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1、托福听力简介两个长对话,四个段子教授讲座+学生课堂讨论, 每篇文章500字以上,5-6题,共34题。答题时间60分钟。与旧托福相比,文章长度增加,小对话取消, 难度增加。难度增加的第二个方面表达在先听,后看题。 -必须依靠笔记来答题 听不懂的原因分析: 语速语音对习语和俚语的理解听力习惯对场景的熟悉程度-最根底,最关键,是根底班的重点突破内容1. 语速IBT语速: 220-250W/MVOA Standard English: 200-240W/MVOA Special English: 90-120 W/MVOA Standard, BBC, 电影2. 语音a:音化现象: cant, cla

2、ss, dance, Q: 如何区别能和不能?Wh的发音:what, when, where音a化现象: hot, Bob连读现象:fill it in, hand it in example: - What should I do next? - Fill in this application form and hand it in. - Where and when should I hand it in? - Hand it in at the Registration Office no later than Friday. Remember, you cant quit halfw

3、ay as long as your application form is accepted. 2. 语音:提高语音的方法:跟读推荐训练材料:, ?正音-美语发音根本功?3. 对习语和俚语的理解:习语与俚语:每个单词都看得懂,但是放在一起的时候意思和单词的本意差异很大Example: Fill it in on Leave it for a rain checkPull ones leg训练方法:注意平时的积累。 ?托福听力习语必备?4. 听力习惯:中文英文类型表意文字表形文字最小的意思表达单位字意群锻炼方法:泛听5步泛听法: 脱离文字答案一句一句的听原文边听边记关键词(n. v. & a.

4、),听到但写不出的单词划一条线空出来对照文字答案和你的听力笔记, 补充出没有写出来的单词和漏听的地方将漏听的地方的没有写出来的单词跟读三次(注意模仿原文的语音语调) 脱离文字答案将原文再听一遍,重点记录和听第3步中的补充内容 5.场景:熟悉场景的优势: 1.消除紧张情绪 2. 通过对少数核心单词的把握可以迅速判断出文章的主题,进而通过一些对套路和规律的掌握,对文章的主要内容,对话双方的立场和态度, 出题的思路,答案的规律都能够更好地把握,就算实在没听懂,也为猜测打了个很好的根底。 场景总结9大场景: 选课缺课场景, 体育锻炼场景, 课外生活场景, 旅游场景, 打工场景, 选学校转学校场景, 注

5、册场景, 论文、作业、考试场景, 图书馆场景几个实用的网站: Listening exercise 1:Passage one: pp. 128Key: 581选课场景选课场景:takecoursesign up forapply forRegister forpickcoursedropcourseaudit选课场景的三种考试思路学生和老师讨论选课学生与学生讨论选课跨专业选课 1. 每学期的开始或开始前,学生拿着自己的选课单去找教授谈,得到教授的签字同意。谈话地点一般在办公室内。 核心词汇: schedule card, approval, permission, signature 考点:

6、 1). Topic题 学生与老师讨论选课2. 老师的主要顾虑 课程太难/ 学生选课过多/ 学生根底太差,没有学过根底课程 核心词汇:heavy course load, light load, basic course, too much, too hard for you,compulsory courses/ required courses, optional/selective/elective courses, major/ major in/specialize in, elementary/ introductory/primary/ fundamental, intermed

7、iate/middle level, advanced, score, credit, assessment3. 学生提出自己的理由:课很容易,接受得了;很有兴趣,喜欢该课程4. 最后,老师表示考虑一下,再给她答复 核心词汇: ConsiderTake into considerationThink about itReplyMake the decisionListening exercise 4Passage one: pp. 152 Key: pp. 589Listening exercise 6Passage one: pp. 170Key: pp. 596Supplementary

8、exercise one学生与学生讨论选课 文章结构:一个学生不知道选什么好,另一个学生帮他分析,最后这个不知道怎么选课的学生听从劝告,选了另外那个学生推荐的课程考点:1有困难的学生的困难是什么?和打工冲突?兴趣和考试的冲突等等 2另一个学生给出的选课理由单项选择,多项选择,表格 3这个学生最后选了什么课?课程名称总结1:历史, 地理, 语言, 生物,History, geography, language, biology物理, 化学, 政治, 数学Physics, chemistry, politics, mathematics (maths)法律, 哲学, 文学, 社会学Law, phi

9、losophy, literature, sociology 医学, 经济学, 会计, 金融Medicine, economy, accounting, finance课程名称总结2:银行学, 工程, 土木工程banking, engineering, civil engineering, 新闻, 群众传媒, 体育, Journalism, mass-communication, physical science农业, 天文, 语言学Agriculture, astronomy, linguistics教育学, 社会科学, 生物工程Education, social sciences, bio

10、chemistry课程名称总结3:几何, 代数, 心理学,Geometry, algebra, psychology,电子工程, 人类学Electronic engineering, anthropology工商管理, 建筑学Business administration, architecture植物, 商学Botany, commercial science上香港大学网站Supplementary exercise 2 跨学科或是跨专业选课,都必须要经过严格的程序。 自己系的主任批准, 要选的系的主任批准, 该课程主讲教师, 还要该课程没有爆满。跨学科选课笔记记录原那么: 数字化,简单化,

11、 符号化, 个性化1) 大数(人口,报纸杂志的发行量)借助数位符: 每隔三位有一个数位符.听到thousand 加一个数位符听到million加两个数位符听到billion加三个数位符Example: 13,625,004,069 Thirteen billion, six hundred and twenty five million, four thousand and sixty nine. Key : 32,006,080, 005Exercise 1Newspapers 1. Daily Telegraph 2. Financial Times 3. The Guardian 4.

12、The Times 5. Daily Mirror 6. Sun 7. Observer 8. Sunday Times 9. New York Times 10. Wall Street Journal 11. Washington Post 12. Los Angeles Times 13. Chicago Tribune 14. Boston Globe 15. Christian Science MonitorDaily Circulations1,445,833197,698375,179315,1793,650,6363,837,2151,017,6311,418,516914,9

13、381,798,416601,4171,024,322789,767350,848172,470简单化善用缩写: m-metre, m2-square metre, l-litre, A.M , P.MY-year, m/mth-month, d-day, h-hour, min-minute, 50 s-second 50G-government, O-organisation, NGO-non government organisation, S-U.S. K-Korea中文中笔画很少,比英文单词明显要简单的字或词:“人, “大, “小, “中sK-south Korea, nK-nort

14、h Korea, Ys-for years, 中G-Chinese government, SG-the U.S. government 将元音省略,只保存第一个音节的元音 Prof. Dept. Rd. St. Std. Ref. (reference). Faclt (faculty), sub. (subject), exe (exercise), supvs (supervisor). 月份缩写:前三个字母,Sept. July, June. 星期缩写:前三个字母,符号化:箭头和线条: Increase, rise, climb, jump, turn up, develop, upg

15、rade, promoted Fall, decrease, drop, decline Send to, send out, submit, talk to Hand in, come back, receive from 数学符号:+: increase, furthermore, in addition to, with, and sth. positiveEg. Mood+, shape+-: decrease, sth. negative=: wait, the same as, equal: bigger than, more than, better than, superior

16、 to because, owing to, thanks to as a result, therefore, consequently VIP, leader, some important event 表示 affirmation 表示 negation表示强调:!。, *表示顺序和联系:1,2, 3, 4。 A, b, c, d.作业, 考试场景:几种作业的形式:Assignment: paper, essay, thesis, course work, project, presentationExam: mid-term exam, final examDissertation与论

17、文有关的核心词汇: Choose your topic, tutorial, discuss about your essay, outline, organize your essay, first draft, second draft, final draft (version), revise/ edit, proofread, re-reading, deadline/due day, submit/hand in, grade ones paper, pass/fail, resubmit, ask for an extension关于论文的考点: 题目太宽泛, 需要把它的范围缩小

18、 topic, too broad Trim down, narrow down, focused 听:Chapter 2 long dialogue 2 pp.77 (key pp. 227) Listening review exercise: pp. 137 (key pp. 585) 2. 资料难找Too much material to cover look here, there and everywherein vain have all sorts of trouble 3. 教授难找,论文每写一步都要征得老师的同意,谈论的焦点是老师什么时候有时间。 教授一般只看outline

19、, 不看draft Office hour/ lab hour available seek comments/ feedback Ask for the permission of your supervisor. Youd better ask for your professors advice first. Listening exercise 6: Passage two: pp. 170Key: 596 4. 文章难打,学生多,机器少,机器总被占用着,学生往往感慨什么时候才能拥有自己的机器。 Computer room be tied up be occupied be packe

20、d with people come here sometime later afford to buy关于作业的考点: 作业难写,作业要晚交 晚交一定要有充足的理由 1. 晚交的原因 电脑坏了: break down, couldnt retrieve any of my files, can afford, dont have to spare (没钱修), take quite a while 交错了版本: the wrong version/ not the final draft 病了或研究环节受阻: interview 没有如期进行 听:Chapter 2. short dialo

21、gue sample P 64-65 Listening exercise 1: passage two: pp. 128 key:pp. 582 Chapter 1 long dialogue 2 pp.55 (key pp. 193) 2. 熬夜写作业: All day and all night, cram the night, day in and day out, be up, sit up, study 36 hours a day, awake, burn the midnight oil, study around the clock熬夜的后果:精神萎靡不振Sleepy, lo

22、usy, cannot keep my eyes open对熬夜的评价:不应该熬夜,不应该临时抱佛脚关于考试,考试难考, 考什么考笔Stressed, a lot of pressure, panicky,notes (you should review your notes)Chapter 4 short dialogue sample pp. 107 选学校或转学场景 申请的过程 选学校和专业-和教授交流-准备申请材料-寄出申请材料-等学校回复1学校的性质 公立大学public university, 私立大学private university, good reputation, lon

23、g history社区大学 community college, 2. 学费的上下 私立学校有着较大的名气,同时费用也较高,而公立大学费用相对较为低廉。 核心词汇:tuition, expenses, costs, board and lodging, afford, affordable有没有财政支持 奖学金, 助学金/学生贷款 核心词汇: financial aid/bursary scholarship fellowship student loan/debt donor/ donation种类:yearly scholarship/ offer on a yearly basis, s

24、cholarships for full four years申请条件:requirements/ criteria, financially in need, life hardship, distinctive personal achievement, academic achievement, extra-curricular activities letter of recommendation, 如何申请 apply for,website, apply on line, determine scholarship, keep ones scholarship/ fellowshi

25、pa committee of donorsofficial document听:Chapter 4-Long Dialogue 3 pp. 121 key pp. 300 Listening exercise 3: Passage two: pp. 144 Key: pp. 586-587 Chapter5-long dialogue 3 pp.149 key:341-342表示赞同和反对的习语和表达方式 赞同: You bet./ You said it./ You can say that again./ You may (might) well say so./ Ill say./ W

26、ell said./ Youre telling me./ Right on!/ Yes, indeed!/ So be it./ I couldnt agree with you more/ Isnt it ever!/ Didnt she though/ And how! Is sky blue?/ Is ice cold?/ Can fish swim? 表示赞同和反对的习语和表达方式反对: Do you mean that? / Can pig fly? / Is ice hot? Do you think so?You think its right?/ I couldnt agre

27、e with you less.Who told you that?/ What makes you say so?Thats not saying much!/ Dont look at me!Are you kidding? / joking?/ You dont say so!So you say!/Who says that?以how/why 开头的反问句? How did you know? / she knows? How can we get there on time? Why bother? / Why run? / Why waste our money? 一些关于奖学金介

28、绍的文章4. 班级规模大小 私立大学的班级规模较小,师生间有更多的交流的时机,公立大学班级规模大,会阻碍师生间的交流。 核心词汇: class size, personal attention, individual attention, interact, group discussion.5. 学校教学水平的上下 谈论课程由谁教授,有些学校由清一色教授讲课,但有的由研究生代课,学生对此较为挑剔。核心词汇:faculty, graduates, undergraduates, professor, associate professor, lecturer6. 学校的位置 有的学生喜欢待在大

29、城市里,因为有着丰富的夜生活和课外活动,也有些学生喜欢宁静的大学城里的学习气氛。核心词汇:setting, location, environment, large city, small town, college town这类段落常考的问题 Topic 题: wanna change a school, college专业:需要听清两个学生谈到的专业major, specialty细节:需要办理的手续, 比方:想去的学校是否接受他/她,教授的推荐信, 以及学分问题。Go through the formalities, letters of reference, dated, curren

30、t, credit, transfer the credit, waiveLibrary: 规章制度: Reserve bookPut on reserveCheck outrenewLate returnsOverdue/dueFineDemagnetizeOn ones cardLoan/on ones loanHold the book for sb.the book is on holdRequest on the bookSign the book back in 部门设置: Circulation deskReference room:Dictionary Bibliography

31、Literature guidesStackPaperback sectionHardback sectionPeriodical room:NewspaperMagazineAcademic journalCurrent issueOlder issue/back issueList by title, by author and by topic特色词汇:LibrarianCall numberMagnetically codedReserved booksVolumeShelvesIndexCatalogRare book collectionrecallChapter 5, short

32、 dialogue 4, pp. 136Key: 318Listening exercise 3:pp.143Key: pp. 586新生注册场景registration 细节题, 熟悉报到注册的词汇和表达。Prerequisites: officially enrolled admit officially registered be accepted Place and time: registration office Building Department designated timeregistration dateregistration has closedregistrati

33、on hasnt started Forms: course enrolment formsstamp your formsadmission letterStudents: student number/ student identificationfirst year student (second, third, forth)/ freshman, sophomore, junior, seniorundergraduate/ post-graduate/ newly admitted student/ returning studentresident student/ non-res

34、ident student regular student/ auditor/ continuing studentTuition fee: pay for the tuition feefinancial aid/scholarship/fellowshippay by credit card, debit card, cash, cheque, direct debit, bank draft / pay in-person at. Certification: establish residence (bill): name, address birth certificateChapt

35、er 1-Short Dialogue 2 pp.46key pp. 179Chapter 5-Short Dialogue sample pp.130-131key pp. 130-131约, +: traff. Help?Regi. & ?1st y: 定 & , admss Conti: -冬Pay? 信Opt: teller, 自己, 体育锻炼场景: 1. 表示锻炼的单词和词组: do exercises, work out, go to the gym exhaust oneself in the gym2. 场所: gym, health club, fat farm, sport

36、 center 运开工程: gym activities: jogging, running, skiing, cycling, rock-climbing, walk, beach activities: swim, water polo, surfing, sand volleyball, play badminton/ football (soccer)/ basketball /tennis/ squash yoga, stretch, 目的(出题点): 1) keep fit/ healthy, keep in good shape (get back into shape), fo

37、r fun not for competition 2) lose weight, put on some weight/ 80 kilos (pounds), trim down, burn the fat off, go on a diet, be on a diet 3) charity activity, raise fund/money for 4看靓女态度和感受出题点: enthusiastic, fan, amateur, professional, exhausted, collapse in exhaustion 听: 1) chapter 1-sample pp. 44-4

38、5类似于通感的语言运用方式 I hear you. 我理解你I see. 我明白了I can tell. 我看得出来I can smell that. / it. 我能感觉到Chapter 5-short dialogue 3 pp. 135 key: pp. 317 游泳:swimming pool, swimming team, open swim, lap (do laps), dip (go for a dip), dive, swimming suit/costume, swimming belt (救生圈)付费: drop-in price a ten/fifteen punch

39、card for waive monthly fee gold card/silver card/ annual card/season card/VIP cardChapter 1-Long Dialogue 1 pp.54key pp. 190-191 强调句的构成: 1疑问句的否认结构 Hasnt he Isnt he eg. Hasnt he taken the exam ! 2) 疑问句用降调来读,再加上even, though的副词Fast food/ snack/ dessert: sandwich, sausage roll, muffin, baguette, cheese

40、cake, pie, donut, salad, fish and chips, pasta, spaghetti, pizza, egg tart, lasagne, brownie Kg10kg fast food/ swim ?Diet exe. gym3/w 1kg food +exe. Diet kgEat anyth. Exe kgJunk f.+ fast f. Sugar moodWill power a must, chocolate bars, mum send, friend share.自律对于争论型的文章,要掌握三点:争论的问题是什么?争论双方的观点是什么?在双方的说

41、话的首两句中找解决方案是什么?Gym: equipment: 有氧运动器材: 原地脚踏车: 划船机: 交叉臂跑步机: 踏步机: 举重器材: 举重椅: 举重台: 杠铃: 拳击沙包: 轮滑鞋:cardio equipment,treadmill,rower,cross trainer,stepper,weight machine,weight bench,lifting platform,lifting bar,punching bag,rollerrooms/ courts: tennis court, badminton court, squash court, racquetball cou

42、rt, weight room 举重房, book a court, rent the facilities. time slots/blocks/ opening hours: weekdays, weekend, peak time, non-peak time/off peak time It opens fromto The opening hours are fromtorules and regulations: safety rules, towel, sports shoes, gym shirts, shorts, black-soled shoescompulsory, n

43、ot allowed, must, limit (be limited to/ have a time limit of )induction/ supervisor: fitness trainer, equipment demonstration, give specific instruction on doing a personal fitness assessment/ appraisal缺课 : 缺课原因: 1睡过了,2车坏了,3生病了, 4错过班车了, 5) 有其他的事情了核心词汇 oversleep/ overslept, have trouble waking up, my

44、 car broke down, my car couldnt start, miss my bus,illness, sick, flu, run a temperature, have a bad cold/cough, fill me in on sth.(详细talk about sth.) 2. 所缺内容: 文章原词即是答案细节题听到什么选什么3. 男生疑问: 男生在女生讲解内容的过程中会提出一些比较奇怪的问题其语气和语调会与前面的句型有很大的差异4. 男生表态:男生表示遗憾,错过了一节重要的课,下次一定不再迟到了。听:Chapter 5-short dialogue 1 pp. 1

45、34 (key, pp. 315) 打工场景查询职位空缺: 学生通过打 或看报纸查询理想的工作,并通过 预约面试的时间 Job opening/vacancy post/position check the paper help-wanted section telephone inquiry make an appointment interview 2.面试过程:必然谈到的三大话题:工作时间,工资收入,及必要的工作经验Fill out the form, identification, working hour, salary, income, get paid, be paid, rat

46、equalification, necessary working experiences, some one will be with you in a moment,3. 最终决定:面试过后,学生会最终决定接受或者拒绝该工作,请注意听好哪个因素导致了他的决定,工资不满意,工作时间不好还是不具备相关经验Job offer, accept, refuse/turn down, make ends meetChapter 4 long dialogue 2 pp.120 (key pp. 297-298)4. 交流感受: 工作的性质,工作时间的满意度,工资的上下,工作的开展前途,是否能为毕业后找到固定工作打下根底 Indoor, outdoor, part-time, full-time, permanent staff5. 打工及学习时间冲突及解决方法:打工和学习冲突选择学习,打工和实习冲突选择实习Day shift, night shift, switch shift, put me on the evening, do me a favo


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