1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级*单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级*Click to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth level*Click to edit Master title style单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级*Im watching TV.Section B 1a-1e 清原一中 郎艳文学习任务:游泳池,水池购物,商店超市男人,人在水池在学校做家庭作业在超市在图书
2、馆 学习要求:1.根据汉语自读并记忆。2分钟2. 听写。预习检测:我会读,我会写poolshopsupermarketmanin a poolat schooldo ones homeworkin/at the supermarketin/at the libraryDo you know these places?schoollibrarypoolsupermarketWhat is he doing?Where is he playing basketball?He is playing basketball.He is playing basketball at school.at sc
3、hoolWhat is she doing?She is swimming.Where is she swimming?She is swimming in the pool.at the pool在泳池What is she doing? She is watching TV.Where is she watching TV? She is watching TV at home.仿例说What are they doing?They are reading books.Where are they reading books?They are reading books in/at the
4、 library.仿例说1a 看1a的图片然后完成表格PlacesActivities1. at schoolplaying basketball2. 3.4.in/at the poolswimmingin/at the supermarketshoppingin/at the libraryreading (books) 1a 看图写句子shoppingplaying basketballswimminglibraryWritingpoolsupermarket1b Look at the pictures in 1a. Then ask and answer questions. Is
5、the man swimming in a pool? Yes, he is. Is the woman reading books in a classroom? No, she isnt. She is reading books in a library.1c 1d Listen and complete the chart.NamesPlacesActivitiesAlicesupermarketMikeLisashopping (buying milk and bread)schoolplaying basketballlibraryreading1e Use the informa
6、tion in the chart to make a conversation. Is Alice playing basketball? No,she isnt. Shes shopping. Is Alice shopping? Yes, she is.1、 看!男孩子门正在操场打篮球。2、我爸爸晚饭后正在看书。3、史密思先生早晨六点起床。4、听! 林达正在隔壁唱歌. 5、他的弟弟通常在学校做家庭作业.成果展示Look! The boys are playing basketball on the playgroundMy father is reading a book after d
7、inner.Mr. Smith gets up at six in the morning.Listen ! Linda is singing in the next room.His brother usually does his homework at school.成果展示6、他们每周五的晚上购物。They go shopping every Friday evening.7、爷爷正在做什么? 他正在花园里劳动。What is the grandpa doing? He is working in the garden.8、张小姐经常晚上洗衣服。Miss Zhang often was
8、hes her clothes in the evening.9、我的叔叔在周末与他的宠物狗散步。My uncle takes a walk with his pet on weekends.10、他的妹妹正在洗澡。His sister is taking a shower.Homework1 :Copy the newwords2:Use the information in the chart to make a conversation。我会看,我会写 同步练习册p60页Bettys brotherBettys grandfatherBettys motherBettys grandmo
9、therBettys fatherBettyReport Dear Bob, Here is a photo of my family. In this photo, Im doing my homework. My father is _. My grandfather is _. My grandmother is _ to my mother. And my sister is _.My brothe is_watching TVreading the newspapertalkingeating dinnerdoing his homework,too做同步练习册P55 二、语块积累三
10、、知识运用。P56 11 12 13 14 15P55 1.一个来自深圳的学生 2、在美国学习 3、包粽子 4、观看龙舟赛 5、any other night 6、shop in the supermarket7.Read a story to his child/children 8.miss his familyP56 11.What time 2.Where is , swimming 3.There isnt4.Does, like 5. Why are they watching P56 单项选择 6-10 B C D A C 11.Is, swimming at/in, isnt1
11、2.Where are, reading ,library. 13.family are making14.like any other, for 15. is studying, misses 学习要求:独立完成3分钟2. 小组互查。1分钟课堂检测:我会做Unit5 Why do you like pandas?.Period 5Section B (2a-2c) 学习目标 (2分钟)1.读准并熟练拼写单词: race host study state the US American dragon Dragon Boat FestivalAny other young child miss
12、wish delicious still living room 2.正确使用正在进行时。自主学习:我会读,我会思考学习任务:P291.2a。和同桌一起说出不同地方的时间。学习要求:4号和1号,2号和3号一起交流。A: What time is it in Beijing?B: Its eight oclock in the morning.你会问 我会答Reading What are they doing? They are boating.zongzidelicious_ is/are delicious.I like delicious _.the Dragon Boat Festiv
13、al dragonboat racen. 比赛bike raceZhu HuiZhu Huiin the United States (of America)= the USA/USHe is studyingNew Yorkadj. 美国的He is living with an _ family in America. American American peopleWhy are Zhu Huis family watching boat races and making zongzi?_ Because today is the Dragon Boat Festival.Fast Re
14、ading2. Does Zhu Hui like his host family? _3. What does he think about his home in China?_Yes, he does. He misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.MembersActivitiesZhu Huis family in China. Its 9:00 am. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Mom and AuntDad and UncleHis cousinZhu
15、 Huis host (主人) family in New YorkIt is 9:00 pm before the night of the festival in New York. It is like any other night.The motherThe fatherZhu Huimaking zongziwatching the boat races on TVtalking on the phonereading a story to her young childrenwatching a soccer game on TVtalking on the phone to h
16、is cousinRead the TV report and fill in the chart. 学习任务:P35,2b。1.找出重难点。2.交流展示。3.教师释疑。学习要求:1.朗读短文,用 笔画出你不懂的句子和你认为重要的句子。3分钟2. 小组交流。合作探究:我会读,我会讲 Todays story is about Zhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen. Hes now studying in the United States. Hes living with an American family in New York. Today is the Dr
17、agon Boat Festival. Its 9:00 a.m. and Zhu Huis family are at home. His mom and aunt are making zongzi. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV.Is Zhu Hui also watching the races and eating zongzi? Well, its 9:00 p.m. in New York, and its the night before the festival. But there isnt a Dr
18、agon Boat Festival in the US, so its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family. The mother is reading a story to her young children. The father is watching a soccer game on TV. And whats Zhu Hui doing? Hes talking on the phone to his cousin in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishe
19、s to have his moms delicious zongzi . Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but theres still “ no place like home.Read the passage together.Does Zhu Hui like his host family? What does he think about his home in China?Yes, he does.Read again and answer the questions. He misses his family
20、 in China.A. 希望 . 祝愿今晚像任何其它一个晚上(一样)East, west, home is the best.(金屋银屋不如自家的狗屋)对于来说,Guess the meanings of the words/phrases according to the context. Zhu Hui is a student from Shenzhen. Hes now _ in the United States. Hes living with an _ family in New York. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Its 9:00
21、 a.m. His mom and aunt are making zongzi. His dad and uncle are watching the _on TV. In New York, its 9:00 p.m. the night before the festival. Its like _ night for Zhu Hui and his host family. The mother is reading a story to her _ _. The father is watching a soccer game on TV. Zhu Huis talking on t
22、he phone to his _ in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui _ his family and _ to have his moms _ zongzi . Zhu Hui likes New York and his host family a lot, but theres _ “ no place like home.studyingAmericanboat racesany otheryoung cousinmisseswishes deliciousstillstudy, America, boat races, any other, still, young chil
23、dren, cousin, miss, delicious, wishFill in the blanks.childrenMembersActivitiesZhu Huis family in China. Its 9:00 am. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Mom and AuntDad and UncleHis cousinZhu Huis host (主人) family in New YorkIt is 9:00 pm, the night before the festival in New York. It is like any ot
24、her night for the host family.The motherThe fatherZhu Huimaking zongziwatching the boat races on TVtalking on the phonereading a story to her young childrenwatching a soccer game on TVtalking on the phone to his cousin Zhu Hui is a student from Shenzhen. Hes studying in the USA. And hes living with
25、an American family.He misses his home in China very much.He wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.areisRetell the story四人小组,每人说2-3句,合作完成复述故事Match the verbs in column A with the words in column B. Then use the phrases to write sentences according to the TV report. Alivingreadingmakingtalkingstudyi
26、ngwatchingBfoodin the USa racewith a familyon the phonea storyZhu Hui is living with a family in New York.The mother is reading a story to her young children.Zhu Huis mom and aunt are making food.Zhu Hui is talking on the phone with his cousin.Zhu Hui is studying in the USA.Zhu Huis father and uncle
27、 are watching a race on TV.2c 学习任务:P35,2c1.Match the verbs in column A with words in column B。2.用2c中的信息复述课文。学习要求:1.独立完成2c。1分钟2.小组核对答案。1分钟3.在组长的带着读出这些句子。2分钟4.小组派代表进行全班展示。3分钟自主学习:我会写 做同步练习册P57. 单项选择11-15 DDBAB 16-20 CCDAC21-25 CCABC学习要求:1.自主完成。5分钟2. 小组内按4-1, 3-2相互检查。3分钟3.小组派代表进行全班展示。3分钟课堂检测:我会做 竟赛主人、东
28、道主学习、研究美国美国的龙 端午节任何的另外的年轻的儿童、 小孩思念 学习要求:1.P125,自读。3分钟 2.小组长检查,要求读准单词。3分钟 3.自己写出单词。3分钟 4.两人一组交换检查,更正错误。2分钟成果展示:我会说,我会写race希望可口的仍然、还客厅观看龙舟赛做粽子象其他的夜晚一样节日之前的晚上给孩子门读故事希望吃wishhoststudyThe United StatesAmericandragonDragon Boat Festivalanyotheryoungchildmissdeliciousstillliving roomwatch a boat racemake zo
29、ngzilike any other nightthe night before the festivalread a story to the childrenwish to have Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Period 6Section B (3a-Self Check) 学习目标 (1分钟)1.复习本单元单词和重点句子。2. 给你一张图片,请根居图片内容描述家人的行为活动。Zhu Hui is a student from Shenzhen. Hes studying in the United States. Tell something abo
30、ut Zhu Hui.Hes living with an American family. Today is Dragon Boat Festival. Its nine a.m. Zhu Huis family are at home. His mom and aunt are making zongzi. His dad and uncle are watching the boat races on TV. Lets describe(描述) what Zhu Huis family are doing.We can use these words to describe animal
31、s: tell a story to sb. watch a soccer game talk on the phone to sb.Can you think of more words?Task2Its nine p.m. in New York and its the night before the festival. But there isnt a Dragon Boat Festival in the US. Its just like any other night for Zhu Hui. The mother is telling a story to her childr
32、en. The father is watching a soccer game on TV. Zhu Hui is talking on the phone to his cousin inShenzhen. 学习任务: P36,3a学习要求:1.根据图片,把短文补充完整。1分钟2. 小组内检查核对答案。1分钟3、小组派4号进行全班展示。1分钟自主学习:我会看图,我会写话 Dear Bob, Here is a picture of my family. We are all at home now. I am doing my homework. My parents _ in the l
33、iving room. My grandfather _. My sister _.Jimis reading a newspaperare watching TVis talking on the phone with her friend3a我会观察 我会填Its ten oclock in the morning. Im _ doing my homework. My mother is washing the clothes. My father is cleaning the car. My grandma is reading a newspaper. My grandpa is
34、playing chess with his friend. Writing3bThese are photos of my family. This is my mother. Shes using the computer. This is my father. Hes watching TV. These are my sisters Jane and Lisa. Janes doing her homework and Lisas talking on the phone. This is my brother Bob. Hes playing basketball. This is
35、my dog Tina. Shes sleeping. This is me. Im playing the guitar.3b 学习任务:1.P36, Self Check 1.2.P36, Self Check 2.学习要求:1.独立完成Self Check 1 。2分钟2. 小组内交流。2分钟3.能让学生造句。3分钟4.独立完成Self Check 2。5分钟5.小组核对答案。1分钟6.4号全班展示。1分钟合作探究:我会归纳,我会总结 play-playingmake-makingrun-runningread-readingwrite-writingtalk-talking watch
36、-watching1 Add more words in the chart. Then write at least five sentences using the words. Jack is playing basketball now. live-livingSelf checkshop-shoppingcut-cuttingsit-sitting save-saving drink _ 2. listen _3. use _ 4. make _shop _ 6. exercise _sit _ 8. run _9. study _ 10. brush _drinkingmakinglistening
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