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1、100:00:04, 960 00:00:07, 700欢迎来到地球Welcome to the planet Earth.200:00:08,300 00:00:11,800这个星球有蓝色的氮气天空A world of blue nitrogen skies,300:00:12,200 00:00:15,240液态水的海洋oceans of liquid water and400:00:15,240 00:00:19,100和种类多到你无法想象的生物more kinds of living things than you can possibly imagine.500:00:21,430

2、00:00:24, 530地球的生命之书有40亿年You are the newest page in its four-bi11ion-year-o1d600:00:24, 660 00:00:26,400你是最新的一页 book of life.700:00:27, 730 00:00:29, 860地球上的人都很年轻Were all very young here.800:00:30,000 00:00:32, 760和你一样看不透宇宙的种种玄机New, like you, to the mysteries of the universe.900:00:34, 060 00:00:37,

3、 860我们所知有限希望你将来懂得更多We hope someday you will add to the little we know.1100:00:38, 430 00:00:40, 460看得出你的未来I can see a future for you that is,1100:00:40,600 00:00:43, 360在许多方面会比至今每一代的人in many ways, longer and brighter,1200:00:43,500 00:00:47, 930更加长久光明也更自由and more free than any human generation has e

4、ver experienced.1300:00:50,530 00:00:53, 160我也察觉到危险I also sense danger.1400:00:53,860 00:00:55, 230这不是什么新鲜事That,s nothing new here.1500:00:55, 360 00:00:57, 160地球一向危险Its always been that way.1600:00:57, 300 00:01:00, 030活着就有某种程度的危险To be alive is to be in some measure of jeopardy.1700:01:01,560 00:01

5、:03, 830生命是危险的Life is dangerous.1800:01:04, 400 00:01:06, 860不分世代不分时代In every generation, in every time, 1900:01:07, 860 00:01:10, 330不分地点everywhere on Earth.2000:01:10,700 00:01:12,560我们的物种和地球的其他生物Our species, and our fellow Earthlings,2100:01:12, 700 00:01:14, 730已经度过了have gotten through the tough

6、 times,2200:01:14,860 00:01:17,260前景淡的困顿时代when the prospects for life looked bleak.2300:01:17,400 00:01:20,260我们想办法熬过来了Somehow, we manage to endure.2400:01:22, 160 一00:01:24, 860现在我们要保护你And now, we want to protect you,2500:01:25,700 00:01:30,660还有和你一起在今天诞生的36万兄弟姐妹and your 360, 000 brothers and siste

7、rs also born on this day.2600:01:32, 900 00:01:35, 130我要告诉你许多这个世界的故事I have so much to tell you about our world.2700:01:36,400 00:01:39,060有的故事很吓人Some of these stories are frightening.2800:01:39,200 00:01:41,830 不过别怕But dont be afraid.2900:01:41,960 00:01:44, 460我们一定有办法We 11 find a way.3000:02:24, 58

8、0 00:02:36, 200贝壳字幕组正在招人啦若你在片源翻译后期压制美工运营 等任意方面有兴趣或专长并且喜欢影视剧欢迎前来加入我们!详情请见字幕组频道:t. me/bkzmz3100:02:36,530 00:02:44, 900贝壳字幕组译制转载请注明出处3200:02:39,240 00:02:44, 360 翻译:3300:02:39,240 00:02:44,360校对:川大毕同学后期:鲁卡3400:02:39,240 00:02:44, 360Sail亡灵3500:02:39,240 00:02:44, 360字幕组频道:t. me/bkzmz3600:02:40,610 00:

9、02:44, 360 宇宙未知世界3700:02:49,060 00:02:51,530从哪里说起呢Where do I begin?3800:02:51,660 00:02:53, 660你出生之前发生了很多事So much has happened before you got here.3900:02:54, 500 00:02:58,230幸好我们的祖先想出办法Fortunately, our ancestors figured out a way to reach all4000:02:58,360 00:03:02, 530重新回到遥远的过去the way back in time

10、 to piece together the great story of4100:03:02, 660 00:03:04, 960拼凑出地球本身精彩的童年故事 our planets own childhood.4200:03:05,530 00:03:08, 060和后来种种神奇的经历And the amazing things that have happened since.4300:03:08, 660 00:03:14, 520这个故事叫科学也是你与生俱来的权利Its called science, and its your birthright.4400:03:15, 170 0

11、0:03:21,520 很难相信这个壮观的世界曾经是一片火海Its hard to believe that all of this grandeur was once a sea of fire.4600:03:23,360 00:03:26, 130来我带你去看Come, r 11 show you.4600:03:29,930 00:03:33, 360明年的此时你就满周岁了This time next year, you 11 have your first birthday.4700:03:33,860 00:03:36, 530代表你已经完成了绕行太阳之旅That means yo

12、u will have completed one whole trip4800:03:36,660 00:03:39, 160也就是一个地球年around the Sun, which is what an Earth year is.4900:03:40,560 00:03:43, 050为了了解宇宙巨大的时间刻度和我们这个小星球To understand the vast time scale of the cosmos,5000:03:43,050 00:03:46, 020我们把整段历史and our little world, weve squished all of time i

13、nto the5100:03:46,020 00:03:47, 800压缩成日历上的一年scale of a single year.5200:03:48,630 00:03:51,060这就是我们脚下这块地方And thats where we are now.300:03:51,200 00:03:53, 000宇宙历On the Cosmic Calendar.5400:03:53,660 00:03:56,360每个月代表十亿年稍多Every month is a little more than a billion years,5500:03:57, 230 一00:04:00, 2

14、30每一天代表将近四千万年every day a little less than forty million.5600:04:01,260 00:04:06,000宇宙历的一小时差不多是两百万年A single hour on this calendar is almost two million years.5700:04:07,130 00:04:10,000地球在火焰中诞生Earth was born in fire.5800:04:12,230 00:04:14,700炽热的核心是熊熊大火Fires within its seething heart.5900:04:17,600 0

15、0:04:22, 400 巨大的岩石和冰块在猛烈撞击后爆炸And great balls of rock and ice that explode in fiery impact.6000:04:24,600 00:04:27,400有一块岩石和火星差不多大One was almost as big as Mars,6100:04:27, 760 一00:04:30, 230它撞击地球的时候 形成了月亮and when it struck Earth, it formed the Moon.6200:04:35,500 00:04:38,100但别担心小家伙But not to worry,

16、little one6300:04:38,250 00:04:42, 650因为那些火球来自早期混乱的太阳系because those fireballs were part of the chaotic early solar system.6400:04:43,130 00:04:45, 130在后来的几十亿年里In the billions of years since,6500:04:45, 260 00:04:48, 030其他星球脱离了这些火球的轨道the other worlds swept free the lanes of their orbits.6600:04:48,90

17、0 00:04:52, 760所以现在的太阳系是相对平静的地方So our solar system is a relatively peaceful place now.6700:04:56,030 00:04:58, 630最初的5亿年过去After its first half billion years,6800:04:58,760 00:05:01,630当时地球转动的速度比现在快Earth was spinning faster than it does today.6900:05:02,830 00:05:06, 560那时的白昼很短将近6小时The days were shor

18、ter, merely six hours long.7000:05:09,330 00:05:11,660月地距离是现在的十分之一The Moon was ten times closer,7200:05:11,800 00:05:15, 520对年轻星球的引力比现在大多了and its gravitational grip on the young planet was much stronger.7200:05:16,060 00:05:19, 330地球有史以来最大的潮汐波The shores of the land were battered by the largest tidal

19、7300:05:19, 460 00:05:21,760剧烈拍打着陆地的海岸waves the world has ever known.7400:05:22, 130 00:05:25, 000波浪比现在大一千倍A thousand times greater than they are today.7500:05:25, 800 00:05:29,460幼年期的地球不适合我们居住The infant Earth was no place for us then.7600:05:30, 930 00:05:34, 400大气层主要是二氧化碳甲烷和氨The atmosphere was mos

20、tly carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia,7700:05:35, 260 00:05:38,360这个环境会毒害我们这种生物a toxic environment for our kind of life.7800:05:38,830 00:05:41,330不知道当时的气候如何We don,t know what the climate was like back then,7900:05:41,460 00:05:43, 330但科学家推测那时候but scientists reason that the thick,8100:05:43,460 0

21、0:05:46, 700浓厚朦胧的大气层困住地球的热能hazy atmosphere trapped the heat of the Earth and8100:05:46,830 00:05:49, 130让它炽热不已made it scorching hot.8200:05:49,830 00:05:53, 430另外一种生物一种可以摆脱甲烷Another kind of life, tiny creatures that could shrug off8300:05:53, 560 00:05:57,460把二氧化碳和阳光当早餐吃的小生物the methane and eat carbo

22、n dioxide and sunlight for breakfast,8400:05:58,330 00:06:01,200找到了在海洋中的生存之道found a way to make a living in the ocean.8500:06:03,100 00:06:05, 260那些细小生物叫蓝细菌And those scrappy little cyanobacteria,8600:06:05, 400 00:06:08,400它们改造了整个地球as they re known, remade the whole planet.8700:06:09, 460 00:06:11,5

23、00吸收二氧化碳排出氧气By gobbling up the carbon dioxide,8800:06:11,630 00:06:14, 860把天空变成蓝色and giving off oxygen, they turned the sky blue.9000:06:16,560 00:06:18, 120大量的氧气All that oxygen9000:06:18, 120 00:06:21,500摧毁了包裹地球的甲烷罩destroyed the methane shroud that enveloped our planet.9100:06:21,630 00:06:23, 660地

24、球变得很凉爽And it was cool.9200:06:24, 160 00:06:26, 000不像现在这么凉爽Not as cool as it is now,9300:06:26,000 00:06:29, 760应该说一年四季都是非常炎热的夏天but more like a really hot summer day year-round.9400:06:29,900 00:06:32, 030然后奇迹出现了And then something wonderful happened.9500:06:33, 230 00:06:36,260海洋里的小生物制造的氧原子The atoms

25、 of oxygen that the tiny creatures in the ocean9600:06:36,400 00:06:40, 830开始在高高的天空聚集produced began to gather high above the world in the sky.9700:06:41,730 00:06:44, 930制造出一种新分子And a new kind of molecule was made.9800:06:45,060 00:06:46,960 臭氧Ozone.9900:06:47,100 00:06:49,700臭氧创造了隐形的遮蔽It created an

26、 invisible canopy against those rays of 10000:06:49, 830 一00:06:52, 100 抵挡致命的太阳射线 the Sun that were lethal.10100:06:52, 230 一00:06:54,450 这是史上第一次10200:06:54, 570 生物可以离开海洋 life was free toNow, for the first time00:06:59, 360登上陆地leave the oceans for the land.10300:07:00, 930 00:07:04, 260不久之后 生物掌握了这些新

27、的契机And before long, life seized these new opportunities.10400:07:11,800 00:07:15, 930为了适应这些新的栖息地A wild variety of shapes and sizes evolved as adaptations 10500:07:16, 060 00:07:18, 530 生物演化出各种各样的形状和大小 to these new habitats.10600:07:18, 860 00:07:22, 730长出耳朵鼻子翅膀And there were ears and noses and wings

28、.10700:07:30, 900 00:07:33,500介绍你认识另一种地球生物It d like you to meet a fellow Earthling,10800:07:34,200 00:07:37, 600是和你八杆子打不着的远亲a very distant relative of yours.10900:07:37,960 00:07:39, 930你只来到世上一天You,ve only been here a day,11000:07:40,060 00:07:43, 660但甲虫已经活了三亿年but beetles have been here for 300 mill

29、ion years.Ill00:07:45,600 00:07:48, 160目睹了这个世界的种种变化And the changes they,ve seen on this world.11200:07:50,830 00:07:54, 300比起甲虫人类存在的时间微不足道Our kind has only been here for a fraction of that amount of time,11300:07:55,360 00:07:58, 900在宇宙年的除夕晚上11点11:00 on New Year, s Eve of the cosmic year.11400:07:59

30、,030 00:08:02, 660我们的祖先第一次站起来That, s when our ancestors stood up for the first time.11600:08:02, 800 00:08:05, 830所以被称为直立人We call them Homo erectus for that reason.11600:08:06, 700 00:08:10,200他们再也不必被迫凝视脚底下的泥巴They were no longer forced to stare at the mud beneath their feet.11700:08:10, 730 00:08:14

31、, 300现在可以抬头仰望星辰Now, they could look up and see the stars,11800:08:14, 860 00:08:17, 330可以空出双手来改变世界and their hands were free to change the world.11900:08:17, 460 00:08:19, 930他们开始到处迁移探索They began to move around, to explore,12000:08:20,060 00:08:24, 100不惜赔上全副家当前往未知的世界daring to risk everything to get t

32、o unknown places.12100:08:25, 360 00:08:27,400他们很勇敢They were brave.12200:08:27,530 00:08:30, 330你身上流着他们的血And their blood runs in your veins.12300:08:32, 160 00:08:35, 030有人探索辽阔的非洲大陆Some of them explored the vast continent of Africa.12500:08:35, 960 00:08:39, 530有人往北走往左进入欧洲Others ranged north, taking

33、 a left turn into Europe.12500:08:41,500 00:08:44, 330证据显示 他们后来演化成消失的人类There is evidence that they would later evolve into the12600:08:44, 460 00:08:47, 100尼安德塔人lost people we call Neanderthals.12700:08:48,360 00:08:50, 500不知道他们如何称呼自己We have no idea what they called themselves,12800:08:50,630 00:08:

34、52, 960但这个名称来自他们古老的遗骸but we named them after the place in Germany where12900:08:53,100 00:08:55, 330在他们于德国首次出土的地方we first discovered their ancient remains.13000:08:57,230 00:09:00, 360人类另一个更神秘的支系Another even more mysterious branch of our family13100:09:00,500 00:09:03, 030往右进入亚洲took a right turn int

35、o Asia.13200:09:03,360 00:09:06, 630演化成所谓的丹尼索瓦人And they evolved into people we call the Denisovans.13400:09:08,860 00:09:10, 130但你和我But you and I,13400:09:10,260 00:09:12, 930还有其他人类的兄弟姐妹and all our other human brothers and sisters,13500:09:13,060 00:09:15, 060我们的祖先主要是在非洲were mainly descended from th

36、e people who stayed in13600:09:15, 200 00:09:18, 000继续停留150万年的人Africa for another million and a half years.13700:09:19,100 00:09:22, 430当然我们和其他家族支系大多有少许共同血缘Sure, most of us have a little blood from the other branches of the family,13800:09:23,530 00:09:26, 300但我们主要是非洲儿女but we are mostly the children

37、 of Africa.13900:09:27,000 00:09:29, 760要看我们这种人类如何散播到全球To see how our kind spread out around the planet,14000:09:29,900 00:09:31,860要等到更接近午夜的时候we have to go even closer to midnight.14100:09:32, 630 00:09:34, 23011点55分11:55.14200:09:34,360 00:09:36,400或者说是15万年前左右Or about 150,000 years ago.14300:09:39

38、,660 00:09:43,460再过一分半钟就是午夜It is now a minute and a half to midnight.14400:09:49,700 00:09:52,460直到四万年前Until about 40,000 years ago,14500:09:52,600 00:09:56,600尼安德塔亲戚的生活都和我们差不多our Neanderthal relatives lived very much as we did.14600:09:57, 030 00:09:59, 230他们的脑部比我们大They had bigger brains than we do

39、,14700:09:59,360 00:10:00, 800身体也更强壮and were brawnier,14800:10:00,930 00:10:05,020但依然有很多我们认为是人类的行为but they did many of the things that we think of as being human.14900:10:06, 100 00:10:11,900我们大多数人身上还有他们的少量基因Most of us still carry some tiny portion of their genes inside us.15000:10:12,660 00:10:15,1

40、60但现在尼安德塔人已经不存在But there are no more living Neanderthals today.15100:10:16, 030 00:10:17,700我们另一帮亲戚Nor are there any of our other cousins,15200:10:17, 830 00:10:19, 660丹尼索瓦人也灭绝了 the Denisovans.15300:10:20,200 00:10:24, 300一旦发生这种事整个物种消失When this happens, when a whole species vanishes.15400:10:24, 430

41、 00:10:26, 900我们称之为灭绝we call it extinction.15500:10:27,860 00:10:32, 130就此终结了 40亿年前Its the end of a road that began four billion years ago15600:10:32,530 00:10:34, 930生物起源所展开的旅程 with the origin of life.15700:10:37,860 00:10:39, 930我们不知道他们为什么灭绝We don,t know why they died out.15800:10:40,460 00:10:43,

42、 130只知道他们从未跨出We do know that they never ranged beyond the ocean15900:10:43, 260 00:10:45, 360栖息地的海岸线coastlines of their environment.16000:10:45, 900 00:10:49, 600也许这些原始人亲戚只是比我们知足一点Maybe our hominid cousins were just a bit more contented, 16100:10:49, 730 00:10:52, 800没有我们焦虑比我们更加平静less anxious and mo

43、re at peace than we are.16200:10:53,800 00:10:56, 630也许我们人类是因为内心的不安Maybe its a restlessness that prods us humans to16300:10:56,760 00:10:58,630才选择了未知choose the unknown.16400:10:58,760 00:11:02, 530某种强大的力量促使我们的祖先Some powerful force moved our ancestors to daring 16500:11:02,660 00:11:04,360 展开大无畏的壮举16

44、600:11:04,500 他们横越大洋 They crossedfeats of courage. 00:11:08, 530并不知道彼岸是什么世界great oceans with no idea of what lay on the other side, 16700:11:09,330 00:11:13,000把我们人类带到地球每一块大陆carrying our people to every continent on Earth.16800:11:13, 530 00:11:16, 230 甚至上了月球And even to the Moon.16900:11:16,500 00:1

45、1:18,660到了宇宙年的最后一秒By the last second of the cosmic year,17000:11:18, 800 00:11:22, 730人类踏遍了地球的每一个角落there was no place on Earth that we had left untouched.17100:11:25,230 00:11:28,960自从几十亿年前出现单细胞的蓝细菌以后We became the first species to remake the planet since the17200:11:29,100 00:11:33, 100我们是第一个改造世界的物种

46、one-celled cyanobacteria did billions of years ago.17300:11:33,700 00:11:37, 260改变海洋陆地和大气层To change the oceans, the land and the atmosphere.17400:11:38,830 00:11:43, 230这些改变带来新的大灭绝And these changes have led to a new mass extinction.17500:11:43, 360 00:11:46, 200科学界审视证据The scientific community has lo

47、oked at the evidence,17600:11:46,330 00:11:49, 930认为必须给我们的时代取一个新名字 and decided our age needs a new name.17700:11:50, 300 00:11:52, 730人类世The Anthropocene.17800:11:52,860 00:11:55,400人类出自希腊文中的人“Anthropo from the Greek word for Human”17900:11:55,400 00:11:58, 270世出自希腊文中的最近and Cene the Greek word for R

48、ecent. 18000:11:58, 900 00:12:01,700 它反映了人类对环境与生物It reflects our global impact on the environment and18100:12:01,830 00:12:04, 100产生的全球性影响 the life it sustains.18200:12:04, 230 00:12:07, 060对于人类世的起点各界意见不一Theres disagreement about when it began,18300:12:07, 200 00:12:09, 630谁也不知道最后会如何发展and nobody kno

49、ws how it will turn out.18400:12:11,360 00:12:13,400新年快乐小家伙Happy New Year, little one.18500:12:13,530 00:12:16, 800 欢迎来到人类世Welcome to the Anthropocene.18600:12:23, 930 00:12:26, 230看得出你前途远大小家伙I see a great future for you, little one.18700:12:27,460 00:12:29,700但也有阴影笼罩But a shadow hangs over it.18800

50、:12:30, 230 00:12:32, 630我们不确定黑暗何时出现We, re not exactly sure when the darkening began.18900:12:34,130 - 00:12:38,220我们什么时候变成了一种自然力When did we become a force of nature, altering the skies,19000:12:38,220 00:12:40,960改变了地球的天空 海洋和陆地the seas and the land of the planet?19100:12:42, 300 一00:12:45, 230人类世的时

51、代从什么时候开始?When did the age of the Anthropocene begin?19200:12:46,360 00:12:48,860有人说是从这种地方开始Some would say that it started in places like this one,19300:12:49,760 00:12:52,160大概一万多年前more than 10,000 years ago.19400:12:53,200 00:12:56,340我们的祖先画出这些长毛象和剑齿虎Did our ancestors paint these images of mammoths

52、 and 19500:12:56, 460 00:13:00,400还有大地懒的图像saber-tooth tigers and giant sloths to somehow keep their19600:13:00, 530 00:13:04, 130是不是想在杀光这些动物之后不忘记它们memory alive after slaughtering the last of them?19700:13:06,400 00:13:09, 100 人类造成物种灭绝不是新鲜事了 Human-caused extinction is nothing new.19800:13:09,630 00:13:12, 160但其实不能怪我们的祖先But we can,t really blame our ancestors.19900:13:12,300 00:13:14, 900 他们怎么知道杀死这只或者那只动物 How could they know that this or that kill meant20000:13


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