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1、学术英语 医学Academic English for MedicineIntroductionA Course of Academic English for Medical Purpose .IntroductionWhy should we learn medical English?Introduction日本宫崎大学Mike Guest(2009)他是专门从事医学英语教学的。他列举了为什么要给医学生教英语的6大理由:(1)医学生学英语,可以与外国病人顺利交流;(2)可以教他们医学英语术语;(3)获取英文医学信息,参加国际会议,做报告,用英语阅读和发表论文;(4)帮助他们真正融入国际医

2、学界,提高他们对医学的热情;(5)熟悉医学英语是高等教育的基本功能,是医生作为社会精英的必备素质;(6)用另一种语言来学习专业内容有助于提高学习者的整体认知能力。Introduction在Mike Guest看来,这6大理由中,第(1)和第(2)是伪命题,因为医生用英语和非本族人交流的情况是很少的,即使有,也可以请翻译帮忙,医生完全不需要为此付出大量的英语学习时间,而医学英语术语太广,所有教学都只能是挂一漏万,同时医学英语词汇是非常规范和单义的,医生完全可以查阅词典,完全不需要专门学习。第(3)个理由相对合理,但只有不到10%的医生对此有需求。 Mike Guest认为,后三个理由才应成为医学

3、生学习英语的真正理由。具备医学英语能力,医生可以真正融入世界医学圈,才能真正实现与其身份相当的大众期待,同时能提高其解决问题的整体认知能力。不难看出,Mike Guest对前三个相当“实用主义”的理由不以为然,而是更加看重后三个显得更为形而上的理由。 IntroductionOverall Objective To help the students with their English proficiency in academic contexts where medicine is the subject matterIntroductionRationales for this cou

4、rse Shift from English for General Purpose (EGP) to English for Academic Purpose (EAP) and English for Specific Purpose is the trend of English teaching and learning at tertiary level in China Introduction Rationales for this course Although inseparable, EAP differs from EGP in many respects and war

5、rants special attention so that the learners use English language proficiently and properly in academic contexts; Introduction Rationales for this course English for Academic Purpose entails a vast array of skills and a good knowledge of the subject matter. Introduction Course Description This cours

6、e, therefore, is framed to provide the students with opportunities to expose themselves to the subject matter related to medicine, to develop language proficiency and skills as needed for communication in academic contexts, and to use English language in simulated or real situations where English la

7、nguage serves as the medium for communication. Introduction Objectives expand by a large margin their vocabulary, especially those specialized terms in medical context; Introduction Objectives be able to prepare and deliver presentation on the topics related to medicine; Introduction Objectives be f

8、amiliar with the components of a typical journal paper, and the characteristics of each component; Introduction Objectives build up a stock of language for writing journal papers. Introduction Course CompositionThis course includes Academic English for Medicine (Unit 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9). Intr

9、oduction Textbook and Teaching Materials学术英语(医学)季佩英,孙庆祥等. 2012. 外 语 教 学 与 研 究 出 版 社. Published journal articles Students writings Students presentations Introduction Assignments Classroom-based assessmentYou are supposed to bring your smart phone to the classroom and ensure your internet service.For every 2 units, there will be a quiz, which mainly based on the contents you have learned. Introduction Final Evaluation & Grading Classroom performance Attendance + In-class PerformanceWritin


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