1、爱情与金钱 / 罗维纳著Love or Money by Romena Akinyemi简介你是一名不错的,是吗?如果是的话,那你得比探长先找出。探长是名警探,他工作虽说慢了点,可十分细心。你是位“快手”吗?是干什么的呢?侦探就是寻找线索的人。而线索就是告诉你谁是的重要但又细小的事物。发现线索不容易,但本故事中有许多线索。有些线索有用它们能帮助你,可有些线索却不利它们妨碍你找到。你得仔细点读,否则你会错过线索。但请记住:你不必相信人们说的每件事。显然会撒谎,可能其他人因不同的理由也会撒谎。也许他们希望写的第一部故事。死去。但是谁希望呢?谁杀的?你能找出吗?是英国人,但在非洲度过了许多年。爱情与
2、金钱是她为英语学生1 ChapterThe Clarkson family livedhe country near Cambridge,aboulf afrom the nearestvillage and about afrom the riverThey had a big,old house wibeautiful garden,a lot offlowers and many oldtreesOne Thursday morning in July,Jackie came in from the gardenShe was a tall,fat woman, thirty years
3、 oldIt was the hottest day of the year,but she wore a warm brown skirt and yellowshirtShe wento the kitchen to get a drink of waterJust then the phone rangCambridge 1379,Jackie saidoThis is DianeI want to talk to MotherMother isnt here,Jackie saidShes at the doctorsWhy?Whats Wrong?Nothings wrong,Jac
4、kie saidWhy are youkend? Mother wants everyone to be hereephoning? You are going to come thisYes,I want to come,Diane saidIm phoning because INo money!Mother is always giving you money! This phone call is very expensive,Diane said coldly e no money for the traicketl MothleaseI need the moneyJackie p
5、ut the phone downShe took a cigarette from her bag and began to smokeShe feltangry because her sister al-ways asked for moneyDiane was twenty years old, the youngest inthe familyShe lived in Lon,in one room of a big houseShe wanted to be a singerShe sangvery well but she could never get workJackie w
6、ent backo the kitchen and began to make some sandwichesJust then the backdoor opened,and her mother came inIts very hot!Molly saidShe took off her hat and put it down on the tableShe was a tall, dark woman with beautiful eyesTwo big,black dogs cameo the kitchen after her and ran across to herShe sat
7、 down andput her hands on their headsJackie put the sandwiches on the tableMother,she said,Diane phonedShe wants moneyfor her traicketMolly closed her eyes for a minuteThen she stood upThis afternoon I want you to get thehouse ready for thekend,she saidOh,and please go to the village later and get m
8、y tabletsYes,Mother,Jackie said Molly went to the doorMother,please wait a minute,Jackie saidPeter Hocame here this morningHes veryangry with you aboutt letterHe lost his job,you knowWhy did you write to his office?He wants to talk to you about itWell,It want to talk to him,Molly saidShe opened the
9、doorBut Mother,yout understandHes seventeen,and it was hisjobHes very,veryangryHe says he says hes going to kill you!Molly did not answerShe went out of the room and closed the door1森家住在附近的乡下,离最近的村庄约有半英里路,距离河有 1 英里左右。他们有幢大而古老带有美丽花园的房子,花园里有许多花和许多古树。7 月的一个四早上,从花园进了屋。她是个高大,肥胖,30 来岁的女人。这是一年中最热的日子,而她却穿着暖
10、色调的黄色衬衫和棕色裙子。她走进厨房去喝水,这时电话响了。“1379 号,”说。和“你好!我是。说话。”“不在家,”说。“她看医生去了。”“怎么了?出了什么事?”“没什么,” “是啊,“没钱!说。“你打干嘛?这个周末你回来吗?希望每个人都在。”。”回来,”说。“我正因为没钱买火车票,才打总是给你钱!”“费很贵,”冷冷说道。“请告诉,我需要钱。”放下,她从包里拿了枝烟抽起来。她因妹妹总是要钱感到生气。20 岁了,在家里最小。她住在伦敦,在一所大房子里有间屋子。她想成为一个,她唱得很棒她却从来不愿找工作。走回厨房动手做一些三明治。这时后门开了,母亲走了进来。“天太热了!”眼睛的女人。说道,她脱下帽
11、子放在桌上。她是位高个子、皮肤浅黑,有双美丽两条大黑狗跟着她进了厨房围着她转,她坐下来把手放在它们的头上。把三明治放在桌上。“,”她说道,“打来,她想要钱买火车票。”闭上眼一会,然后站起来。“下午我希望你收拾一下房子为周末做准备,”她说。“哦,随后请去村里给我买些药片。”“好的,”说。向门口走去。,请等一会。”“说。“今早来了,他对你的那封信很生气。你知道,他丢了工作。你为什么写信给他的办公室?他想和你谈谈这事。”“好啦,我不想和他谈,”说,她打开门。,你不明白。他 17 岁了,那是他第一份工作,他非常非常生气。他说“他说他会杀了你!”没答话,她走出房间关上了门。2 ChapterIt was
12、 seven oclock on Saturday eveningJackie stood at the windowA car drove slowly up to the front door and stoppedA tall man with white hair got out,It was Albert,the husband of Mollys sisterHeres Uncle Albert,Jackie saidAlways lateShe went out of the room and opened the front doorAlbert came in and wen
13、Mollyonce toOh,dearIm very lateI am sorry,Albert saidFifty years old today!What a wonderfuldress!Molly did not snk you,AlbertWere all getting olderTonight she wore a longblack dress,and the two black dogs sashe saidher feetEveryone is here nowLets goo dinner,Everyone stood up and went to the tableTh
14、e table looks nice,JackieWhat wonderful flowers!Diane saidShe was a beautiful girl, with long black hair and dark blue eyesShe wore a long red dressAlbert sat down next to Roger Roger was Mollys son,her second childHe lived inCambridge,in an expensive houseSomeone called Peter stopped me down the ro
15、ad,Albert saidWho is he? Hes verwith you,Mollyryts Peter Ho,from the house across the road,Jackie said quicklyShe looked acrossthe table at MollyHe lost his job lastk and hes angry with everyoneIts Molly he doesnt like,Albert said Molly said nothingEveryone began to eat How is Aunt Annie?Jackie aske
16、dShes much worse now,Albert saidShe stays in bed all the timeShe needs a nurse twenty-four hours a dayI am sorry,Molly saidAlbert stopped eating and looked at MollyIts very difficult and very expensive,youknowAnnie feels very unbecause yout visit her,MollyShe loves you verymuchYou are her little sis
17、ter;you knowMolly closed her eyes for a minute I knowt,AlbertI am fifty years old,but I am alwaysher“little”sisterWell,we can talk about it laterAlbert laughedOh yes,we can talk laterIts always later with you,MollyAlways tomorrowNever todayJackie watched her motherHer mother was angry wilbertMolly n
18、ever liked talkingabout her sister Annie and she did not like visiting her because she was very illts a beautiful dress,DianeIs it new?Jackie askednk you,JackieYes,its new,and very expensiveI got it on Wednesday,Diane saidShesd at JackieAll your things are expensive,Jackie saidShe remembered the pho
19、ne call on Thursdayabout the traicketIt like cheap things,Diane saidAnd Im going to need more money soonI want to goto AmericaCan you help me,Roger?Oh no,Roger saidNobody wants to help you,DianeYout like working,we all know t,but we all want you to get a jobDiane laughedIt doesnt matter,RogerIt need
20、 your helpMother always helpsmeMother loves me bestShe suddenly sd,a quick,beautiful sBut her eyes were coldJackie looked at her motherMollys face was whiteJackie did not understandWas hermother afraid of Diane?Jackie wanted her mother to betodayWould you like some more meat,Uncle Albert?Jackie aske
21、dRoger,can you give everyone some more to drink?Roger got up and began to give more wine to everyoneThis is good wine,he saidMolly sd for thetimeYes,your father loved this wineHe often dritYes,Albert said,and looked at MollyExpensive,tooWould you like to meet Mr Briggs this man at the farmHe wants t
22、o meet youBriggs?Briggs?Molly said,suddenlkend,Roger?Jackie asked quicklyHes the newryt talk to me aboutt manIt want himt likeyhimHe wants half my garden for his farmHe needs more land,he saysI houseHes always dirty and he has bad teethJackie stood up and got her bagExcuse me,I want a cigaretteCigar
23、ettes!Always a cigarette in your mouth,Molly saidIgood for yout like itCigarettes arentJackie began to smokeShe felt angry but she said nothingShe wanted her mother to bethis evening,but it was very difficultRoger drsome more wineWell,Mother,perhaps Mr Briggs is rightThe garden is verybig,you know,h
24、e saidIts a lot of work for youThe house is big,tooYoure fifty nowYouneed to be more carefulRoger!It need a nurse,you know!I work in the garden every day;I feelthereMolly stood upI know you all want my moneyYou come here for a free dinner,youtlwant to see meYout love meYou want my house,and my money
25、Well,you cwaitNo-body is getting more money from me,not before I die!t sayt,Mother!Jackie criedMolly walked across the room to the doorI feel ill nowIm going upstairs to bedMolly left the roomNobody movedOne day Im going to killt woman,Diane said quietlyRoger looked at Diane but said nothingAlbert m
26、oved his head slowly up and downIll!Shes angry, ts all,he saidMolly always gets angry about moneyWhy cant she be good toher sister?Annies going to die soonMolly knowstJackie finished her cigarette and stood upWould everyone like some coffee?Comekitchen and lets drink it thereo the2六晚上 7 点。站在窗前。一辆小车驶
27、到前门停下来。一个白头发、高个子的下了车,他是,姐姐的丈夫。“是姨父,”说。“他总是。”她走出房间打开前门。走进来,立刻便。“哦,亲爱的,抱歉,我来得太迟了,”说。“是你 50 岁生日!多漂亮的裙子!”没有笑。“你,。都老了。”今晚她穿了一条长长的黑裙子,两条黑狗蹲在她脚边。“现在大家都到了,咱们吃饭吧。”她说。大家都站起来走到桌前。“餐桌看起来不错,。多美的花啊!”说。她是个美丽的,有一头长长的黑头发和一双深蓝色的眼睛,她穿了一条红色的长裙。坐在的旁边。是的儿子,第二个孩子。他住在一幢昂贵的房子里。“有个叫彼特的人沿路阻挡我,”说。“他是谁?他很生你的气,。”“那是,家住在马路对面的房子里。
28、”很快地说。她餐桌对面的。“他上周丢了工作,他生每个人的气。”“他不喜欢的是,”说。一言不发。大家开始吃东西。“姨妈好吗?”问。“她现在更糟糕了,”说。“她所有时间都呆在。她一天 24 小时都需要护士。”“难过”,说。停下来。“你知道,这事非常麻烦并且非常花钱。,因为你不去看她很不高兴。她非常爱你,你知道,你是小妹妹。”闭上了眼。“我知道这些,。我都 50 岁了,可我总是小妹妹。好吧,以后再谈这事。”笑道。“哦,是啊,以后再谈。,和你总是以后,总是明天。从来不是。”母亲,母亲生的气。从来就不喜欢谈论她姐姐,也不喜欢去拜访她。而她病得很重。“这裙子真漂亮,。是新的吗?”问。“,。是的,新裙子,非
30、急忙问。“他刚来农场。他想见见你。”?”说,她突然生气了。“不要和我谈那个,我不喜欢他。他想要我把一半的花园当他的农场。他说,他需要总是脏兮兮的,还有一口坏牙。”的土地。我不希望他来我家,他站起来拿包。“抱歉,抽枝烟。”“烟!你的嘴总是叼着烟,”说。“我讨厌烟,抽烟对你不好。”开始抽烟,她感到很生气,但她什么也没说。她想让她今晚些,可看来这非常难。喝了好些酒。“好啦,先生可能是对的。你清楚,花园是太大了,”他说。“你要干许多的事,房子也太大了。你都 50 岁了,你需要的照顾。”“!你明白,我不需要护士!天在花园里干点活,我在那儿感到。”站起来。“我知道不爱我。都想要钱。来这儿只为一顿免费的晚餐
31、,不是想来看看我,想要房子,钱。好吧,都等着。在我死之前,任何人都别想从我这儿得一点儿!”“别说这些,!”叫道。穿过房间走到门前。“现在我感到不舒服。我要上楼睡觉了。”离开了房间,大家都没动。“有一天我会杀了这女人,”平静地说。上下摇晃着脑袋。“不舒服!她生气了,就这看看样,”他说。“知道这些。”,但什么也没说。谈到钱总要生气。为什么她不能对她姐姐好点?就要死了,抽完烟站起来。“每人都来些咖啡吗?到厨房去,咱们在那儿喝吧!”3 ChapterEarly next morning the house was quietSuddenly there was a cry from the room
32、next to Rogers,his mothers roomRoger opened his eyes and looked at the clockIt was nearly seven oclockHe got out of bed and opened the door quietlyAt the same time the door of his mothers room opened and Diane came outHer face was very whiteRoger!It s Mother!I brought a cup of coffee for her and I f
33、ound her deadShes deaddeadin her bed,she criedRoger went quickly to the door of his mothers room and lookedhe window was openbut the room was warmMolly was on the bed,one hand under her headRoger went across to thebed and put his hanher armIt was colthe little table next to the bed was a hot cup ofc
34、offee and an empty cupIm going to call the doctor,Diane saidShes dead,Roger said slowlyHis face,too,was whiteMother is dead!Diane walked across the room to the doorIm going to phone the doctor,she said againWait a minute!Roger calledLetsl the familyFamily!Nobody loved Mother!Diane went out and ran d
35、ownstairsRoger slowly went downstairs after her and stood by theephoneDr Pratt,this is Diane ClarksonIts my mothershes deadCan you come quickly?Diane put the phone downIt isnt true,Roger!Mother dead!Daddy died last wer,and now MotherDiane began to cryt cry,Diane,Roger saidLets go upstairs andcle Alb
36、ert and JackieNo!Youl them!Nobody loved MotherYou arent sorryLook at you!You want hermoneyts allRoger suddenly wanted to hit DianeBe quiet!he saidWhat about you?You didnt loveMotherYou wanted her money,toot fett!Its true,Diane saidOh,I cant staythe dogshis houseIm going outIm going to the river with
37、No,Roger saidThe doctors coming and I want you hereDiane said nothingShe wento the kitchen and at once the dogs got up and came toherBeautiful dogs!Daddy loved you and Mother loved youNow Im going to love youSheopened the back door and went out with the dogsRoger did not moveHe stood by theephoneIts
38、 true,he thoughtI amabout themoneyI needed money,and now Im richThings are going to be easier for me nowBut Motherwhy didnt I love her more? And now shes deadSlowly,Roger went back upstairsHe wanted to dress before Dr Pratt arrivedDr Pratt was a little fat man without much hairHe was the family doct
39、or and he knew all the Clarkson family very wellHe went upstairs at once and looked at Mollys bodyHe looked carefully at the cup of coffee and the empty cup on the table next to her bedIm sorry,Roger,he saidWhere is Diane?She phoned meShe went out with the dogs,Roger saidShe was angry with meangry w
40、ith everyone Dr Pratt said nothing for a minuteThis is going to be very difficultIm going to phone the,RogerIshe die?I!Why?Whats wrong?t knowYour mother wasnt illI saw her on Thursday and she was very wellWhy did t understandI want to find outRoger went across to the window and looked outhe gar-denI
41、t was a beautiful summermorningThe sky was blue and the garden was greenIt was all very quietHis mother loved thisgardenBut Tom Briggs wanted the gardenAnd Roger wanted the garden,tooRoger felt worse and worseYour mother took sleng tablets,Dr Pratt saidDid you know?On Thursday she had anew bottle of
42、 tablets,but I cant find it here in her roomI didnt know,Roger saidVery wellLets go down-stairs and you can phone theRoger wento the kitchen and made some coffeeJust then Diane came in with the dogsRoger,she saidLook,Im sorryI was angry and said some angry thingsIt doesnt matter,Roger saidHere you a
43、re,e some coffeeDr Pratt is phoning theDid you know Mother took sleng tablets?Well,the bottle is not in her roomWhat?Iand darkt understandDiane took the coffee and began to drinkHer eyes looked bigJust then Dr Pratt cameo the kitchenTheyre coming at once,he saidDianeIm sorryabout your motherDr Pratt
44、,I want tol you about last nightEveryas verryBe quiet!Roger said quicklyDiane never thinks before she opens her mouth,he thought angrilyDiane did not look at RogerLast night Mother went to bed early because everyonetl me,Dr Pratt saidYou canl theRogers face went redSuddenly he felt afraidTheare goin
45、g to talk to everyone,andask questions,he thoughtAnd theyre going to want answersIts going to be very difficultHefinished his coffee and stood upIm going upstairs,he saidIm going tocle Al-bert and Jackie about Motherandabout the3第二天清晨整幢房子静悄悄的。突然从房间旁边他母亲的屋子里传出一声尖叫。罗杰睁开眼看了下钟,还不到 7 点。他下了床,悄悄打开门。正在这时他母亲
46、房间的门也打开了,走出来,脸非常苍白。“!她,我端了杯咖啡给她,发现她死了。她死了死在她,”她哭道。急忙走到他母亲的门前往里看,窗户是开着的,可房间里是温暖的躺在,一只手在她头下。走到床前把手放在咖啡和一个空。上,尸体已经冷了。床边的小桌上有杯热“我打去叫医生,”说。“她死了,”慢慢地说。他的脸也变白了。“死了!”穿过房间走到门口。“我去打叫医生,”她又说。“等会儿!”叫道。“咱们得先告诉家人。”“家里人!没有人爱!”走出去跑下楼。旁。跟着她慢慢走下楼站在“先生,我是森。!她死了。你能尽快赶来吗?”放下。“这不是真的,死了!去年冬天死了,现在也死了。”开始哭泣。“别哭了, “不!你去如此。”突
50、楼去,”他说。“我去告诉姨父和有关的事还有的事。”4 ChapterThearrived very quicklyThere were a lot of themSome of them with cameras wentupstairs to Mollys roomTwo detectives talked to Dr Pratthe kitchenThe family waitedhesitting roomIt was a hot day again and the windows were openThe dogs sat quietly at Dianes feetNobody ta
51、lkedJackie smokedThey waited for a long timeSuddenly the door opened and the two detectives came inGood morningI am Detective Inspector Walsh and this is Sergeant FosterThe Inspectordid not sHe was a big man in an old black suit and a black hat and coatHe wore a coatbecause he always felt coldLast n
52、ight someone put sleng tablets in Mrs Clarksons hotmilkWe are going to question everybody,and we need a room,pleaseRoger stood upIm Roger ClarksonYou canits along here,e my fathers old officeCome with me,The office was not a very big room,but there was a table and three or four chairsRogeropened the
53、 windowI would like to talkto your uncle,Albert King,In-spector Walsh saidHe took off hishat and coat and sat down behind the table Of course,said Roger and left the roomSergeant Foster waited by the doorHe was a very tall young man with black hair and a nicesHe was not verythis morning because he u
54、sually played tennis on SundaymorningsHe was one of the best players at the Cambridge Tennis Club Albert came in and sat downIm going to ask some questions,Mr King,the Inspector said,and Sergeant Foster is goingto write it all downAlbert looked at his feetYes,yesIts your jobI knowtl me about last ni
55、ght,Inspector Walsh asked quietlyYou were angry with Mrs ClarksonAlbert looked at Inspector Walsh for thetimeYes,I wasEveryas angryRogerwas angryDiane wanted money to go to AmericaThen theres a man called Tom Brig-gsHe wants half the garden for his farmMolly was a rich womanI need money because my w
56、ife AnnieMollys sisteris very illI told Molly thisWhappened next?Well,Molly was angry with everyone and went upstairsWe wento the kitchen forcoffeeJackie wanted everyone to go up and say good night to MollyShe lives here with Mollyso she wanted Molly to bemotherAtRoger said noHe was angry and didnt
57、want to see hisAnd did you see Molly in her room?YesI was tired and I went upstairsI went to Mollys room and asked her for moneyagainBut nothere was no money for her sisterAlbert stopped and put his hand over his eyesInspector Walsh watched Albert for a minuteDid you hear noises after you went to be
58、d?Everyento Mollys room to say good night,I thinkLater,I heard someoneHeor shewent downstairsVery well,Mr Kingt was about midnightnk you,you can go nowAlbert left the roomInspector Walsh put his hands behind his headWhat time is it?Im a lot,but I need some coffeeShall I go to the kitchen?Sergeant Fo
59、ster askedOh,noLaterLets see Jackie Clarkson nextgryWere learningJackie came in and sat downShe looked down at her hands and said nothingWe found the empty bottle of your mothers sleng tabletsnes room,the Inspectorsaid suddenlyThen he waitedJackies face did not change and she said nothingl me,did yo
60、ur mother get her tablets from the shophe village?YesMy mother usually took a sleng tablet every night so she needed a lot oftabletsSometimes she got them from the shop,sometimes I diThursday,I asked PeterHoto get themHe liveshe house across the road,and he often goes to the village on hisbicycleI s
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