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1、Dragon Boat FestivalDragon Boat Festival(Double Fifth FestivalDouble Fifth Festival)Quyuans poem(诗)“Li Sao”written about life and other important ones are all filled with his deep love for country . At last, however, he was so discouraged(气馁) that he had to end his life by throwing himself into the

2、Miluo River, It is said that the people rushed out in their boats to try to save him when they heard the terrible news, but it was too late . Also, they were so sad that they threw rice in the water to feed Qu Yuans spirit(精神),so now we “zong-zi”for us to entertain(娱乐) friends, especially (尤其是)child

3、ren , during the Dragon Boat Festival屈原诗离骚写的关于生活和其他重要的人都充满了他对祖国的深深的爱。然而,他是如此的沮丧,他不得不跳进汨罗江结束自己的生命,这时候,人们冲上船去救他当他们听到这个可怕的消息,但为时已晚。这时,他们是如此的悲伤,他们把大米在水里喂屈原的精神,所以现在我们的“粽子”我们招待朋友,尤其是孩子们,在端午节的时候。2022-5-194The customs vary a lot in different areas of the country, but most of the families would do like that.

4、一Hanging Calamus and Moxa(挂菖蒲和艾草)二Dragon Boat Race(龙舟竞赛)三The Culture of Rice Dumplings(文化的粽子)四Spice Bag(香料袋)五Realgar Wine(雄黄酒) 春秋战国时期,至今已春秋战国时期,至今已有有2000多年历史多年历史,从从2008年年起为国家法定节假日起为国家法定节假日一一.Hanging Calamus and MoxaChinese mugwort was considered(考虑) a magic herbal(中草药) medicine(医学) to cure(治愈) heat

5、and damp(潮湿的) related disease in ancient time.As a result,Mugwort became a legendary(传奇) panacea(灵丹妙药) to idol(偶像).According to Chinese local chronicles(年编史),”Use cattail(香蒲) on the Dragon Boat Day and insert mugwort at the door side prevent bad luck and get rid of illness”,and“paste cattail and mug

6、wort paper cow on the door on The Dragon Boat Day keeps sickness away.”艾是一个神奇的草药治疗湿热在古代相关疾病。因此,艾成为一个传奇万能的偶像。据中国地方志,“在门边的端午节插艾蒿用香蒲防止坏运气和摆脱疾病”,和“蒲艾纸糊牛在门上的端午节一直病了。In the fifth Lunar month,every household(家用) stared hanging red ornaments,putting out cattail dragon or mugwort tiger, and decorating(点缀,装饰)

7、 windows with auspicious(吉祥) red paper toad(蟾蜍).Young girls cut letter”fu”in layers for good luck;and small kids wore bright red toad made of broomcorn(高粱),garlic(大蒜),These customs are still widely practiced today as folk festivities on the Dragon on Boat Day.第五个月,每日用盯着挂红色的饰物,把蒲艾龙或虎,带着吉祥的红皮书蟾蜍装饰窗户。年

8、轻女孩把信“福”层的好运气;和小的孩子穿着鲜艳的红色蟾蜍用高粱,大蒜,这些习俗仍广泛应用的今天作为民间节日在龙船日。二二.Dragon Boat Race“鼓声三下红旗开,两龙跃鼓声三下红旗开,两龙跃出浮水来。棹影斡波飞万剑,出浮水来。棹影斡波飞万剑,鼓声劈浪鸣千雷。鼓声劈浪鸣千雷。”端午节端午节最应景的节目就是赛龙舟。最应景的节目就是赛龙舟。It is a tradition to eat Zongzi, pyramid(金字塔)-shaped (形状)dumplings made of sticky(黏黏的) rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves, w

9、ith different fillings added for interest . According to one popular story, such dumplings were thrown into the river as food for fish and shrimp(虾) to keep term fro, eating QuYuans body .These dumplings now are boiled(煮) and eaten on the holiday.这是吃粽子的传统,金字塔形状的饺子糯米包在竹叶或芦苇叶,用不同的填料。根据一个流行的故事,这样的饺子被丢进

10、河里鱼虾保持长期的食品,来避免吃屈原的身体。现在就有了在端午节吃粽子的一个传统。苏州在浙江省和江苏省宁波、嘉兴是众所周知的日期和甜豆沙,火腿或培根的粽子,馅料。北京是著名的日期和果脯馅。他们是不同的形状,三或四角,或在一个枕头,斧形,牛角和宝塔。最大的可能重达半公斤。超过2000年中,人们不仅在中国,而且在东南亚,日本和越南一直保持着在端午节吃粽子传统。Suzhou in jiangsu province and Ningbo and Jiaxin in Zhejiang province are known for their zongzi with date and sweet bean

11、paste(浆糊),ham (火腿),or bacon(培根) filling.Beijing is famous for date and preserved(保存) fruit fillings. They are made in various shape, three-or four-cornered, or in the shape of a pillow(枕头),ax(斧头),ox horn(牛角) and pagoda(宝塔).The largest ones may weigh half a kilogram.For more than 2 000 years, people

12、not only in China but also in Southeast Asia,Japan and Vietnam(越南) have maintained(保持) the tradition of eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.2022-5-19端午节11two sweet rice dumplings a sweet rice dumpling with three sweet rice dumplings without beans many sweet rice dumplings without red beans三三.T

13、he Culture of Zongzi 2022-5-19端午节12 a salty rice dumpling two salty rice dumplings with meat and beans three salty rice dumplings without meat and beans four salty rice dumplings with meat and green beans2022-5-19端午节132022-5-19端午节14“粽包分两髻,艾束著危冠。旧俗方储药,羸躯亦点粽包分两髻,艾束著危冠。旧俗方储药,羸躯亦点丹。丹。”端午节不可不吃的美味食物就是(粽子),这端午节不可不吃的美味食物就是(粽子),这种传统源于汨罗江边的渔夫,将米丢入江中平息江中种传统源于汨罗江边的渔夫,将米丢入江中平息江中的蛟龙,希望它们不要伤害屈原。的蛟龙,希望它们不要伤害屈原。端午节最有特色的饰物就是香包。小孩佩戴香包,端午节最有特色的饰物就是香包。小孩佩戴香包,传说有避邪驱瘟之意。用含有多种香味的药用植传说有避邪驱瘟之意。用含有多种香味的药用植物做成的香包也可以预防疾病。物做成的香


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