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1、招商银行高端信用卡合作建议方案 CMB High-end Credit CardCo-operation Proposal招商银行信用卡中心CMB Credit Card Center1招商银行信用卡中心成立于2001年12月,采取全国集中化运作,是国内首家真正意义上独立运作的信用卡中心,完全按照国际标准运作,真正实现信用卡的一体化专业化服务。同时,信用卡中心拥有来自美国、台湾的专业信用卡顾问人才,将国外经验带入国内市场。CMB Credit Card Center (CMB CCC) was established in Dec, 2001. It is a nation-wide inte

2、grated operation center, and also the first independent card center in China. With experiences professional management team from US and Taiwan , CMB credit card is operated with the international standard.自2002年12月发行国内首张符合国际标准的信用卡开始,截至2008年12月招商银行信用卡发卡已突破2,800万;2008年消费金额突破2,100亿元,居国内首位。招商银行信用卡被业内专家誉

3、为国际信用卡发展史上的一个奇迹,日前已被哈佛大学商学院编写成MBA教学案例。 Since CMB issued the first credit card in Dec, 2002, up to the end of 2008, the total card volume has reached 28 million, and the total spending of Y2008 exceeded 210 billion RMB, which takes the leading position of the market. The development of CMB credit car

4、d has been evaluated as a miracle of the international market, and was adopted by Harvard Business School for case studying.招商银行信用卡中心简介Introduction of CMB Credit Card Center2North China : Beijing, Tianjin,Jinan, Qingdao, Shenyang, Dalian,Zhengzhou, Yantai, HarbinHQ :ShanghaiEast China :Suzhou,Nanjin

5、g, Hangzhou, Hefei, Ningbo, Wuxi, NanchangSouth China : Guangzhou,Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Xiamen,Foshan , DongguanSouth-West China :Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan,Xian, Changsha, Kunming,Lanzhou招商银行信用卡中心简介Introduction of CMB Credit Card Center 我们熟悉区域市场,目前分支遍及30个城市,全面负责区域发卡、消费促动、特惠商户、积分兑换、分期等多项业务,成为同业标杆。We also

6、 focus on localization , and our sub-credit card center has covered 30 major cities. These sub-centers are responsible for the sales, spending activation , merchants and business development. 3产品体系:针对不同人群,开创族群经营模式Product Segmentation for different groups 秉承因您而变的服务理念,深入细分消费者族群,屡次开创跨业合作先河 We divide co

7、nsumers into different groups, and provided innovative products by co-branding with leading brands of various industries. 自2002.12.3发行国内首张符合国际标准的信用卡至今,所发行产品已逾150种,是国内发卡种类最多的发卡机构 Up to now, CMB has launched more that 150 products, playing the leading role in product development.Top VIPHigh-endGold le

8、velWhite collarYoung peopleX generationStudents4众多殊荣,见证荣耀Honors of CMB Credit Card发卡8年来,招行信用卡载誉等身,被市场公认是“信用卡领导品牌”During the 8 years, CMB credit card received many of honors and is recognized as the leading brand of the market.2011年1月11日,招商银行连续第七年获得胡润百富榜“最青睐信用卡发卡行”的称号,并获得胡润百富“至尚优品星光圣殿大奖”。Awarded “the

9、 best favorable issuing bank” of “Hurun Report” for the past continuous five years.2009年3月27日,招商银行获得“2008中国广告品牌营销创新大奖”,成为获此殊荣的两家企业之一和唯一一家金融机构。Awarded “the innovation prize of advertisement and brand” of Y2008, the only financial institution which ever got the prize.2008年11月12日,2008和讯银行卡发展与营销论坛暨中国信用卡

10、测评发布会在北京举行,我行一举获得最佳发卡银行、普卡奖、金卡奖和白金卡奖等四项大奖。Got the honors of “Best Issuing Bank”, ”Best Classical Card ”, “Best Gold Card”, ”Best Platinum Card”, by He-Xun in Y2008.2008年6月,获得亚洲银行家“2008中国零售银行卓越大奖”之“最佳信用卡业务奖”。Awarded the “Best Credit Card Business” by “The Asian Banker”.2007年12月招商银行国际标准信用卡荣获理财周报主办的最佳银

11、行理财产品年度评选之“2007年中国最具理财价值的信用卡”。Got the honor of “the most valuable credit card for financing in Y2007” by the Financing Weekly.5高端信用卡产品,顶级尊享Premium cards for high-end clients招商银行无限卡2008年4月招商银行首发“无限卡”,定位为“全国最顶级信用卡产品”,刚性年费1万元,在白金卡基础上提供更顶级专属的服务。In 2008, CMB launched Infinite Cards firstly, designed to b

12、e the top cards of China”无限卡仅通过邀请发卡,拥有客户4000余人。Infinite cards can only be invited to have one, and only 4,000 people have it by now. 位于金字塔最顶层的黑金卡、无限卡和四大白金信用卡(AE、银联、经典、精致)专为高消费实力的社会顶层人群设计,拥有多维度的增值功能和最顶级的优质专属服务。 Platinum & Infinite Cards are designed and be provided for high-quality people with outsta

13、nding consumption power, which has various value-added features and top exclusive services.招商银行白金卡(经典)2005年3月首家推出针对高端人群的白金卡产品,年费3600元,提供包括商旅、康护、高尔夫、特惠等功能。In 2005, CMB was the first bank to launch Platinum Cards in China.目前白金卡已拥有超过20万高端持卡人,占据高端信用卡市场60%以上。By now we have more than 200,000 platinum card

14、holders and own over 60% of total market.javascript:void67名车名表名品高端信用卡丰富多样的品牌合作Plenty of cooperation of brands8他们拥有-高档别墅或公寓会所-宝马、奥迪等知名品牌, 中高端系列私家车-对信用卡的增值服务了解并使过 They have- High ended estate, and houses- Memberships from many VIP clubs (hotels, restaurants and clubs) 他们是-供职于金融机构、政府事业单位、 知名企业或跨国公司的高阶管

15、理人员-世界500强,国内上市公司-院校医院、科研机构、设计院的业界精英They are- Top management staff from worlds best 500 companies- Management staff from top local corporations9优质高端持卡客户,特征速写High-quality clients features-各项金融服务的贵宾客户-高尔夫俱乐部、知名会所的会籍客户他们 是成功人士、享受生活、尊贵地位、受人关注、社会精英群体一员、家庭幸福、有责任心、享受国际化服务的商务人士资料来源:2007年新华信高端新产品研究报告/ AC Nie

16、lsen 2008年研究报告-VIP clients from the banking sector-Members from top golf clubs and other clubs.They are successful business people who enjoy services with high international standards.客户属性Clients characters70%是男性持卡人70% of total are male月度消费25,000元以上Monthly spending is about 25 thousands36-50岁占比超过60M

17、ore than 60% are between 36 and 5082的人已经结婚82% of total are married73的持卡人学历在本科以上73% of total are above undergraduate优质高端持卡客户High-quality clients10具体合作corporation活动时间:即日起至2014年7月1日(具体活动时间可视情况而定)Time:From now on to 2014活动对象:黑金卡、无限卡和四种白金信用卡(AE、银联、VISA经典、精致)Target Customers :CMB Premium Cardholders 活动内容:

18、活动期间,招行高端卡持卡人至店面刷卡消费可享受满300减100优惠(不累计).11CMBPremiumCardholders 投入Investment常态性优惠Normal privileges营销模式:全面宣传促动Market Model : Combined Promotion收益 Benefits更多的销售金额,更多的新客户,更精准的品牌宣传Bring more sales, new customers , brand appearance银行网点宣 Branches宣传单页 DM通路销售Salesman持卡人宣 Cardholders功能手册Handbook 短信 SMS账单 Stat

19、ement电子直邮 EDM内外媒体 Media财富生活报刊、杂志Newspaper/Magazine 网络营销 Website网络广告信用卡网站Online adCredit card homepage带来大量具有极强消费能力的优质高端客户,并利用精准的客户资料和丰富的宣传渠道对目标客户进行全方位宣传CMB will bring large amount of high quality customers, and we can make use of the accurate database and abundant channels to communicate with target customer in all directions. 12尊敬的贵宾,即日起至2月15日,持招商银行无限信用卡至北京丽思卡尔顿、JW万豪、海淀永泰福朋喜来登、北京饭店享酒店自助餐,即可尊享“二人同行,一人免单”特别礼遇。预订敬请致电贵宾服务专线4008000888招商银行 持卡人宣传:短信/彩信Cardholders:


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