已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




1、广西柳州市2020届高三英语一模考试试题(考试时向:120#M A分"50分)注意:】端把芥箧城寄宾零题卡上,杏财冬应无效.,客在祸才生先必将由豺现身的军网旗写淌尼'尘封政内不妥笈1L3,逸薛it诂湖2B加4L把茶题卡上时应这口选授的信包点涂里.Hittt 题请用0.5nm黑色字灶,穿守至在各超卡插定位五作各.第1卷选择国)第一部分:听力其两节,雷分30分)微的时.先济善案标在斌谈£:录音内容结或后你将有两分辨的时间将你的赤案转泳到客 观题界题卡上,笫一节【第5小卧每小脑1.5分扁分75分)所下面5段对话每收对话后有一个小88,从题中所给的A ¥、C三个选

2、项中选出最佳选碉. 并标在试卷的相应位置e听完每整对话后,你都有1Q秒钟的时间来回芥有关小税和阅读下一小 息?姆段对话仅读一遍CL 'Mini do烯 tKr man uffrf tu <k> for the w mi tin?A. Givr hef arlcarterB. CtfAn the kryhoan).C. Bring her *no【hr Lrjboml.2. How dnni tiir 悯rmiait frcl TUm?A. Calm.B. Aniroywl.C. KkHinI,3. Wh#!fr doe lh*pMxnbly Inkr place?A. In

3、 a hank.Br In a |W4 ofFiee.C. In a travel agency.4. How rrtuch is a T-ihtri aut*?A, $20.B. $30.C. 34a5. Why didn t *lc VirMnun attend llic lecture 1幅1 flight?A* She visited h«r aunl hi-B. SKe lookan*/ kcrwkildrm al bviwc.C. Sb* htwj tchfr p«renT5 at thruirpoit.第二节(共15小题:每小超L5分鬲分225例所下面5舁对话

4、或独白r每坦酒话或!t白后有几个小IS,从国中所结的A IRC三个逍项q 送出最佳选里,井标在试密的相应&SL听每E2*t语或他白前,你将行附的阅也各个小吃,轴彳 黑S秒伸;听完后,各小心转给出5拴神的作答时间口每段对话或拽白读两曲哧第6段材料,剧答第乐7题,乱 % ha!区 ilir Ui HruiEi Ming now?A, Vbitinga |kirk.B. Aukimg ihr way.7. How is the wonun likely Io prl io brrdrtfiniilkNi?A. On FuqlB, By bu»,所第7段材料*1等第g、9«

5、LK. gfut i* the probable rehMum£ip Lm科eg thr lrtfifxrakcris?5. Kmphyer ani r'lnphj,>r.B. Cu*t4T(nirrand shop sMsiaiit.C. Fzengb and fli#槽 allrnddnt.9, Why (Ue the iaah nrcd a pen?Ah Hl vtjuiI* |« (i3| in afoniuB. He wajit* to >nt« a tra>rl |Un.C. Kt KAnte iHUTiti* jl than

6、kiettcrf.所第8段材料回群第10至12理中ID. What ituniAr dor* Ihe wonian tnaloe tn Uk<*weight?Slw: eftlii I g tnudir ft Xhr nricr eE# breakfast.【L Wli«t khe man advise the ,产凤 iq eal?L Pork.W, Chidrru12- Wliat w>U tha mmu do riitA. Cnok 8in ditbri.K Gn ia h,科m.所第9段材料回答外”至归第.C, Gherkin 加|巾 u hotel.C. lly

7、 Mibv*ri)riC. She nrrerdcrji m iw.C. Vcpttiibles an J fmtls.C. Atr*-nd a gnierene?.13. Ilvw h>ng h*is the 'ftwunn been wviup: moiiy la rr(ferurarr: hrr ;tpiirtment?A. One year.B T忡i> >tdn.C Three ycitfA.14. Wl赢h of the fiJLi'vian ij< nui mi-n,jr<| by the rtutn?A. The Ifiptfl,R

8、. "Dir tfoTi-C. Tlic cvHains.15. How did 版 wumui 那i lire 阳的而空?A- Shedreu th“m by herself.B. A Chinc*i- friend 中"ibem to h< r 触,gift».C. She buuthl dirm from China Lvi 泗川ieThis >urrimrr. met Chincw ritucns tiavr brrn amnl lav women wrariuj: hunf* or Hun-trlr clvlhiflf. at 寺flatiu

9、ru, 9|opfing ped+nrinii 疝reel* or scetuc area, llukifu l»a* erouned a pull讪 airrnlio«k in iWttlI ycam,向Moltg ¥仆1巾 产可小In 2t)ia, Uw Ontral ConwiiKrr of thr CommuriiM YoiiEh Ixarur of Chin* (CCCfL) wt thr ihird da> »f the third mnnih «?f thr Ctiin-csc lun.if critiiu,ihc hird

10、xh、M ihe Chn<: pevpk >mythoi唱kd (神话的)曷Ddor th* Y<4klM Eiitpcrpr ihc annu d Tftxlitionul ChinOu GmtwiM(眼犊) 1hy» It w“ aitiwd to prftniMc dusic Chmu rvlkir*.自“ wll ;k dninnratiii rultuml rnnGdp nri*". Sint-* thnn,【I婚 beauty of hanfu Ium gainrd in«)rr and iixire rccoiiilivfi And

11、 Mcrptagr M euiukhi pwjkGrnrrwlk. refer* iu tradilinal CSinrae orrnmls w<kti hy thr llau nntwnatiiy before th* Qin冒 IXngdy (164419111Hmi Chinese fituhing has; idw iHlumcyrd soiiifitsneigblMxiiig cullural co«tuiim, includinig Ilir Jipjricur kimonot Kirtr;in hunbuk. ind cluihing of Mun(ooliA)V

12、irlriim and Rhu1MBHiuiRie1/gaGt and Ixaut iful, not only du。t“ ih” |Fwxi!tuiwls <*T y+ers of ctilture twlnnrl its段i. This tr«tdilioAal dre与 ako»ut beraue uf iw Tenuirkaljl crafi即皿iship. ftum fabric Iddmxiton. H&nfti Adopt! mow ibn 30 rxaniplc* of rhin4',in*isildr cultural hrrita

13、pxr a:* well os Cbh汗 arts and rjafh utkIgt prrMTv&iun.卜Luifu n:pn-«rits ntily appreciMtivn of ihv IxiLuly* hul *Iho a mrifinualiiMi >uIkHlillStuil Cbilk6!K culture. NomKla”. iM«e and imnefMhiai deiiiiers wA tu IumIuIm iiKfiiralion, ptoduciftg fiuhtollable nain| il<-* iif hnnFu Rx

14、 n n* w er*('纪元).24. *'hy did CCCYL Mt thr third day d* thinl nmutL r4 ilw Charw*' lurur rulcvMlar -is ihe annual Trtniitirknal Chinese G*i-riv*ntA. hi lirlp dffiign hjnfu,K. To pnmKrtr (iir»afrr>nnmy.IlC. To tcHK-nJK-t ihv Link vf tliv YdLw Ernpcror.D. T<» rmxirar nv

15、7;re pe*+J*. tn know *h*»ul c!jiS'i«Lcw Itun25. Whih Mkuniri" culiiir&l wiunvn hwe bwn mfliwswl 悔 H»n Chinti- duihiiiE?A. Japunrvf urid RirrinC, Kvfvuii 41H *26 Wkat 讪 pMnTHjA 4 ninirlly alwut?V Thr rirh mllun- uf hanfii-C. Thr Yurklwidc irdlucutr uf hanfu.27. U lu-re j i

16、hi« gt lilcdy from?B- HgUem wd Brilihh.D. MoniJiun mhl ArnrricsiLB Tfie rf iMMis foi ifie kaiity of haiiFti.I), I'lir M>pulaiily(>/ hunfu dniviig >vung pnif4c.A. A didry.EJ. AD. A guiilehuok.16We »pcnd 40 hourst iif mi adull Nvcu wufkin& i nd tiding thr I hi*-1<» w

17、hI fn-m ili<- Su i( n(r urpriic 广 bfx:omr rrlly fswd xilli uur ckoprcv.博一”律t of «印丁 linw- with ihriiK after .id I. Btit limrs liase clidrcd nd 小wajr wulL lu one archer h F*rTrk"、iJop;n皆-N"*'. raynv vQtrkjmi.f hzivr itilrmalsVlrrib* tkul t1wLr* a 卜斗" m-rwl p-t up11nd >Lk

18、 r«Aind to 'pralt, Ui r*u> colli,工序i<f EiiKubt fly Hn«intl with ntiromxjs Cc.in)*» ropifd uk >n jai ihr lrw>p (m jp). Bui i.tli贮 vbIuc of Eiier -t<»-facc ro<iver*walion in 1厨 Hnikphuw?Nr* Zr.tLind' » nukt j<1mirr3 uin«- hc»rw. atla Mrtn

19、+t. krv»* 楣,ot i、ifHzlinn-nd how 阱/nmmimicAlinn can hrlp -Hi-nh-n 1 husim、,frnni the irsidr out, Its npuly l»uiwhid ,声的1由k mIIh lh Vidur M CnnYErwibon* e,pMga wlul tMhJi 4中k ijIuf I he eoM. jHhjI a h管TA%LM rhal anti huw 门口音”、1泉 w ilh rjih vllirr in penxm rjn tirikr a ilifL rwiir in Hl arrj

20、s N llxhir live*.klihtMjgii neAflt I in 5 British propk Hiid i quick nnjul imue rfTicicitl in thrir work, ihry Mill value Ih*1 ini|MWtaner <if 卬r.ikin Io ihrir collcKirs in ml life and brnriftf iheir id«u* lUing ttw*> iiny unceHJiincy and giving ihr q)perw而ty k<This " prrhapi why.

21、 iJrspiir prcCrrrinffmaik. nfTtrlv thrr-(i«airirrs <if Bnlrh pr作ph hdime thJl 可片业即咒 to people dirwllv Ie& ic l>ett«-r conmEink alinn and iniprovinft ftrk rrsuits.ObvHiTj?ly, 855t of ihe pntpk mi iIk Age of 18*2-1 belies? that if meoiu; is pmniivt and enfiJ.nt ilunng facc-io-fiKr河

22、iun>. iV4 邮 iiuliztw 小闺 theytrr r-ooI -d th1rj岛,So perKap pLittjrLginU lilde CKlrj缶E (o Lu r-to-furr rotihrTSMtwn4 will x? div+i严k. If havir1 d. ronver>»h(rt» irt p-fxHl could lx-lp、ou Lr«'p a ris*jht6 d )1 Jw- vorfh.28. U bal make* thr hays of llif <iminunmh*ftC口"pu

23、jJUtm cliUrig?A. IKe order from their hnsss,B. Th»* Llfijipm nttke glkqmes.C. Ilir oinwenir riec of UMttg; eltUliKD. Til# prrfcrPfKW tw Mi噫 work aloiW.29. Whnf it Villa Mafia' aililiwU lo» iinfe Girlo-fjwe cunimiini< utiuti?K. Doiibthil.R.C Ncgathc.D. Sympailinir.30. Why do many Bri

24、lifh pKiplcAfill hke 卬coking E<XhE dirrcily while wwiing?, 1l ran imprnxT lllr rrhti<M)>h3p viith rxhrra,H. It can &Avr Ihm rinich limtC. it can nidke pempk cixnnitinitalr niurt cily Lkum ndinf «bnui«.0. h ciimmtnbutc t“ bvtlcr tcnrriurnraiioii und iciiprnvmgorl rc“uli%31. Wha

25、i dfrrfi ihr undrriinrd j由4/ *'p»Y di* kl<*n<l'' in 产s护唳15 mgri?A,Crt m*«rdsrR. Pay halanm.C. Irarn 3M D. KndWhul -Ao Me knnwabovl Mu m&n ItiM OhC <onver*al i&ft?A. He u&cd m hr 1 卬亶鼻I 网B. Hr helped the woman, with th« redetotiiriMi.C. ihu vunun i depd

26、iimcni beforr the rwieturaikiti圻第10代材料.国答制17至2012-17rli h妙/ d;d ttie “w J妙r pmLM,Wthe spwvh/A- licfur*- ihr prrfnmiftnref.H During ihr |irrtunrumm,C. AEkr 由总 perfrniAflccs,IK What kind N job tlkl ilir 中eaUrr pjuLabk- do in theo-tKcrt?A. Pc hmtrd the eke.B. H*Ilir mhrM.(. Hr wotkH Dtidd lh* sc+nr-4.1

27、9- R 1加 liHjjfx-nrJ ih»' 'fi>nr-m urenfrhJiyA j Thr- roEu rrt was pu t 备IT beraiir of tlir bra*T rain-H. Tho amhrnce in ih1 lux k row* w*h dKturbrd by tli< Jruk o! the nin,C, The- ftwP 4 th# (hpjtrr suciiphk hTtikvn in i“ middle of Oipetoii-ertt20- K ial is thp spalc<r mainly t

28、aJli:i aLciut?A. HrbiUdinRtk,:加七用t七nH. PniSnir I he p-muT*.C. Eipwising rhanks 制nd apclopes.第二部分:阅读理解(扶两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小短;督小睡2分扁分30分)他读F利韶文,5址融所第的四个选地(384和廿)中,送出最佳造虫除唐茶心W上箱该造AHecommended Touts in the USAAdwwh】rk calling rod kMEer h ehallm百ng hike or an urbtn botspert dtp«& m T, 1bMinded up

29、y的r of the be鼻I totie for you Io enjoy.3 .1 后小 * , 皿* -r : 4s K ji i、K 匕J,ftr 11 s 拼 up4m6 Tour ArizonaDuMhuaittff K)' lOhtmntThrse argw)u« blue-pern “ulurfkJk ain be found deep in ihr < iranrl Cant on(域谷* The virwA an? hrrlhMkic耳 hut to reach 而* anidiic. you nuHt 卜 abh Io luke 10 fflilr

30、s thrre ind back. Mi think th in hewliful place ih totally wMlh the eflod togrl tbenThe Ch%&离。Architecture Tour, Ctilm股Oitraiioir 8 hour*You* n> ain算 Io likr in ihr mxe EnniiMn huildiinp on ih- Ghirao Vvrhilwturr Tour. On this pari 讯ulnr N明 you can alw t3sie diffticnl wine, bef/. or ctckiail

31、* u you Hiictch your neck to mjoy the beauty of «onK*of th户 talk»t 山?次也户件 in I he world.The Library Hotel Tour. VmRRurarinn; 5 houEItlfsm 什船副疝 diag of Nf *?rL ejin Im- nn1>rand>kT bul I his ortEJf %<of史 rs the p-.rfrrt f>c/x- (ih bmkiih tuvrlrr. 5fop l>y The Ijujt b«ik*

32、ihrlf ihqt rrachce up 1t> ihr ur hr«ri G,ppf,try pardrn ualh a fhrnd, rhjaying the* si/hls M inidlo'* u.Tlie Forvifsn Cinema TmirT C'alitbrnhflDnratiotu 8 IkmjeCoftiliine yoyr love “ fine food and film at ihr Foruiyi Gmetua nt San Phinct*,、CnlifoHliil. ll p|»vs a variety of 口

33、71;»&、from $ingiN in the Rwn, to Prijicris to CT<ivily. (hmtsU c*ri rujoy ll“7 x rrv-miigfi in a riNNTi with foud> like oyrJrra,箕避 丽t.制串1 >irloin brM 心*2 L IF ytAi WMnt to hiking, which Tour r tlir rhivirr? riA. Th, Kjvuupui F«lk TgrB Thr Chicago Anhilectucc TourC. Tile Lbfaxy

34、 Hold Tow.D. Tlw- Fnrri gn Cinema T«wr,12. What ran y«XJ duon lh<* Chicago Arehilectupr Tntir?A.国Hch dillfM川 kir»d> of mwM.fi. Grt a aittiful 忤岫t of 节加品4尻C. Enjny ihc Mtnny >4 tall buiMinp.I), K pud fmks und ch«1 with n frirnd in ihe |ar(L n.23. % hiit <U (hrfour iihi

35、ph Jiavr in enmnioii?A. Tliry orr Ml tw in in thr- cily.B. They iw 弱 Eh&rt I Mirs with in a day,C. They can l»*tjny ttll kinds of IoikIs, D. They nn* all &ifht田"吕匕同用 iri llif- UShDh' ? diffkuk v> imagine now. but al 口rtuin 加川g ill ihr Eiurh*» hi»4vr> kr nivrml d

36、ir enltrr planet, 711、kujfn Erth, njrkriaiTifir| SnowbdImjm)Mverr th$r the Earth , h- i'ii<in' xiriacc,Fran pole to poly iracltidin器 th« ocean,frax ovt'r ajJi!H樨即、例.*r in»nmrnT>lisc ten Gai at E.n»r>ry University in Gcorps.In 1840. Ixriiv Agji*由$脚山力 nolimil 比knt&#

37、39;L was amurig the first io 4k,”iwhi才用“ uiM pnnide evidrtice that 出* Firth h*d jdne through ke aps. Joph Kinurhvink: w Afflrr»< 4mlakerCrralrd Ihc tenn "Snowball Earth* in 4 1992 tritlmk.hfdicvP that (but icvrrfr ice ag*s ocruTird Iwrtwe*n 750 nullion aiul S80ymrsago. prsbfihly because

38、 the Earth,s Larwi xer士 4 1 k)caL &r swyu thr rquuti>r (赤道),nliich renukexl in inrr*A&ed nejh-rrtrig(风化* Weathering is h«p件丹ing wlwn wind uid rain Meak de帽的dfnlminerals ctk lh* pknpt" s turtsce. Thfl process kwh to demued cirbon dinnidein thr门 1mMibfir, which 11110M/ mnrr hrdt l

39、o get nwoy from the <uifuce und inki 邦qcl coolingpluivH,causing thr planpt into a deep (reexe.Ihe so<rr 廿妙 9即* evyntually tnelled away, SciumiS bclirve thul volcanoes cofltinunl hi pump carhtm dioxitic into the JiltiM迪phere throughout thr io?峻心 pvrntually wannin/ tlw* planet p-ntHigh that die

40、waler cycle eculd rcJjirt. As ihr Kartli toanncfi and caiue out of its dwp frerze, a huge rxplinn of hfr orcurrrdt knovn g the Cambrian (寒武纪)expies ion.Will wr ber d.norhtr Snowball Euth in our futvrr? Ar(-ocdjng to it'* unlikrly. dur in iIk pccad-cut of ihc ftrntinenu* *Evrn wilh oinmc wiatera*

41、 continental ire Ahrets would fornix vrhich would stiip von( incutaJ HglirririK and alluw caiboti(iioii(k to build up in rhe atnwphrrr, h'Hrliig » haitcih嚼 rallivr iKdn Gei味/ hr 海id32. Ilw raiiny Mierc ice 邛s occurred Ijeinern 750 milhoo and 580 luillion yrans apr atT»nlir»p U

42、7; (lie pa*7J 那”?A. llwer.B. FourC. Fir%D, S«x,What know afxMit the 卜'rlh according la llw j»aapr?A. Ilie Ictto "SnoMhdl Earth" w»s f;Z ip JS4Q.LL Million3 flf years 鼻的.I be tlarlhs laixJ wen'n 11 where they are ilow.C. Walhcrir唱 waa Ike rrmin fiuilor of v*Hrnun tlic

43、 tjirth,D. The EAnh waJ cQmpldcly <w«?rrd >iih ice duringihr Cwibri-an period.34. Whxt probably M u> th* flfihr a 咚“?A.B An unlnown m&AMkC. Caitian diaiide from volearw*.D. A for” from the outer space. + 55 IT * 中. ra lit “Jr * 寸 r M、33+ Whal in 1 “ title Irw I he Idl ?A.Snowball E

44、arth: The End vf the lufeB-知祠。Iw h率叁 rn ik £灯1卜'+ HiMoiyC, FroEEti Eafth« Aiwlhcf lee Age 卜 ComingIX Sntnhliflll Earth; WiU ihe Rlitc Htmcl Go WhiEu Afiaiit?r;第二第(共5小题;每小是2分,事分10分】根据甄文内容,从短文JS的选项中选出庭埴人空白处的最值选项.选项中狎两项为短余 通John Mtiir,ncc Mid, "lh>u用indx & Hned. ncnc-slkukni,

45、©vej-riilizrd people urr hrginnirig t<* find out that Roing Io the mounMnq 诃 £oing homr; ihat储 u nrcxrwilyJ % ilh I hr rifdilknowledge* vkill mi tnd «juipm+mt you'll have a ni<* eperioice if you umai in lir Ae wild. Bui mihhuMt, Rrau 35t1 iptre out c«iian»e of an h

46、on sni l«blt- fsr yonr e-nv iromi>t:iil. A.k yours4LT Ithwc quethni* firtt;的 How tiMiv Aupp&E Hnuld yem need io 双视n u;th?【勾 yg h&*,巾 lhr >kilh t« tunivf in tha rLinATr ,叫rePraciicr: "nurwivn techmqvei" st hoent i*forr you iwd ihrm. FurMmpln kam hfm ki mfl.kr fin- “i

47、ihout miitches nr Dit(-r*+ *htdl is vp-ryin thf wild. 3839 Bnnf; ike Tiflht clothe and praptrfal itrm lik比 wipp, Lnive». m-Eting, luitrm 3nd fliuhlifJitd, dried k»d. some*ifer filter,haJ Map uf Arta, Uarkcij minw4. axe.Tddjo-tlool Uld strTrlllg kll, *1 七.C*ri&r Luting elw before ”uYw&#

48、39;fC lx例喇 if ”,u |中“勺吐川灯箱口油携T«i >d (jffto jour dicainiugMiidicr Nuimc. . 40 .AUq, Irani I。be cr«lm when rmrrgctu y knppibnxA. Wrwfc oui a suppl y li*Ik 'Ilir following tig may MUpFuLC. 3hrr 胃 iH yew clionu* to st up ytbhir Eimp?Ik Liv ifi in the rily ;* i"urk *nkriE. Yi 1 nrd

49、t<* !i-am s<inir Exusic4百17 疝d.F. Bring iJnnr in lie *凯%即铝thw y(nJU liv*- ymiT own Jik,G. Cntidirr ikHng 时jmc .血thin/ Itk-c Irijning to nt far nimivAl.第三尊分港宫知识亟用(捷两节.满分45分)笫一节 完彤携空1 共加小髓:肉晦15分,满分州分)阅强下面博文,从短文后各虺所附的四个迫期“氏(:和门中,沆出加以填入空白处的最佳 透项,并在若即F上将诙项涂4LliRl 寄induiy afipfiKiui. j tm*k rolled 曲

50、, ihu Animd Lr叩妙 口口 Lm嘈 kl:mL笥rry闻艮mnu thwi fiUf d钾E 卜giJns cm*, und dogr lluil lo*t (heir homrs in llir hnnt ;ni-j IhI *Hi £町由 Carolina. Thcrie aninuiJ wiiji! 4 】 nrui tiuom la K* nflrrrd.Ahcr gminuaicadnN 42 th,Rt wv? Outer in C*tdin«, ibr t»k Fiww Long Und43 fef Sfluth Cuolini #h T

51、undAy. Il /;> full H 44 也限 jirid t-ai fuid» «>< and ciwi-up xiipp氏4 An Aninuilmrmb*匕 *d Morjait 媪4 "He 45 lh>* inick wiih dwuiionr Emmike wtim-h胪Mtii proplc *”i the inland/Ihank- iriih?m fur flnnuin tiir*-e suppliis 46 /"Mofiarefr nnd dinolhcr member 47.桥 four >hi

52、llcr (超 乘 厢l®r*g k mast in SouthCjirMiru Mi” Hurries ne Darian hit, Thw 4K . up Ihr animK and ddkrr»d the supplirt - crcdlinF 4, for r rraluies inoved by the FkJmi. " Wt?期N融 5Q llic l«)nrh:k> anirruiL ' &aidMun&u Thtie M®ih 置Mild 弧的 bwn killed il we had 51 Th+

53、 m," jid.Tkc rrliitn iHpwiih S3 kiticika, dog4 und puppies, 52 hlop U &p Making %“n中 nfllir (mimali 4Pm 53 的 ibe trip Mehm they wi* S4 or nnl used 1c humnn tLirh. -Whh d little hit of tovr itM-sr nnimds ran m&k产 u 55 巾加赋 nml bertmw: the iovb蝎 pets ihat etcryonr 56 J Muriate said.He*4 bf

54、fnrr ihe truck 57, 4hr Animal Lrae uii【力唠 1 Jind hud hem full 城 pwplcliopng io 5S1kww*r* I hekdm South 科制 i*oft i be _ _S9_, hr otlqMinnfior a fev day betaur thry Mill have to 中 hn»iif.h media JM _41. A. buildingR. i-ipeciing£. buyingD, lo*in£42. Al from在 ihrw曲G wilhH bf43. A* left在 C

55、lWH,c tnoviiiD* 呼vnrd441A. Jgi idledH. nLJc修通由JIX rruHx!454 K .iu科B. cTt rolledG reachedD, filleddA. A. immEJi AidyR. LMuJIyC_ T2iiluallyIk Midcit-nly47. & kJB. flewG dm"IX fjJle44fi. A. ptriced look T- climbedH hdd49, M AMR. furtliftr( pnyriumD. “pwf50. A. trainB nd uiTiC,jHtdlD. re*nie5L

56、A. approBtbedB.哥印i-donedC. LeptD. pnolecled5X 耻 nRreivedB. incliidfrdC即渊TD. muruM53, Aiwr牌IL aHcntiwiC« ch府11无的D.54. A. tklighudR mrwMC eii/d口.|UMMd5% A JitthE. htrdC. cmpklfD.56, A.期mix*K ia.EC. dnimD. aurins57, A. Arriveda WimdC4e3lD. nipped5R A. teeB. adoptC. MtveD. ul/sene.59.A. prunUc.nlEL

57、血加1山C. rrjuonaf)D. *liableMl A. skillsB. mi 吁u*C. r mil ii rial ions11 rrcuidsturf-英语听力录音稿这里是 柳州市 2020届高三第一次模拟考试英语学科听力测试部分。该部分分为第一、第二两节。注意,回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将你的答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。停顿 00' 10"现在是听力试音时间。M: It s a beautiful day today. How about a little trip out into the countryside?

58、W: That sounds great. What will we do?M: I don t know. I really haven t thought about what we would do. I would just liketo get away from the city for a while.W: Would you like a picnic or to buy something to eat?M: A picnic! It sounds good to me.W: OK. If you give me about an hour, we could have fr

59、ied chicken, some salad, cookies and something to drink. What do you think about that?M: It will be delicious. I can hardly wait to eat.W: While I m doing this, why don t you plan our trip?M: All right, that sounds like a good idea.停顿 00' 02"试音到此结束。听力考试正式开始。停顿 00' 10"请看听力部分第一节。第一节听

60、下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后。你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。停顿 00' 02"现在,你有5 秒钟的时间阅读第l 小题的有关内容。停顿 00' 05"Text 1W: This keyboard is very dirty. Can you give me another one?M: Sorry. I ll just clean it for you. Can you pass me the cleaner?停顿 00' 10"哔Text 2W: I can hardly hear the singer. Those fans are crazy. They are so loud.M: Aren t you excited?W: No!


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