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1、2019 届高三英语大一轮复习单元知识练习Book 8 Unit 1 A land of diversity. 单项填空1 . We only had $100 and that was to buy a new computer.(2019 辽宁,27)A nowhere near enoughB near enough nowhereC enough near nowhereD near nowhere enough答案A解析句意为:我们只有一百美元,远远不够买一台新电脑。nowhere near enough 意为“ 远远不够 ” ,是固定用法,且 enough 修饰形容词或副词时应后置

2、,故选 A 。2 A housing bubble is an economic situationoccurs when house prices rise much toofast.A whichB whereC whatD why答案A解析考查关系代词引导的定语从句。指物的先行词 situation 在从句中作谓语动词occur的主语,所以用关系代词which 。句意为:房地产泡沫是房屋价格增长过快的时候出现的一种经济形势。不注意分析从句的结构,就会受思维定势的干扰而误选 B 。3 In early autumn Steve applied for admission to colleg

3、e.He wanted to gobut toCornell University. Oh, why not Harvard?A anywhereB somewhereC everywhereD nowhere答案 D 解析考查副词辨析。nowhere but除了哪里也不。4 There is a great deal of evidencethat music activities engage different parts of thebrain.A indicateB indicatingC to indicateD indicated答案B解析 考查非谓语动词。 indicate 预

4、示,显示。和其逻辑主语evidence 为主谓关系,也就是说evidence 是 indicate 的发出者,所以用现在分词表示主动。5 His parents, , did not look after him very well the elbows of his jacket and hisboots were badly worn.A generallyB graduallyC activelyD apparently答案D解析句意为:他的父母显然没把他照顾好: 他衬衫的肘部和靴子都破了。 apparently adv.明显地。6 Nowhere else, as his mother

5、 told us , except the cabin in the backyard.A did he goB he did goC went heD he went答案 A解析考查倒装。nowhere(意思是:没有一个地方)表示否定意义的副词位于句首时要用部分倒装结构。7 It is easy to be thankful for the good things , a life of rich fulfillment comes to thosewho are also thankful for the setbacks.A thatB whichC whileD when答案C解析考查

6、连词用法。句意为:对美好的事物感恩很容易,然而, 硕果累累的人生属于那些对挫折也心存感激的人。此处while 意为 “ 然而 ” ,表示对比。8 Seventy-two hours passed.More than one hundred workers remainedin the coal mine,though fifty had been saved.A trappingB trappedC to be trappedD being trapped答案 B解析 考查 remain adj. 的用法。 由语境可知, 工人是被困的, 所以用 trapped, 意思是:被困的,被陷入的。9

7、Despite the factthey lacked food, the explorers continued towards the goal.(2019上海春招)A whichB thatC whatD whether答案B解析考查同位语从句的连接词。此处 fact 为抽象名词, 其后的 that 从句为同位语从句。句意为:尽管缺乏食物,但探险者们继续向目标进发。10 He saw her coming, and advised me to hide behind the door , advice I took at once.A whoseB whatC thatD which答案

8、 A解析whose引导定语从句指代先行词he且在从句中作advice的定语。11 . Before I began this job, I a babysitter for two years.(2019 上海春招)A have beenB wasC would beDhad been答案D解析考查动词时态。句意为:开始这项工作之前,我做了两年的保姆。此处began 为一般过去时,在这之前应用过去完成时。12 He could hardly his wife s bad temper, so he decided to seek divorce with her.A teamed up wit

9、hB caught up withC put up withDkept up with答案C解析句意为:他几乎不能容忍妻子的坏脾气,因此他寻求离婚。put up with 忍受,符合句意。team up with 与合作;catch up with 赶上;keep up with 不落在后面,跟上。13 These teenagers don t know much of the world yet ; that s why they were so easilyA taken inB taken upC taken onD taken off答案A解析由前句可知,后句意为:那就是为什么他们容

10、易被骗。take in 欺骗。14 Do you like thisof coffee?A signalB signC markD brand答案 D解析 brand 指一类确定的、 通常是著名的商品, 可表述为 “ 品牌 ” 。 signal 信号; mark, sign 标记,标志,不合题意。15 Losing blood , the wounded soldier was in danger and the doctors must operate onhim at once.A a great manyB a great number ofC. quite a littleD. a g

11、reat deal答案 C解析 blood 为不可数名词,a great deal 后需力口 of; a great many 与 a great number of 修饰可数名,复数。quite a little相当多的,颇多的,修饰不可数名词。n .完形填空The PeacemakerI was travelling by the West Coast Express to Mangalore two years ago.Berth( 铺位)No.20 , not far from me, was 1 by a middle- aged gentleman.When the train r

12、eached Palakkad Junction around 9 p. m., a large group of _2_ entered with much disturbance.Just then another middle- aged man from the group _3_ that he owned Berth No.20.He _4 _had a paper given by his travel agent to support himself.The 5 examiner arrived and told the second man that it was not h

13、is berth. "No , " said both men. " It' s _6_:' A policeman from the Railway Protection Force tried to get the second man to leave.But he wouldn ' t 7 and he had the support of his many _8_.Fierce arguments continued , even 9 the train left Palakkad.Then someone even _10 th

14、e emergency chain(应急链)as we were leaving Tirur station , four stops after Palakkad.Nobody could 11_ and it was getting late.12 , around midnight , I watched as a teenager, a 13 I' m sure, climbed down from an upper berth close to me, “Please _14_ my berth,“ he told the second man, who accepted i

15、t after a bit of _15_ .To my great surprise, the student then 16 a newspaper on the floor and was soon lost in deep, peaceful sleep.By now everybody was _17_, as if nothing had happened! I' m a 58-year-old biology teacher who has _18two recent generations of students.I was _19_once again that, c

16、ontrary to popular opinions , young people can often be far _20_ than many older ones.And that' s the hope of our nation.1. A.occupiedB. decidedC. supportedD . booked答案 A解析作者在火车上,离自己不远的 20号铺位是一位中年绅士坐着,因此,可以说这个铺位是这位绅士“占着”的,也就是他的铺位。动词 occupy的意思是“占据”,而book的意思是“订票”,与此语境不符。2. A.teachersB. villagersC.

17、 touristsD . workers答案 C解析 根据第一段最后一句的 “ had a paper given by his travel agent to support himself ”可知,这队人是旅游者。3 A.declaredBpromisedC predictedD advised答案 A解析 根据下文的 “that he owned Berth No.20 ” 和两个人之间的吵架可知, 这个人是在“ 宣称 ” 这个铺位是为他所有。4 A.stillB evenC yetD also答案B解析前面提到此人认为这个铺位是他的,而后又称自己有旅行社提供的 “ a paper” 铺

18、位证明,前后之间是进一步的关系。5 A.barrierB machine C quarrelD ticket答案 D解析 根据后面的 “ told the second man that it was not his berth ” 可知,这个人应该是列车上的检票工作人员。6 A.hisB mineC othersD theirs答案B解析此处的语境是:当工作人员说铺位是第一位绅士的时候, 此时两人都回答“ 那是我的 ” ,所以才有后面的继续争吵。16 A.go awayC hold on答案B解析go away 走开;give in 屈服;本句话的意思是:他不愿意屈服。17 A.compan

19、ionsC passers-byB give inD calm downhold on 继续(不挂断电话); calm down 镇定下来。B friendsD passengers答案 A解析 这个中年人属于一个旅游团,因此,此处的意思是他有很多同伴在支持他。9 A.soon afterB long before第 5 页C long afterD now that答案C解析根据“ Fierce arguments continued” 以及此时的语境知,他们应该是出发后很长时间还在吵架。 soon after 稍后; long before 之前很久; long after 之后很久; n

20、ow that既然。 “continued ” 表明火车已经开了。10 A.designedB stoppedC pulledD escaped答案C解析他们俩的吵闹声很大,以致竟然有人拉响了“ 应急链 ” 。11 A.readB restC leaveD sleep答案D解析 根据下文的 “ it was getting late ” 和最后一段的 “ was soon lost in deep, peacefulsleep” 可知,此时天色已很晚, 却无人能够入眠。 动词 rest 词义太广, 表达语意不够具体。12 A.SuddenlyB ImmediatelyC UnluckilyD

21、Meanwhile答案A解析根据上下文语境,吵架一直在进行, 一直到作者上铺的一个学生让了铺位才终止了这次吵架,因此,这个学生的介入是“ 突然地 ” 。13A.businessmanB studentC nurseD reporter答案 B解析 根据下文的To my great surprise , the student then” 可知,这位青少年应该是一名学生。14A.lendB rentC takeD spot答案 C解析 根据下文的who accepted it ” 和最后一段作者对这个人的评价可以知道,这个学生主动让出了自己的铺位。15A.worryB hesitationC d

22、elayD fear答案 B解析 毕竟那是别人的无私的好意,对于这个学生的好意, 这个人在接受之前有一点犹豫,这符合当时这个人的心理活动。16 A.threwB foundC spreadD collected答案 C解析 根据下文的 “was soon lost in deep, peaceful sleep” 可知,这个学生是把报纸铺在地面上睡觉的。动词spread 的意思是“ 铺开,展开” 。17 A.thankfulB sorryC happyD quiet答案D解析一开始两人吵架,弄得车上不得安宁, 而一旦两人安静下来, 大家都要去睡觉了(正如这个学生一样) ,所以大家都马上安静下来

23、。18 A.controlled B troubledC greetedD taught答案D解析此处指作为58 岁的生物老师,作者刚教了两代青年学生,言外之意,作者对年轻人很了解。19 A.convincedB satisfiedC disappointedD encouraged答案A解析根据下文的“ contrary to popular opinions ” 可知,作者是在反驳目前人们对青年人的偏见,自己深信年轻的一代是有希望的,特别是这件事更加强了作者对此的看法。20 A.prouderB noblerC coolerD lazier答案B解析作者这一天所看到的是:这个年轻人主动把自

24、己的铺位让给他人。 这正表明年轻人是 “ 很高尚的 ” 。出.阅读理解Butterfly gardens can be grown throughout the United States.There is a wide variety of both butterfly- attracting (nectar) plants and host plants covering climate zones throughout the country.Butterfly gardens can range in size from a few containers placed in a sun

25、ny spot to several acres.Nectar-producing(产蜜的)plants will attract butterflies to your garden.In order to support a full butterfly life cycle , host plants (for laying eggs and used as a caterpillar food source) must also be present.Throughout the country , the general requirements for butterfly gard

26、ening are the same : full sun, nectar source plants, larval( 幼虫的 ) host plants, a pesticide-free environment , and knowledge of the local butterfly species.Many butterfly- attracting plants are natives and require little attention as they are naturally adapted to the region in which they live.Butter

27、fly gardens are best planted in spring with younger plants or in fall with mature plants that will become dormant quickly and re-emerge in spring.It is best not to plant in the heat of summer or the cold of winter.One of the most common mistakes in butterfly gardening is planting only one nectar sou

28、rce.Adult butterflies have a very short lifespan.Planting a variety of nectar sources will encourage more butterflies to visit the garden.Planting an adequate supply of host plants gives butterflies a place to lay their eggs , which will successfully hatch( 孵化 ) and result in butterflies that will c

29、ontinue to visit the garden.Butterflies typically lay their eggs in late spring and hatch 3 6 days after they are laid.It takes 3 4 weeks for a caterpillar to pupate( 化蛹 ) and 9 14 days to emerge as an adult.Good resources for learning more about butterfly gardening include zoos , botanical gardens , butterfly houses, garden centers and nurseries, libraries and the Internet.There are many good websites dedicated to butterflies and butterfly gardening.1 Which of the following is TRUE , according to the passage?A Butterfly


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