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1、 Meredith. Z周媛Todays Task Teaching Planning Introduction to Interpretation Memory Training (I)Monitor?Email?Teaching Plan Brief Introduction Main Content Mode of Teaching Teaching Material:商务英语口译 + 软件CISI Assessment:20% Attendance 1/3 30% Mid-term Exam 50% Final Exam Schedule AttendanceWarm-up Quest

2、ions Have you ever heard of Interpretation? Then what? Whats the difference between Interpretation and Translation? When will we need Interpretation service? Anyone who is interested in taking 中口/高口? Demonstration!Introduction to Interpretation History Definition Category Process Feature/Difference

3、Standards Requirements/QualificationHistory As a communication tool: the birth of language As a profession 1919: WWI the Paris Peace Conference CI 1945: WWII the Nuremberg Trials SI AIIC(国际会议口译员协会) Worldwide professional association International organizations (UN, EU) Government Private sectorInter

4、preting as a Profession Diversity it is very common for interpreters to come from multicultural families and to have lived in different countries Mobility the profession is fundamentally international. It is very common for teams to be recruited from all over the world. This is made possible by unif

5、ied international standards through AIIC. Flexibility it is common for freelance interpreters to work regularly for international organizations, government agencies, and the private market Solidarity professional conference interpreters are based in different countries, have different languages, and

6、 work in different contexts, but share a strong sense of common identity and a strong commitment to uniform worldwide professional standards Gender balance more than 60% of conference interpreters are womenDefinition an extempore oral reproduction in the target language of what is said in the source

7、 language extempore oral target language/TL source language/SLCategories Simultaneous: Booth Whispering Sight Consecutive Difference? Process Multiple task Effort modelsDaniel Gile SI =L+M+P+C CI: Phase one: I=L+M+N+C Phase two: I=Rem+Read+P+C TriangleKnowledgeSkillsLanguageProcess Source Language -

8、 Target LanguageSOURCE MESSAGE(Listening)TARGET MESSAGE(Delivery)TransferenceFeatures/DifferencesTime pressure, Quick responseNo reference booksStage fright, Face the audienceStandards信 Faithfulness Word for word? 浦东新区的高楼大厦如雨后春笋般崛起。 spring up/mushroom达 Fluency verbal filers 这个,那个,嗯,呃, so, and雅 Elega

9、nce achievable? East China is known for its favorable condition both geographically and ethnically.(民族/人种)One restaurant is packed with diners while the other one is deserted.Requirements/Qualifications Good Memory Knowledge: know something of everything Punctuality Public Speaking Ability Communica

10、tion skills: voice, boldnessLISTENING COMPREHENSIONMEMORY TRAINING NOTE TAKINGCONSECUTIVE INTERPRETINGSIGHT TRANSLATIONSIMULTANEOUSKNOWLEDGELANGUAGEExternal Links 口译网 White House Putclub Weibo itunes itunes UWall Street JournalEconomistChina Daily-TipsNY TimesFT Chinese环球时报参考消息Memory Training Sessio

11、n Part OneOverall Strategy Part TwoMemory TechniquesTimePlacesLogical LinkNarrative DescriptionVisualizationMemory Skills First Part Strategy: Focus on the Main Idea Structure/Links between ideas (cause & effect, contrast, transition)Number the Key Elements(1,2,3)First/Last SentenceExample 1 It

12、is often assumed that the cultures of Canada and the United States are similar, however, there are some important differences that may be difficult to notice for people who come from outside of North America. Canada and the United States have a similar culture because they share a similar history. B

13、oth countries were settled by people from Europe who came to North America looking for a new life. Canadians and Americans both developed an individual-oriented culture because this was needed to survive in a huge, new land. In addition, many of the early settlers in Canada came from America. In the

14、 early years of Canadas history, American farmers came to Canada to settle on land that was very cheap. With them, they brought their way of thinking and their politics. 美加文化相同,其实不然 1. 文化相同因为历史相同 来自欧洲 为了生存,于是个人主义 2. 加拿大移民来自美国 土地便宜带来了观念及政治预期下文会说什么?Example 2 In another sense, however, the history of C

15、anada and the United States is quite different. The US became a country after a war of independence with its mother country, Britain. Canada never had to fight for independence from Britain. Instead, Canada quietly became a country nearly 100 years after the US did. This historical difference has ca

16、used some small, but important cultural differences between the two countries. For example, Canadas founding document, the British North America Act, has as its goal “peace, order and good government”, while Americas founding document, the Declaration of Independence, has its goal “life, liberty and

17、 pursuit of happiness”. This shows that Americans may have a stronger spirit of individualism than Canadians. In some ways, Canadians are more conservative than Americans. In Canada, the sale of alcohol is controlled more tightly by the government. Guns are also strictly controlled by the government

18、. Canadian government programs are also a bit different from those of the United States. In Canada, health insurance is free. Naturally, programs like this are very expensive, which means that Canadians pay higher taxes. Once again, this shows that there is a stronger feeling for the group, and less

19、 for the individual. 但是,加美历史不同 美国:独立战争 加:默默 因此带来了很大的文化不同 举例: 立国文献 美国(常识)美国更具个人主义 加拿大更保守: 酒 枪 更注重集体 社保Example 3 The geographical location of a country and its physical characteristics are very important to its development and progress. The United States is very fortunate in this respect. First of all, it has a good climate. In almost all sections of the country it is possible to live comfortably during the whole year. It is true that in the south it sometimes gets very hot, and in the north v


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