必修7Under the sea_第1页
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1、 Unit 3 1. annaual adj 每年的,一年一次的每年的,一年一次的the annual output 年产量年产量an annual meeting 年度会议年度会议 按年度计算的,一年生的按年度计算的,一年生的 the annual herb /the annual incomeThe annual farm output is to be increased by 4-5percent. annuallly adv2. When did the writer hear a huge noise coming from the bay? 3. As he was sortin

2、g out his accommodation, heheard a huge noise coming from the bay. to arrange or organize something that is mixed up or untidy, so that it is ready to be used e.g. She spent a happy afternoon sorting out her coins and stamps.房间太乱得好好整理一下房间太乱得好好整理一下. .The room is untidy; it needs a good sort-out.他告诉他告

3、诉PhilipPhilip把信件整理好把信件整理好. .He told Philip to sort the letters out.5. ShoreC&U 岸岸, 口岸口岸, 海滨海滨短语短语: in shore 近岸近岸on shore 在岸上在岸上shore line 海岸线海岸线 shore dinner海鲜大餐海鲜大餐6. vi. shout loudly and sharply yellHe yelled with pain. 他痛得大叫他痛得大叫.短语短语:yell for help 大声呼救大声呼救 yell out 呼喊呼喊eg: 观众朝着那些运动员大声地呐喊观众朝着

4、那些运动员大声地呐喊:”加加油油, 加油加油” The audience _ at theplayers: “ Go! Go ” yelled outahead of 1) 在在之前之前 2) 比比强强(好好)” A man _ to see if the road was clear .他的语文比我强他的语文比我强.He is_. ahead of time “提前提前”We finish the task_. went ahead of the othersahead of me in Chineseahead of time7. flee (fled, fled)vt. 逃避逃避, 逃跑

5、逃跑, 逃走逃走vi.消散消散, 逃逃, 消失消失他杀死了仇敌他杀死了仇敌, 逃往了国外逃往了国外.He killed his enemy and _.短语短语:flee from 逃离某地逃离某地, 逃脱逃脱= escape from = run away from翻译翻译: 他们从着火的房子里逃出来了他们从着火的房子里逃出来了.They fled from the burning house.fled the country9.drag vt./vi. 拖,拉,扯,拽 drag sb. down (to sth.) 使某人社会地位、行为标准等下降 drag sb. into doing s

6、th. 硬拉某人参加某活动 drag sth. up 提起(不愿回忆或谈论的事) drag sth. out 使某事不必要地拖延 She had to be dragged _ seeing the denist.Im afraid the children will all be dragged _ to his level.They dragged the meeting _ odownout14. Relationshipn. C 关系关系, 关联关联常用短语常用短语:have a relationship with sb和某人的关系怎么样和某人的关系怎么样这位

7、语文老师和学生们的关系很好这位语文老师和学生们的关系很好.The Chinese teacher has a very good relationship with her students.1.听说听说2.亲眼见过很多次亲眼见过很多次3. On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was _ (整理床铺整理床铺), I heard a loud noise _ (come) from the bay.4. We ran down to the shore _ (来得及去看来得及去看) see an enormous animal _(在我

8、们对面在我们对面) _ (throw) itself out of the water and then _ (坠落坠落) again.5.黑白相间的黑白相间的6.长得像鱼的长得像鱼的7.大声喊出大声喊出8. This was the call that announced there _ (将有一场猎鲸行动将有一场猎鲸行动) hear of witness it with ones own eyes many times sorting out my accommodation coming in time to opposite us throwing crashing down blac

9、k and white fish-shaped yell out was about to be a whale hunt9.在我前面跑在我前面跑10. I had already heard that George didnt like _ (等人等人), so even though I didnt have the right clothes _, I _ (追赶追赶) him 。11.朝海岸方向驶去朝海岸方向驶去12. I looked down into the water and could see Old Tom _ (swim) by the boat, _ (为我们为我们指路

10、指路)。13. As we _ (靠近靠近) , I could see a whale _ (attack) by _ (一群一群) about six other killers.14. 阻止它潜入或逃到海里阻止它潜入或逃到海里 run ahead of being kept waitingon raced after head out into the bay swimming showing us the way approached/ drew closer being attacked a pack of stop it diving or fleeing out to sea15

11、.一群发狂的猎狗一群发狂的猎狗16. 瞄准瞄准17. 集中了要害集中了要害18.过了一会儿过了一会儿19. 被快速拽入深海被快速拽入深海20.带回带回21.在此期间在此期间22.以以为食为食23. 被冲下船被冲下船 a pack of exited dogs aim at hit the spot within a moment or two be dragged swiftly down into the depths of the sea bring in in the meantime have a good feed on be washed off the boat24. The s

12、ea was _ (波涛汹涌波涛汹涌) and it is difficult to _ (控制控制) the boat. 25.害怕被遗弃害怕被遗弃26.And when we _ (靠近靠近) him,I saw James _(被稳稳地托着被稳稳地托着) in the water by Old Tom.27. And then Old Tom was off and back to the hunt _ the other killers were still attacking the whale. rough handle be terrified of being abandone

13、d approached being firmly held upwhereDolphins 海豚海豚Shark鲨鱼鲨鱼Angel fish天使鱼天使鱼Anemone fishparrotfish 鹦鹦鹉鱼鹉鱼sea-turtle 海龟海龟White whale白鲸白鲸Killer whale虎鲸虎鲸sea horse 海马海马clam 蛤蛤Coral 珊瑚珊瑚 jellyfish 水母水母at an aquarium_whalewhale_whales _whales blow-holeblow-holewhalwhalerers swhalewhale whales whales Peop

14、le who hunt whalesPeople who hunt whalesWhat do you think is happening in the picture?baleenkillerRead the introduction of the passage onpage 19 and then fill in the chart below. WriterVocationStyleTimePlaceMain idea Clancy A whalerAnecdotesAt the beginning of the 20th century Southeastern coast of

15、AustraliaThe killer whales helped the whalers kill baleen whalesBrief introduction of the passageBrief introduction of the passage 1. _was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station. 2._orderd Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay. 3. _was swimming by th

16、e boat showing the whalers the way. 4._told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale. 5._was carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers. 6. _knew that Old Tom would protect James. Get the main ideas of the two anecdotes. describes a hunting exp

17、erience about how the killer whales _ the whalers to hunt a whale. tells about how a killer whale _ James, a whaler.The first anecdoteThe second onehelpedprotected and saved Killers activities Whats the purpose of killers activities1.Old Tom _itself out of the water and _ down again.threwcrashed 2.O

18、ld Tom_ by the boat swam3.They threw themselves on _of the whales blow-hole to stop it_ and others stop it _and _out to seatopbreathingfleeing4.They dragged the body down to the _ of the sea.depthsTo tell the whalers theres a whale out thereTo show the whalers the way to the huntTo gain the time for

19、 the whalerTo have a good feed on lip &tongueHow did the killers help the whalers?diving ( ) George started beating the water with his oar ( ) Clancy jumped into the boat with the whalers. ( ) Clancy arrived at the whaling station ( ) The killers started racing between our boat and the whale ( )

20、 Clancy heard a huge noise coming from the bay ( ) Clancy was sorting out his accommodation ( ) Clancy ran down to the shore ( ) The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale 1. The author believed the story was truth at the very beginning. 2.The killer whale was throwing itself out

21、of the water and then crashing down again just to play.3.Old Tom swim by our boat, showing us the way.4.The whale caught by the killers died and its whole body was eaten by the killers.5.James was afraid of being abandoned by us.6.No one saved James, and he was killed by a shark.Describe the relatio

22、nship between Old Tom and the whalerspart 1 Old Tom_ itself _ _ the water and _down again to_ that there was a baleen whale there. He _ by the boat, _ us the _. As we got closer, I could see baleen whale _ _by a pack of about six other killers. They were working as a_.The killers stopped it _. And o

23、thers were stopping it _.The man used the _to hit it. The killer whales _ the whales into the depth of the sea and have a good _on its tips and tonguethrewoutofcrashedshow swamshowingwaybeing attackedteambreathingfleeingharpoonOld Tom helped catch the whalesdragged feed part 2Old Tom saved the whale

24、r-JamesOne day, James was _ _the boat.The sea was _. The waves were _ him _and _.James was very _ of being _ It took over _ _ _to get the boat back to James.And when we _him, I saw him _up in the water by Old Tom.washed offroughcarryingterrified furtherabandonedheldapproached furtherhalf an hourbeingDolphins 海豚海豚Shark鲨鱼鲨鱼Angel fish天使鱼天使鱼Anemone fishpar


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