1、小学英语首字母填空精选附答案一、小学英语首字母填空1.小学英语首字母填空一一专题讲解如何突破英语首字母填空首字母填空是小升初考试中常考的题型之一,也是近几年各省、市中考题经常采用的题型 之一,这种题难度相对较大,考生失分现象严重。下面就讲一讲做这类题的方法与技巧。首字母填空属于能力测试的范畴,它能全面考查学生的英语水平。这类测试要求学生不仅要具备一定的词汇量、句型和语法等方面的知识,还要求学生有一定的阅读能力,能灵活运用所掌握的语言知识去分析语篇。常用的答题技巧如下:1 .通读全文,掌握大意每篇短文必然是有逻辑性的,短文段落之间必然承上启下、前呼后应。因此通读全文是必 要的,目的是对文章有个全
2、面的了解,弄清其中心思想和大意。反之,只在一点、一处做 文章的话,会导致断章取义。但我们要注意通读全文只要能了解短文的大意即可,细节不 理解可以跳过,切忌逐字逐句的反复细读。在阅读时要特别注意一篇文章的开头(一般不 设空)和结尾,它们能提供主要的信息,帮助了解全文所描述的事件或文章的中心思想。2 .认真分析,巧填单词我们在了解文章大意的前提之下再次通读短文,目的是对短文有更进一步的了解。要想填出每个空的单词,我们要注意以下方面:(1)依据习惯用法与固定搭配进行填词:【如】 W his help, the old man was safe. The boy thanked him very mu
3、ch.从句意我们就知道是“在他的帮助下,with his help.(2)依据语法知识进行填词:【如】It was a l earlier.从句中的earlier可以看出它是比较级,我们应该会想到修饰形容词比较级有哪些词,前面有 a,那肯定就是little.(3)依据常识的积累进行填词:【如】 But it was too late. His friend was very angry. Mr. White said nothing butonly one word S. Mr. White 迟到了,他的朋友很生气,他什么都没说, 只说了一个字“ S. ”我们根据常识肯定是向他的朋友道歉,所以
4、肯定填sorry.(4)依据逻辑推理与句意理解进行填词:【如】 One Sunday afternoon,Mr. White drove his new car to his friends househappily. He wanted to p his friend up at five and then went to see a new movie together.根据句意,Mr. White 高兴地开着车去他的朋友家,然后一起去看电影,我们可以进行逻辑推理,他肯定是去接他的朋友,所以填 pick.上面所说的四个方面,我们在填词时一定要注意上、下文的关系,这对于把握文章的整 体意义大
5、有用处。另外,要学会跳读,即对不理解的地方采用暂时回避的方式,待真正理 解全文之后再找解决的方法。我们在有困难的填空中,可以尝试口头翻译句子的意思,把 它前后的句子的意思联系一起,而且翻译的时候尽量是有声的,我们尽量通过不同的途径 来刺激大脑的运转。3.细心检查,避免疏漏完成填空以后最关键的一点是要细心检查每一个填空处是否有笔误或是疏漏的地方。有些考生为自己全部填出了答案而沾沾自喜,根本没想到不是缺了一个“”少了 “ s”,就是忘了加“ -ed”,这是很可惜的。因为他理解了意思、看懂了题目,但因粗心而“大意失荆州”。细心检查,反复回读,就能减少疏漏,提高做题的正确率。首字母填空三步走:一、通读
6、全文(对全文大意有了解,而不是盲目地读,学会跳读,对不理解的地方可以暂 时跳过去,不要管它)二、认真分析,填写单词(在了解大意的情况下,开始一边阅读一边做题。在阅读的过程中要注意根据上下文的意思,进行猜测,找出关键词、短语或句子,还要结合所给单词的首字母进行填空,并注意单词的正确形式)三、通读全文,进行检查做这类题目要注意:1、单词量2、一定要根据上下文的关系讲行判断。可以采用以下方法进行做题:(1)根据习惯用法和固定搭配来进行填空(2)根据语法知识来做题(3)根据常识积累来做题3、利用词性帮助判断4、注意检查_2.小学英语首字母填空考点一、首字母填空考点首字母填空类题目,主要考察学生词汇量。
7、在做题时,一是要根据句子意思判断所要填的 词语(包括词性),部分题目需要结合生活实际、固定搭配、固定句型来分析;二是要根 据语法判断所填词语的适当形式,比如所给词若是动词,要结合“四大时态”(一般现在 时、一般过去时、一般将来时、正在进行时)判断动词是用三单形式、过去式、原型还是 ing形式;若所给词是名词,也要分析要用单数还是复数。二、根据首字母填空题型专练1. We usually have a big l with our family.2. C Day is coming. We need a turkey.3. My mother b a lot of food every week
8、.4. My parents dont w on Saturdays.5. First, dont talk.T _, open your books.6. It is so beautiful. It l nice.7. Can you p this book on your fingers?8. What do you do at C .9. F, we all have a good time.10. We always have a lot of f at weekends.11. My h is swimming.12. Sam w _ TV at six every night.1
9、3. I cant get out. Im too f .14. Yang Ling r English every day.15. We often c with our friends on the Internet.16. Acomes after summer.17. - Lets go and have a p. Wu Tao. Good idea!18. In s, its warm. I can fly k.19. He usually v his grandparents on Sundays.20. Mrs Li t _Chinese in our school.21. I
10、have three s-lessons today.22. Othe door, please.23. You should put all your things in o 一24. I like p with Kitty the cat.25. My uncle l in China.26. Dont t _to strangers.(陌生人)27. - Lets go and play football. W_ a minute.28. Let me send this e _first.29. Mike is twelve y old.30. What s _does he like
11、? Maths.31. Does your aunt always w _stories at home?32. We should a_the policeman for help.33. The clothes f _me very well.34. Whats wrong with you? I have a h.35. My sister is d _a picture in the study.36. My mother is w _the dishes now.3.首字母填空练习失分的主要原因:解决办法:1、词汇量不够1多积累词,可按照字母顺序来背颂方!度单词的词性及词性的正确用法
12、 4检查时注意M文章的全文理解2、词义理解不完整或错误、U意文章的首尾及填空部分的前后内容3、词性判断错误4、没有仔细检查4.There is a p near our school. We can see many trees and flowers there. Some flowers are red,and some are y. We can see a hill behind the park, too. At the foot of the hill we can see a r. There are some boats on it. Children like to go t
13、here. It is Monday today. There are many young Pioneers(少先队员 )in the park. Some are walking and singing. S are dancing or pgames. Ann and h_ sister Kate are flying a k. Tom and his brother Sam are t a Frisbee(飞盘).Their father and mother are sitting u the tree. All the family are h agood time.I.park
14、2.yellow 3.river 4.some 5.playing 6.her 7.kite 8.throwing 9.under 10.having5.There are s_1 days in a week. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, W 2, T 3,Friday, and Saturday. Most children go to school from Monday to Friday. Most people don t w_4_ on Saturday or Sunday and most shops are closed in Engl
15、and on Saturday afternoon andSunday. But in China, shops are o_5_ every day. Sunday is always a h_6. It s the f_7_day of the week. Some people go to church on that day. The time between Friday evening a_8_Monday morning is the w 9. It is the time for r_10. We can t work all the time. Wehave to rest
16、from time to time.1.seven 2.Wednesday 3.Thursday 4.work 5.open 6.holiday 7.first 8.and 9.weekend 10.restTom is a seaman. He is always drunk 陶醉).One day Tom went to a strange city. He drank very much in a bar (酒吧间)that night. When he went out of the bar, he saw a man l 1 in the street. The man was qu
17、ite drunk. When Tom came n 2 , the man pointed to the sky and asked, Excuse me, is that the sun or the m 3 ?Tom looked at the sky for a few m 4 and answered, Im afraid I cant help you. I am a s 5 here myself.l.lying 2.nearer 3.moon 4.minutes 5.stranger7.Six-year-old Harry w _(1) to buy a l _(2) Chri
18、stmas present for his sister. But he had only five cents in his p _ (3) . He went a _ (4) the shops and came back with a s _(5).What is your present ? His mother asked him.I got h _(6) one ice just now. he said.Well, you know ,Harry, said mother , Christmas is i (7) two w _(8) time.I suddenly r _ (9
19、) that after I bought it, Mom. answered Harry,and so I a _(10) it.(1) went (2) little (3) pocket (4) around (5) stick (6) her (7) in (8) weeks (9) remembered (10) ate8.Thanksgiving Day is o( )the fourth Thursday of November. The f Thanksgiving Day was in t1621.On Thanksgiving Day, p in America get t
20、ogether with family and f .People e foodlike turkey(火鸡)and pumpkin pies(南瓜馅饼).On Thanksgiving Day they s 1dance and playgames at the p.Many familes like w( )the Thanksgiving Day parade( 游行 )on TV. They have a g time on that day.on first the people friends eat sing party watching great二、完形填空9. 完形填空完形
21、填空。Today is Saturday. Its is 1. Jack and Kitty go to a park in the country side. The wind is2gently. The clouds are moving slowly in the 3. Some birds are singing in the trees.They are flying a kite 4. The kite flies 5 the tree. Suddenly(忽然),Thewind 6 strong. The clouds are moving quickly. The stron
22、g wind blows their kite away.Jack and Kitty go home quickly.2. A. blowD. move1. A. sunB. sunnyC. rainD. windB. blowsC. blowing3. A. skyB. landC. waterD. road4. A. happyB.unhappyC. sadD. happily5. A. ofB. overC. forD. into6. A. comeB. becomeC. becomesD. get【答案】(1) B;(2) C; (3) A;(4) D; (5) B; (6) C;【
23、考点】名词,形容词【解析】【分析】(1)此处填形容词,句意:它是 的。故选B。(2) 一般进行时态,动词变为be+ doing形式。句意:风在轻轻地吹。故选C。(3)句意:云在 慢慢移动。 A. sky:天空;B. land:地上;C. water:水;D. road : 路。根据题意选Ao(4)句意:他们在放风筝。此处用副词彳辞动词。故选 Do(5)风筝飞树上。A. of:属于;B. over :越过,高于 ;C. for:为了 ; D. into :进入一个空间。卞!据题意选 Bo(6)句意:风 很强。A: come:来;B 与 C: become:变为; D. get:得到。The wi
24、nd 是不可数名词。根据题意选Co【点评】考查谈论人或物10 .完形填空完形填空It was time 1 home. I 2 a bus on a rainy day. A woman with a dog got on the bus ,too. It was a big dog 3 its feet were not clean.I didnt want the dog to sit near me. But the woman said to the assistant( 售票员),“Oh, I payfor my dog . Can he sit here like other 4?
25、”The assistant looked at the dog and said ,“ Yes ,madam , but he must not put his bag on thechair.1. A. to goB.goingC.go2. A. get onB.get offC.got on3. A. butB.becauseC.and4. A. dogsB.womenC.people【答案】(1) A; (2) C; (3) C; (4) C;【解析】(1) it is time to do sth.意为该是做某事的时候,故选 A。(2)根据 A woman with a dog go
26、t on the bus ,too.知,我上了公交车。故选C。(3)句意:它是一只大狗,它的脚不干净。and表顺承。故选 C。(4)句意:我为我的狗付款,它能不能像其他人一样坐在位子上?故选Co【点评】考查阅读能力。11 .完形填空完形填空Its Sunday today. Its cloudy and 1 The 2 is blowing gently. There are manychildren in the park. Some are dancingwindmill in the park. It is moving 53. Some are1. A. windB. windy2.
27、A. windB. windy4 bikes happily. There is aC. cloudC. clouds3. A.easilyB.happilyC.heavily4. A.rideB.ridesC. riding5. A.angrilyB.stronglyC. slowly【答案】(1) B; (2) A; (3) B; (4) C; (5) C;cloudy多风的,是形容词,与并列的也是形容gently轻轻地吹,是形容风的,做主语用名词,【解析】【分析】(1)根据所给的短文, 词,多风windy ,故答案为B.(2)根据所给的短文,空后面的 blowing wind风,故答案为
28、A.(3)根据所给的短文,空前面是谓语,修饰谓语动词用副词,dancing happily快乐的跳舞,故答案为B.(4)根据所给的短文,改空是谓语动词,ride bikes骑自行车,固定词组,本句是现在进行时,ride-riding,故答案为C.(5)根据所给的短文,公园里有一个风车。它是慢慢地移动。故答案为C.【点评】先翻译短文,然后选择合适的选项,补全短文,符合题意。12 .完形填空阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案There is a big supermarket 1 my home. It opens 27:30 in the morning to 9:30in the evening. T
29、he shop assistants there are very 3 .It sells a lot of 4, such asfruit and vegetables. We can 5 buy many other things in it.My mother 6 a new bicycle. So she goes to the supermarket. She buys a new bicycle. Its cheap and nice. My mother 7 it very much. Sometimes I buy some pencils, some rubbers or s
30、ome pens in the supermarket on my way 8. Sometimes I 9 myparents buy some bread and milk in it. The supermarket is near my home. Its convenient ( 便捷的) 10 us. So we all like the supermarket.1. A. atB.nextC.near2. A. fromB.atC.to3. A. tallB.niceC.smile4. A. thingsB. somethingC. everything5. A. tooB.al
31、soC.either6. A. needsB.likesC.does7. A. hasB.wantsC.likes8. A. to homeB.homeC.for home9. A. helpB.wantC.do10. A. forB.atC.of【答案】(1 ) C; ( 2) A;(3)B; (4) A;(5) B; (6)A; (7)C;(8) B; (9)A; (10) A;【解析】【分析】(1)句意:我家有一个大超市。A在,B、下一个,C、附近,故答 案为Co(2)句意:它在早上七点半到下午九点半之间开门。fromto从到是固定搭配,故答案为Ao(3)句意:商店的售货员很oA、高的,
32、B、漂亮的,C、微笑的,故答案为Bo(4)句意:它出售很多;比如水果和蔬菜。出售很多东西,复数形式,故答案为Ao(5)句意:在它里面我们也能买到一些其他东西。also表示也,放在句中,故答案为 B。(6)句意:我的妈妈一辆新自行车。A、喜欢,B、需要,C、做,故答案为Bo(7)句意:我的妈妈非常它。A、有,日 想要,C、喜欢,新买的车应该很喜欢,故答 案为Co(8)句意:在我的路上我会买很多东西。on ones way to去什么的路上,home前面不用介词to,故答案为B。(9)句意:有时候我父母买一些面包和牛奶。帮助 help,故答案为Ao (10)句意:我们来说它是很方便的。对某人来说介
33、词用for,故答案为Ao【点评】考查完形填空,浏览文章大意,理解选项意思,根据情景固定搭配选择答案。13 .完形填空 完型填空。Tom, Sam, Jim and Jack live in a building 1 four floors. They live on different 2 They have different jobs an engineer, a worker, a teacher and a doctor. Tom 3 above Sam, but below Jim. Jack lives on the 4 floor. The doctor lives above
34、the teacher, but below the worker. The engineer lives on the ground floor. What are their jobs? Which floor does each of them live 5?1. A. toB. atC. of2. A. floorB. floorsC. /3. A. livesB. liveC. living4. A. twoB. threeC. third5. A. onB. inC. at【答案】(1)C;(2) B;(3)A;(4)C;(5)A;【解析】【分析】短文大意:汤姆、萨姆、吉姆和杰克住
35、在一个四层的楼里。他们住在不同的楼层。他们有不同的工作 一一名工程师、一个工人一名教师和一个医生。汤姆住在萨姆的上面,却住在吉姆的下面。杰克住在第三层。医生住在老师的上面,却住在工人的下面。工程师住在第一层。他们的工作都是什么?他们都住在哪一层? (1) of属于的。(2)四个人住在不同的楼层,这里的 floor要用复数形式。(3) Tom是第三人称单数,后 面的live要变成第三人称单数形式lives o (4)第三third。(5)住在几层live on。【点评】本题考查的是学生综合运用英语的能力,需要学生有一定的语言积累。14 .完形填空完形填空The Browns are 1 thei
36、r new home. Everything is in a mess. They are 2 up. Theliving room is big and nice. There 3 three bedrooms. Sally likes 4. There are many5 be a footballbooks on her shelf (架子).Peter puts his football under his bed. Heplayer in the future.1. A. under2. A. tidy3. A. is4. A. read5. A. will【答案】(1) D;B.
37、onB. tidiesB. areB. readingB. will want(2) C; ( 3) B;C. atC. tidyingC. willC. readsC. want(4) B; (5) A;D. inD. tiredD. beD. to readingD. want to【考点】完型填空1)句意:布朗家在他们的新家里。根据句意布朗家在他们的新家里,用介词in在里面,故答案为 D.tidy up整理,与(2)句意:他们正在整理。本句用现在进行时,谓语动词用现在分词, 选项C相匹配,故答案为C.(3)句意:有三间卧室。本句是 there be句型,bedrooms复数,be用are
38、,故答案为 B.(4)句意:莎莉喜欢6 like doing sth喜欢做某事,A读书,动词原形,B读书,现在分 词,C读书,单三形式,D格式错误,故答案为 B.(5)句意:他将来成为一名足球运动员。in the future是一般将来时时间状语,构成will+动词原形,根据句意将成为一名足球运动员,故答案为A.【点评】本题考查了完形填空,注意先理解短文内容,然后根据句意,选出恰当的单词填 空。15 .完形填空完形填空。Lili, look1_see some desksthe picture. Its _2 picture of our classroom. In the picture, you can4 the blackboard, you can see two black and white cats.3chairs.A map is5_ the door. Its a map6 Beijing. Under the7 desk is a ball, butyou cant see it.The girlin the hatis my good fr
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- DZ∕T 0284-2015 地质灾害排查规范(正式版)
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