1、L/O/G/O上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 应用型大学英语系列教材应用型大学英语系列教材Book 4Application-oriented College English Course2上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Language in Use Enhancement of Language Abilities Unit OneTable of Contents Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext3上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 StarterText: Divine intervention Working with words
2、and phrasesDiscussionPractice: interpretingPractice: translationPractice: writingSurfing the InternetHighlightsTable of ContentsPart 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext4上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 HighlightsS: Escape from a fire L: HeatstrokeR: Divine interventionW: The basic structure of an essayInternet
3、work: Searching for information about visa-free travel Part 1 Language Skills DevelopmentBackNext5上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext1. StarterA. A room is on fire. There seems to be no way to put the fire out for the time being. Look at the following pictures for emergency escape, discuss, and decide what
4、is the best way to escape. For Reference AnswerClick Here61. StarterBackNext上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 Dont jump out of the windows high above the ground, because the hard ground will hurt or even kill you. Dont force your way out of the room through the iron door, since it is hot and closed. The best way t
5、o escape from the fire is to hide in the lavatory with a wet towel covering your nose so that you wont be choked by the smoke. Try to call 119 and other people as quickly as possible for help, using the cell phone or fixed telephone. Dont panic, and act rationally.7B. Listen to a passage and answer
6、the following questions.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNextMind Mapheatstroke / n. 中暑prolonged / a. 持续时间久的cessation / n. 停止hyperventilation / n. 过度换气neurological / a. 神经系统的;神经(病)学的seizure /()/ n. 休克coma / n. 昏迷hallucinate / vi. 产生幻觉replenish / vt. 补充 8上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterBackNext1. How do
7、es heatstroke happen? 2. What are the common symptoms of heatstroke? 3. What is the focus of treatment for heatstroke? Heatstroke can occur if the body is exposed to prolonged high temperatures.The most common symptoms are high body temperature, cessation of sweating, hyperventilation, rapid heart r
8、ate and pulse, and some neurological symptoms.The main focus is to lower the body temperature.9 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterHow Does Heatstroke Occur?Heatstroke can occur if the body is exposed to prolonged high temperatures. In such a situation, the body attempts to cool itself by increasing the b
9、lood flow to the skin, leaving less blood for the brain, muscles, and other organs. Then muscles feel weaker and mental capacity is affected. If not properly managed, the condition can be deadly.Most Common SymptomsHigh body temperature: A body temperature of 104 (40) or higher is the main sign of h
10、eatstroke.Cessation of sweating: This is often one of the first signs that your body temperature is too high.BackNextTo be continued10 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 1. StarterHyperventilation: Your breathing may become too rapid and prolonged.Rapid heart rate and pulse: While your blood pressure usually remain
11、s normal, your pulse may increase to around 130 beats a minute, above the normal level for adults (60 to 100 beats a minute).Neurological symptoms: You may have seizures, lose consciousness, slip into a coma, hallucinate, or have difficulty speaking or understanding what others are saying.TreatmentT
12、he main focus of treatment is to lower the body temperature. Different techniques can be used. If you think you have the early symptoms of heatstroke, first try to cool yourself and replenish your water and salt levels. If your condition has progressed, seek immediate medical attention. BackNext11 上
13、海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Organization12 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Organization13 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextText Organization142. Text: Divine Intervention1 Dr. Rob Boll was craving a hot turkey dinner and a slice of apple pie. After a hectic week treating patients with sore throats and
14、ear infections at his family practice, the 52-year-old physician was ready for a night of home cooking and fellowship at his churchs annual fund-raising dinner.Translation上帝显灵 罗布博尔医生正渴望吃上一顿热乎乎的火鸡晚餐和苹果馅饼。这位52岁的内科医生在他的家庭诊所忙碌了整整一个星期,治疗那些患有咽喉疼痛或耳朵感染的病人,这时正准备在他所属教会的年度筹款晚宴上享受一些家常烹饪,并和教友相聚。 divine: a. 神(上帝
15、)的,天赐的e.g. He granted us from his divine love and is asking from us love for his divine presence. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext intervention: n. C, U 干预,干涉,介入e.g. His intervention brought their quarrel to a climax. 152. Text: Divine Intervention2 Stepping inside the crowded gym at St. Johns United Chu
16、rch of Christ, Boll and his family found a long line of people waiting to be seated. He wasnt surprised. The turkey feast had become a popular event in Mokena, Illinois, attended by hundreds from the surrounding Chicago suburbs. Many werent even members of the congregation. Theyd simply heard about
17、the good food and were willing to pay $10 to heap their plates and help pay for the churchs new community center. Boll and his wife, Dana, and their son, Kyle, 14, went every year.Translation2 博尔和家人走进拥挤的圣约翰联合基督教会体育馆,发现很多人排着长队等座。对此他已司空见惯。伊利诺伊州莫克那镇的火鸡宴已成为深受欢迎的活动,成百上千的人从芝加哥周围的郊区赶来参加这项活动。许多人甚至不是这个教会的会员,
18、他们只是听说这里有美食,愿意花上10美元饱餐一顿,同时为教会的新活动中心做点贡献。博尔和妻子达娜还有他们14岁的儿子凯尔每年都来。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestions about Paras. 1-2 feast: n. C 宴会,盛宴e.g. The king held a feast for us. vi. 尽情享用e.g. We feasted on chicken and roast potatoes. 16 1. What was Dr. Rob Bolls profession? He was a physician at a family p
19、ractice. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Why did so many non-congregation people attend the churchs annual fund-raising dinner? Because they could have a turkey feast at the dinner and help the church in some way.2. Text: Divine Intervention173 After sitting down, Boll had barely placed his napkin in
20、his lap when he heard a commotion on the other side of the room. “Help!” a woman shouted. “Does anybody know how to do the Heimlich?”4 Jumping up from the table, the doctor could see a white-haired woman slumped over in her chair. “Im a doctor. Whats going on?” Boll said to the group gathered around
21、 76-year-old Pat Rohrer.Translation3 博尔刚坐下,还没来得及把餐巾在膝盖上放好,就听到房间另一头传来了喧闹声。“快帮帮忙!”一个女人大叫着。“有人知道怎么做海姆利克急救吗?”4 博尔医生一跃而起,看到一个银发老太太伏在椅子上。“我是医生,出什么事了?”博尔对围在76岁的帕特罗勒身边的人群问道。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Divine Intervention18 5 “My mother-in-law choked on a piece of turkey,” answered a frantic Colleen
22、 Rohrer. “Weve tried the Heimlich maneuver, but its not working.” Boll reached around Pats abdomen and pulled sharply upward with his fists. Nothing happened. Moving quickly, he lifted Pat up and onto the floor to get her into a better position. Twice again he tried the Heimlich, but she still didnt
23、 respond. Translation5 “我婆婆被一块火鸡卡住了。”焦急的科琳罗勒答道,“我们已经试过海姆利克急救了,但没有效果。”博尔从后环抱住帕特,将手放在她的腹部,用拳头使劲往上推,但没有任何动静。他迅速把帕特扶起来,放到地上,让她的姿势更有利于急救。他又用海姆利克急救试了两次,但仍不见效。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNextQuestion about Para. 5 frantic: a. 1) (因焦虑、恐惧等而)发疯似的,情绪失控的e.g. Do not drive him frantic by worrying him with endless que
24、stions. 2) 紧张忙乱的,匆忙的e.g. He was in a frantic rush to get his work done.2. Text: Divine Intervention19 3. What is the Heimlich maneuver? It is an emergency treatment for suffocation when a persons airway becomes blocked by a piece of food or other object. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Divine In
25、tervention206 This cant be happening, Boll thought. He worried he wouldnt be able to help her. Looking up, he recognized Steve Hoblin, a nurse from the hospital near his office. “Steve, stick your fingers down her throat and see if you can sweep anything out,” he said. Hoblin reached in and pulled o
26、ut a small piece of turkey. Translation6 这太不可思议了,博尔心想。他开始担心自己救不了她。抬起头,他认出了史蒂夫霍布林,他办公室附近一家医院的护士。“史蒂夫,你把手指伸进她的喉咙,看看能否掏出什么,”他吩咐道。霍布林将手指伸进去,掏出了一小块火鸡。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Here “cant be happening” is used as a judgment for the on-going event. The following examples show how the structure of “modal
27、 verb + be + present participle” expresses a judgment for an on-going event or action. e.g. John is ill; he cant be writing his paper now. Susan has to hand in her paper tomorrow; she must be writing it now. 2. Text: Divine Intervention217 But Pat still wasnt breathing. In fact, she was rapidly turn
28、ing blue. Apparently, some food was still lodged in her throat. Boll k n e w h e n e e d e d t o d o something drastic and fast to get air into her lungs. His only chance was to perform an emergency tracheotomy.Translation7 但是帕特仍然没有呼吸。事实上,她的脸色正在迅速变青。显然她的喉咙里还卡着食物。博尔知道,要把空气送入她的肺部,必须采取极端的行动,而且要快。唯一可以做的
29、就是进行紧急气管切开手术。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Blue here just denotes the colour as one can imagine, when someone is choking, the face naturally turns blue. Blue can also mean “sad, depressed; dismal, bleak (沮丧的;令人烦闷的)” .e.g. She felt blue about not being chosen for the team. That was a blue day for me.2
30、. Text: Divine Intervention228 “Call 911! And get me a sharp knife!” he shouted. His wife ran to the kitchen, and Hoblin handed over his pocketknife. 9 Boll had never done the operation before. He flashed back to the only time hed seen one performed: during his residency 20 years earlier. That proce
31、dure had been done in a sterile, controlled environment by expert surgeons. How was a family doctor supposed to accomplish the same thing at a church dinner with a dull pocketknife? Translation8“打911!给我拿把锋利的刀过来!”他大声喊道。他的妻子赶紧跑向厨房,霍布林则把他的小折刀递了过来。9 博尔以前从未做过这种手术。他回想起唯一一次看过别人做这种手术,还是20年前在医院实习的时候。那次手术是由外科
32、专家在无菌并且可控的环境里进行的。而他自己只是一个家庭医生,怎么能在一个教会晚宴上用一把钝钝的小折刀完成这种手术呢? 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext flash back (to sth.): 回想;(电影)闪回,倒叙e.g. Her thoughts immediately flashed back to last night. The story flashed back to his childhood. residency: n. 1) U 住院专科实习期 e.g. After their residency, pharmacists must pass the
33、 license examination given by their state. 2) U 居住,居留e.g. The government confirmed the returning refugees right to residency.2. Text: Divine Intervention2310 He was relieved to see that his wife had found a clean paring knife. Taking a deep breath, Boll carefully cut a small slit in Pats neck. As bl
34、ood poured from the wound, he broke into a sweat. But Boll knew it was too late to stop. Two or three precious minutes had already passed. She couldnt survive much longer without oxygen. Boll figured he had about 45 seconds to save her life.Translation10 当他看到妻子给他找到了一把干净的水果刀才放了心。博尔深吸一口气,小心翼翼地在帕特的颈部切了
35、个小口子。血一下子从伤口涌出来,他出了一身冷汗。但是博尔明白,现在已经不能停止了。两三分钟宝贵的时间已经过去了,没有氧气,她坚持不了多久。博尔推测自己大约只有45秒钟的时间来挽救她的生命。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext break into: 突然发出(或冒出);闯入 e.g. The audience broke into loud applause. Someone broke into my car and stole my mobile phone. 2. Text: Divine Intervention2411 Oblivious to the crowd
36、 breathlessly watching him work, Boll steadied his hands and continued. But the knife wouldnt cut deep enough. Out of nowhere, a man handed Boll a switchblade. It had a tapered point, nice and sharp, with a three-inch blade that locked securely in place. Boll quickly finished the cut. Translation11
37、周围的人群屏住呼吸看着他工作,但他丝毫没有感觉到。博尔稳住双手,继续手术。但是水果刀切得不够深。这时,不知哪位男士递给博尔一把弹簧刀。这把刀刀口尖细,锃亮锋利,三英寸的刀片稳固地锁在刀鞘里。博尔很快完成了切割。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Meaning: Boll was unaware that the people were gathered around him and holding their breath as they watched him perform the operation. He did his best not to let his
38、hands tremble and went on with the operation. The word oblivious is often collocated with “of / to”, meaning “not know about or not notice something that is happening around you”. e.g. He seemed oblivious to the fact that he had hurt her. out of nowhere: 不知从哪里冒出来,莫名其妙地出现e.g. His girlfriend appeared
39、before him out of nowhere. in place: 在适当的位置;准备好e.g. The glass was held in place by a few pieces of transparent tape. The instruments for the concert were nearly all in place.2. Text: Divine Intervention2512 然后,科琳似乎看出了他的心思,将一根气管套管递给了他。她儿子肖恩,即帕特的孙子,患有一种严重的肺病,需要一根管子才能保持呼吸道通畅,但是个把小时不用管子问题也不大。 13 每过一秒,帕特
40、的脸色就更青一点。科琳帮助博尔将管子轻轻地推进帕特的喉咙里。时间一秒一秒地过去,感觉却像是一分一分地在流逝,但是这两个人镇静地工作着,配合得天衣无缝就像一个手术小组一样,博尔心想。12 Then, as if she were reading his mind, Colleen handed him a tracheotomy tube. Her son, Shaun Pats grandson has a severe lung condition and needs a tube to keep his airway clear. But he could manage without i
41、t for an hour or so. 13 Pat was turning bluer by the second. Colleen helped Boll gently push the tube into Pats trachea. Seconds ticked by like minutes, but the pair worked calmly, with precision just like a surgical team, thought the doctor.Translation 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Meaning: It seemed
42、 as if Colleen were able to guess what the doctor was thinking, so she passed him the tube that he was thinking about at that moment. read someones mind: 看出某人的心思e.g. No one can read a writers mind through his face, but we can see into his heart through his sentences. Note that by is a preposition us
43、ed with the to show the period or quantity used for buying, selling, or measuring something.e.g. The temperature climbed higher and higher by the second. She sells eggs by the dozen.2. Text: Divine Intervention2614 “Im in,” he said once the tube was finally in place. 15 But the crisis was far from o
44、ver. Boll needed to resuscitate the unconscious woman. Fortunately, her family never went anywhere without an emergency kit containing a manual resuscitator bag, just in case Shaun had trouble breathing.Translation“进去了。”最后管子一放好,博尔就说道。 但是危机还远未结束。博尔必须将这位昏迷的老太太弄醒。庆幸的是,她的家人出门总是带着急救箱,里面有手动苏醒气囊,这是以防肖恩出现呼吸
45、困难而准备的。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Far from is a set expression, meaning “almost the opposite of sth. or what is expected”.e.g. Conditions are still far from ideal. Far from helping with the situation, youve just made it worse.2. Text: Divine Intervention2716 Colleen clicked the bag onto the tube a
46、nd pumped. Within seconds, Pat Rohrer started breathing and the color returned to her cheeks. 17 As paramedics rushed in and took over, Boll stood up, trembling. He certainly hadnt anticipated anything like this when he left his job as a social worker to go to med school.Translation 16 科琳将气囊扣到管子上,开始
47、打气。不一会儿,帕特罗勒开始呼吸,脸色也恢复了正常。 17 医护人员赶来接管了剩下的事情,博尔站起来,浑身颤抖。当年他辞去社会工作者工作去上医学院的时候,自然没有预见会遇到这种事。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Questions about Paras. 8-17 2. Text: Divine Intervention28 4. Who was the main assistant for Dr. Rob Boll in the operation? It was Colleen Rohrer. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext5. What
48、 instruments were used in the operation? A paring knife, a switchblade, a tracheotomy tube, and a resuscitator bag.2. Text: Divine Intervention2918 “Im not terribly religious,” Boll says now, “but I know now that God goes to turkey dinners at churches. To take a doctor who only half knows what hes d
49、oing and give him the right tools I dont know how I recalled what I needed to do. To me, theres no explanation but divine intervention.”1 9 M a y b e s o , b u t H o w a r d Stephens, assistant chief of the Mokena Fire Protection District, was quick to point out, “Without Dr. Boll, this lady wouldnt
50、 have made it.”Translation18 “我不是一个狂热的教徒,”博尔说,“但我现在知道了,上帝会去参加教会的火鸡晚宴。把一个不明就里的医生带到这儿,并给他合适的工具我不知道自己是如何想到该怎么做。我无法解释这一切,只能说是上帝显灵了。”19 也许是吧,但莫克那镇防火区主任助理霍华德斯蒂芬斯很快指出:“要是没有博尔医生,这位女士是不可能起死回生的。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext Questions about Para. 18 2. Text: Divine Intervention30 6. Why did Dr. Rob Boll think
51、the operation was a case of divine intervention? Because the tools he needed appeared and he succeeded in saving the lady as sort of a surgeon as if by magic.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext2. Text: Divine Intervention3120 Now that her grateful mother-in-law is back at home, with no signs of infection fr
52、om the switchblade surgery, Colleen says, “We are so thankful that in this age of lawsuits, Dr. Boll was willing to put himself on the line. He just stepped up and did what had to be done.”Translation20 科琳的婆婆怀着感激之情回家了,没有任何因在手术中使用了折叠刀而感染的迹象。科琳说:“在这个容易惹上官司的时代,博尔医生敢于冒这样的风险,挺身而出,实在是太让人感激了。” 上海交通大上海交通大学学
53、出版社出版社 BackNext Questions about Para. 20 Meaning: We are so grateful to Dr. Boll because he was brave enough to try to save my mother-in-laws life, regardless of the risk that he might be held responsible if he failed. on the line: 冒风险e.g. Ive already put myself on the line for you once, and Im not
54、going to do it again. step up: 挺身而出,站出来 e.g. At that urgent moment, he stepped up to catch the kid falling down from a tree. She stepped up to receive her prize.2. Text: Divine InterventionNow that or now means “because the thing mentioned is happening or has just happened”.e.g. Now that we know eac
55、h other a little better, we get along fine. Im going to relax, now the school year is over. 32 7. Why were Colleen and her family so grateful to Dr. Rob Boll? Because Dr. Boll saved Colleens mother-in-law and in the age of lawsuits, he was willing to put himself on the line.上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNe
56、xt2. Text: Divine Intervention3321 Later that November night, after returning from the hospital, Rob Boll found another job that needed to be finished. He strolled into the church kitchen and rolled up his sleeves. “Divine intervention doesnt usually come into play,” he says, “when its time to do th
57、e dishes.”Translation21 十一月的那个晚上晚些时候,罗布博尔从医院回来之后,发现还有一件事有待完成。他晃进教会厨房,挽起袖子。“需要洗碗的时候上帝通常不会显灵。”他说道。 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext come into play: 开始活动,开始起作用 e.g. A complex system of muscles come into play for each body movement. Political considerations do come into play when making policy. 2. Text: Divi
58、ne Intervention34Focus1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases A. Find appropriate items (16) in the text which fit the items (af).上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 BackNext( ) 1. dull a. someones mind ( ) 2. pumpb. knife( ) 3. sweepc. water( ) 4. readd. throat ( ) 5. turkeye. the floor ( ) 6. soref. di
59、nner bceafd351. She almost to death in the thick fumes.2. The woman hurried to the bank, only to find that she had left her bankbook at home. She became .3. The situation for the flood victims was quite dangerous._ action had to be taken at once.4. Fortunately, the drowned boy was by first aid.Focus
60、1words&phrases4. Working with words and phrases B. Complete the following sentences with appropriate words or phrases in the box. 上海交通大上海交通大学学出版社出版社 chokedBackNextchoked frantic divine drastic resuscitated unconscious manual surgicalintervention grateful broke into taken over flashed backfranticDrasticresu
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