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1、Text AYou Can't Do It Because It Hurts NobodyNew Words(手写板)带有后缀单词:custom (n.)习惯,风俗customer (n.)顾客customary (a.)通常的,习惯的city (n.)城市citizen (n.)市民citizenship (n.)公民的身份,公民的权力教材(P587)Exercises1. city citizen citizenshipa. She comes from the United States and has applied for Chinese (citizenship).本句翻译

2、:她来自美国,已经申请了中国公民身份。b. Many Chinese in the United States have become American(citizens).本句翻译:很多在美国的中国人成了美国公民。c. Beijing is known to be one of the largest (cities) in the world.本句翻译:北京,作为世界上最大的城市之一,闻名于世。fatal (a.)致命的:同义词deadly 致命的fate (n.)命运,天数threaten (v.)威胁limit (n.)有限,限制/(v.)限制limited (a.)有限的unlimi

3、ted (a.)无限的celebrate (v.)庆祝celebration (n.)庆祝championship (n.)冠军身份anonymous (a.)无名的,匿名的anonym (n.)无名士,匿名者criminal (a.)犯罪了的/(n.)犯罪的人crime (n.)罪行honesty (n.)诚实,正直probably (ad.)很可能,大概合成词:2. onto 到上去 lawbreaking (n.)违法3. drink drank(过去式)drunk(a.)(过去分词)喝醉了的本单元核心词:tough (a.)强壮的;粗暴的;困难的a tough man 很粗暴/强壮的人

4、a tough problem 一道难题custom 1. 习惯,风俗;2. (pl.)海关,关税admit 承认;准许进入admit 作“承认”时,后常接动名词;作“准许加入/进入”时,常与介词to/into/in连用。For example: They admitted having killed a tiger. 他们承认曾杀死一只老虎。 Only one hundred students are admitted to the school each year. 这所学校每年只招收100名学生。threaten (vt.)威胁,恐吓threat (n.)恐吓threaten sb wi

5、th sth 用来威胁某人threaten by 受到的威胁For example: She threatened to call the police. 她威胁说要叫警察。 She threatened him with death. 她对他以死相威胁。tolerate v. 忍受,容忍,容许(a.)tolerant 1. 忍受的,容忍的;2. 宽容的,宽恕的(of)For example: We should be tolerant of the views of others even if we disagree with them. 即使我们不同意别人的观点,也应该容许其存在。 Th

6、e school can not tolerate cheating on exams. 学校不容许考试作弊。celebrate v. 庆祝,称赞(n.) celebration For example: She celebrated her birthday with the party. 她开晚会来庆祝自己的生日。Text AYou Can't Do It Because It Hurts Nobody本句翻译:不因不伤人而为之Who do you think breaks the law in our society?本句翻译:你认为在我们的社会里哪些人会触犯法律?1. brea

7、k the law 犯法,违法make the law 制定法律If you believe that only tough guys commit crimes, you may have to think again.本句翻译:如果你认为只有暴徒才会犯罪,那你可能必须重新考虑考虑了。tough 坚强的,强壮的,肉比较老的,困难的,粗暴的commit crime 犯罪Answer the following questions honestly. Has anyone you know ever driven drunk?本句翻译:请老老实实地回答下列问题:你认识的人中有没有人曾经酒后驾车?

8、Can you think of a friend who has used drugs?本句翻译:你能否想起来你有个朋友曾经使用过毒品?drugs 毒品Are you aware that your parents may not always tell the truth when they go through customs?本句翻译:你有没有觉察到你父母过海关时并不总是说实话?2. go through 通过,经过Won't some of your friends admit that they have stolen an item from a store?本句翻译:难

9、道你的朋友中没有人承认他们曾经从商店偷过东西吗?item 物品Have any of your friends ever copied a CD onto a tape for someone else?本句翻译:难道你的朋友没有人曾经把CD上的内容替另一个人转录到录音带上?In case you did not know, all of these acts are against the law.本句翻译:假如你过去不懂,那么现在你应该知道,这一切做法都是违法的。3. in case + of/that 假如;万一(连接词,引出条件状语从句)For example: Be quiet in

10、 case you wake the baby. 安静点,以免把孩子弄醒了。 In case I forget, please remind me about that. 如果我忘了,请提醒我。be against the law 违法Now, among the people you know, how many have never broken the law? Does that mean that most members of our society should go to jail? Unlike in the movies, we can't divide the w

11、orld into bad guys and model citizens. Real life is much more complex.本句翻译: 那么,现在看看你认识的人中有多少人根本没犯过法?那么,这是否意味着应把这个社会的绝大多数成员关押起来?跟电影里的情况不同,我们不能把世人简单地分成坏人和好人。真实的生活要复杂得多。jail: prison 监狱In the same way that diseases range from the common cold to fatal forms of cancer, crimes vary in degree.本句翻译:人生病,有普普通通

12、的着凉,也有致命的癌症,罪行同样也有严重程度上的不同。in the same way 同样地fatal: deadly 致命的For example, smoking in an elevator will inconvenience people, but much less than threatening them with a gun.本句翻译:例如,在电梯里抽烟会使人感到讨厌,但总比用枪来威胁他们要轻得多。inconvenience (v.)使感到不便4. divide into 把分成For example: Usually, we divide people into the r

13、ich and the poor. 通常,我们把人分成富人和穷人。In addition to breaking the law themselves, people tolerate various levels of crime.本句翻译:人们除了自己会犯法,一般也能容忍程度不同的罪行。5. in addition to/besides/except/except for 除之外Why are we tolerant of some crimes?本句翻译:我们为什么会容忍某些罪行呢?6. be tolerant of 对容忍/宽容For example: He is tolerant o

14、f any situation. 他能忍受任何环境。It may be that, by seeing others do something, we accept it more easily.本句翻译:这可能是因为别人做了某件事,我们更容易接受。We may even start committing that crime ourselves.本句翻译:我们自己甚至会开始犯那种罪行。For instance, most people will find it easier to speed on a highway when everybody else is driving over t

15、he speed limit.本句翻译:例如,在公路上大家都超速行驶时,大多数人都会发现自己也比较容易超速行驶。speed (v.)超速over 超过limit (n.)限制When people celebrate a sports championship, if they see someone breaking store windows, they might start breaking windows themselves or even steal from the store.本句翻译:当人们庆贺某项比赛获得冠军时,如果他们看见某人正在砸商店的橱窗,也许他们自己也会开始动手去

16、砸橱窗,甚至从商店偷东西。7. see sb + ving 看到某人正在做某事see sb + v 看到某人已经做了某事So the people around us influence how much law-breaking we can tolerate.本句翻译:所以我们周围的人会影响到我们对违法行为的容忍程度。the people around us 我们周围的人influence (v.)影响8. steal sth from sb rob sb of sthWe must also wonder whether seeing violence on television or

17、reading about it in the newspapers every day makes us tolerate crime more than we should.本句翻译:我们一定也在想,是否因为我们每天都看到电视上的暴力场面、读到报纸上的暴力新闻使我们对本来不应容忍的犯罪行为变得宽容了。must (推测)一定wonder: want to know 想知道We become used to seeing blood on the news on television, or in full color in newspapers and magazines.本句翻译:对电视新

18、闻中的血腥场面或报刊上彩页的血腥图片,我们现在已经习以为常了。9. become used to(prep) + ving 习惯于= be used to doingFor example: He has become used to the life of smoking and drinking. 他已习惯于有烟有酒的生活。used to do sth 过去常常做某事For example: I used to go to work by bus. 我过去经常坐公交车上班。Because we see thousands of dead people on TV, maybe we jus

19、t try to ignore the situation behind the violence.本句翻译: 由于我们在电视上看到了成千上万的死人,也许我们就不大理会暴力场面背后的情况了。ignore 不理,忽视If so many citizens tolerate violence and crime, or even commit crimes themselves, it may simply be because of the human mind.本句翻译: 如果有非常多的市民容忍暴力和犯罪行为甚至自己就在搞犯罪活动,这很可能只是因为人的思想在作怪。Our minds may n

20、ot care about specific laws.本句翻译:我们的思想对某些具体的法律条文可能不够重视。10. care about: care for 对关切/操心或忧虑For example: He doesn't care about his clothes. 他不讲究着装。 I don't much care about going. 我不太想去。Instead, our minds may have a system of values that usually prevents us from hurting other people to improve o

21、ur own lives.本句翻译:我们思想中有一套自己的是非价值观念,这些观念使我们不能为了改善自己的生活而去伤害他人。Yet, when it comes to respecting the rights of a mass of anonymous individuals, we might not be so responsible.本句翻译:然而,当涉及尊重众多无名小辈的权利时,我们很可能就不那么认真负责了。e to 共计/达到地步/涉及;谈到For example: The yearly steel output of our plant comes to 1,000 tons.

22、我们厂年钢产量达到1000吨。His plan came to nothing. 他的计划一场空。If what I said comes to you, please don't mind. 如果我说的话涉及到了你,请别介意。when it comes to 谈到/涉及到时For example: When it comes to the future, she becomes very excited. 谈到未来时,她变得非常激动。12. a mass of 大量的,众多的For example: I have a mass of things to do this summer.

23、 今年夏天我有许多事要做。While most people would not steal a wallet containing $50, they may not mind cheating on taxes, because cheating on taxes does not hurt any one person. It hurts society, but “society” remains an abstract idea that is not as real as a neighbor or a friend's friend.本句翻译:尽管绝大多数人不会去偷装有5

24、0美元的钱夹,但是他们很可能在交税方面有欺骗行为,偷税漏税。因为偷税漏税不会伤害任何一个具体的人。偷税漏税伤害社会,不过“社会”还是个抽象概念,不像某位邻居或朋友的朋友那样具体。while 尽管,虽然contain 装,容纳mind (v.)介意cheat on taxes 偷税,漏税Perhaps this is why someone who robs a few dollars by force from a corner store will often end up with a longer jail term than a fraud artist who swindles th

25、ousands of dollars: threatening the life of an individual is not acceptable in our society.本句翻译:也许这就是之所以一个人从街拐角一家商店抢劫了几美元,其后果常常要比诈骗了数千美元的冒牌艺术家蹲监狱的刑期还长的原因:用武力威胁任何人的生命在我们的社会里都是不能容许的。13. end up with 结果是/以结束(告终)term 期限swindle v./n. 诈骗When we look at the questions in the first paragraph and realize that

26、many people have misconceptions about law-breaking, we could think it is surprising that only about 10% of Canadians have a criminal record.本句翻译:当我们看了本文第一段中的几个问题并意识到了许多人对犯法这一概念有错误的理解之后,加拿大人中只有百分之十的人有犯罪记录,这一点就会非常令人吃惊。How could we improve the level of honesty in our society? Would a larger police forc

27、e keep everyone honest? Would severe laws help make our society better? Probably not.本句翻译:我们怎样才能让我们社会中的人变得更加诚实呢?扩大警力会让每个人都诚实吗?严厉的法律有助于我们把社会搞得更好吗?未必会吧。force (n.)武力severe (a.)很严厉的The police would never be able to keep an eye on everyone, and people would still find ways to bend new laws.本句翻译:警察们永远无法用眼

28、睛盯着每一个人,人们总会找出种种办法去曲解新颁布的法律条文。14. keep an eye on 照看/留意For example: You had better keep an eye on that guy; his behavior is somewhat odd. 你最好留意一下那个家伙;他的行为有点古怪。Honesty will have to come from social pressure: in the family, at school, on the job, each and every one of us can encourage honesty by showin

29、g which behaviors are unacceptable.本句翻译:诚实不得不来自社会上的压力:在家里,在学校,在工作岗位上,我们每个人以及我们全体都要鼓励诚实的言行、表明哪些行为是人们不能接受的。Teaching respect should become everyone's responsibility.本句翻译:教会人们相互尊重应该成为每个人的责任。15. end up with 结果是/以结束(告终)For example: His class often ends up with “let's call it a day”. 他的课经常以“我们今天就到这

30、里吧”作为结束。Vocabulary Exercises. For each sentence, fill in the blank with the proper form of the words given at the beginning. Please pay attention to the part of speech of each word.2. tolerate(<v.>容忍,忍受) tolerant(<a.>容忍的) tolerance(<n.>容忍,宽容)a. Nowadays, parents often treat their c

31、hildren with too much (tolerance).本句翻译:如今父母经常对孩子过于放纵。b. I cannot (tolerate) your carelessness.本句翻译:我无法容忍你的粗心。c. He is (tolerant) of opinions different from his own.本句翻译:他能够接受那些和他不同的言论。3. response(<n.>回答) responsible(<a.>负责的) responsibility(<n.>责任)a. Traditionally, housework or meal

32、 preparation was the wife's (responsibility).本句翻译:从传统意义上讲,家务活或准备饭菜通常都是妻子的责任。b. I wonder why he makes no (response) to my letter.本句翻译:我想知道为什么他没有回我的信。c. With the computer (responsible) for the calculations, the research can be completed in time.本句翻译:因为计算机能够进行计算,所以这项研究就可以即时完成。4. rob(<v.>抢劫) r

33、obber(抢劫者) robbery(<n.>抢劫)a. The (robber) is still at large.本句翻译:这个抢劫犯仍然逍遥法外。at large 自由的,逍遥自的,未被捕b. In the morning they found that the bank had been (robbed).本句翻译:一大早他们就发现银行被抢了。c. There have been several (robberies) near here lately.本句翻译:最近在附近地区发生了多起抢劫事件。5. crime(<n.>罪,犯罪) criminal (n.)

34、(罪犯) criminal(a.)(犯罪的)a. He committed a (crime) last year and was sent to prison.本句翻译:去年他犯罪被投入监狱。send/put sb to prison送某人入狱b. Do you know that the man has a (criminal) record?本句翻译:你是否知道那个人有犯罪记录?c. The (criminal) was sentenced to five years' hard labour.本句翻译:这个罪犯被判处五年苦役。sentence(v.)判刑,判决be senten

35、ced to 被判了刑.Fill in the following blanks with the words listed below in their proper forms.1. He is (tolerant) towards his noisy neighbors.本句翻译:他对吵吵闹闹的邻居们很宽容。2. As we grow older, we learn the (limit) of our abilities.本句翻译:年龄越大,我们越清楚自己的能力是有限的。3. Why don't you report the (crime) to police?本句翻译:为什么

36、你不把罪行报告给警察呢?4. A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is (abstract).本句翻译:花是美丽的,但美丽本身却是抽象的。5. A (fatal) accident occurred last night and two workers lost their lives.本句翻译:昨天夜里发生了一场重大事故,有两名工人丧生。6. He broke the law and was thrown into (prison).本句翻译:他违反了法律,被关进了监狱。send/put/throw/cast sb to prison 把某人关入

37、监狱7. He received an (anonymous) letter telling him to keep his mouth shut.本句翻译:他收到了一封匿名信,被告知要守口如瓶。8. Never cheat your friends, because (honesty) is the best policy.本句翻译:永远都不要欺骗朋友,因为诚实是最重要的原则。9. When people realize that he is a (fraud) artist, they will no longer believe him.本句翻译:一旦人们知道了他是个冒牌艺术家,就不会信

38、任他了。10. The chicken is so (tough) I can't eat it.本句翻译:鸡肉太老,我咬不动。Text BMarriage in Iran and America: A Study in ContrastsNew Words(手写板)带有后缀单词:1. culture (n.)文化 cultural (a.)文明的 symbol (n.)象征 symbolize (v.)作为的象征 symbolically (ad.)象征地 religious (a.)宗教的 religion (n.)宗教 leader (n.)领导人,领导者 preparation

39、 (n.)准备 prepare (v.)准备 strictly (ad.)严厉地 definitely (ad.)明确地,确切地 potential (a.)潜在的,隐含的 potention (n.)潜能,潜在2. wedding 婚礼 weed bride bridge(桥梁)新娘 groom 新郎 respect 尊重 inspect 检查inspection inspector核心单词:1. object (to)反对;不赞成 For example: We object to cheating on exams. 我们反对考试作弊。2. preparation for 为做准备 pr

40、eparation against 为防止做准备 preparation of 准备通常在句中都与谓语动词(v.)make 搭配;且preparation常用(pl)。 For example: The government of China has been making preparations for the 2008 Olympic Games for these years. 中国政府近几年来一直在为2008年奥运会做准备。 The experts point out that farmers should make preparations against natural disa

41、sters. 专家指出,农民们应为防止自然灾害做好准备。3. prefer 更喜欢/更愿意(1) prefer sth to sth 宁愿不愿/更喜欢For example: I prefer coffee to cola (可乐). 我更喜欢咖啡而不喜欢可乐。(2) prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做不愿做For example: I prefer to walk rather than take a bus. 我宁愿步行而不愿意乘公交车。(3) prefer sb(not) to do 更希望某人(不)做某事For example: I prefer you(n

42、ot) to stay there too long. 我希望你在那里多待些时间。(4) prefer that 从句I prefer that you stay there for a long time. 我希望你在那里待的时间长一些。4. respond to 回答/对作出反应;响应For example: He responded to the question quickly and clearly. 他清晰而又迅速地回答了那个问题。They responded to the call of the Party and went to Tibet to work. 他们响应党的号召,

43、到西藏工作去了。Tibet 西藏Text BMarriage in Iran and America: A Study in Contrastsmarriage 婚姻1. in contrast to/withThough marriage is practiced in almost all countries of the world, the customs are quite different from one culture to another.本句翻译:虽然几乎全世界所有国家的人民都操办婚事,但结婚的风俗在具有某一种文化观念的国家同另外一些文化观念的国家却完全不同。2. pra

44、ctise /practice(原意:实践)进行,做某件事情It is interesting for me to compare the customs of marriage in the United States with those in my country.本句翻译:让我来比较一下美国的婚俗跟我的祖国伊朗的婚俗是很有趣的。compare 比较,对比Iranian 伊朗人I've lived in the U.S. for four years now, but I'm still not comfortable with the customs here.本句翻译

45、:虽然到现在为止我已经在美国生活四年了,但我对这里的风俗仍然感到不习惯。In fact, what seems strange to me is that courting or dating is not always for the purpose of finding a husband or wife.本句翻译:事实上,令我感到不可思议的事情就是在美国求爱和约会异性的目的并不总是为了要找到丈夫或老婆。3. be strange to sb对某人来说很奇怪courting 求爱dating 约会Some people seem to do it as a hobby.本句翻译:有些美国人

46、似乎把求爱和约会异性当成了一种嗜好。Here in the United States, I have noticed that courting is begun by the young couple themselves, and they seem to have a lot of freedom to decide and do what they want.本句翻译:在美国,我注意到谈恋爱是由年青人自由自主开始进行的,他们在决定或者做他们想做的事情方面似乎有很大的自由。notice (v.)注意到couple 双Both young men and women date a num

47、ber of different people. They do it without the knowledge or help of their parents.本句翻译:青年男女双方都跟为数众多的异性约会过。他们跟异性约会时,他们的父母连知道都不知道,也插不上手来帮忙。a number of 很多without 没有,不用knowledge 知道,了解In fact, I have known several friends who got married without even telling their parents or other family members.本句翻译:事实

48、上,我认识好几个美国朋友,他们结婚时甚至都没有告诉自己的父母或家中其他的人。4.be/get married 结婚At the actual wedding ceremony, the father of the bride symbolically gives his daughter to the groom.本句翻译:在真正举行婚礼时,新娘的父亲才象征性地做做样子把他的女儿交给新郎。actual 实际的,事实上的ceremony 仪式It's only a custom, I think, because the bride and groom already know each

49、 other quite well.本句翻译: 我认为,这样做只是按风俗习惯办事而已,因为新娘和新郎互相间早已经很了解了。The bride and groom stand together in front of the religious leader or government official to be married.本句翻译:新娘和新郎一起站在宗教领袖或政府官员面前被宣布正式结婚。The official reads from a short prepared speech and then asks both the man and woman if they are will

50、ing to be married to the other.本句翻译:这位政府官员在宣读了一篇现成的简短演讲词之后就会问男女双方,他们是否愿意同对方成亲。speech 演讲,演讲稿if: whether 是否5. be willing to + v 愿意做某事If they both say “yes,” and nobody attending the wedding stands up to object, they are declared “man and wife.”本句翻译:如果他们二人都回答"愿意",参加婚礼的人中又没有人站起来反对他们结婚,那么他们就被宣布

51、为"正式夫妻"了。attending the wedding man and wife 成为夫妻It is interesting that the two families are asked if there are any objections right during the ceremony.本句翻译:就在举行婚礼的过程中,要征询双方的家人,有没有反对这两人结婚的意见,这实在太滑稽有趣了。right 恰好,正好Perhaps it is because the family members are not as involved in the wedding pr

52、eparations as they are in Iran.本句翻译: 也许这样做是因为这两家的家庭成员都不像在我们伊朗那样要参与婚礼的筹备工作的缘故吧。6. be involved in 参与当中,涉及Marriage is different in a number of ways in my country.本句翻译:操办婚事在我的祖国有很多做法都是跟美国不同的。In Iran, courting is more serious, and is performed strictly for the purpose of marriage.本句翻译:在伊朗,提亲要更加严肃。提亲的目的就是

53、要成亲结婚。perform 履行,执行It is definitely not a part of the fun-filled years of growing up like it is here in America.本句翻译:绝对不像美国这里,谈情说爱成了成年以后玩乐年代生活的一部分。definitely 明确地fun-filled 充满乐趣的It is the mother of the young man who initiates the process by visiting the home of a potential bride.本句翻译:正是那位男青年的母亲前去拜访准新

54、娘的家,由这就开始了谈婚论嫁的全过程。7. It is who(that)initiate 发起,提出She goes to inspect the girl, and discover the position and wealth of the girl's family.本句翻译:她去相看一下那位姑娘,并且还要查看姑娘家的地位权势和家庭财产。discover 发现,了解If she is pleased, then she will return another day with her son.本句翻译:如果她对这件事满意了,那么改天她会带上她儿子再来。If her son i

55、s also pleased, then the two families get together to talk about the dowry, the wedding ceremony, who they will hire to perform the marriage and other matters.本句翻译:如果她儿子对这桩婚事也满意,那么这两家人就聚到一起谈论嫁妆问题,谈论婚礼问题,谈论他们将聘请谁来担任结婚典礼的司仪,还有别的一些事情。hire 雇佣The actual marriage ceremony is quite different, however, from the


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