1、u刘生阳刘生阳u杨若瑾杨若瑾u姬志雯姬志雯u吕荣梦吕荣梦u陶婉婷陶婉婷1 Definition2 Historical stages4 Components and performances3 Current situation of globalization5SummaryIn a broad sense:In a broad sense:Globalization is a concept,but also a phenomenon about the Globalization is a concept,but also a phenomenon about the developme
2、nt of the human society.development of the human society.Its an inexact term for a wild Its an inexact term for a wild assortment of changes in politics,bussiness,health and entertainment.assortment of changes in politics,bussiness,health and entertainment.In a narrow sense:In a narrow sense:Globali
3、zation is a process of interaction and integration among the Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people,companies and governments of differents nations.people,companies and governments of differents nations.111DefinitionAbout its origin:About its origin:Because of the
4、 different understandings towards the origin of the Because of the different understandings towards the origin of the globalization,many scholars take different opinions about it.Some think that globalization,many scholars take different opinions about it.Some think that the the globalization derive
5、s from the ancient times and it covers three globalization derives from the ancient times and it covers three stages:the ancient times,the modern times and the contemporary age.stages:the ancient times,the modern times and the contemporary age.While the others thingk that the globalization was close
6、ly related to the While the others thingk that the globalization was closely related to the development of the modern capitalism,and it derives from the The Great development of the modern capitalism,and it derives from the The Great Geographical Discovery.Geographical Discovery.But the majority of
7、people claime that the globalization gradually come into But the majority of people claime that the globalization gradually come into being till the exitence of capitalist industry,especially when the monopolic being till the exitence of capitalist industry,especially when the monopolic capitalism c
8、ame out.capitalism came out.112Historical stages Stage 1: Stage 1: 15C-19C:15C-19C:The establishmengt of the western centralityThe establishmengt of the western centralityStage 2: Stage 2: From the end of the 19c to the beginning of the 20cFrom the end of the 19c to the beginning of the 20cThe first
9、 great wave of the globalizationThe first great wave of the globalizationStage3: 19c20s-1933Stage3: 19c20s-1933The Gilded Age(The Gilded Age(镀金时代)镀金时代) and The Great Depression and The Great DepressionStage 4: From the second world war to 1990sStage 4: From the second world war to 1990sSemi-globaliz
10、ationSemi-globalizationStage 5: 1990s-nowStage 5: 1990s-nowThe second great wave of the globalizationThe second great wave of the globalizationStage 1Stage 1The establishmengt of the western centralityThe establishmengt of the western centralityu14921492,Columbusvoyage to the AmericansColumbusvoyage
11、 to the Americansu1498,Vasco da Gama arrived at India1498,Vasco da Gama arrived at Indiau1519-1522,Magellan finished the whole voyage of the world1519-1522,Magellan finished the whole voyage of the worldu16c-19c,The England and Holland began to take up 16c-19c,The England and Holland began to take u
12、p marine marine trade(trade(海上贸易海上贸易) ) which led to many great changes to both which led to many great changes to both the two nations and the whold wrold.the two nations and the whold wrold.The significance in this stage lies in the establishment The significance in this stage lies in the establis
13、hment of the western centrality and then they started their of the western centrality and then they started their invasions in the whole world .invasions in the whole world .Imperialism, 1914Stage 2Stage 2 The first great wave of the globalizationThe first great wave of the globalizationThe prevalen
14、ce of the The prevalence of the Gold standardGold standard(金本位)(金本位)centralized by England centralized by England with the lowest tariff.While others countries and American took the with the lowest tariff.While others countries and American took the policy of policy of Tariff BarriersTariff Barriers
15、( (关税壁垒)关税壁垒).Around 1880s,they gradually .Around 1880s,they gradually reduce their tariffs which greatly benefited the trade among reduce their tariffs which greatly benefited the trade among different nations.different nations.At the same time ,The economies and politics of the United States At th
16、e same time ,The economies and politics of the United States developed a lot and great changes had taken palce,which helped developed a lot and great changes had taken palce,which helped American began to take palce of the Englandposition.American began to take palce of the Englandposition.Keynes(Ke
17、ynes(凯恩斯)凯恩斯)description to the 19c economies:description to the 19c economies:u在那个人类经济发展中一段非凡的经历在在那个人类经济发展中一段非凡的经历在19141914年年8 8月结束了月结束了-伦敦居民可以一边倚在床上品尝早餐,一边打电话订购全球的各种产品,他认伦敦居民可以一边倚在床上品尝早餐,一边打电话订购全球的各种产品,他认为买多少合适就买多少,而且可以要求今早送货上门;与此同时,他还可以用为买多少合适就买多少,而且可以要求今早送货上门;与此同时,他还可以用同样的办法对世界任何地方的自然资源和新企业进行风险投
19、只要身上带了钱币,他到外国即便不知道当地的宗教,语言或者风俗习惯,游玩也不会成为问题,有时候他也便不知道当地的宗教,语言或者风俗习惯,游玩也不会成为问题,有时候他也许对某件事感到委屈,也许对几乎畅通无阻感到是否惊讶,最重要的是,他认许对某件事感到委屈,也许对几乎畅通无阻感到是否惊讶,最重要的是,他认为所有这些情况都是正常的、应当的和理当长期存在的,此外他还希望情况得为所有这些情况都是正常的、应当的和理当长期存在的,此外他还希望情况得到进一步改善,任何偏向都是反常的、可耻的,应当避免的。到进一步改善,任何偏向都是反常的、可耻的,应当避免的。Stage 3Stage 3The Gilded Age
20、(The Gilded Age(镀金时代)镀金时代) and The Great Depression and The Great DepressionuThe gap between rich and poor was widened(The gap between rich and poor was widened(贫富差距贫富差距拉大)拉大)uThe credit consumption was inflatedThe credit consumption was inflated(信贷消费膨胀)(信贷消费膨胀)uStock market was excessively speculat
21、edStock market was excessively speculated(股票市场(股票市场投机过度)投机过度)The great depressionThe great depressionthe overchange of the globalizationthe overchange of the globalizationThe outbreak of the crisis:The outbreak of the crisis:1929.10.241929.10.24The New York stock exchange The New York stock exchange
22、 in the stock market crashed, in the stock market crashed, which called “Black Thursday”which called “Black Thursday”Stage4:semi-globalization伦伦 敦敦11 敦敦123The Bretton Woods System (布雷顿森林体系)(布雷顿森林体系)The third technological revolution(第三次科技革命)第三次科技革命)Two parallel worlds(两个平行世界)两个平行世界)The Bretton Woods
23、 System (布雷顿森林体系)(布雷顿森林体系)FeaturesFeaturesu1 1、The dollar is direcylt linked together with The dollar is direcylt linked together with gold.gold.u2 2、Other countriescurrencies are all linked Other countriescurrencies are all linked together with dollar.together with dollar.EventsThe Marshall-aid pro
24、ject:(providing the same 10.6 milliondallars of grants and 1.8 billion inloans to Europe)The setting up of the OEEC(Organization for Europe Economy) The setting up of the EPU(European Payments Union)贸易体系The third technological revolution(第三次科技革命)第三次科技革命)uThe information technologyThe information tec
25、hnologyuThe modern biotechnologyThe modern biotechnology(现代生物工程技术)(现代生物工程技术)uThe advanced material technologyThe advanced material technology(新材料技术)(新材料技术)uThe energy technologyThe energy technologyuThe space The space technologytechnology(空间技术)(空间技术)uThe marine bioThe marine biotechnologytechnology
26、(海洋生物技术)(海洋生物技术)Two parallel worlds(两个平行世界)两个平行世界)The cold warThe cold warEconomically:Economically:1 1、American adopted the American adopted the Marshall PlanMarshall Plan( (马歇尔计划)马歇尔计划)towards towards Western Europe.Western Europe.2 2、The council for The council for Mutual Economic AssitanceMutual
27、 Economic Assitance( (经济互助委员经济互助委员会)会)established by established by The Soviet UnionThe Soviet Union(苏联)(苏联)together with together with the other eastern European countries.the other eastern European countries.Politically and militarilyPolitically and militarily:1 1、The North Atlantic Treaty Organiz
28、ationThe North Atlantic Treaty Organization(北约)(北约)2 2、The Warsaw Treaty OrganizationThe Warsaw Treaty Organization(华约)(华约)Stage 5Stage 5The second great wave of the globalizationThe second great wave of the globalization113Current situation vThree components of globalization:The economic globalizat
29、ionThe political globalization The cultural globalization4114Components 1 Economic globalizationvWith the development of science and technology, the economic globalization had been born and now it is developing in a rapid speed.The performances of the economic globalizationv1) Production globalizati
30、onv2) The globalization of trade v3) Capital globalization Top 10 multinational companiesvWal-Mart (沃尔玛沃尔玛)vExxon Mobil (埃克森美孚埃克森美孚)vRoyal Dutch Shell (皇家壳牌石油皇家壳牌石油)vBP (英国石油英国石油)vGeneral Motors (通用汽车通用汽车)vToyota Motor (丰田汽车丰田汽车)vChevron (雪佛龙雪佛龙)vDaimler-Chrysler (戴姆勒克莱斯勒戴姆勒克莱斯勒)vConocoPhillips (康菲康
31、菲)vTotal(道达尔道达尔)2 The political globalizationuPolitical globalization is evident in the growing importance of international organization. These organizations are transnational and enable states to take concerted action without sacrificing national sovereignty.WTOWorld BankUnited NationsSome political organizationsvWorld Government Organization Coordinating Council (WGOCC)世界政府组织协调理事会世界政府组织协调理事会 v Arab Summit Conference 阿拉伯国家首脑会议阿拉伯国家首脑会议 vGroup of 77 七十七国集团七十七国集团 vWorld Health
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