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1、 1.1 _. 1.2_ 1.3_. 2.1 _. 2.2-2.6_.3.1 _.3.2-3.5_第1页/共14页第一段的写作 1.1: 引出图画 1.2: 图画内容介绍 (一般进行时态或者一般现在时) 1.3:总结并为第二段做好铺垫 1.1句写作模式: ”当谈及.话题时,有一幅非常有意思的图画非常值得一提。 When it comes to the topic of internet, it is worth mentioning an interesting cartoon. 对于那些谈论.话题的人们,我推荐给他们一幅非常有趣的漫画” To those who talk about coo

2、peration, I recommend them seeing a cartoon. 1.2 句写作模式:“ 在这幅图画中,. In the cartoon, . 1.3 句写作模式:”尽管图画很简单, 其寓意却是非常深刻的.“ A simple drawing as it is, the meaning is profound.第2页/共14页练习1 第3页/共14页When it comes to the topic of culture, it is worth mentioning an interesting cartoon. In this cartoon, we can se

3、e a huge hotpot in which a variety of “foods” are blended and boiled. Some of them are traditional Chinese culture, such as Taoism, Kongfu, Peking Opera, and Buddhism while others are western, such as Einstein, Shakespeare, and postmodernism. Below the hotpot is a line of words which say “cultural h

4、otpot: healthy and tasty.”A simple drawing as it is, the meaning is profound.第4页/共14页练习2 第5页/共14页When it comes to the topic of culture, it is worth mentioning an interesting cartoon.In this cartoon, a large number of people are sitting in front of computers. They are communicating via the internet,

5、but everyone lives in their own small space/room. Below the picture is a line of words which say “Internet brings us closer but at the same time it makes us feel lonely.” (the far and near of the Internet) A simple drawing as it is, the meaning is profound.第6页/共14页练习3 第7页/共14页第二段的写法 写重要性 分析现象+背后的原因+

6、影响。 写重要性 模式1:重要性+例证+小总结 模式2: 重要性+分两个方面+小总结 分析现象背后的原因 现象+两个、三个方面的原因+小总结第8页/共14页第二段的写法-写重要性模式1: 重要性+分两个方面 显而易见,漫画作者是要我们关注_的重要性。该重要性体现在两个方面。一方面, . 另一方面,. . 没有_, 很难想象一个人、一个社会会取得进步。 It is fairly evident that the cartoonist aims at drawing our attention to the importance of _. Such importance is twofold.

7、For one thing, _. For another, _. Without it, it would be hard to imagine that a person or a country can achieve any great progress.模式2:重要性+例证+小总结 显而易见,漫画作者是要我们关注_的重要性。找不到比以下更好的例子来证明它有多么重要。一个例子是.; 另一个例子是.。没有了_, 很难想象一个人、一个社会会取得进步。 It is fairly evident that the cartoonist aims at drawing our attention

8、 to the importance of _. No better illustration of this idea can be found than the example mentioned below. One is _. Another example is _. Without it, it would be hard to imagine that a person or a country can achieve any great progress.第9页/共14页第二段的写法-写现象写现象(揭示现象+分析现象原因+分析现象影响) 显而易见,漫画作者是要我们关注我们社会中

9、的一个现象:_. 该现象主要原因是_. 该现象的流行,已经并且将会继续产生如下影响。首先,.其次,. It is fairly evident that the cartoonist aims at drawing our attention to a phenomenon in our society:_. A chief reason why this is happening is that _. Such a phenomenon will likely impact our society profoundly. For one thing, _. For another, _. 第

10、10页/共14页重要性万能句型 It improves individuals overall well-being and quality of life to a higher level. Unless we protect our environment, we will live a life of mediocre, a life that leads us nowhere. It contributes to a better society or even a better world in which people from all walks of life live ho

11、rmouniously with each other, helping each other and having faith in each other. As long as we respect and care for the old and the young population, we can expect a brighter and more prosperous future of the nation. Undoubtedly, it is team work that keeps us continually doing something valuable and

12、admirable in spite of difficulty and discouragement, that makes us still full of energy to face the coming challenges and competition. Without confidence in ourselves, we will live a dull and depressing life and feel frustrated and humiliated, only to be eliminated. Only being confident can you put

13、your capacities into full play and can you become the winner in the society.第11页/共14页重要性的思考角度: 1. 个人拥有更好的 工作 ( have a better career, secure a higher-paying job ) 朋友 (make more friends, become more popular, gain more personal charm) 健康 ( become healthier, enjoy a longer life, have a stronger body,) 成

14、功 ( reap more success, achieve higher goals, realize ones dream) 快乐 ( feel happier and satisfied) 见识 ( widen ones horizons ) 2. 社会变得更加 和谐 ( peaceful, harmonious) 繁荣 (prosperous) 美丽 ( beautiful, attractive, a land of blessings) 富强 ( wealthy, powerful, have more influence in the international communit

15、y)第12页/共14页原因思考角度 首先个人: 如,意识不够, 坏的行为已经发展成了习惯,习惯就成自然了。In the first place, there is a lack of individual awareness. Some of us have unethical practices. Those wrongdoings are not corrected timely, so they develop into a habit. This is why it is not surprising at all for those people to do so. 更进一步,政府: 如法律不够健全,恶习未受到惩罚。Furthermore, perhaps more importantly, the government fails to improve law sys


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