已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of troublenew words and expressionsappreciate vThe poem is too difficult for me to appreciate.I appreciate your help.appreciate v.欣赏,感激 thankful = grateful(adj.感激的, 感谢的)pocket money 零用钱- beer money 留给丈夫的零花钱- mad money 女子留作应急之用的私房钱- green money 美金(美圆是绿色的)- soft/folding mon

2、ey 纸币, 钞票(folding adj.可折叠的)- hard money 硬币(hard adj.硬的, 坚固的)thrifty adj.节约的economical adj.节约的, 经济的frugal 【frul】 adj.节俭的, 朴素的bounce v.bounce back 弹回bounce the ball 拍球bounce off 弹开bounce up and down 上下弹跳 stick (stuck, stuck) v.卡住,夹住,不能再动 His arm was stuck. 他的胳膊被卡住了。 stick v.坚持, 粘贴 stick to (doing) sth

3、坚持做某事 Reporters should stick to investigating the facts. 记者应坚持调查事实。 你必须要坚持你的看法。 - You must stick to your idea. Stick the stamp on the envelop.Mum or dad, of course, provide a regular supply of pocket money, but uncles and aunts are always a source of extra vide a regular supply of. 定期地提供pr

4、ovide sth for sb / provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物- The villagers provided a regular supply of food for the soldiers.= The villagers provided the soldiers with a regular supply of food With some children, small sums go a long way.it meanswith other children, small sums cant go a long way.go a long way 维

5、持很久- The money we have will go a long way.介词with和for的区别:For(介词):关于, 对于.来说, 考虑到.的事实- For him, this will be an entirely new hobby.With(介词):在某一方面 (多用于二者的比较)- With some people, pleasure is more important than work.- Some people may accept that excuse, but it wont work with me.If fifty pence pieces are n

6、ot exchanged for sweets, they rattle for months inside money boxes. pence 便士(penny, pennies都是pence的复数:) a fifty pence 一个五十便士的硬币 fifty pennies 五十一便士的硬币 exchange for 换取, 以.来交换 - The little boy exchanged his pen for candy. rattle vt.(拟声词) 叮当作响 = tinkle(vi, vt (使)发玎玲声, (使)发出玎当声)Only very thrifty childre

7、n manage to fill up a money box. fill up 装满 1up:表示方向 up to(表示到达目的地) - She ran up to him. 她跑到他面前。 Towards(表示朝某个方向) - She ran towards him. 她向他跑去。 2 表示沿着, 走向更远的地方(侧重强调距离更远了) - They walked up the street. 他们沿着街道走远了。 The children run up the garden path to greet their father. 3 动词+up(表示消费、摧毁、彻底、光、用完) - Dri

8、nk up your whisky. Eat up your vegetable. - Finish it up. 完成它 / burn up烧光 / use up用光 4 表示积存, 从少到多, 积小成多 - We must lay up some boiled food for the winter. Lay up贮存 = store up储藏, hold up, gather up收集起5 表示从河的下游到上游, 河流入口处以上到源头的某一点- They are sailing up the Thames. 他们正沿着泰晤士河而上。- The house is up the river.

9、 这个房子在河的上游。6 动词+up(表示包起来、封住、盖住)- button up扣上纽扣(- button your coat up 把外衣的纽扣扣上) - wrap up 包裹起来(wrap up the shoes with newspaper 用报纸把鞋子包起来)- lock up 锁起来(lock the house up 用锁把房子锁起来)- fasten up 拴紧, 钉牢, 锁牢 / save up 储蓄, 贮存- wash up 洗涤餐具, 洗手洗脸, 把冲上岸 / do up 重新整修, 包好He could not find his fifty pence piece anywhere, and what is more, he could no get his arm out. what 引导的插入语 What is more important. 更重要的是 / What is worse. 更糟糕的是 What is more


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