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1、Canada高三英语一轮复习高三英语一轮复习Book 3 Unit 5Book 3 Unit 5 Canada Canada - “ The True North”Learning aims(学习目标学习目标)1. Revise the words and phrases of this unit;2. Master the usage of the following words and phrases: confirm, catch sight of, in the distance, rather than;3. Use the above words and phrases to do

2、 some exercises. Unit5 课文回顾课文回顾 语法填空语法填空 Li Daiyu and Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they _ (decide) to take the train 2_ west to east across Canada. The thought 3_they could cross the whole continent was ex

3、citing. Canada is the second 4_ (large) country in the world. People say Vancouver is Canadas most beautiful city 5_(surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. decidedfrom thatlargestsurrounded 6_the coast north of Vancouver, it is 7_ wet there that the trees are extremely tall. That afternoon ab

4、oard the train the cousins settled 8_in their seats. They know cowboys from all over the world compete in the Stampede. Many cowboys have 9 _ gift for riding wild horses. They had learned that most Canadians live within 320 kilometers of the USA border _ that the population is only slightly over thi

5、rty million.Onsodown aand1. n.景色景色;风景风景2._ adv.向东向东_ adj.向东的向东的;朝东的朝东的3. vt.& vi.包围包围;围绕围绕 n.环境环境;周围的事物周围的事物 4._ prep.在船、飞机、火车在船、飞机、火车 / adv.在船、飞在船、飞机、火车上机、火车上 _ n.木板木板;甲板甲板;膳食费膳食费 _ adj.宽的宽的_ adv.在国外,出国在国外,出国5._ n.边界边界;国界国界_ vt.& vi.与与接接壤壤;接近接近P69 words 重点单词重点单词 scenerysurroundeastwardeastwardsurro

6、undingaboardboardbroadabroad通常是复数形式出现通常是复数形式出现borderborder6._ adj.轻微的轻微的;微小的微小的_ adv.稍微稍微;轻微地轻微地7._ vt.& vi.混合混合;调配调配_ n.混合混合(物物);混混合状态合状态8._ vt.证实证实;证明证明9._ adj.富有的富有的_n.财富财富10._ n.距离距离;远方远方_ adj.远的远的;遥远的遥远的11._ vt.使恐怖使恐怖;恐吓恐吓_ adj.恐惧的恐惧的;受惊吓的受惊吓的_ adj.令人恐惧的令人恐惧的12._ vt.使印象深刻使印象深刻;使铭记使铭记_ adj.给人深刻印

7、象的给人深刻印象的_ n.印象印象slightslightlymixmixtureconfirmwealthywealthdistancedistantterrifyterrifiedimpressimpressiveimpressionterrifyingP69 Phrases 短语回顾短语回顾1. 与其与其;不愿不愿2. 定居定居;平静下来平静下来3. 设法做设法做4. 看见看见;5. 在在方面有天赋方面有天赋6. 在远处在远处rather thansettle downmanage to docatch sight ofhave a gift forin the distance1. M

8、any applicants have made a deep _ . But the interviewer were most _ by one of the interviewees because of his _ words. (impress)2. The _ ghost stories _ the children. (terrify)3. Good health is above _. But many people try to get _ at the cost of health. (wealth)4. Li Ming had planned to go _. He wa

9、s already _ the plane to the UK. He must present his passport at the _. (border, abroad, aboard)impressionterrifyingimpressedimpressiveterrifiedwealthwealthyaboardabroadborder1. It is known to all that Jay Zhou _ music. 2. Id like a cup of tea _ a cold drink.3. She _ work and look after her sick mot

10、her at the same time. 4. Wait until the children _ before you start the lesson.5. The anxious mother finally _ her five-year-old son in the crowded street and hurried to him.选用下列短语的正确形式填空:选用下列短语的正确形式填空:rather than, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, have a gift for has a gift forrather thanm

11、anaged tosettle downcaught sight of Work with your partners, first discuss and summarize the usage of the following words and phrases, then find out the related phrases of them:1. confirm2. catch sight of3. in the distance4. rather than1.confirm vt.(尤指通过提供证据尤指通过提供证据)证实证实;证明证明;确认确认使某人对信念使某人对信念/观点观点/理

12、论明确理论明确证实证实确认是否确认是否已经确定已经确定confirm belief/opinion/theoryconfirm whether.confirm sth./that.It has been confirmed that.2.catch sight of 一下子看到一下子看到;看一眼看一眼看不见看不见了了;忘了忘了失明失明看得见看得见;在眼前在眼前看不见看不见;消失消失一见就一见就;初次看见时;一看见就初次看见时;一看见就 at first sight out of sightat the sight ofin/within sight lose sight ofOut

13、 of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。眼不见,心不烦。lose ones the distance 在远处在远处;在很远的那边在很远的那边在较远处在较远处隔着隔着的距离的距离不与某人接近不与某人接近与某人保持一定距离与某人保持一定距离;对某人表示冷淡、疏远对某人表示冷淡、疏远at a distance ofat a distancekeep ones distancekeep sb. at a distance from sb./sth. 4. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they dec

14、ided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. rather than 而不是;与其而不是;与其不如不如 观察下列句子总结观察下列句子总结rather than的用法:的用法: Rather than risk being punished he told his mother everything. I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. (3) Id like oranges rather than apples. (4)

15、He was busy writing a letter rather than reading a book.a. Rather than(句首时句首时) + do,在句中其后用不,在句中其后用不定式时,定式时,to可以省略。可以省略。b. 结构上的前后一致性(对称性)结构上的前后一致性(对称性)宁愿做宁愿做不愿做不愿做1) would rather do than do.他宁死也不愿做演讲。他宁死也不愿做演讲。He would rather die than give a speech.He would die rather than give a speech.He prefers to

16、 die rather than give a speech.2) would do .rather than do3) prefer to do rather than doI. Complete the sentences.1.已经确定了已经确定了在篮球赛中我们班对在篮球赛中我们班对4班。班。_ our class will compete against class 4 in the basketball game.2. 我们必须确认我们必须确认以上的信息以上的信息是否是否真实。真实。_ the above news is true or not. 3.仍然仍然看得见看得见那个挥着手的小

17、女孩。那个挥着手的小女孩。The girl waving her hand is still _.4.这幅画这幅画在稍远处看起来更好看在稍远处看起来更好看。The picture _.It has been confirmed thatWe must confirm whetherin/within sightlooks better at a distanceII Translate the following passage.小林的英语不好,他认为自己没小林的英语不好,他认为自己没有有学英语学英语的天的天赋赋。有段时期,他是。有段时期,他是宁愿宁愿解数学难题解数学难题也不愿也不愿记记英语单

18、词的。但是几次的模拟考试(英语单词的。但是几次的模拟考试(mock exam)都)都证实证实了英语对他来说是尤其重要的。了英语对他来说是尤其重要的。所以,所以,与其与其放弃,放弃,不如不如努力地重新开始学英语。努力地重新开始学英语。每天一大早,你就可以每天一大早,你就可以远远地看见远远地看见他站在游泳他站在游泳池旁。他在那里大声地读英语。一段时间以后,池旁。他在那里大声地读英语。一段时间以后,他他设法设法提高了他的英语,他感到挺满意的。提高了他的英语,他感到挺满意的。Xiao Lins English was poor. He thought that he didnt have a gift

19、 for English. At one time he would rather solve the mathematical problems than memorize the English words. But the several mock exams all confirmed that English was especially important for him. So, rather than give up, he tried his best to learn English again. Early every morning, you could catch s

20、ight of him standing beside the swimming pool in the distance. He was reading English loudly there. After some time, he managed to improve his English. He felt quite satisfied.Homework1. Revise these words and phrases after class by yourselves;2. Finish the exercises on page 71.国名国名加拿大加拿大面积面积9,984,670平方公里平方公里人口人口约约32,270,500地理位地理位置置北美洲北部,西邻太平洋,南面和美北美洲北部,西邻太平洋,南面和美国交界。国交界。气候气候冬季大部分地区寒冷,温度在冬季大部分地区寒冷,温度在0以下。以下。城市城市首都:渥太华,多伦多


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