已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第九讲弁列句和状语从句考点解读核心突破区r 解读考点巧学巧练并列句用法连词例句表并列、 递进或 顺承关系and, bothand,neithernor,notonlybutalso. , as wellas1The earth is one of the sun s planets , andthe moon is our satellite.地球是太阳系中的一颗行星,月亮是地球的卫星。表转折关系but( /、可与 although 连用), yetWhat we are about to do is perfectly legal.But please don t discuss it wi

2、th any one.我们要做的事完全合法,但请/、要与任何人讨论这件事。表选择关系either.or,notbut,or, or else ,rather thanNow you can have a rest or you can go to the cinema.现在你可以休息,或者去看电影。表因果关系for(表“由于,一般不放在句首),soHe found it increasingly difficult to read,for his eyesight was beginning to fail.由于他的视力下降,他发现读书越来越困难了。when 就在这 时,突 然”sb.be a

3、bout to do/on thepoint of doing sth.when.某人止要做某事,突然One Friday , we were packing to leave for a weekend away when my daughter heard cries for help. 一个周五我们正在收拾行李要去度周末时, 我的女儿突然听到了呼救声。She had just finished her homework when her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.昨天她刚完成家庭作业,她妈妈就让 她练

4、习弹钢琴。sb.be doing sth.when. 某人正在做某事,突然sb.had just donesth.when. 某人刚做完某事,突然and与or附十并列句祈使句+ or +陈述句,or表转折Find ways to praise your children often , andyou ll find they will open their hearts toyou.设法常常表扬你的孩子,这样你就会发现他们乐意向你敞开心扉。祈使句+ and +陈述句,and表顺承while强调对比关系,意为“然而;-I wonder how much you charge for your表对

5、比而“services. The first two are free while the third costs $30.我想知道你要收多少服务费。前两次免费,但是第三次的费用是30美元。巧学巧练单句语法填空/单句改错1. (2016 四卷 )It was time for her to have a new baby, it was also time for theyoung panda to be independent.解析:句意为:是它要一个新宝宝的时候了,也是小熊猫该独立的时候了。根据句意可知两个句子为并列关系,故用and。答案: and2. (2016 7匕京卷改编 )He i

6、s a shy man , he is not afraid of anything or anyone.解析:句意为:他是一个害羞的人,但是他不害怕任何事情或者任何人。两个分句之间是转折关系,故填but。答案: but3. (2014 全国卷 I 语法填空)But the river wasn t changed in a few days even a fewmonths.解析:考查连词。因为本句是否定句,应填连词or。这里是两个时间短语表示选择关系,故用 or。答案: or4. (2015 四川卷改错)In fact , I don t like to go any more, so I

7、 m afraid I ll lose their friendship.解析:考查连词。上一分句意为:我不想再去;下一分句意为:我怕失去他们的友谊,两个分句之间有转折关系,故把 so改成but。答案:so 一 but5. (2016 全国卷 I 改错 )Every day he makes sure that fresh vegetables or high quality oil are used for cooking.解析:句意为:每一天他都确保做饭用的是新鲜蔬菜和高质量的油。根据句意可知fresh vegetables和high quality oil 之间是并列关系,故用 and。

8、答案:orfand状语从句考点一时间状语从句1. when, while 和 as 的用法连词含义及用法例句when“当时候”,可与延续性动词或短When you apply for a job, you must暂性动词连用;从句动作可以发生在主 句动作之前、之后或与主句动作同时发 生。present your credentials.当你申请工作时,你必须递交你的后关证件。while“当时候”,一般与延续性动词连 用,从句动作与主句动作同时发生。Mary made coffee while her guestswere finishing their meal.客人们就要吃完的时候,玛丽去

9、煮咖啡了。as“一边一边”,常与延续性动 词连用,从句动作与主句动作同时或几 乎同时发生。As he grew older, he became less active.随着他逐渐长大,他变得不那么 活泼了。特别注意如果主句表示的是短暂性动作,而从句用延续性动词的进行时表示在一段时间内正在进行的动作时,when, while 与as可互换使用。When/While/As I was walking down the street , I came across an old friend of mine.我正沿着大街走时,碰巧遇到了我的一个老朋友。2. before 与 since 的用法(1

10、)before 表示“在之前;还未就;还没来得及就”。常用于句型“ It will be/was+时间段+ before从句”(在之前还要多久,过了多久才 )。John thinks it won t be long before he is ready for his new job.约翰认为不久他就能为他的新工作做好准备。(2)since 表示“自从以来“,常用于It is/has been+时间段+since从句”结构。该句型表示“自从开始(不做)已经多长时间了”,一般从句的时态用一般过去时,主句中的时态用现在完成时。As is reported , it is over 100 yea

11、rs since Tsinghua University was founded.据报道,清华大学已经建立了100多年了。3. notuntil表示直到才,主句谓语动词必须是非延续性动词。As far as I know , his mother won t go to bed until he returns home every evening.据我所知,他母亲每晚直到他回家才会上床睡觉。考点二条件状语从句1 .条件状语从句的常见引导词if , unless ( = if.not) , so/as long as ( 只要),on condition that (条件是),in case(

12、 以防)We will have a picnic in the park this Sunday unless it rains or it s very cold. 除三下雨或天很冷,否则我们将在本周日去公园野餐。My parents don t mind what job I do as long as I am happy.我的父母不在意我从事什么工作,只要我高兴就好。2 .条件状语从句的时态在条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时表将来含义;现在完成时表即将完成之后的情况;一般过去时表 过去将来的含义。If everyone does his part , the project will

13、surely be a success.如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。考点三让步状语从句1. although , though , while 引导的让步状语从句。Though/Although/While regular exercise is very important , it s never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime. 尽管有规律的锻炼很重要,但临睡前锻炼不是一个好主意。2. as, though 引导的让步状语从句常倒装。Hot as/though the night air was , we slept de

14、eply because we were so tired after the long journey.在长途跋涉之后,尽管夜晚的空气很热,我们还是因为累而睡得很熟。3. “疑问词+ -ever”引导的让步状语从句,意为“无论”的结构However hard you try , it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.不管你多么努力,如果不减少饭量,很难减肥。4. whether.or引导的让步状语从句,意为“不论还是: 提供两种对比情况。We ll go on with the work

15、, whether we can find the necessary tools or we cannot.不管我们能否找到所需工具,我们都要把这项工作做下去。考点四地点状语从句地点状语从句表示地点、方位,通常由where, wherever 引导,可置于句首、句中或句尾。I cannot hear the professor clearly as there is too much noise where I am sitting.因为我坐的地方噪音太大,所以听不清教授在说什么。易混辨析where 引导的定语从句与状语从句的区别:地点状语从句与定语从句的区别在于从句在句中所作的成分,如果作

16、状语,则是状语从句;如果作定语,则是定语从句。The little girl who got lost decided to remain where she was and wait for her mother.(状语从句 )fThe little girl who got lost decided to remain in the place where she was and wait for her mother.( 定语从句)那个迷路的小女孩决定待在原地等她的母亲。考点五原因状语从句原因状语从句可由because, as, since , now that 等引导。1. becau

17、se译为“因为”,表直接原因,语气较强,能回答由 why提出的问句。The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair because he wanted to sit next to his wife.那位老人让露西换坐到另一把椅子上,因为他想挨着妻子坐。2. as (由于),since (既然),now that/in that (既然)表双方都知道的原因,语气较弱。as, since和now that引导的从句多位于主句之前。Now that you have got a job , you should learn to be indepen

18、dent of your parents.既然你已有一份工作,你应该学会独立,不依靠父母。考点六结果状语从句结果状语从句由 sothat,suchthat,so that 引导。so +形容词/副词+ that从句;f -so +形谷词+ a/an +可数名词单数+ that从句;so+many/much/few/little + 名词+ that 从句;1 such + a/an +形容词+可数名词单数+that从句;such +形容词+可数名词复数 /不可数名词+ that从句;k such + a lot of/lots of + 名词+ that 从句。I was so tired t

19、hat I lost myself during marching.我太累了,以至于在行进中迷路了。There is so little time left that I don t think I can finish it as scheduled.剩下这么少的时间,我想我不能按时完成。特别注意在so.that 和suchthat结构中,当so+adj./adv.或such + n.”置于句首时,句子要部分倒装。So deep in thought was he that he knocked into the tree without noticing it.他深深地陷入沉思,竟然撞到了

20、树上。巧学巧练单句语法填空/单句改错1. (2016 天津卷改编 )the average age of the population increases, there are moreand more old people to care for.解析: 句意为:随着人口平均年龄的增长,有越来越多的老年人需要照顾。根据句意可知,此处应 用表“随着”的连词 As。也可用 When引导,表示“当的时候”。答案: As/When2. (2015 重庆卷改编 )If you miss this chance , it may be years you get another one.解析:句意为:如

21、果你错过这次机会,也许要过数年才能获得另外一次(机会)。it may be +时间段+ before.为固定句式,表示“也许过时间,才”。答案: before3. (2016 安徽合肥一模改编 )Though it has been one year he came to the city , he knowsevery street here like the back of his hand.解析:句意为:尽管他来这座城市仅仅一年,但是他对这儿的每条街道了如指掌。本题考查固定句型“it has been +时间段+ since,表示自从已经多久了”。答案:since4. (2016 全国卷

22、 n )So, get an early start and try to be as productive possible before lunch.解析:句意为:因此,早点儿开始并且在午饭前要尽可能高效。固定结构as.as possible 意为“尽可能”,第二个 as为连词。答案: as5. (2016 四川雅安中学模拟改编)You can smoke here you leave a window open to let thesmoke out.解析:句意为:如果你留一扇窗户使烟散出去,你就可以在这里吸烟。根据句意可知,此处为条件状语从句,表示“如果,故填if。答案:if6. (2

23、016 浙江桐乡四校联考改编)During the reconstruction of the city, many modern tallbuildings went up old shabby houses were torn down.解析:句意为:在这个城市重建期间,许多现代的高楼在旧房子被拆毁的地方兴建起来。设空处引导状语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,故填 where。答案:where7. (2016 兰州模拟改错 )Second , I have been learning painting after I was a small boy.解析:考查连词。“我从小就一直学习绘画。”故

24、改为 since。答案:after fsince8. (2016 四川绵阳诊断改错 )Now, this unforgettable lesson still encourages meto be an active learner where I go.解析: 分析句子结构可知,learner之后为状语从句,根据句意“现在,这个难忘的课程仍然鼓励 我无论走到哪里都要做一个积极的学习者。”可知,从句为让步状语从句,故将where改为wherever。答案:wherefwherever,高效演练跟踪检测区r高考精镖轻松增分一I .单句语法填空1. (2016 辽宁省实验中学模拟改错)The po

25、or dog lay at the end of the driveway and hardlymoved.I was very sad , dared not say anything to my mother.解析:句意为:那只可怜的狗躺在车道的尽头,几乎不动。我很伤心,但是不敢跟妈妈说什么。根据句意可知,第二句前后两部分之间为转折关系,故填连词but 。答案:but2. (2016 山东潍坊期末改编)Never lose heart you 1 l make a quick advance in your project.解析:句意为:别灰心,你的项目会很快取得进展的。本题为“祈使句+a

26、nd +陈述句”结构,根据句意可知前后两句为顺承关系,故填and。答案:and3. (2016 四川成都三诊)In a talk at Tsinghua University in Beijing , Zuckerberg spoke Chinese for about 30 minutes.his Chinese was far from perfect , the students cheered his effort.答案:Though/Although/While4. . (2016 浙江杭州一模改编)Ten years later I still keep in touch with

27、 my classmatesI ve never met them.解析:句意为:十年后我仍然与同班同学保持联系,即使我从来没有见到他们。根据主从句的逻辑关系可知,设空处引导让步状语从句,故填though 或 although 。答案:though/although5. (2016 -浙江舟山中学月考改编 )Scientists say it may be five or six years it ispossible to test this medicine on patients.解析:句意为:科学家说或许要五六年的时间才有可能将这种药物用于病人进行验证。根据句意,设空处表示“在之前,故

28、填 before 。答案:before6. (2016 -浙江湖州中学期中改编)We still have a long way to go even our project hasbeen carried out smoothly so far.解析:句意为:尽管我们的计划到目前为止执行得很顺利,我们仍然有很长的一段路要走。根据句意, even 引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管”,故填 though 或 if 。答案:though/if7. (2014 重庆卷改编)Half an hour later , Lucy still couldn t get a taxi the bus haddro

29、pped her.解析:句意为:半个小时之后,露西在下公交车的地方仍然打不到出租车。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导地点状语从句,故填where。答案:where8. (2014 全国卷 n )There were manypeople waiting at the bus stop , some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.解析:答案:and。根据句意,前后两句话存在并列关系,故填and9. (2014 辽宁卷)you don t mind, I ll stop and take a deep breath.解析:句意为:如果你不介意

30、,我将停下来深呼吸一下。根据句意两句话存在条件关系,故填if 。答案:If10. (2013 江西卷改编)She says that she ll have to close the shop business improves.解析: 句意为: 她说如果生意没有好转的话,她将不得不关掉这个商店。根据句意可知此处填unless ,相当于 if.not,意为“如果不”。答案:unless11. (2016 四川卷改编)If you happen to get lost in the wild, you d better stay youare and wait for help.解析:句意为:如

31、果你碰巧在野外迷路了,你最好待在原地等待帮助。根据句意,设空处引导地点状语从句,故填where。答案:where12. (2014 天津卷改编 )Give me a chance , I ll give you a wonderful surprise.解析:句意为:给我一个机会,我将还你一个惊喜。本句为固定句型:祈使句and/or陈述句。根据句意,前后两句为递进关系,故填连词and。答案:and13. (2013 辽宁卷)Go to the village and buy some salt , but pay a fair price for it : neither too muchto

32、o little.解析:neithernor为固定搭配,意为“既不也不”。答案:nor14. . (2013 重庆卷 改编)It s not easy to change habits , with awareness and self-control , it is possible.解析:句意为:改变习惯不易,但如果是有意识和有自我控制能力的话,还是有可能的。根据句意可知,前后两个分句之间为转折关系,故用连词but 。答案:but15. (2015 d匕京卷改编)You won t find paper cutting difficult you keep practicingit.解析:

33、句意为:如果你不断地练习,你会发现剪纸并不难。根据语境可知,设空处引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”,故填 if 。答案:ifn.单句改错1. (2014 浙江卷短文改错)A passenger realized he couldn t find his ticket but became quite upset.解析:由语境可知,此处不是转折关系,而是顺承关系。答案:but-and2. (2014 陕西卷短文改错 )We ran to escape but fortunately no one was injured.解析:由语境可知上下文之间是顺承关系,不是转折关系,故将but 改为 and。答案:but-and3. (2016 石家庄模改错)Finally keep in mind that there are manythings that can t be learnt immediately , but never be frustrated when you fail in one or two exams.解析:考查连词。分析句意可知,前后两个句子可以是因果关系或并列关系,因此用so 或 and 连接。答案:butfso/and4. (2015 全国卷 I 改错 )There the air is clea


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