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1、第1页荣丽Rules of Measurement 计量规则 Item Coverage 分项工程civil and structural works 土木与结构工程Institute of Surveyors and Valuers 工料估算师和估价师协会architectural works 建筑工程building services 建筑设备Agreed Schedule of Rates for the Works (ASR) 双方商定的工程单价表 valuation of Variations 变更估价第2页林聪be ascertained 予以确定reference to 对照,参

2、照Geotechnical Interpretative Baseline Report 岩土信息解释基准报告 (缩写为GIBR)Relevant 相关部分mutually explanatory 互相解释The Particular Specification 特定技术规范take precedence over 优先于discrepancies 差异prevail 有效,生效Civil Defence Bound of Protection 民防保护范围Compliance 服从Net 实价no allowance 不考虑bulking 膨胀shrinkage 收缩wastage 损耗co

3、nsultants 设计院shop drawing 大样图be entertained 受理void 空洞deduct 扣除第3页何明贵Void 空洞Irrespective of size 不考虑尺寸大小Stabilizing structures 稳定结构物工作Dimensions 尺寸、容积 enumerate / njumret/ 列举、枚举fractions 分数、部分decimals 小数、小数的第4页陈紫星Supervising 监督、管理、知道、监控Obstruction 障碍、妨碍、阻碍Maintenance 修改、修正、维护Spare parts 配件Scaffolding

4、 脚手架(钢管)Overbreak 超挖、爆破、塌方、过度断裂Debris 碎片、残骸、建筑垃圾Finishes 末道漆、抛光Drainage 排水、排水系统、污水、排水面积Diversion 转移、临时绕行、临时支路Sewer 水沟、下水道、污水管Implied 暗示、意味In conjunction with 与.在一起第5页刘杰establishment charges 企业收费overheads (企业等的)日常管理费用mock-up (机器,建筑物等的)模型endorsement 背书;担保;认可grout 薄泥浆;灌浆correspond 一致;相应;通信rectification

5、 纠正,矫正reinstatement 复职;恢复原状ancillaries 辅助设备bracket (固定在墙上的)托架,支架expenditure 花费,消费,费用,开支indispensable 不可或缺的,必不可少的第67页王振利Programme: (计算机)程序,指令;节目单,课程;(演出说明书 中对作品,演员经历等的)简介Project: 工程,项目,事业,规画,课题Special: 特殊的,专门的;专题,专刊,大减价Specialist: 专家,专科医生Specialty: 专业,特长;招牌性的东西,拳头产品Specialize: 专注于,专门从事,以.闻名Constructi

6、on:建筑,施工,建设,建造方式,建筑业,建筑物;解释,意义refer to : 涉及,指的是,适用于,参考Referee: 裁判员,仲裁者,证明人,(专业性文章)审阅人Claim: 要求,声称,索赔Allege: 断言,宣称,辩解Profit: 收益,红利,净值,利润率Entertain: 使有兴趣,热情款待;考虑Overhead: 管理费;天花板;(网球)扣球第8页 金东东amounts 数量,总额 Defects Liability Period 缺陷责任期section 横剖面profile 纵剖面General Conditions 通用条件Preliminaries 前言subst

7、antiate 证实,使具体化,是实体化worksites 工地Servicing temporary accommodation 临时住宿设施abnormally 反常地,变态地,不规则地第9页胡一帆Preliminaries 初步、开端、准备(预赛、预考)Dismantle 拆卸、拆散、摧毁 Hoarding 贮藏、囤积、广告牌Fencing 栅栏、围墙、击剑、剑术Diversion 转移、转向、改道Ventilation 通风、换气装置、公开讨论Utility 多用途的、通用的、公用事业的Vector 向量、矢量、传病媒介质Adjacent 临近的、毗邻的Monitor 监控、监视、监听

8、Interface 分界面、交流、交谈Anti-siltation 防淤积Page 10 and 11CSD Combined Services Drawings的缩写,综合管缆图。SEM Structural Electrical Mechanical 的缩写,结构机电图。As-built 竣工的。As-built information 竣工信息As-built drawings 竣工图纸Bond 保函Guarantee 保证书MRT Mass Papid Transit 的缩写 大规模快运系统,在台湾称为捷运系统。12inter alia 尤其,除了别的以外还有e.g.: a colle

9、ctor who had, inter alia, 900 engraved gems, 59 marble busts, and over 2,500 coins and medals.(一位拥有900颗雕花宝石、59尊大理石半身像、2,500 多枚钱币和纪念章,以及其它收藏品的收藏家。)Vehicular adj. 车辆的;作为媒介的;用车辆运载的vehicular load 车辆荷载 Quarters kwt(r)z 宿舍Headquarters本部,总部Living quarters size 住所面积Erect vt. 使竖立;建造;安装Erection rkn n. 勃起;建造;建

10、筑物;直立Utilization n. 使用(等于utilization);利用House sewer connection 家庭污水管连接 mole-pile drainage 暗沟管道排水 storm drainage 暴雨排泄 surface drainage 表面排水 drainage system 排水系统 dewatering and drainage engineering 降排水工程13Accommodation 住处, 工作场所Sewer 下水道,排污管 open sewer 明沟Provision 供应,提供,法律,规定 ,为提供给养Maintenance 工作,养护,维持

11、,保障14Graphics 图形 Hoarding 窖藏,囤积(围住施工现场的临时栅栏或者施工现场最外面的围墙或者挡住视线不透明的围墙)Fence 栅栏,篱笆(不挡视线) Direction boards 方向板,如图Extension 扩展,延长,此处译为接线Switch board 开关板Hard-standings 堆积场,汽车飞机等的停泊场,停车场,停机坪。Compressed air 空气压缩机Pantry 食品储藏室Data point 数据(线)接口Consumable 消耗品Lockers 有锁的存物柜Drain pit 排水槽Alter 改变 sanitation 卫生设备,

12、下水道设施 Furniture 街道附属品,家具,(门上的)附件装置(机器、轮船、商业等的)装置,设备,装备,必要的附属品Diversion 转移,改道15页Shredder 碎纸机 Mosquito 蚊子Security booth 保安室16页Accommodation 居住,膳宿条件Project Director 项目总监 Security booth 值班岗亭 TOL ( temporal occupation license ) 临时占用执照Utility jutlti charges 公用事业设施收费Dismantling 拆除Reinstatement 恢复Credit val

13、ue 信用价值18Hoarding:围墙Fencing:围栏Trimming:修理整齐surface finishes:表面处理painted patterns:图画patrolling gaps:巡逻地带upkeep:维修保养accommodate:适应,调解construction sequence:工序break up:破裂,分解footing:条形基础debris:建筑垃圾reinstatement:恢复19road drainage system:道路排水系统ponding: 水塘signage:符号eventually:最后,最终abandon:遗弃,放弃carriageway:车

14、道21Diversion: n. 临时绕行路,临时支路 消遣,娱乐 转向,转移,偏离Painting: n. 指作品 指画画行为 指刷漆Marking: 标识Reflective metal road markers:Vehicular impact guard rail: n. 防撞杆Lighting: n. 照明工具(照明的)光线,光明/Lights: n. (太阳、自然)光线 Posts: n. 柱;立杆(lamp posts) 球门柱(=goalpost) Lamp: 灯具 is a light that works by using electricity or by burning

15、 oil or gas Electric lamp Desk lampCabling n. (总称)缆索。 All the wires that are used for electrical equipment or an electrical system/cabling works: n. 接电缆Mounting: n. 底座,座架,支架 something on which something else is or can be attached (=mounting bracket) Adj. 越来越多的 Commissioning: /Commission: Power conne

16、ction: 接电源Signals: (铁路)信号灯,指示灯a series of light waves, sound waves that carry an image, sound or message./signs: 标志牌a piece of paper, metal, or wood with words or a picture that gives people information, warnings, or instructionsCones: n. 交通锥,也叫锥形路标、锥形筒、红帽子、方尖碑。(=traffic cone) 锥形蛋卷(=ice cream cone)

17、松果 Rotating warnings beacons: 旋转警告灯具 Relocation: 迁移,重新安置Safekeeping: n. 安全照看,妥善保管Traffic light equipment: 交通信号灯设备Street furniture: n. 街道用具Minor services:Reinstatement: n. 复职,复位 (法律、做法等的)恢复,(设施等的)修复The reinstatement of a law, facility, or practice is the act of causing it to exist again.Station const

18、ruction:Cut and cover construction: n. 明挖法Traffic diversion: 交通Utility Agency: n. 公用事业局 /Utility: n. 功用,效用 公用事业 A utility is an important service such as water, electricity, or gas that is provided for everyone, and that everyone pays forIntensity signboard: n. 高密度标志牌23、24页Ventilation 通风 Coordinatio

19、n 协调 interface 联络Diversion 改道、疏导 Sewer 污水排放Locating 定位 Liaising 联络 Extending 给予Connection 联络工作Reinstate to the original position 恢复到原状第2526页 金东东carry out 执行,贯彻,完成anti-siltation 防止淤积anti-malaria 防疟疾vector control 传染病控制channels 排水槽drains 排水管pest control 瘟疫控制mud 泥silt 淤泥,泥沙,残渣dust 扬尘footpaths / Sidewor

20、ks 人行道fumes 烟雾debris 建筑垃圾larviciding 杀幼虫剂stagnant water 死水meeting 符合in the vicinity of 在的附近Page 27 and 28Post n. 邮件,邮政;柱,桩,杆;岗位 vt. 张贴,宣布;设岗;邮寄 vi 快速行进 adj 有关赛跑(或赛狗,赛马)起点标志的 adv 在后;用急件;赶紧地,火速地affixed 附加,粘贴,盖(章)album 相册,册canteen 小卖部,小饭馆,水罐,餐具盒,炊具箱sanitary 清洁的,卫生的,(n )厕所ventilation (n)空气流通,通风设备,通风方法,公

21、开讨论。Pump n. 泵;打气筒;轻软的舞鞋,软便的帆布鞋(英式) vt. 用抽水机汲水,给打气;用泵输送;涌出 vi 用泵抽;注入;骑自行车的人上下蹬踏板第29,30页林聪Interfacing Contractors 同他接口的承包商Consume 消耗Reclaim 收回Co-ordination of access 协调出入口Delivery routes 运送线路Interaction 配合Conduct 开展Appendix 附录As shown 如图所示Key dates 节点日期In particular 尤其是Clarification 阐明System-wide Cont

22、ractors 全系统承包商Produce 编制Trackwork 轨道工程MRT operator 地铁运营商Prompt 迅速Ironmongery 各种五金制品Storage 存储3132-刘杰cross passage 联络通道 shaft 竖井,(电梯等的)垂直通道adit 入口,平隧道clash 冲突,抵触minor 较小的,微小的;次要的duct (电线,电缆的)管道(可进人的)plinth 基座,底座 foundation 基础hook 挂钩,吊钩insert 插件cast in item 预埋件trough 凹槽,槽沟,水槽trench 沟,沟渠;战壕chase 凿出来的槽c

23、ut-out 剔出部分3334荣丽Penetrations 穿洞Sealing 密封Fittings 连接件Finishes 饰面层Transits 转接Frames 框Inserts 插件Shock mounting 减振装置UV purifiers 紫外线净化器Cast-in sockets 预埋插口Blind holes 暗孔Sleeves 套管Box outs 做边框Forming recesses and trenches 留出凹槽和沟Screed 抹灰Supports 支撑件Fixing 安装件Drains 沟Backfilling 回填Compaction 夯实Turfing 铺

24、草皮Surplus material 多余材料Haunching 加腋Polling chambers 检查井Draw wires 引线PowerGrid 电网Intake entry 取电入户Pits 槽Manholes 检查孔Waterproofing 防水Sheet trunking 钢板线槽Surface run 明线Concealed 埋入Blockwork 砌块Brickwork 砖砌块Partitions 隔断墙Cast-in sockets 预埋插座Washers 垫圈Packings 填塞物Shims 垫片6567haulage 拖运,运输;运费deposition 革职;沉

25、淀;储存,堆放stockpile 库存,积蓄,储存anchor 锚recharge (地下水)补给;再充电;再袭击well 井;源泉gradient 梯度;坡度termite 白蚁standing water 死水adequate 充足的,适当的walkway 通道,走道contaminate 污染,弄脏additive 添加剂,添加物polymer 聚合物foam 泡沫;水沫bentonite 膨润土anti-abrasion 耐磨性exploratory 勘探的;探究的in-situ 现场probe 探针;调查spoil 弃土boulder 大圆石;巨砾weathered rock 风化岩

26、boxed tunnel 矩形隧道air-lock 气闸37-38王振利22. The item for fixing of items that are the responsibility of the Contractor as identified in the Specifications, CSD and SEM drawings shall include allowance for all items listed hereafter including those affected by the update to Final CSD/SEM drawings and sha

27、ll include for, inter alia:(a)forming all penetration and openings and inserting sleeves;Penetration:(原意)穿透,渗透;此处指穿孔;sleeve:套筒,套管;(b)box outs for openings;(c)forming recesses and trenches in screed, finishes or any other concrete structures;recess:壁凹,凹形空间;trenches:沟,渠,槽;screed:(定墙上灰泥的厚度的)准条,匀泥尺,找平层,

28、此处指抹平层;finishes:抛光;(d)cable, pipe supports and equipment fixing;Cable:电缆;pipe:管子(细管),曲别duct(能过人的大)管道;(e)excavation of trenches for services in earth, road and below drain,including backfilling, compaction, turfing, finishes, disposal of surplus material and debris;Drain:排水,下水道,排水系统;backfilling:回填;co

29、mpaction:夯实;turfing:植草皮;disposal:处理;surplus:过剩的,多余的;debris:碎片,残骸,残渣,建筑垃圾;(f)cable pipes, ducts, etc. embedded into concrete or screed including haunching pulling chambers/boxes with covers and draw wires;Duct:管道;embed:预埋,镶嵌,嵌入;chamber:作特殊用途的房间,寝室,会议大厅,腔,洞穴,此处指方/箱形空间;pulling chambers/boxes with cover

30、s and draw wires:带盖子和引线的检查井/盒;haunching:夹腋;draw wires:牵引丝;wire:金属丝,电线;(g)Telecommunications and Power Grid intake entry pipes/ducts and draw wires, draw pits, manholes, waterproofing sealing for manholes, entry points and concrete haunching;Telecommunications:电信;Power Grid:电力网,动力网;intake entry:入户;pi

31、t:井,煤矿,槽;waterproofing sealing for manholes:防水密封检查井;(h)covers and frames over conduits (pull, junction and/or surface) boxes, sheet metal trunking and ducting which are surface run or concealed in screed or finishes or chased into concrete, blockwork, brick walls or partitions;Covers:盖;frames:框架;conduits:大水管,导线管;sheet metal trunking:薄钢板槽;Chase:雕刻;blockwork:砌块; brick walls:砖墙;partition:把房间分成两部分的结构;(i)co-ordinate and attend for fixing by System-wide Contractors of all conduits, poll/junction/surfac


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