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1、 第九单元 主要英语国家的词汇特征 一、21 21世纪英语的球土化What s the definition of Glocalization?一、球土化 Globalization (or globalisation) is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and mutual sharing, and other aspects of culture. + GlocalizationlocalizationGlobali

2、zation 二、英语的全球化发展二、英语的全球化发展Some frameworks might help us better Some frameworks might help us better understand some of these complexities.understand some of these complexities. one useful way forward can be found in the work of Walter Mignolo(2000). we have a way of focusing on the process of globa

3、lization that does not mere reduce it to homo-genization.Because of the influences of former British Empire and the USAs political/economic power, English nowadays is used in a lot of areas around the world. With the globalization of English, English is popular in many fields, such as academy, inter

4、national political meetings, entertainment, business, and even personal social interaction. (Buck, 2005) Currently, the language chosen most often around the world is English (House, 2003). English is used as a tool to achieve something beneficial to their lives, e.g., for making money, job promotio

5、netc (Mufwene, 2006). However, some people think that such wide uses of English bring some negative impacts to the world.Why so many names for English?the emergency of scholarship that critically assesses the spread of English.The increase in the use of English globally.The attempts of ELT professio

6、nals themselves to counter the perceived dominance of English.Can you make a definition for lingua franca ?When two speakers with different first languages want to communicate with each other, each speaker has to choose a common language to make himself/herself understood. The chosen common language

7、 is the lingua franca. 二、英国英语二、英国英语Main languages used in UKMain languages used in UKCelticsCeltics (-5C,Before English )EnglishEnglish (Since 5C)Both belong to Indo-European Language familyThe term of The term of B Br ri it ti is sh h E En ng gl li is sh h英国英语(British or UK English)又称英式英语主要是指居住在不列颠

8、群岛上的英格兰人的英语规则,为英国本土及英联邦国家的官方语言Do you know what is Do you know what is RPRP? ? When used by British speakers , it often refers to the written Standard the written Standard English English and the sociolectsociolect known as Received Pronunciation. Received Pronunciation English can be divided into th

9、e English can be divided into the following types in the British Isles:following types in the British Isles: Scottish English Welsh English Irish English Other dialectsBroad use of the termBroad use of the term Standard and non-standard Formal and imformal At all times In all regions At all social l

10、evelsNarrow useNarrow use The form of standard English The form of standard English used in Britain , used in Britain , or in England , or in south-east England: or in England , or in south-east England: traditionally the medium of the upper and traditionally the medium of the upper and (especially

11、professionalespecially professional)middle classmiddle class. .二、英国英语的来源二、英国英语的来源 British EnglishBritish English Standard English Standard English Regional English Regional English The West Countrys distinctive rural dialects The West Countrys distinctive rural dialectsBritish EnglishBritish English

12、 American EnglishAmerican EnglishBritish English British English contrast withcontrast with Australian English Australian English South Africa English South Africa English etc. etc. The form of English uesd in BritainStandard EnglishStandard EnglishBefore the 15Before the 15thth century, standards o

13、f century, standards of pronunciationpronunciation and and vocabularyvocabulary gradually became established. gradually became established.In the 18In the 18thth century, there was a lot of discussion about century, there was a lot of discussion about correctcorrectEnglish.English.Samuel Johnsons Sa

14、muel Johnsons dictionary dictionary Published in 1775Be considered an authority on the correct use of words What What is Dialectis Dialect? ? What can Standard English also be What can Standard English also be called?called?Forms of a language used in a particular region were considered inferior to

15、standard English.The Queens /Kings EnglishOr BBC EnglishRegional EnglishRegional English Modern dialects have their roots in “Old English” or “Middle English”.Dialects are often characterized by use of non-standard forms such as double negative structures eg. I dont want none. .Can you tell me somet

16、hing about Cockney?The The West West Countrys distinctive Countrys distinctive rural rural dialectsdialects Scottish dialectScottish dialect: ayeaye for yesyes , , weewee for littlelittle WalesWales: boyboy for manman, look you look you for you seeyou see Irish dialectIrish dialect: would you be aft

17、er waiting would you be after waiting for dodo you want you want Welsh , Irish and some Scottish accents often have an attractive lilt(= rising and falling intonation pattern.) 许许多拥有方言和口音的人会被他们的第一语言多拥有方言和口音的人会被他们的第一语言和和他他们现在所居住的地方方言影响。们现在所居住的地方方言影响。在英国,许多人在英国,许多人的家庭是来自南的家庭是来自南亚或者加勒比海亚或者加勒比海 来来自这些地方的

18、年轻自这些地方的年轻人把英语作为他们的第人把英语作为他们的第一语言,而一些老人则一语言,而一些老人则把它作为第二语言。把它作为第二语言。三、美国英语三、美国英语一、美国英语的发展状况一、美国英语的发展状况An outline to the development of An outline to the development of American EnglishAmerican English The first expedition from England The first expedition from England to the New World in to the New

19、World in 15841584 was proved to was proved to be a failure.be a failure. 16071607年,约翰年,约翰史密斯(史密斯(John SmithJohn Smith)等首)等首批殖民者批殖民者120120人乘三艘大船横越大西洋,在人乘三艘大船横越大西洋,在弗吉尼亚弗吉尼亚州州(VirginiaVirginia)的詹姆斯河口建立了)的詹姆斯河口建立了詹姆斯城詹姆斯城(JamestownJamestown)。)。 在1620年,从英国东部诺福克郡和 沙福克郡来的清教徒乘坐“五月花号”(May F l o w e r ) 船 驶

20、抵 马 萨 诸 塞 州(Massachusetts)的东南部普利茅斯(Plymouth), 建立了殖民地。 当时的英国正处于伊莉莎白一世时期,从英语发展史来看,正处于现代英语的早期开始阶段。 在最早移居新英格兰的清教徒中有一百多名还是牛津大学和剑桥大学的毕业生,他们将伊莉莎白时期的英语带到了北美新大陆,成为美国英语的起点。 从这时起,两国都说伊莉莎白时代的英语。 从十七世纪初英国清教徒踏上美国的土地到后来很长的一段时间里,美国的英语和英国的英语没有什么明显的差异。 美国独立战争的胜利是一个历史性的转折点,它标志着一种崭新的美国英语的产生,革命者们试图在各个生活领域脱离英国的统治。 本杰明富兰克

21、林发表的题为美国采用新字母表和改革拼写模式的计划的文章,虽然方案没被采纳,但却给词汇学家和辞典编纂家诺亚韦伯斯特(Noah Webster)产生了巨大的影响他的理论使得一些单词有了新的拼写方法,如honorhonor取代了honourhonour,theatertheater取代了theatretheatre。 可以说富兰克林是一位英语发展史的先驱者。 诺诺亚亚韦伯斯特韦伯斯特是美国最负盛名的词典学家.1828年,出版了他的美语词典(American Dictionary of English Language) ,这标志着他对美国英语的贡献达到了一个顶峰时期,美国规范化的民族语言终于形成。

22、作为一个移民国家,美国一直被誉为“nation of nations”,但其主流文化仍是Anglo-Saxon文化。 任何新移民,为了在新大陆生活下去,不得不接受或适应这种主流文化。 同时,美国人民为自己的文学和语言的独立和形成所进行的斗争,实际上是政治斗争的继续与发展。美国英语的形成的过程是漫长而曲折的. 第一次世界大战前后的时期是美国英语和英国英语关系的转折点(turning point), 在此之前的倾向是美国英语偏离英国英语,在此之后的主要倾向是英国英语向美国英语靠拢。After the second World War, Americas international status h

23、ad been raised quicklyThe economic base determines the superstructure, so American English soon came up from the behind二、美国英语和英国英语发生差异的原因二、美国英语和英国英语发生差异的原因what is the semantic approach? Perhaps the most common way to deal with the lexis of the two varieties is what may be called the semantic approac

24、h.Five different groups of the semantic Five different groups of the semantic approachapproach First, most words and meanings are the same between American English and British English. The second group comprises words that refer to something unknown in the other future. Third ,different words and ph

25、rases are used to express the same meaning. Fourth,the two varieties share a word/phrase, but with a fully different meaning. Fifth, both varieties share an expression and its meaning, but where one or both have a further expression for the same thing not shared by the other. 三、美国英语和英国英语词汇的差异三、美国英语和

26、英国英语词汇的差异拼写拼写差异差异 美美国国 英国英国中心:center centrecenter centre行为:behavior behaviour behavior behaviour 练习:practice practisepractice practise公斤:kilogramme kilogramkilogramme kilogram词义词义差异差异 美国美国 英国英国First floor: First floor: 一楼一楼 二楼二楼Public school: Public school: 公立学校公立学校 私立学校私立学校To wash up: To wash up: 洗

27、手洗手 洗碗洗碗公公寓:寓: apartment flatapartment flat假假期:期: vacation holidayvacation holiday 特定词语特定词语差异差异英国有prince , knight , duck等词,而美国没有。 美国有president , vice-president等词,而英国没有。一些介词的使用差异 美国 英国 on the weekend at the weekend on the street in the street 某些动词的过去式和过去分词差异 美国 英国 burn burned burntlearn learned learn

28、t And so on And so on四、美国英语词汇的特点和发展前景四、美国英语词汇的特点和发展前景The characteristics of American EnglishThe characteristics of American English 美美国英语的一致国英语的一致性性 作作为美国唯一的官方语言和多民族通用语言为美国唯一的官方语言和多民族通用语言, , 美国英语具有惊人的一致性美国英语具有惊人的一致性。 丰丰富多彩的美国英语词汇富多彩的美国英语词汇 美美国英语词汇是指在美国形成或主要在美国国英语词汇是指在美国形成或主要在美国使用的一些词使用的一些词语语。 整个殖民地时

29、期, 新增加的美国英语词汇中最多的是以下三类词语: 一从印第安语中吸收的词汇 二英语复合词 三从其他语言中借用的词汇(即“外来词”) 美美国英语的一些读写差异国英语的一些读写差异 一是拼写方面的差别 二是口语发音的差别美国英语的发展变化主要体现在词汇上,其发展趋势为: 各行各类的新词大量出现; 许多旧词的语义量不断扩大; 词汇的拼写形式日趋简化。1340501278Canadian Canadian EnglishEnglishIntroductionIntroductionlThe Canadian was influenced by many different languages whi

30、ch are spoken by native Canadians and immigrants in terms of Americans and English. The features of Canadian Canadian spelling and vocabulary show both the characters of Americans and English . The meaning of some words have the special features, but there is little differences in grammar.lCanadian

31、English is the variety variety of English spoken in Canada. According to the 2011 census, English was the first language of approximately 19 million Canadians, or 57% of the population; the remainder of the population were native speakers of French (22%) .82% of Canadians outside Quebec reported spe

32、aking English natively, but within Quebec the figure was just 7.7% as most of its residents are native speakers of Quebec French.OriginOriginuIn early 18 18 century ,the immigrants speaking Emglish came here at first time.uIn the 1750s , plenty of immigrants being from England ,Ireland and Scotland

33、flocked here.uin the 1760s,the conqueror strongly commanded that Canadian must keep in accordance with English.uIn 1867, Canadian developed its own characteristics。HistoryHistoryThe term Canadian English is first attested in a speech by the Reverend AReverend A. Constable Geikie Constable Geikie in

34、an address to the Canadian Institute in 18571857. Geikie, a Scottish-born Canadian, reflected the Anglocentric attitude that would be prevalent in Canada for the next Canada for the next hundred years hundred years when he referred to the language as a corrupt dialectcorrupt dialect, in comparison t

35、o what he considered the proper English spoken by immigrants from Britain.HistoryHistoryCanadian English is the product of four waves four waves of immigration over a period of two centuries. The first large first large wave of permanent English-speaking settlement in Canada, and was the influx of L

36、oyalists fleeing the American Revolution,so Canadian English is believed by some scholars to have derived from northern American English. Canadian English has been developing features of its own since the early 19 century. The second wave from Britain and Ireland was encouraged to settle in Canada a

37、fter the War of 1812 by the governors of Canada. Waves of immigration from around the globe peaking in 1910 and 1960 had a lesser influence.PronunciatiPronunciationoninclining to Amertican English in regard to intonation, tempo, and stress, e.g. apricot, patriot, patent,status, data, leisure, erase,

38、 record.lbeing based on British English,e.g.lever, lieutenant, greasy,cashmere,docile,fertile.lshowing irregularities in some words,e.g.else elts, oncewqntz,PronunciationPronunciationT h e m o s t t y p i c a l C a n a d i a n T h e m o s t t y p i c a l C a n a d i a n feature :Canadian raisingfeat

39、ure :Canadian raising, which is found most prominently throughout central and west-central Canada, as well as in parts of the Atlantic Provinces. For the beginning points of the diphthongs (gliding vowels) /a/ (as in the words height and mice) and /a/ (as in shout and house), the tongue is often mor

40、e raised in the mouth when these diphthongs come before voiceless consonants, namely /p/, /t/, /k/, /s/, / and /f/, in comparison to other varieties of EnunciationpronunciationBefore voiceless consonants, /a/ becomes . One of the few phonetic variables that divides Canadians regionally is

41、the articulation of the raised allophone of this as well as of /a/; in Ontario, it tends to have a mid-central or even mid-front articulation, sometimes approaching , while in the West and Maritimes a more retracted sound is heard, closer to . Among some speakers in the Prairies and in Nova Scotia,

42、the retraction is strong enough to cause some tokens of raised /a/ to merge with /o/, so that couch merges with coach, meaning the two sound the same, and about sounds like a boat; this is often inaccurately represented as sounding like a boot for comic effect in American popular culture.SpellingSpe

43、llinglFrench-derived words that in American English end with -or and -er, such as color or center, retain British spellings (colour and centre). While the United States uses the Anglo-French spelling defense and offense (noun), Canadians use the British spellings defence and offence. (Note that defe

44、nsive and offensive are universal.)lIn other cases, Canadians and Americans differ from British spelling, such as in the case of nouns like curb and tire, which in British English are spelled kerb and tyre. lWords such as realize and paralyze are usually spelled with -ize or -yze rather than -ise or -yse. (The etymological convention that verbs derived from Greek roots are spelled with -ize and those from Latin with -ise is preserved in that practice.SpellingSpellinglSome nouns, as in British English, take -ice while matching verbs take -ise for example, practice


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