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1、高精度稳压直流电源文摘:目前对于可调式直流电源的设计和应用现在有很多微妙的,多种多样的,有趣的问题。探讨这些问题(特别是和中发电机组有关),重点是在电路的经济适用性上,而不是要到达最好的性能。当然,对那些精密程度要求很高的除外。讨论的问题包括温度系数,短期漂移,热漂移,瞬态响应变性遥感和开关preregualtor型机组及和它的性能特点有关的的一些科目。介绍 从商业的角度来看供电领域可以得到这样一个事实,在相对较低的本钱下就可以可以获得标准类型的0.01%供电调节。大局部的供电用户并不需要这么高的规格,但是供给商不会为了减少客户这么一点的费用而把0.1%改成0.01%。并且电力供给的性能还包括

2、其他一些因素,比方说线路和负载调解率。本文将讨论关于温度系数、短期漂移、热漂移,和瞬态的一些内容。 目前中等功率直流电源通常采用预稳压来提高功率/体积比和本钱,但是只有某些电力供给采用这样的做法。这种技术的优缺点还有待观察。温度系数十年以前,大多数的商业电力供给为规定的0.25%到1%。这里将气体二极管的温度系数定位百分之0.011。因此,人们往往会无视TC温度系数是比规定的要小的。现在参考的TC往往比规定的要大的多。为了费用的减少,后者会有很大的提高,但是这并不是真正的TC。因此,如果本钱要保持在一个低的水平,可以采用TC非常低的齐纳二极管,安装上差动放大电路,还要仔细的分析低TC绕线电阻器

3、。如图1所示,一个典型的放大器的第一阶段,其中CR1是参考齐纳二极管,R是输出电位调节器。图1 电源输入级 图2 等效的齐纳参考电路假设该阶段的输出是e3,提供额外的差分放大器,在稳定状态下e3为零,任何参数的变化都会引起输出的漂移;对于其他阶段来说也是一样的,其影响是减少了以前所有阶段的增益。因此,其他阶段的影响将被忽略。以下讨论的内容涵盖了对于TC整体的无论是主要的还是次要的影响。R3的影响 CR1-R3分支的等效的电路如图2所示,将齐纳替换成了它的等效电压源E和内部阻抗R2。对于高增益调节器,其中R3的变化对差分放大器的输入来说可以忽略不计,所以前后的变化由R3决定。如果进一步假定IB

4、Iz;从1可以得到同时,消除Iz,由2b可得并且现在,假设那么,方程式2b也可以写成例1:齐纳二极管齐纳二极管拥有自己的温度系数,通常,它在TC的整体中占有很重要的位置。对于电路图1,TC电路的介绍,从本质上讲,稳压器的TC局部由齐纳奉献。如果桥接如电路图1显示.被用于并联一个下降电阻,只有局部输出电压出现过了桥显示电流,TC的单位和齐纳会有所不同。由于齐纳二极管的特点是众所周知的,各文献对于它的描述非常好,这里将不予讨论2。基级与放射级电压的变化 不只是差分放大器Vbe的值不匹配,温度的差距也不匹配。不应该这样,无论怎样,互相协调是有必要的。图1真实的参考电压不是E1而是E2+(Vbe1-V

5、be2)。 因为,对于大多数的实际应用TC的参考价值将比齐纳的TC优先考虑到很难获得高达50 V/C的差,这就会变得相当明显,在大多数情况下,TC可能会超出额定值。例2:一个30AV/C下平安的,低本钱的设计。与一个1N752并联,整体的TC将会是 实验,笔者计算出在室温情况下13个标准的锗晶体管的信号,集电极的电流水平为3mA,说明了它的合理值是90%到95%,基极和集电极之间将有一个-2.1至-2.4毫伏的变化。人们已经验证出了如此庞大的利差例如,施泰格3。最糟糕的情况是电晶体导致不到400V /C微分。与一个1N752并联甚至可能会给出一个0.007%/C更好的TC。基极电流的变化 该基

6、级晶体管的电流由下式给出由于有限源阻抗变化,一个电流变化造成了差分放大器的信号电压输入的变化。所用的电源的阻抗不是特别的理想,因为对于所使用的晶体管的I和来说它减少了系统的增益和需求。亨特4指出的值域范围是在+0.2/至-0.2之间,还有I可能近似于其中A0的值由T0决定。还取决于温度,施泰格3还通过实验证明了它的变化范围是在0.5/ C到0.9/ C之间。并且图3 Q2的输入电路当前情况下IB流经图3上的每一个电源阻抗,在电阻串中变小,是由齐纳电压值和基极与发射极之间Q1和Q2之间的落差所造成的EB (and EB)所束缚着。因此,如果要看温度从T1变到T2时EB的变化输出电压的变化并且,例


8、是使用第一个放大器来消除和平衡掉交界处冷却效果上的差异。可以通过晶体管的固定或保持来近似模拟这个方案,将晶体管嵌入在一个共同的金属块中,等等。笔者通过把输入级和参考齐纳放置到一个单独的机箱中取得了很好的效果。如图4所示。在图5中通过金属的覆盖,漂移得到了很好的改善。图4 12V的电源晶体管具有百分之0.01的调节精度。注意,保护盒是用来给第一放大器和参考组件进行隔热保护。图5 和图4类似,电源提供了短期漂移,并且没有保护措施。该元件是没有覆盖的,直到t1。盒子里面的温度上升,电压随着时间 t1而变化。如果电位器用于输出地调节例如R1,应该谨慎的选择价位和设计。接触电阻的变化可引起漂移。用有高精



11、增,我们称之为“尖峰;以及线性放电时间越长时电容充放电的情况。放电时间是,其中并且,对于Is来说,通常它不会在放大器的最后阶段提供驱动,但是会出现限流现象。遥感是指电源电压电感的直接负荷。图6 远程输出传感的等效电路图7 瞬态响应,遥感。图8 框图。使用预稳压电源可以减少监测和控制的A型阶段电压的使用和损耗。由于主要的调节器往往比预调节器响应更快,应该建立足够的储藏来使这个阶段下降。如果不这样可能会导致负载的饱和,那是前置稳压器在响应时间内产生的。开关前置稳压器型机组 传统类- A型晶体管电源供给变得相当笨重,昂贵,与传递阶段拥挤,作为供给增加电流和功率的水平。要求输出调节范围更大,再加上电力



14、上升直至稳态已恢复、电路电阻引起限制,或缺乏开车使开关出来的饱和度。上述第二种情况导致开关失败。其他营业状况会产生相似的瞬变包括输出电压编程和初始刺激的用度。输入功率瞬间的中断也应首先要考虑的事。一个解决这个问题的方法就是限制的电压变化的速率在可出现一值,通过舞台了压力调节阀可以遵循。这能被做方便加上足够的输出电容。这电容会同限流特性会产生一种最大的改变的比率其中C0 = output capacity.假设这个压力调节阀遵循这种变化和有滤波电容器冠军杯,然后开关电流在电源在上,压力调节阀的参考电压上升也必须是有限的。采取这一考虑,其中ER = passing stage voltageTl

15、= time constant of reference supply.策略合作关系SCR的使用来代替电晶体的将是一个明显改善由于较高的增兵电流的收视率,却转身他们去了,需要大量的能源。而门策略合作关系SCR讨厌似乎将为员工提供良好的折衷,全部的问题,严峻的限制,在当前的收视率现限制使用它们。参考文献,控制工程师手册。纽约:McGraw Hill出版社,1958年,11到19页。2摩托罗拉齐纳二极管/整流器手册,第二版。 1961。3瓦特施泰格,“一个晶体管的温度分析及其应用差分放大器,“爱尔兰跨。在仪器仪表,第一卷。 1-8,页82-9,1959年12月。4唱片猎人,半导体电子手册。纽约:M

16、cGraw Hill出版社,1956年,第13-3。5“标准出版物的监管电子直流电源,“未发表稿电子电源集团,半导体电源转换器局部,NEMA等。6Muchnick,“远程传感晶体管电源电子产品,1962年9月。7路劳克斯,“在开关型稳压器的设计考虑固态设计,1963年4月。8四汉考克和B Kurger,“高效率稳压电源采用高速交换在AIEE冬季干事提交会议,纽约,纽约,1月27号至2月1日,1963年。9河四米德尔,差分放大器。纽约:Wiley,1963。10索伦森控制功率目录和手册。索伦森,雷神公司,南诺沃克,美国康涅狄格州单位。本文摘自:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUS

17、TRY AND GENERAL APPLICATIONS VOL. IGA-2, NO.5 SEPT/OCT 1966Highly Regulated DC Power SuppliesAbstract-The design and application of highly regulated dc power supplies present many subtle, diverse, and interesting problems. This paper discusses some of these problems (especially inconnection with med

18、ium power units) but emphasis has been placed more on circuit economics rather than on ultimate performance.Sophisticated methods and problems encountered in connection with precision reference supplies are therefore excluded. The problems discussed include the subjects of temperature coefficient,sh

19、ort-term drift, thermal drift, transient response degeneration caused by remote sensing, and switching preregualtor-type units and some of their performance characteristics.INTRODUCTIONANY SURVEY of the commercial de power supply field will uncover the fact that 0.01 percent regulated power supplies

20、 are standard types and can be obtained at relatively low costs. While most users of these power supplies do not require such high regulation, they never-theless get this at little extra cost for the simple reason that it costs the manufacturer very little to give him 0.01 percent instead of 0.1 per

21、cent. The performance of a power supply, however, includes other factors besides line and load regulation. This paper will discuss a few of these-namely, temperature coefficient, short-term drift, thermal drift, and transient response. Present medium power dc supplies commonly employ preregulation a

22、s a means of improving power/volume ratios and costs, but some characteristics of the power supply suffer by this approach. Some of the short-comings as well as advantages of this technology will be examined.TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT A decade ago, most commercial power supplies were made to regulation

23、 specifications of 0.25 to 1 percent. The reference elements were gas diodes having temperature coefficients of the order of 0.01 percent 1. Consequently, the TC (temperature coefficient) of the supply was small compared to the regulation specifications and often ignored. Today, the reference elemen

24、t often carries aTC specification greater than the regulation specification.While the latter may be improved considerably at little cost increase, this is not necessarily true of TC. Therefore,the use of very low TC zener diodes, matched differential amplifier stages, and low TC wire wound resistors

25、 must be analyzed carefully, if costs are to be kept low.A typical first amplifier stage is shown in Fig. 1. CRI is the reference zener diode and R, is the output adjustment potentiometer. Fig. 1. Input stage of power supply.Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of zener reference.Let it be assumed that e3, th

26、e output of the stage, feedsadditional differential amplifiers, and under steady-state conditions e3 = 0. A variation of any of the parameters could cause the output to drift; while this is also true of the other stages, the effects are reduced by the gain of all previous stages. Consequently, the e

27、ffects of other stages will be neglected. The following disculssion covers the effects of all elements having primary and secondary influences on the overall TC.Effect of R3 The equivalent circuit of CRI -R3 branch is shown in Fig. 2. The zener has been replaced with its equivalent voltage source E/

28、 and internal impedance R,. For high gain regulators, the input of the differential amplifier will have negligible change with variations of R3 so thatbefore and after a variation of R3 is made.If it is further assumed that IB Iz; then from (1)Also,Eliminating I, from (2b),andNow, assuming thatthen,

29、Equation (2b) can also be writtenThe Zener Diode The zener diode itself has a temperature coefficient andusually is the component that dominates the overall TCof the unit. For the circuit of Fig. 1, the TC of the circuit describes, in essence, the portion of the regulator TC contributed by the zener

30、. If the bridge circuit shown in Fig. 1 were used in conjunction with a dropping resistor so that only a portion of the output voltage appeared across the bridge circuit shown, the TC of the unit and the zener would be different. Since the characteristic of zeners is so well known and so well descri

31、bed in the literature, a discussion will not be given here 2.Variation of Base-Emitter VoltagesNot only do the values of V, of the differential am-plifier fail to match, but their differentials with tem perature also fail to match. This should not, however,suggest that matched pairs are required. Th

32、e true reference voltage of Fig. 1 is not the value E, but E, + (Vie, -Vbe2)-Since, for most practical applicatioinsthe TC of the reference will be the TC of the zener plusConsidering that it is difficult to obtain matched pairs that have differentials as poor as 50 V/C, it becomes rather apparent t

33、hat, in most cases, a matched pair bought specifically for TC may be overdesigning.Example 2: A standard available low-cost matched pair laims 30AV/C. In conjunction with a 1N752, the ontribution to the overall TC would beTests, performed by the author on thirteen standard germanium signal transisto

34、rs in the vicinity of room temperature and at a collector current level of 3 mA,indicated that it is reasonable to expect that 90 to 95 percent of the units would have a base-emitter voltage variation of -2.1 to -2.4 mV/C. Spreads of this magnitude have also been verified by others (e.g., Steiger3).

35、 The worst matching of transistors led to less than 400 ,V/C differential. In conjunction with a 1N752,even this would give a TC of better than 0.007%/0C.Variation of Base CurrentsThe base current of the transistors is given by A variation of this current causes a variation in signal voltage at the

36、input to the differential amplifier due to finite source impedances. Matching source impedances is not particularly desirable, since it reduces the gain of the system and requires that transistors matched for I,o and A be used. Hunter 4 states that the TC of a is in the range of +0.2%/0C to -0.2%7/C

37、 and that 1, may be approximated by where Ao is the value at To. is also temperature dependent and Steiger 3 experimentally determined the variation to be from about 0.5%/C to 0.9%/0C.And,Fig. 3. Input circuit of Q2.The current AIB flows through the source impedance per Fig. 3. The drops in the resi

38、stance string, however, are subject to the constraint that EB (and AEB) are determined by the zener voltage and the base-emitter drops of Q1 and Q2. Consequently, if in going from temperature T1to T2 a change AEB occurs,The change in output voltage isAndExample 3: For Q2 (at 25C)(see Example 1)Varia

39、tion of R,The effects of a variation of the TC between RIA and RIB is sufficiently self-evident so that a discussion of the contribution is not included.SHORT-TERM DRIFTThe short-term drift of a supply is defined by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) as a change in output over

40、a period of time, which change is unrelated to input, environment, or load 5.Much of the material described in the section on temperature coefficient is applicable here as well. It has been determined experimentally, however, that thermal air drafts in and near the vicinity of the power supply contr

41、ibutes enormously to the short-term characteristics. The cooling effects of moving air are quite well known, but it is not often recognized that even extremely slow air movements over such devices as zeners and transistors cause the junction temperature of these devices to change rapidly. If the TC

42、of the supply is large compared to the regulation, then large variations in the output will be observed. Units having low TCs achieved by compensation-that is, by canceling out the effects of some omponents by equal and opposite effects of others may still be plagued by these drafts due to the diffe

43、rence in thermal time constants of the elements.Oftentimes, a matched transistor differential amplifier in a common envelope is used for the first amplifier just to equalize and eliminate the difference in cooling effects between the junctions. Approximations to this method include cementing or hold

44、ing the transistors together, imbedding the transistors in a common metal block, etc. Excellent results were achieved by the author by placing the input stage and zener reference in a separate enclosure. This construction is shown in Fig. 4. The improvement in drift obtained by means of the addition

45、 of the metal cover is demonstrated dramatically in Fig. 5.Fig. 5. Short-term drift of a power supply similar to the one shown in Fig. 4 with and without protective covers. The unit was operated without the cover until time tl, when the cover was attached. The initial voltage change following t, is

46、due to a temperature rise inside the box.Fig. 5. Short-term drift of a power supply similar to the one shown n Fig. 4 with and without protective covers. The unit was operated without the cover until time tl, when the cover was attached. The initial voltage change following t, is due to a temperatur

47、e rise inside the box.If potentiometers are used in the supply for output adjustment (e.g., RI), care should be used in choosing the value and design. Variations of the contact resistance can cause drift. It is not always necessary, however, to resort to the expense of high-resolution multiturn prec

48、ision units to obtain low drift. A reduction in range of adjustment, use of low-resistance alloys and low-resolution units which permit the contact arm to rest firmly between turns, may be just as satisfactory. Of course, other considerations should include the ability of both the arms and the wire

49、to resist corrosion. Silicone greases are helpful here. Periodic movement of contact arms has been found helpful in healing corroded elements.THERMAL DRIFTNEMA defines thermal drift as a change in output over a period of time, due to changes in internal ambient temperatures not normally related to e

50、nvironmental changes. Thermal drift is usually associated with changes in line voltage and/or load changes 5.Thermal drift, therefore, is strongly related to the TC of the supply as well as its overall thermal design. By proper placement of critical components it is possible to greatly reduce or eve

51、n eliminate the effect entirely. It is not uncommon for supplies of the 0.01 percent(regulation) variety to have drifts of between 0.05 to 0.15 percent for full line or full load variations. In fact, one manufacturer has suggested that anything better than 0.15 percent is good. Solutions to reducing

52、 thermal drift other than the obvious approach of improving the TC and reducing internal losses include a mechanical design that sets up a physical and thermal barrier between the critical amplifier components and heat dissipating elements. Exposure to outside surfaces with good ventilation is recom

53、mended. With care, 0.01 to 0.05 percent is obtainable.TRANSIENT RESPONSEMost power supplies of the type being discussed have a capacitor across the load terminals. This is used for stabilization purposes and usually determines the dominant time constant of the supply. The presence of this capacitor

54、unfortunately leads to undesirable transient phenomena when the supply is used in the remote sensing mode. Normally, transistorized power supplies respond in microseconds, but as the author has pointed out 6, the response can degenerate severely in remote sensing .The equivalent circuit is shown in

55、Fig. 6. The leads from the power supply to the load introduce resistance r. Is is the sensing current of the supply and is relatively constant.Under equilibrium conditions,A sudden load change will produce the transient of Fig. 7. The initial spike is caused by an inductive surge Ldi/dt; the longer

56、linear discharge following is the result of the capacitor trying to discharge (or charge). The discharge time iswhereandThe limitations of I, are usually not due to available drive of the final amplifier stages but to other limitations, current limiting being the most common. Units using pre regulat

57、ors of the switching type (transistor or SCR types) should be looked at carefully if the characteristics mentioned represent a problem. Remote sensing is the process by which the power supply senses voltage directly at the load.Fig. 6. Output equivalent circuit at remote sensing.Fig. 7. Transient re

58、sponse, remote sensing.Fig. 8. Block diagram.Preregulated supplies are used to reduce size and losses by monitoring and controlling the voltage across the class-A-type series passing stage (Fig. 8). Since the main regulator invariably responds much quicker than the preregulator, sufficient reserve s

59、hould always be built into the drop across the passing stage. Failure to provide this may result in saturation of the passing stage when load is applied, resulting in a response time which is that of the preregulator itself.SWITCHING PREREGULATOR-TYPE UNITSThe conventional class-A-type transistorize

60、d power supply becomes rather bulky, expensive, and crowded with passing stages, as the current and power level of the supply increases. The requirement of wide output adjustment range, coupled with the ability of the supply to be remotely programmable, aggravates the condition enormously. For these


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