected my ambitions outside of school. Skiing, scuba diving and fell running have taken me to some of the most awe inspiring places on the planet in

5、 pursuit of experiencing and seeing new things, as well as excelling my passion for travel. I have visited the Alps, Caucus mountains, Cancun and Dubai pursuing these activities. I also play Volleyball with the Bon Accord mens team and attend weekly training sessions. I have also captained my school

6、s volleyball team. Another of my interests I adopted at an early age was athletics. I was dedicated to my training for five years and won many prized awards, including a Gold medal in high jump at the Scottish East District Championships, and fifteenth place in the Scottish Cross Country Championshi

7、ps. My completion of The Duke of Edinburgh Award to the extent of Gold Award is one of my most prided achievements. It has matured me and taught me many invaluable life skills such as the importance of respect, responsibility, dedication and team work. As part of my award I was nominated after appli

8、cation and interview by Laurencekirk and District Rotary Club to be their representative for the 2022 R.Y.L.A young leaders camp. This involved me spending one week with 60 other nominated young leaders at the Abernethy Outdoor centre participating in an abundance of team based activities ranging fr

9、om kayaking to rock climbing. This greatly improved my abilities in leadership as well as operating as part of a group in stressful situations. Another of my achievements I pride myself upon is my position as senior prefect and my awards as both prefect of the term and year. This position involves m

10、e along with my partner leading a team of 18 prefects and helping the senior management team by representing the school in various areas of the school system. My varied record of work experiences has taught me a lot about myself and the real world. Being a silver service waiter and barman at Drumtoc

11、hty Castle, one of Scotlands most prestigious wedding venues has greatly improved my communication and social skills, and my seasonal job as a potato roager has taught me the ethic of hard work and persistence. Yours sincerely, _,_ 留学韩国专业选择指南 通常有很多可选择的专业,可以依据以下三点来选择专业: 第一、可以选择自己喜欢的专业,比如经济学专业。 通常来说自己

12、喜欢的专业,自己学起来也更加有趣。韩国有很多专业可以选择,如果自己真心想去韩国留学,而且想有所建树,不妨选择自己喜欢的专业,这样自己能学得更认真,也能有很多收获。比如如果你喜欢经济学,你就可以选择经济学专业。 第二、选择就业前景好的专业,比如计算机专业。 选择就业前景好的专业,比如选择计算机这样的专业,在毕业以后,不仅容易找工作,并且收入高。因此,如果想就业工资高,可以选择计算机专业这样的国内热门专业。 第三、选择韩国的热门专业,比如电子专业。 如果想去韩国留学,十分困惑选择哪种专业,也可以选择韩国的热门专业,因为在韩国这些专业特别热门,师资力量也会比较强。因此,可以选择韩国的热门专业,比如汽

13、车相关的专业、电子专业、物流专业等。 韩国高校为留学生提供的隐形福利 一、免费储物柜 学生上课是需要携带教材的,而一般参考书都不会很轻,大家可能还需要带上自己的电脑,每天的课程还不只一门,这样每天往返都背上很重的教材,还是有比较大的压力的。 好在学校会为学生提供储物柜,数量的供应是比较多的,但是需要大家进行申请,毕竟不是等额供应,如果申请迟了,可能就没有柜子了,申请会在开学前一周开放。 二、免费电脑房 虽然学生都会有自己的电脑,但是如果有急用的话,电脑不在手边,可以选择去学校的电脑房,会免费开放给在读的学生使用,并且也很适合小组课题和论文写作,毕竟环境也是很能影响成果的。 大家进入了电脑房以后

14、,一定要保持安静遵守规则,如果有需要交谈的内容,可以去大厅中进行,这里还会提供打印的服务,也可以帮助大家打印东西。 三、免费会议室 会有规模大小的划分,有容纳人数比较多的,也有只能容纳四五个人的,大家根据自己的需求进行选择,大小会议室虽然可以免费使用,但是必须要提前预约,这样才能够顺利使用。 并且会议室是不经受占位的,如果大家一天的使用还没有完成自己的任务的话,需要续期只能够重新进行申请,并且离开的时候必须要将自己的材料全部带走,不提供保管的服务。 四、免费活动室 在学校内,还会有专门提供给学生想象娱乐的活动室,有环境比较舒适的休息室,男生女生是分开的,安置有成排的沙发,还会有桌子,而且会放置

15、有简单的饮品,是可以自由取用的。 而娱乐相关的这主要是电影放映室,一般规模会稍小,并且影片的反映可以自己挑选,大部分时候都是固定的;还会有健身房,提供比较齐全的器材,还会安置有专业的教练,可以对学生进行指导。 韩国一年制本科的优势 1、学制虽短,实用性强 韩国的一年制本科,减去的是学生在校实习和做研究的半年或一年时间。在缩短的这段时间理,学生可以提前进入就业市场,做好自己的职业规划。 可见,相比于学制的时间长短,韩国的一年制本科更注重效率和实用性。 2、考试严格,学术严谨 韩国的教育强调严谨严肃,考核严格,既重视期末考试也重视学生日常学术表现。 在韩国,挂科了可以补考,但如果补考也挂科了,就算其他成绩都是满分,最后也没有学位,换句话等于没毕业。 韩国的很多考试,都没有划重点的,更没有考前押题。不论是论文,还是考试,都要学生踏踏实实好好复习,好好写。尤其论文,对于抄袭更是零容忍。所以想在韩国顺利毕业,或者拿到优秀毕业生的成绩,还是要付出很多的。 3、学习能力&职


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